374 Uppsatser om Solar thermal - Sida 16 av 25
Fra?n passivhus till NNE-hus : va?gen till ha?llbar utveckling
sustainable development by reducing the energy use by EU:s directive of energy efficiency and the UN Convention. The second purpose is to present the technical solutions regarding ventilation and heating system that is being used in passive houses. This was done using 8 passive houses, 4 germany and 4 swedish passive houses. Even the international and Swedish system requirements for passive houses have been addressed in this project. The goal was also to explain how and why the mechanical system in passive houses has developed to the technology used today.
Hållbar design för en bättre värld - med hemlösa i fokus
The aim of this project is to examine the needs and problems that exists amongst homeless people and to develop a solution that will help them in their everyday life. Since the homeless are a relatively large vulnerable group i Sweden, their everyday lives could be made easier in many ways.A clear definition of the target group is put together to create a good starting point. What state and help orginazations do to help the homelss and the society?s view of the homeless is also relevant and has been documented. Four personal stories have been put together to desicribe cases of clear problems existing in everyday life.Several interesting problems has been defined from the research and acceptance in the communtiy, desire to be seen and heard and a lack of confidence were the main needs.
Transientanalys för Forsmark block 2 och 3 : Studie av hur val av driftpunkt och pumpreglering påverkar torrkokningsgränsvärdet
The dry out criterion (MCPR) has been calculated for the most limiting H2-events for Forsmarks unit 2 and 3, at operating points that are normally not analyzed before each cycle. The operating points that normally are regarded as the ones with the lowest margin to dry out are the ones where the thermal power is the highest at agiven recirculation flow. This report shows that this is not the case for Forsmark 3. MCPR-values at partial power operating points are higher for the limiting case inside rather than on the boundary of the region of operation. It is therefore recommended that the method for determining the dry out criterion for Forsmark 3 is revised to account for this effect.
Värmeisoleringsberäkningar av flerbostadshus : byggda 1996-2005
År 1987 trädde en ny byggnadslag i kraft, Plan- och bygglagen(PBL). I och med den nya lagen minskade kommunens och byggnadsnämndens kontroll av projekteringshandlingar och besiktningar ute på arbetsplatsen. Efter lagändringen beror den slutgiltiga kvaliteten på en byggnad i större utsträckning på byggherrens och entreprenörernas egenkontroll. P.g.a. olika intressekonflikter inom kommunen, och att det kan förekomma starka kopplingar mellan byggherre och entreprenör, är det inte alltid självklart att kommunens tillsyn vid nybyggnation gällande till exempel egenskapskrav på energihushållning och värmeisolering utförs tillfredsställande.Med ovanstående i åtanke undersökte vi fyra flerbostadshus, två i Värnamo kommun samt två i Kristianstad.
Studie av värmeflöden i befintligt bostadsbestånd : Utvärdering av energieffektiva besparingsåtgärder
The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate different types of measures for making buildings more energy efficient and to estimate their profitability. The calculations were performed with the building simulation program VIP+ and the evaluation of the profitability with the life cycle cost method. Furthermore, it was examined how losses in the distribution of secondary systems of district heating can be avoided. Options to replace district heating with a local district heating system based on bio-energy have been investigated. The possibilities of achieving more efficient thermal energy consumption and production for the chosen estate were also examined.The object of the study has been a residential estate with 133 detached houses in Uppsala, built in 1974.
Ravefestival, 7 dygn i Turkiet : En studie av trancerörelsen och hur den kollektiva identiteten görs genom festivalen som interaktionsritual
In this paper my aim is to understand the trance movement from within as a collective phenomenon. I went to Turkey with my boyfriend David on a trance gathering, a festival called A Total Solar Eclipse Festival. There I did participant observations and interviews.Can Collins theory about interaction ritual be useful to raise the understanding? And is it fruitful to apply the term collective identity?The collective identity is build up by the festival as interaction ritual. It generates solidarity, emotional energy and a sense of belonging.In this paper I discuss different categories and symbols that the collective identity contains of.
Kalvhyddans utformning : påverkan på kalvens hälsa och komfort
This paper aims to, through a literature review, examine how to best design and adapt calf huts to meet the calf's physiological requirements and reduce the infection pressure for enteric and respiratory diseases. It illuminates how the calf relates to different temperatures and climate, which temperature control mechanisms it uses and its ability to perform these regulations, as well as providing a summary of the past decades´ research on the calf huts housing system. These two theory chapters, along with a concluding discussion, provide a better understanding of how to, especially in temperate climates, design the most suitable calf hut, which cater to the calf's both thermal comfort and physical health. The literature suggests that the calf's own temperature control works well to counteract the temperature outside the desired range, and that one of the most important factors rather is ventilation of a calf hut, which reduces moisture and pathogens. The conclusion of this paper is mainly that there is not an obvious way to place and construct a calf hutch and that most design principles contribute to both positive and negative effects simultaneously.
Krafter på rörsystem vid transient flöde : En jämförelse mellan RELAP5 och Fluent
At Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB (FKA) forces on pipe systems due to transient flow are frequently calculated as a step to verify their structural integrity. In nuclear industries these forces are often calculated with a one dimensional thermal-hydraulic analysis-code called RELAP5. When calculations regarding more complex geometries are needed, the three dimensional code Fluent is often used. This code is highly time consuming and requires large computational power.This projects aim is to compare calculations of pressure, flow and forces carried out by RELAP5 and Fluent for an arbitrary pipe section during transient flow conditions. This has been accomplished by constructing a simple geometry for which a transient flow is simulated in both programs.
Produktion av dricksvatten och förnybar el i Bläsinge fiskehamn
The fishing port of Bläsinge is located on the east coast of Öland, Sweden?s second largest island. Today the port has a limited supply of freshwater. The economic association of the fishing port wants to expand their business, so that they will also include tourist services. To do this the harbor will need a more independant source of freshwater, with a higher quality than the present well.
Dynamiken hos ett EU-system för handel med gröna elcertifikat
In electricity markets evolving towards liberalisation and internationalisation, green certificates are seen as an important tool to promote production of renewable energy. In a green certificate market producers sell certificates received per unit of electricity generated from renewable energy. Trade in renewability is thereby decoupled from the the physical electricity trade. Tradable green certificates in combination with renewables obligation are implemented or planned in several EU member states. Integration at EU leveland the creation of a common certificate market seem like a possible next step.
Solceller ? Solen är ju gratis! : En undersökning av huruvida solceller är ett fördelaktigt energisystem med avseende på tekniska och ekonomiska aspekter
This report is a result of a bachelor thesis at the school of Architecture and the Built environment (corresponding to 15 HP) and is written during spring 2012 at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. The Bachelor's essay is based on the design and dimensioning of a house which is located at a predetermined site in Malmo, Sweden.The idea is to construct a house that is appropriate to use for an average Swedish family of four family members. The house is designed in a modern way with respect to ease of access and disabled facilities. The installation that have been considered are heating, ventilation, sanitation and electricity. Construction calculations and material selection are also discussed.Furthermore, a study about photovoltaic cells has been done.
Implementation of renewable energy in the Republic of Moldova : society and landscape in transition
The Republic of Moldova, situated in eastern Europe and a former part of the Soviet Union, is now experiencing
a phase of transition in both society and landscape. They have hardly any fossil depots and
are currently dependent on Russian gas, with 97% of their energy needs imported. The new elected
government wants to move towards the EU and this is generally seen as the way to grow and reduce
poverty. Security in the energy sector is important and one tool is to increase the use of renewable
energy sources.
Through interviews, texts, and visits I have studied the implementation of renewable energies (RE) in
Moldova through a society development perspective. The study has aimed to investigate the sociotechnical
complexity of this subject and to discuss the potentials and way of dealing with the subject in
the specific cultural context of Moldova.
Vision Nollenergihus : Energiförsörjning av passivhus med sol- och vindenergi
Climate change is the modern society?s common issue. The developed countries areconsuming more than what is sustainable, and the climate change due to the use offossil fuels can be seen clearly. EU has specified goals, in order to stop furtherdamage, which demand that every member state have to reduce its energyconsumption by 20 % before 2020 and 50 % before 2050, relative to 1995.The Swedish government uses a number of instruments to encourage reduction in theusage of energy, but every individual has to contribute to reach the goals.With increasing energy price the cost of living is going up. A lot of people are lookingfor ways to save energy and not be affected as much by the increasing price.Investments for insulation, replacement of windows and replacing old heating systemfor a new efficient heat pump is getting more and more common.This thesis is about investigating the possibilities in becoming independent from buyingenergy for households.
Att skola mångfalden ? ett nationalistiskt försök : En analys av sverigedemokraternas diskurs om det goda samhället och den goda skolan kopplat till skolansvärdegrund
This essay attempts to examine the discourse of the Sweden democrats in relation to thevalue system of the Swedish national school.To analyse the political texts I use discourse analysis and especially the method and approachconducted by Judith Lee Bacchi. Bacchi focuses on the construction of a problem in variouspolitical discourses. When performing this kind of analysis the main question is (accordingto Bacchi): ?What is the problem represented to be??I find that the Sweden democrats construct the ?migration politics? and the ?multiculturalpolitics? that is guiding the society as the cause of most problems in our society. To solvethe ?problems? they promote a nationalistic and a cultural racist discourse especiallypinpointing the ?Muslims? as being a problem.Since the Sweden democrats are striving to implement their discourse in the society andschool, and since their discourse already are reproduced by solar students in the classroom,I find it important to examine the essence of their particular discourse and contrast it withthe current value system of the Swedish schools.I don´t find the nationalistic and racist discourse of the Sweden democrats to correspond tothe value system of the Swedish school, mainly due to their strive to create alienation, andby labeling individuals in a reductive manner, instead of using apparent differences as asource for democratic discussions in the classroom.
Energikartläggning vid biogasanläggningen, Kungsängens gård
The purpose of this thesis was to make an energy survey and quantify energy flows of
individual unit operations associated with the biogas production in Uppsala Vatten och Avfall
AB:s biogas plant, located at Kungsängens gård. Moreover, large consumers of energy would
be identified and analyzed. The objective of this energy survey was to obtain a detailed
understanding of the energy use in the biogas production.
The energy survey was divided into two parts: electricity and heat. Each part was treated
separately and with somewhat different approach. To estimate the electricity usage during the
projcet the rated power of each selected unit operation was noted and multplied with the
measured time of usage.