

4112 Uppsatser om Sound level monitoring - Sida 7 av 275

Observationer av PPU i praktiken och teorin: Konsten att inte planera med luft

The construction industry is often criticized to be an industry of narrowness and slow of change. The traditional construction process is considered to create gasps of inferior quality, delays and increase of disputes. Meanwhile, productivity is lower compared to other industries and the prices are increasing. In this debate, it has been assumed that the reported figures are monitoring a reflection of reality, but there might be an error in the statistics which suggests that the focus is at the wrong place. A study of the monitoring and the measurements of the results are to consider, instead of spending time and resources on issues and actions The Last Planner System is an executive planning tool which creates a predictable workflow and creating value throughout all the different stages.

Radiolänk med GNU Radio

At the Department of Technology and Built environment at the University of Gävle there was an interest to study GNU Radio, which is an "open source radio project. The project is based on that most of the radio signal processing is made in an ordinary PC. The idea behind this degree project was that in a laptop there are several radio transmitters/receivers that takes space, generates heat and transmit in varied frequency band etcetera. All these radio transmitters/receivers could be replaced with a Software Defined Radio system. It means that one common, general radio hardware is used to different communications such as: WLAN, Bluetooth, GPRS, 3G etcetera. The waveform is generated in the software, which makes the system very flexible.

Use of feline TK1 as a biomarker in disease monitoring

Serum thymidine kinase 1 (TK1) activity is used as a tumor marker in disease monitoring in veterinary and human medicine. TK1, an intracellular enzyme, is involved in a salvage pathway of DNA precursor synthesis. TK1 is used in DNA precursor production by catalyzing the transfer of the gamma-phosphate-group from a phosphate-donor to the 5?- hydroxyl-group of thymidine forming thymidine-monophosphate. Nucleoside monophosphosphates are finally converted into thymidine-triphosphates. TK1 activity significantly rises in the G1 and the S phase of the cell cycle.

Sound and Play

AbstractThe project "Sound and Play" have been implemented in collaboration with the toy company BRIO in Malmo. The purpose of the project was to examine whether and how BRIO in the future could develop toys around sound for Toddlers.The problem formulations that would be answered after completion of the project was "How could BRIO broaden its product range with the help of audio toys?", "How can you combine toys and sounds in an interesting way for children?", "How do you create a toy with sound that is fun for the child, but not annoying for parents?". Currently BRIO only has two toys with sound in this age group.The expression of the toy was going to be a mix of classic and cool and the overall feeling of the toy was going to be explorative and arouse curiosity in the child. This feeling would be communicated through simplicity and joy.

Framtidens driftcentral : En analys av den framtida driften av ett svenskt elna?t

Active work to increase the efficiency of energy use is taking place in Sweden and throughout all of Europe. Electricity is an important part in our society?s energy system which means that the electrical grid operators and associated therewith has a central role in this work. Monitoring and controlling the electrical grids are managed from the distribution system operator?s DC, dispatch center.The aim of this report is to examine how the operations in a typical DC on the Swedish electricity distribution network will look like in five to ten years.

Vad hände sen? : Medieelevers syn på arbete efter gymnasiet

I have in my thesis performed a survey that builds on interviews of five former students at Mediepedagogiskt Center (Mpc) that is located at Sundsta-Älvkullegymnasiet in Karlstad which is incorporated into Karlstads-Hammarö comprehensive upper secondary school. The sample group of students all has various withdrawal years between 1997 - 2004. The aim of the survey is to evaluate any direct qualities that these students have had that helped them to get a occupation within the media industry after the completion of their education at Mpc. This survey also tries to evaluate whether the orientation of their particular style of education is a factor for achieving employment. Before 1998 the course was divided into three A and B-level courses within the directions, photography, graphic design, text communication, sound production and film/television. After 1998 these are now divided into one A, B and C level courses, and one another level courses on A and B-level. The result shows that something more than? just? a good schooling with high grades is needed to succeed into getting a occupation within the media sector.

Produktionsanpassad tvärkraftsarmering för betongplattor

AbstractThe project "Sound and Play" have been implemented in collaboration with the toy company BRIO in Malmo. The purpose of the project was to examine whether and how BRIO in the future could develop toys around sound for Toddlers.The problem formulations that would be answered after completion of the project was "How could BRIO broaden its product range with the help of audio toys?", "How can you combine toys and sounds in an interesting way for children?", "How do you create a toy with sound that is fun for the child, but not annoying for parents?". Currently BRIO only has two toys with sound in this age group.The expression of the toy was going to be a mix of classic and cool and the overall feeling of the toy was going to be explorative and arouse curiosity in the child. This feeling would be communicated through simplicity and joy.

Individuell utvecklingsplan- Vad händer sen? : En studie i hur en lärare säger sig uppfatta den egna uppföljningen utav individuella utvecklingsplaner

This study describes and analyzes how one teacher perceives her monitoring of the students´individual plans of development as expressed in the Education Act chapter 10, 13§. Today there are nonational guidelines published in the monitoring area for these plans of development, although this is anobligation for all teachers in Sweden. Also, it presents some students´ opinion on this and how themonitoring affects their learning.The progressive perspective on learning with the content spirit of the concepts responsibility,participation and experience, as well as research in this field provides the background for the study.The most important features of the data were presented in relation to these three concepts and thecommon themes found between them.The study reveales that the monitoring of the individual plans of development can never be taken forgranted due to the absence of national guidelines on this matter. Either the intention of this absence isto hand over to a professional profession, such as teachers, to decide themselves how the work shouldbe designed, or they are not capable of doing this based on their education and the other conditionsgiven in their work. The conclusion is therefore that it is up to each school and each teacher to decideon how to work with this matter..

Dialyspatienters sätt att hantera information vid stressfyllda situationer ? överensstämmelse mellan resultat från två mätinstrument

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur dialyspatienter hanterar information i stressfylldasituationer och i vilken utsträckning resultaten överensstämmer från mätningar medmätinstrumenten The Miller Behavioral Style Scale (MBSS) och Threatening MedicalSituations Inventory (TMSI). Studien hade en beskrivande och jämförande design ochurvalet var ett bekvämlighetsurval. Undersökningsgruppen bestod av 30 dialyspatienter fråntvå olika dialysmottagningar. Mätinstrument som använts är MBSS som bestod av tvåfrågor i stressfyllda situationer där deltagarna fick kryssa för ett eller flera alternativ. TMSIbestod av fyra frågor om olika medicinska stressfyllda situationer, där deltagarna fick svarapå sex olika påståenden med hjälp av en fem gradig skala.

Utvärdering av Kvarnholmens silotorn inför ombyggnad till flerbostadshus

AbstractThe project "Sound and Play" have been implemented in collaboration with the toy company BRIO in Malmo. The purpose of the project was to examine whether and how BRIO in the future could develop toys around sound for Toddlers.The problem formulations that would be answered after completion of the project was "How could BRIO broaden its product range with the help of audio toys?", "How can you combine toys and sounds in an interesting way for children?", "How do you create a toy with sound that is fun for the child, but not annoying for parents?". Currently BRIO only has two toys with sound in this age group.The expression of the toy was going to be a mix of classic and cool and the overall feeling of the toy was going to be explorative and arouse curiosity in the child. This feeling would be communicated through simplicity and joy.

Miljö eller avkastning? : en investeringsjämförelse mellan gammal och ny energi

The purpose with this study is to investigate funds that are environmentally friendly. Environment issues has become a large subject that affects all aspects in today?s society.  It is a global issue which has affected the awareness of environmentally friendly products and its benefits for the environment.How has this awareness affected the financial market?  In this study the authors have looked at six environmentally sound funds and six energy funds to answer the question if it´s better to have your money in traditional energy or in renewable energy.This study is made in an quantitative way, the data has been gathered from the internet database Morningstar. The energy funds have had its biggest assets in companies dealing with oil, and the environmentally sound funds have had its biggest assets in renewable energy. Bye looking at the different funds rate of return and relating that to risk managing theories of Sharpe and Treynor, the authors compared the two types of funds.During the period that was looked at during this study ( third quarter of 2007 until third quarter 2010) the energy funds outperformed the environmentally sound funds in every aspect. .

Ett verk blir kosmopolitiskt : Representerar Louise Bourgeois verk Maman någonting "universellt"?

The aim of this work is to give an example of how archaeoacoustics can broaden our understanding of archaeological remains and to further contribute to the almost non-existing research of ringing stones. With a theoretical discussion about sound from three different perspectives and by means of using different kinds of analysis, this essay will show that there are unknown relations between the three known ölandic ringing stones and the cultural landscape of Öland. Possible patterns in the placement of the stones and the possibility of the sound in this soundscape will be investigated. The essay will also suggest a resonant stone typology and discuss the necessity of one. Finally, the intention is also to shed new light upon the discussion on what the uses of the ringing stones might have been..

Tonala skillnader mellan en traditionell och en modern gitarrkonstruktion : En jämförelse mellan två klassiska gitarrer

During my studies to become a guitar builder at Carl Malmsten CTD, I have found an interest in the construction of the classical guitar. I am fascinated by the simplicity of its construction. A simplicity that becomes more complex when you start to study it in detail.In my final thesis I will not try to explain this complexity. The subject is to investigate two different principles regarding its construction. I would like to find out if the sayings concerning one of the principles will yield a guitar with greater ability to produce volume and projection.At a close distance the difference between the guitar?s volumes is not to speak of, but a significant difference can be seen regarding one of the guitars ability to project its sound.

Måla med musik, komponera med färg : En retrospektiv studie av den kreativa processen, bland bild, musik och synestesi

The relationship between color and music, and their relation to the human being and our surrounding universe has been subject of studies, theories and experiments since the old ages. From the ancient China and Persia to the present times, philosophers, scientists and artists have tried to explain these connections between color and music and also tried to find answers to this ancient enigma.The invention of the color organ c. 1730, an instrument that was intended to display color in addition to the musical auditive experience, was the first attempt to materialize the practical correlation between notes and color. This correlation has its foundation in the ideas of Isaac Newton, who through his book Optics published only a few years earlier, conformed the beginning of a new art culture: ?Visual music?, in which image and sound are the fundamental elements in the creative process.The ?visual music? concept is not only grounded in the ideas of music and sound, but also in the extraordinary creative capability of certain individuals.

Duke Ellington's Second Sacred Concert. : En verkstudie.

The aim of this work is to give an example of how archaeoacoustics can broaden our understanding of archaeological remains and to further contribute to the almost non-existing research of ringing stones. With a theoretical discussion about sound from three different perspectives and by means of using different kinds of analysis, this essay will show that there are unknown relations between the three known ölandic ringing stones and the cultural landscape of Öland. Possible patterns in the placement of the stones and the possibility of the sound in this soundscape will be investigated. The essay will also suggest a resonant stone typology and discuss the necessity of one. Finally, the intention is also to shed new light upon the discussion on what the uses of the ringing stones might have been..

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