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Renovering av Säteriet, Råda - Från miljonprogram till attraktivt bostadsområde
The homes that were built in the 60?s - and 70's are now so dilapidated and worn that they need thorough renovations. These renovations are expensive to implement for the landlords, which means that the funding for these renovations can create problems. Currently there are no government subsidies for these renovations. This report will examine how Förbo performed the renovation of Säteriet.
Egenproducerad solel i ett småhusområde
Sverige ska år 2020 ha en energiförsörjning bestående av 50 % förnybara energikällor. Den viktigaste källan till förnybar energi är solen. Solel är dock en dyr investering idag och gällande regelverk försvårar möjligheterna till att tillgodoräkna sig egenproducerad el.Byggföretaget JM bygger redan hus med låg energianvändning. Ett sätt att bidra till ett förnybart energianvändande är att installera system som producerar egen el till husen. Detta arbete har genomförts för att undersöka om solel kan komma att bli en konkurrenskraftig produkt att erbjuda JM:s husköpare.
Energianvändning för markkonstruktioner förlagda med ytvärme : En teknisk och ekonomisk utredning av fördelarna med att isolera under värmerören
The need for snow-free surfaces at squares, bus stops, platforms, car parks and sports facilities increases and at the same time energy price rise and the environment is becoming a hotter issue. The construction of the ground heating systems often lack thermal insulation under the heating pipes, which means that the heat from the pipes not only warm up the soil surface but also heats the surrounding soil. The insulation also has more features, by insulating the risk of frost damage is minimized. The goal of this report is to demonstrate the large heat loss and energy costs in the absence of insulation under the heating system.The report begins with a scientific way to study and treating the soil heating system uses, and the theory involved. Furthermore it also deals with different routing principles of heat pipes depending on the facility.All calculations are made with so called finite element method (FEM), in COMSOL Multiphysics 3,5a, where models are created with different conditions.
Construction accounts for about 35 percent of the total Swedish energy consumption and most of the energy is used by the large housing stock from the so-called ?Million program?. In the national action plan the government has put forward in energy efficiency. It is mentioned that existing buildings account for more than 90 percent of what is expected to be the housing stock within the coming 50 years. In order to meet environmental objectives its required that the existing stock be reviewed for energy efficiency. The goverment is now initiating a national framework with a budget of SEK 300 million Swedish crowns per year for five years, starting in 2010 to achieve the goal on energy efficient buildings. Energy efficiency of buildings in both new construction and above all within the existing stock are addressed.
Salmonella prevalence in the poultry feed industry in Pakistan
One of the leading causes of food borne infections in the world is due to Salmonella by con-suming poultry products including eggs and meat. According to US Food and Drug Admin-istration (2009), 2 to 4 million cases of Salmonellosis in humans occur every year only in US. Salmonella causes wide range of diseases with enteric and typhoid fever, food poisoning, di-arrhea and gastro-enteritis. Many serotypes of Salmonella do not have host specificity and cause disease in all kinds of animals and humans. Salmonella has capability to modify accord-ing to the changing environment and it can develop resistance against routine elimination practices of sanitation, chemical treatments and antibacterial drugs.
Newly established poultry industries in Pakistan are confronting various infectious diseases including Salmonellosis while in Sweden Salmonella prevalence in animal products con-sumed for humans is extremely low.
This report provides a comparison between the products cellular concrete, foam concrete and LECA concrete. The questions to be answered during the work is how the cellular concrete stands up in cost terms to the existing competitors on the market, how the concrete products differ in design work, and in which situations the concrete varieties are preferred to use.Cellular concrete is a variant of ordinary concrete, with the difference that the ballast is exchanged from stone materials to expanded polystyrene beads (EPS). This substitution gives a product with higher insulation values but lower weight than ordinary concrete.The work was carried out by designing a survey which was sent to two hundred randomly chosen companies across Sweden, to see the building industry?s opinion of the product cellular concrete. The survey showed that cellular concrete was equals its competitors in terms of price, while the product was said to be more flexible, quicker and easier to cast.Then some of the companies, who participated in the survey, were interviewed to see more carefully, how the price, the workmanship and the time for casting and dehydration differed between the products.
Latent värmelagring i vattenburet uppvärmningssystem med elpanna för byggnadsapplikationer
Latent heat storage is a way to store thermal energy when a phase change material undergoes a phase change. The advantage of latent heat storage is the capability to store more energy per mass unit than other heat storage methods. The most commonly used phase change in latent heat storage is the transition between solid and liquid. Phase change materials can be divided into organics, inorganics and eutectics.In the Nordic electricity market the price of electricity is set every hour by Nordpool spot, which leads to price fluctuations because of changes in demand. The main goal of this report is to create a latent heat storage system in a single-family home and investigate the possibility to save money by charging the latent heat storage system when the price of electricity is low, and discharge when the price is high.The thermodynamic model consisted of a ?tube-in-tube? heat exchanger with phase change material in the outer tube and water as the heat transfer fluid in the inner tube.
COMSOL Multiphysics - Ett energitekniskt analysverktyg vid numerisk simulering av köldbryggor och analys av fukt i konstruktionesdetaljer
Berggren, O. (2014) COMSOL Multiphysics ? Ett energitekniskt analysverktyg vid numerisk simulering av köldbryggor och analys av fukt i konstruktionsdetaljer. Examensuppsats i ämnet energiteknik. Institutionen för tillämpad elektronik och fysik vid Umeå Universitet.Konsultföretaget Tyréns har vid sitt kontor i Umeå önskat att utvärdera tillämpningen av programvaran COMSOL Multiphysics.
Det energiproducerande huset
We are heading towards a huge switch of how energy is produced with fossil fuels being replaced by renewable energy sources. It is not difficult to replace the energy you use in the house and there is no need for futuristic technology. There are already many established products on the market such as high efficiency vacuum solar collectors, heat pumps & small wind power stations that can supply the energy being used in a house. The company Sol & Energiteknik SE AB in Huskvarna has many different products which can reduce the need for an outside energy distributor. An average house in Sweden uses 15 000 kWh for heating, 5000 kWh for tap water and 5000 kWh for electricity.
Åtgärder för att energieffektivisera befintliga industrilokaler vid renovering av klimatskal
För att minska energiförbrukningen i Sverige krävs att befintliga byggnaderen ergieffektiviseras. Det finns även befintliga lokaler i landet som är i behov av en sänkt energiförbrukning. Det sker ständigt initiativ kring arbete med energieffektivisering av framför allt bostadshus. När energiförbrukning ska sänkas i industrilokaler läggs fokus på att minska energiåtgången i de invändigaprocesserna men inte i det omgivande klimatskalet där transmissionen utgör en stor del av energiläckaget. Syftet med arbetet är att öka kunskapen om energieffektiva åtgärder vid renovering av klimatskal hos industrilokaler.
Att gestalta en socialt hållbar begravningsplats
This thesis aims to present the essential background on how to perform climate changeimpact assessments, and to present the results from a climate impact assessment on waterbalance and nitrate leaching for an arable Swedish soil. The soil is a sandy soil in southwesternSweden, grown with spring cereals. This study is meant to be a benchmark example,and cannot be seen as a regional or national assessment for Sweden, rather as an approachto present and analyze the most important parts of these kinds of assessments.A dynamical simulation model (COUP, Jansson and Karlberg, 2004) was used for thisstudy. The model was parameterized and calibrated against data from an experimental site,located in Mellby in Hallands county, south western Sweden. Measurements were carriedout between 1st of April 1988 and 1st of April 1991.
Kontinuerlig temperaturmätning i bädden på gratevagnar
Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara Aktiebolag (LKAB) är en gruvdriftskoncern med järnmalmsbrytning som huvudsaklig verksamhet. En av produkterna tas fram genom att raffinera järnmalm till pellets vilket är en efterfrågad produkt vid ståltillverkning. Vid sintring av råkulor till pellets är temperaturen väsentlig för att få så hög oxidation som möjligt av magnetit till hematit och för att få rätt fasthet. För att reglera värmen bör temperaturen mätas bland råkulorna eftersom det är kulornas temperatur som är det viktiga. Projektet går ut på att undersöka möjligheterna att mäta temperatur bland råkulor på gratevagnar som åker genom en pelletsugn med ett permanent mätsystem. Här ställs höga krav på mätsystemet på grund av miljö, portabilitet och drifttid.Miljöanalyser gjordes för att ta reda på vilken påfrestning ett mätsystem bör klara av. Förslag om placering av mätutrustning framtogs genom kartläggning av miljön.
Water balance and nitrate leaching from arable land in a changed climate : a model study
This thesis aims to present the essential background on how to perform climate changeimpact assessments, and to present the results from a climate impact assessment on waterbalance and nitrate leaching for an arable Swedish soil. The soil is a sandy soil in southwesternSweden, grown with spring cereals. This study is meant to be a benchmark example,and cannot be seen as a regional or national assessment for Sweden, rather as an approachto present and analyze the most important parts of these kinds of assessments.A dynamical simulation model (COUP, Jansson and Karlberg, 2004) was used for thisstudy. The model was parameterized and calibrated against data from an experimental site,located in Mellby in Hallands county, south western Sweden. Measurements were carriedout between 1st of April 1988 and 1st of April 1991.
Miljöbyggnad i ombyggnadsprocessen : Miljöcertifiering av Jakobsbergsskolan i Kristinehamn
Climate change is an increasingly widely known concept. In the EU the construction sector is responsible for more than a third of the carbon dioxide emissions and 40 % of the total energy use. In Sweden, measures have been taken to prevent this climate change. By 16 targets, three of which can be linked to the construction sector, Sweden will reduce the negative trend. None of the three goals with relation to the construction sector will however be achieved before 2020.
Inverkan av värmesystem på termisk komfort i ett flerbostadshus med hänsyn till energianvändning
Inomhusklimatet har en avgörande roll för människans hälsa och välmående då människor befinner sig inomhus i nästan halva sitt liv. Det finns flera aspekter till hur det ska erhållas ett bra inomhusklimat men de mer betydelsefulla aspekterna är både god luftkvalitet och termisk komfort. Samtidigt som innebörden av reducering av energianvändning har en viktig roll i dagens utveckling. Då det ständigt arbetas med att försöka reducera energianvändningen i syfte till att underlätta för miljö- belastningen, väcker det frågor om hur den termiska komforten påverkas av detta.Rapportens syfte kommer därmed ligga i identifikation av uppvärmningssystem för ett givet flerbostadshus i Stockholmsområdet med fokus på termisk komfort och energianvändning. Utvärderingen baseras på olika typer av inverkan från diverse system som har utförts med beräkningssprogrammet IDA ICE.