

487 Uppsatser om Soil masses - Sida 33 av 33

Landvinning : scenarier för efterbehandling och gestaltning av Aitikgruvan, Gällivare

Open pit mining creates huge amounts of tailings and waste rock deposits. Due to it's content of sulphide minerals, predominantly pyrite (FeS2), there is a risk of oxidation and formation of acid water containing heavy metals, known as Acid Rock Drainage (ARD). To prevent the process of oxidation, the tailings and waste rock have to be reclaimed. The most commonly used methods of reclamation are a coverage of water or soil. Mining also results in a large-scale interference in the landscape that will make an eternal change of its appearance.

Frigörelse av kvicksilver och metylkvicksilver till bäckvatten under olika perioder efter skogsavverkning :

High levels of Hg in fish in Swedish lakes have been a problem along time in Sweden. The major concern is production and accumulation of the most toxic form of mercury; methyl mercury (MeHg). Consequently, in about half of our 83 000 lakes fish contain concentrations above the recommended limit for human consumption of 0,5 mg mercury per kg fresh weight (most of it in the form of MeHg). Consumption of fish containing too high levels of MeHg may cause problems for both humans and animals. Three major sources of MeHg in surface waters are: 1) runoff from terrestrial areas, 2) deposition from the atmosphere, and 3) internal production of MeHg in lakes and streams. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of clear-cutting on the concentration of Hg and MeHg into draining streams.

Design, anläggningsmetoder och skötseltekniker för hagmarksbestånd :

SUMMARY Establish a pasture There is many valuable nature and culture landscapes in Sweden that has developed during a long period of time, throw natural processes or human use. Unfortunately lot of these are disappearing. My thought with this work is to explore the possibility to establish new areas with similar qualities. The motive for this is that attractive countryside biotopes are well worth to use as model to enrich the urban landscape. Another thought has concerned the people that establish, build and manage landscapes and parks. They often have varied views, both coming from a difference in background and previous experiences.

Stranderosion i Bjärred, Lomma kommun -en undersökning av påverkan från vågor och vattenstånd / Coastal Erosion in Bjärred, Lomma Municipality - a Study on the Impact of Waves and Water Level

Problemställning: Erosion är ett problem längs många stränder i Sveriges. Ett flertal stränder i Lomma kommun (sydvästra Skåne) har eroderat under en längre tid, vilket har negativt påverkat kustnära infrastrukturer och aktiviteter. Föreliggande studie fokuserar på erosionsproblemen längs en kuststräcka definierad av Öresundsvägen och V:a Kennelvägen i Bjärred, beläget i norra delen av kommunen. Där hotas bebyggelse och infrastruktur av vågor som skapas av stormar vilka mestadels uppträder under höst- och vinterperioden. Stormarna bidrar till höga uppspolningshöjder genom vågorna som tillsammans med höga vattenstånd eroderar material från strandbankarna.

Privata skogsägares inställning till frivilliga naturvårdsavsättningar samt kvalitets- och tillväxthöjande skogsskötselåtgärder :

The business mission of Norra Skogsägarna is to achieve a profitable forestry for the private forest owners. With this as a background it is of interest for the forest owner association to know how forest owners think about voluntary retentions, the methods of increasing production and quality and if there are differences between those who have chosen to certify their forest and those who haven?t. This kind of knowledge is of importance, to in an effectively and adjusted way, help the forest owners achieve a profitable forestry. The objective of this master thesis is to increase knowledge about private forest owners? opinions of the methods of increasing production and quality and to what extent these methods are used.

Community Gardens i USA : en studie av rörelsens uppkomst, funktioner och effekter samt en jämförelse med liknande fenomen i Sverige

This paper originates in a study of Community Gardens in the United States. An overview of how and why the gardens have emerged, their functions today, and their effects and problems is presented. The reader will also be introduced to a selection of Swedish movements that correspond with the phenomenon of the American Community Garden. These are as follows; The Allotment Garden, the Swedish term Stadsdelsträdgård (a metaphor for a Community Garden in a Swedish urban context), Mykorrhiza Malmö Stadsodlare and The Allotment Plot. None of the above-mentioned Swedish movements can be described as an exact equivalent of the American Community Garden, but they all contain elements witch constitutes parts of the phenomenon.

Stureholm - en herrgårdsträdgårds historia, utveckling och framtida skötselmål :

Stureholm Manor and garden is a relatively young farming unit on clay soil in the north western part of Skåne, a province in Southern Sweden. Since the middle of the 19th century the landscape has been actively cultivated and has been transformed from oak forrest into farmingland of high efficiency. The industrial era during the 19th and 20th centuries meant new posssibilites for cultivation of these clay soils. With equipment like steam ploughs and the possibility to obtain fertilizers, the harvest increased considerably. This increased prosperity provided estate Stureholm with a beatuiful corps de logi, a manor. The trends prevailing in Europe around the turn of the century 1800-1900 against the growing industrialism, was turned into a artisan movement known as Arts and Craft. The Swedish followers idealized our Swedish history and they took the turn of a national romantic movement that later turned into neoclassicism.

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