

4112 Uppsatser om Sound level monitoring - Sida 53 av 275

Utvecklar problembaserat lärande : PBL i större omfattning de metakognitiva förmågorna för ett livslångt lärande?

Dagens växande kunskapssamhälle kräver förmågan till ett livslångt lärande och forskare inom inlärningspsykologin antyder att metakognition kan vara av omfattande betydelse för inlärningsresultatet. I en inlärningssituation utgörs det metakognitiva tänkandet av samordnandet av kunskap och andra strategier för hur vi ska gå till väga för att uppnå eftersträvansvärda kunskaper. Denna rapport undersöker huruvida problembaserat lärande - PBL utvecklar de metakognitiva förmågorna för ett livslångt lärande, jämfört med en traditionell undervisningsmetod. En quasi-experimentell design utfördes mellan PBL respektive traditionell undervisning där den metakognitiva förmågan bedömdes med hjälp av Assessment of Cognitive Monitoring Effectiveness - ACME. Undersökningsmetoden ACME innebär att studenterna uppmanas att bedöma vad de tror sig kunna respektive inte kunna.

Vikten av att målgruppsanpassa butiksatmosfären: en studie om atmosfärens påverkan på konsumenter i modebranschen

Research in the FMCG sector shows that in-store atmosphere has a great impact on customer attitude and behavior. Despite this, there is a lack of knowledge regarding how the atmosphere influences the customer in a fashion store setting. The purpose with this paper is to investigate if and how visible in-store atmospherics influence customer attitude and behavior in a fashion store setting. We also investigate if behavior and attitude is affected by the customer's expertise and the purpose of the visit. The study takes place in two different fashion stores within the same fashion chain.

Bedömning av kunders uppfattningar och konsekvenser för strategisk utveckling :

This project has been created with the assistance of Fredells. Fredells is a Stockholm based company with a focus on the retail of building products. Fredells also produces prefab- or prefabricated products which are either completely or partially ready for assembly the moment they arrive to the building site. These prefab-products are primarily delivered to customers within the Stockholm region. The building industry is a conservative market where the incentive to changes has been relatively low compared to other industries.

Drivmedelsstationer i Västerås

AbstractThis report is made in cooperation with the municipality of Vasteras and technical committeestaff. The report addresses several topics that affect fuel stations in Vasteras. The reportcontains two parts, first is a inventory that review all stations in the area to be addressed. Theinventory is made with consideration to various things that geographic situation, whatcompanies are represented and what level of service stations have. And the second part of thereport, is done with the analysis of how it looks in daily situations review.

En resa till företagets medelpunkt : - en studie av kompetens på mellanchefsnivå

The profit a company makes is dependant of its employees which means that their competence is important for the company to perform well. The middle manager has a central position in the organization and is expected to take on different roles. This probably puts a lot of demands on the middle managers and their competence. We want to contribute with a comprehension of how learning, competence and needs for competence can look at a middle management level. Furthermore we also want to find out what kind of strategy for competence development the middle managers want the company to use so their competence development can be facilitated.

Invandrares möjligheter till samhällsorientering? : Implementering av samhällsorientering inom Kalmar län

This study examines implementation from national law in to local practice in the district of Kalmar to assure newly arrived immigrants orientation in civics. The study takes its starting point in Lipskys theory about street-level bureaucracy.  Questions that are discussed are about how  the education is understood by refugee?s coordinators, civic communicators and the new immigrates, how the organization has been and what role the demography and economic structures has played for the organization. It is a case study where interviews and enquete has been used.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelser om sin kunskapskompetens : intervjustudie med sjuksköterskor inom hemsjukvård

The aim with this project was to describe how nursing staff working in the home care environment perceive their level of knowledge regarding mental ill health and if this level of knowledge is sufficient / insufficient in their dealings with mentally ill patients. The study is empirical and a qualitative method has been used. Questionaires have been used and interviews have been carried out with nurses working in the home care system and data has also been collected from previous research in this area. Result The result show that home care nurses consider that they have inadequate knowledge of treating patients with mental ill health and they seek more training, guidance and collaboration with psychiatric nurses. Conclusion Increased knowledge of mental health care and continuous guidance would make home care nurses more confident in their dealings with patients suffering from mental ill health.

Institutionella ägares inverkan på redovisningskonservatism - En empirisk studie av företag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen

The increasing holdings by institutional investors have raised concerns about the institutions passive investment strategies and the implications for corporate governance. A way for investors to address moral hazard and opportunistic behaviour of management is to demand conservatism in accounting practices. This paper analyses the relation between institutional ownership and accounting conservatism in the Swedish market by studying firms on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm over a three-year period. Furthermore, the study investigates whether ownership by institutions with high probability of monitoring managers leads to higher conservatism in financial reporting. To measure accounting conservatism this study uses the asymmetric timeliness measure developed by Basu (1997).

ADDICTION SEVERITY INDEX I PRAKTIKEN : - Om missbrukshandläggares erfarenheter av att använda ASI-intervjun

The purpose of this study was to understand how social workers experienced working with Addiction Severity Index (ASI) in relation to the goal set by the National Board of Health and Welfare. The method is spread nationwide and therefore it is of great importance to examine how the social workers themselves experience the demands and the resources surrounding ASI. We choose to do a qualitative study interviewing eight social workers at six different occasions. The result was analyzed using Max Weber?s ideal type bureaucracy and Michael Lipsky?s thesis on street-level bureaucrats.

Akutvårdsavdelning och intensivvårdsavdelning - utformning, arbetsuppgifter och vad behöver finnas på plats?

Animals can be ill and need veterinary care for many reasons. The conditions can be more or less emergent, some can even be life-threatening. When an animal is in a life-threatening condition you can save the animals life just by having the right equipment near-by and ready to be used. This literature-study help you, as an active working veterinary nurse, with which these conditions are that can show up in your emergency ward and what you should have near-by to give animals with acute life-threatening conditions the care they need. The author also looked at work tasks at the emergency ward and found out that in Sweden it is not defined who can and/or should execute them. Interviews were also done with nine of the largest small-animal hospitals in Sweden to compare the studies found with the Swedish emergency wards.

Kundrelationer och kundlönsamhet: En fallstudie av ett modeföretag

This thesis studies the customer relationships and customer accounting methods used by a Swedish fashion company. The aim is to test the empirical applicability of the relationship based framework developed by Lind and Strömsten and to explain potential differences between empirical observations and theory. The framework is based on the categorization of four customer relationship groups and the appropriate customer accounting methods to be used for each relationship. The fashion company, that recently assessed the profitability of its customer base in an aim to implement a new customer strategy, is the object of the qualitative case study. The case study reveals that all customer relationships are to be found at Whyred, except the connective customer relationship.


Det problem som denna uppsats hade för avsikt att besvara var varför hemautomation inte används i fler hem. Genom resultaten från en enkät som distribuerades kunde slutsatsen att kostnaden för de befintliga lösningar som finns på marknaden idag inte låg i den prisklass våra respondenter ansåg rimlig. Författarna utvecklade då problemet och ställde sig frågan om en hemautomationslösning verkligen måste ha en så hög kostnad som de befintliga lösningarna har idag. För att belysa detta problem implementerades en egen kostnadseffektiv lösning där respondenternas mest önskvärda funktioner togs i beaktande och en testmiljö implementerades utefter dessa. Resultatet blev en hemautomationslösning med stor potential och med en betydligt lägre kostnad än dagens befintliga lösningar..

"När kommunen ska träda in" : En kvalitativ studie om biståndshandläggares implementering av anhörigstödet i socialpsykiatrin

The purpose of this study is to understand how street-level bureaucrats, working with clients with mental illness, are implementing their statutory obligation of support for family carers who are caring for or supporting relatives with mental illness. The study are based on vignettes and qualitative interviews with social workers in three different municipalities in southern Sweden. The questions of this study are:? How do the social workers communicate their statutory obligation of support to family carers?? How do the social workers distinguish the family carers?? How do the social workers distinguish the family carers who are in need of support? Metod: Vignettes and qualitative interviews has been used as methods to gather empirical data.Theory: Theories of street-level bureaucracy has been used as theory in the analyses of the empirical material.Results: The result of this study concludes that the social workers, in lack of policy introduction, communicate their obligation to support family carers within their discretion. The result shows that the majority of the municipalities do not have formalized support for family carers supporting relatives with mental illness. The study also concludes that the social workers have different understandings of which family carer who is a carer in need of support.

Skatteplanering vs. den optimala kapitaliseringsgraden

This thesis deals with the legislative problem of thin and thick capitalization of subsidiary companies situated abroad. This kind of companies are often used for tax planning purposes, as means for transferring company profit from a high tax state to a low tax state. Today, the legislative flora around the world mainly focuses on the question"how low/high can the capitalization level of the company be, before thin/thick capitalization can be considered to be at hand?". Instead, this thesis raises the question"how far from the optimal capitalization rate is a probable capitalization level for a company, and can this be an alternative approach to legislation?".

Spelarkitekturs inverkan på immersion

Arbetets syfte var att ta reda på hur spelare tenderar att reagera på onaturlig, eller ologisk spelarkitektur och hinder och om detta kan bryta en spelares immersion. För att ge en bakgrund till undersökningen tas begrepp så som immersion, level design, tematik och spelartyper upp.Undersökningen har genomförts i samarbete med Paradox South där två stycken nivåer till spelet The Showdown Effect skapades. För båda dessa nivåer skapades en version utan visuell representation och en med visuell representation.För undersökningen användes en kvalitativ metod med observation och enkät. Resultatet visade att spelare tenderar att inte reagera på onaturlig spelarkitektur. Detta beror på att deras tidigare erfarenhet av spel gjorde att de inte förväntade sig att nivåerna skulle presentera en verklighetstrogen och logisk spelvärld.Exempel på framtida arbete vore att undersöka om spelare reagerar annorlunda på onaturlig spelarkitektur när en 3D-spelvärld används istället för en 2,5D-värld..

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