

4112 Uppsatser om Sound level monitoring - Sida 5 av 275

Hearing is believing

Today most studies regarding marketing are made on traditional marketing channels, answering questions like which jingle is best or which TV-channel a company should focus their marketing budget on. There is also the science regarding the best way of marketing on Social Networking sites or how to get as many 'likes' as possible, and so forth. However research has also been made in the field of in-store marketing and how a retailers or brand owners can affect customers in "the moment of truth". Until now most of these studies discuss how to get the attention of the customer in the store since both time as well as level of commitment in general is scarce when a customer is in a grocery store doing the necessary weekly- or complementary-shopping. It seems like most of them make the very same conclusion; catching the attention of a customer is vital to sell them your product.

Ljudlandskapets Attribut: Metoder för att bättre förstå och beskriva ljudlandskap

In soundscape research, the field?s methods can be employed in combination with approaches involving sound quality attributes in order to create a deeper understanding of sound images and soundscapes and how these may be described and designed. The integration of four methods are outlined, two from the soundscape domain and two from the sound engineering domain. This study has shown that by combining these methods the understanding of both the entire soundscape and the specific sounds increase. The study also shows that when the methods are used, there is a qualitative change of the description and understanding of soundscapes and the concrete description becomes more elaborate..

Dokumentärfilmproduktion ur ett ljudtekniskt experimentellt perspektiv

This paper is a study of documentary film production with focus on the filmmakers choice and usage of sound equipment. Using professional articles and literature have first of all helped us determine a standard for the conventional use of sound equipment in documentary film. Afterwards, by analyzing our own interviews we?ve received answers on how filmmakers relate to the conventional usage and why they select equipment as they do. Thereafter, we describe a technical method which helps a filmmaker to be able to record sound for documentary film on his/her own, using simple measures without reducing quality.

Förstudie för skapandet av ett miljöövervakningsprogram : en styrkeanalys angående vattendrag i västerhavets vattendistrikt för fastställandet av provantal i tid och rum för ett effektivt omdrevsprogram

The environmental monitoring in Sweden has been developed by several different parties and is now being coordinated and made more effective in order to meet the current demands on high quality information regarding the state of the environment. Sweden has been divided into five different water districts based on watershed areas because of requirements in the Water Directive of the EU. In Sweden there are two common types of environmental monitoring programs used to gather information on changes in time and in space. Currently both these two types are used for lakes in the water district of the western sea but only one is used for watersheds. The purpose of this report is to supply basic information regarding the possible need for a second environmental monitoring program for watersheds in order to better describe the spatial variation within the district as well as to determine the number of samples necessary in order to describe the district over time and space.

"Lärarna säger att man ska vara tyst och äta" : en kvalitativ studie av den pedagogiska lunchen

The title of the paper aims at a comment by one of the students during an interview. It reflects how most of the students experience the lunches in a specific school where the investigation is made. The question of pedagogical lunches has always interested me. Here I have used a method called the Grounded theory. I carried out a qualitative investigation with a number of methods such as interviews and participating observations.

En dekonstruktion i ljud : J.O. Mallanders Extended Play

J.O. Mallander?s Extended Play (1968) is a sound recording, a readymade, of the counting of votes in two presidential elections in Finland, during 1962 and 1968. A voice repeats monotonously: ?Kekkonen, Kekkonen, Kekkonen, Kekkonen, Kekkonen?? Although the Finnish president Urho Kekkonen represents, almost personifies, the politics of the post World War II period in Finland, Extended Play does not explicitly address the political. Rather, as this essay argues, it engages in the discourses of power and politics by providing a temporalization of its fixedness, or what Jacques Derrida terms the proper.Extended Play is, in parallel with Derrida?s critique of western metaphysics, a deconstruction in sound that challenges the state ideologies conveyed in the process of the counting of votes, where the presuppositions of the presence of the voice characterizes the ambiguities of power that Kekkonen?s politics of neutrality represent.Mallander?s readymade emerges as a double of the game theory strategies of the Cold War, a mimetic surplus of the administrative control mechanisms of sound recording.

Dokumentärfilmproduktion ur ett ljudtekniskt experimentellt perspektiv

This paper is a study of documentary film production with focus on the filmmakers choice and usage of sound equipment. Using professional articles and literature have first of all helped us determine a standard for the conventional use of sound equipment in documentary film. Afterwards, by analyzing our own interviews we?ve received answers on how filmmakers relate to the conventional usage and why they select equipment as they do. Thereafter, we describe a technical method which helps a filmmaker to be able to record sound for documentary film on his/her own, using simple measures without reducing quality.

Övervakning vid allmän anestesi och stående ingrepp på häst

The purpose of this literature study was to describe techniques for monitoring general anesthesia and standing chemical restraint in the horse. A number of various techniques and devices related to e.g. blood pressure measurement, blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry are defined, and finally their clinical relevance and reliability are discussed. The equine patient is generally far more exposed to anesthesia-related risks than other smaller species. Complications such as hypotension and hypercapnia are commonly seen during general anesthesia. Thus, close monitoring is essentially performed by the veterinary nurse, whom is responsible for monitoring the anesthetized patient.

Läsa ljud : Att formulera en texts auditiva kvaliteter visuellt

In printed text, sound is a somewhat forgotten aspect. The recitation of text is vital in areas like poetry and oratory, but still has no distinct technique of being communicated. Emphasis of a word might be expressed through italics, but no canonic character set or system for vocal delivery of texts exists. With this essay we are creating a foundation for a development of such a character set or system. By studying existing visualisations of sound and comparing these with semiotic and perception-based theories we obtain useful insights for a prospective system for visualisations of vocal sounds.We conclude that the aspects of sound one wants to visualise must be carefully defined since the viewer cannot process infinite amounts of information.

Kvalitetssäkring:En analys av egenkontroll

A degree thesis about quality control and assurance in construction. Made in cooperation with Wästbygg. An analysis was made of the self-monitoring control that is conducted during the construction. The data was collected from interviews from personnel employed by Wäsbygg as either work-leader, project-manager or quality- and environmental-coordinator. During the study there was also a review of the literature in the subject.

Styrelsesammansättningens påverkan på revisorsarvodet

Introduction:By insight in the company and by monitoring the management, the board has an important function in creating trust in governance of the company. Furthermore, the board reduces the asymmetry of information between the owners and the management, which also is the function of the auditor, by auditing how the board governs the company and the accounting. In case the board does not effectively monitor the management, the auditor has to extend its monitoring, which increases the owners agency costs through the audit fee. The board composition can affect how effectively the board practices the monitoringProblem: How is the audit fee affected by the board composition?Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explain how the board composition affects the audit fee.Method: The study uses a quantitative method, where the data was collected from the annual reports of 112 limited companies listed on the NASDAQ OMX Large and Mid Cap lists on January 2, 2012.

Övervakningssystem för båtelektronik

Leisure boats of today have a lot of electronics that needs battery power to work. In additionto that electric propulsion systems have gotten more popular lately, which further increasesthe demand for high battery capacity. The batteries used are mostly lead-acid batteries and toget the most out of the batteries it is important to treat them right. To optimize the electricsystem it is important to have knowledge of how the batteries and the electric motor are usedand which factors affect e.g. efficiency and recharging.A new electric drive that can replace old diesel engines is being developed and needs testingand evaluation.

Flexibel ljudinspelning för talkvalitetsanalys

This report describes how wavefiles can be recorded with programs written in the C++ language . The report also describes how the recorded sound is handled before it can be analyzed. The report describes the different parts that make a wave file to a wave file and how Windows handle these files. There is always some silence or noise of unknown length that passes through the system before some interesting sound arrives. That silence or nose must not be recorded and therefore some function must be developed that can detect interesting sound or speech.

Tidig postoperativ övervakning av smådjur : förekomst av standardiserade rutiner

Background. Anesthetic-related death in small animal anesthesia is about ten times more common than in human anesthesia. Recent research identifies the early postoperative period as particularly risky and highlights the need for regular and careful monitoring of the veterinary patient during this period. Objective. The aims of this study were to investigate whether there are standard procedures in terms of regulated routine patient observations and record-keeping during the early postoperative period at Swedish veterinary clinics, and if there are any guidelines for monitoring the veterinary patient during recovery. Methods. A small survey including ten Swedish veterinary clinics was carried out as well as a literature review. Results.

Oljudens musik : En revolution i kompositionsteknik?

Noise music is created around sounds not often welcome in a musical context. Since the birth of electronic music in the 1950s a new perspective on composing has emerged. In electronic music, sounds and their timbre are as much important as melody, harmony and rhythm. This composing perspective is not often observed. Therefore I have examined a musical genre that stretches the boundaries of what we consider music, sound, noise, beautiful and terrible.

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