

487 Uppsatser om Soil masses - Sida 21 av 33

Kloning av möjlig promotorsekvens uppströms kloritdismutas i Ideonella dechloratans.

Perchlorate and chlorate are naturally occurring in the atmosphere, from here it sediments into groundwater and soil. The pollution is increased by discharges of perchlorate and chlorate from agriculture and paper mills. Bacteria capable of reducing perchlorate and chlorate to chloride and oxygen can be used to get rid of these contaminants. However an anaerobic environment needs to be sustained in order for this reaction to be used. For this reduction to work in an aerobic environment as well, a greater knowledge of the reducing enzymes, regulating factors and their corresponding genes is needed.

Markberedningsresultat och plantbildning med såddaggregaten Humax 2-4 och KSM-såddskopa

Fördelarna med skogssådd är bland annat att de kan ge stamtäta bestånd med potential att producera träd med bra vedegenskaper och bättre utvecklade rotsystem samt att sådder har en högre biomassaproduktion per ytenhet jämfört med planteringar. Nackdelar som kan nämnas är att de ofta täta förbanden ger ökade kostnader vid eventuella röjningar och att föryngringsresultatet är mera osäkert för sådd än för plantering.Mekaniseringen av skogssådden startade under 1970-talet. Humax och KSM är två kranspetsmonterade aggregat för skogssådd. De har utvecklats för att användas på marker med svår ytstruktur där dragna såddaggregat som harv och högläggare har svårigheter att skapa tillräckligt mycket lämplig såddbädd på grund av att aggregatet inte kommer ner mellan hindren eller att basmaskinen inte klarat av att köra över hela arealen. Fördelen med KSM och Humax är att aggregaten är kranspetsmonterade vilket gör att föraren väljer var aggregatet skall markbereda och på det viset kan markberedningen göras mellan hindren samt att kranarmens räckvidd gör att basmaskinen inte behöver köra över hela arealen som skall markberedas.

Hänsyn till mark och vatten vid slutavverkning : en fältstudie på känsliga marker

The purpose of this study is to investigate if there is enough consideration taken to sensitive forest areas close to water or wetlands during clear cutting assignments, and to estimate the extent of damage made by forestry machines used at that time. A field and literature study is used to show how to improve and prevent the damage made in the wake of the machines. This study is made for Sydved, and shall culminate in a policy to prevent ground damage during their clear cutting assignments. The areas which were part of the field studies were clearcuttings on fine grained soil close to water and wetlands. The purpose was to find out if the water had been affected, what had been done to prevent ground damages and what more could have been done. The results of the field studies show that more work needs to be done to reach up to expectations. More information about the assignment area, better planning of sensitive regions, and strengthening of the main haul roads with brush are some of the improvements that can be done. There is also a need for more exact guidelines, follow-ups and education for everyone involved to have the same goals and understanding to prevent ground damage..

Lilaköttig taggsvamp, Sárcodon fuligíneovioláceus : miljökrav i Sverige och en analys av vad som styr artens etablering

Burnt Spine-cap Sárcodon fuligíneovioláceus are one the most endangered mycorrhizal fungal species in Europe. They have their main distribution in Sweden. It form mycorrhiza with pine and dependent on limestone, which makes it connected to a rare environment. It has therefore been important to study the ecology of it further and to recognise the requirement it has on the environment more accurate and what it need to establish in a new area. In this study, 31 of 34 known sites in Sweden was visited and studied in field and their history analysed through aerial photographs.

Dimensionering av monopåle för grundläggning av vindkraftverk till havs: Baserat på finita elementanalyser

Vindkraft är en förnyelsebar och utsläppsfri naturresurs. En fortsatt global utbyggnad av land- och havsbaserad vindkraft är att vänta. Fördelar med vindkraft till havs är bättre vindförhållanden och lägre krav på hänsyn till landskapsbild och närboende, vilket medför att vindkraftverken kan byggas större och därmed kan vinden utnyttjas mer effektivt. För havsbaserade vindparker krävs en lösning för grundläggning som är rationell och anpassningsbar. Vid dimensionering av konstruktioner till havs är det viktigt att ta hänsyn till den cykliska belastningen från vind och vågor konstruktionen utsätts för.

Växters upptag av spårämnen från rödfyr : ett odlingsförsök vid tre rödfyrshögar i Västra Götalands län

Burnt alun shale and lime is the residual product that was formed when alun shale was used as fuel to convert limestone to quick lime. The material contains arsenic, vanadium, molybdenum, cadmium, nickel, lead, and uranium among other elements. The aim of this paper is to examine the uptake of trace elements in vegetables grown on burnt alun shale and lime to determine whether or not the surrounding environment and humans are exposed to these elements by eating plant products. A cultivation trial was carried out where onion, carrot, and lettuce were grown on three mounds of burnt alun shale and lime in the Falköping area in Sweden. The treatments were burnt alun shale and lime mixed with peat, only burnt alun shale and lime, and a reference soil. The reference plots were natural soil mixed with peat adjacent to the mounds.

Kvarteret Mjölnaren : bostadsgård på bjälklag

Uppsalahem, Uppsalas municipal renting company, builds about 250 new apartments every year. Mjölnaren in Kungsängen is a project which contributes with about 130 new renting apartments finished in 2010/2011. This report has lead up to a proposal. Focus lies on how to create a courtyard on beam joists where shape, style and different types of functions are important elements. The report also brings up ground materials, details, plants, availability and built up plantings. All these aspects together are what create a well functioning and pleasant courtyard. All through the work with this report I have taken part of the meetings concerning the project.

Skattning av den integrerade hydrauliska konduktivitetens variation kring Tunåsens infiltrationsanläggning : En utredning av påverkan från möjliga osäkerheter i befintlig information

Estimation of the variation in the integrated hydraulic conductivity around the Tunåsen infiltration facility - An investigation of the effects of uncertainties in existing informationAlmost half of Sweden?s drinking water volume is produced from groundwater. The main fraction of this is extracted from eskers, some of which allow for very large extraction rates. Despite this, the groundwater volume is not sufficient in some areas. This has led to an extensive use of artificial recharge.In Uppsala, the total volume added through artificial recharge is divided between four infiltration facilities.

Föryngring och produktion av skog på torvmark

Kunskapen kring svensk torvmarksbeskogning är undermålig. En kunskapslucka som till stor del beror på att torvmark tidigare bedömts som ointressant mark i samband med skogsproduktion. Detta beror mycket på det svenska regelverkets restriktioner mot markavvattning och gödsling samt miljöaspekterna som berörs och den aktivare skötsel som krävs. Det ökade behovet av skogsråvara gör att skogsbruket söker nya marker där torvmarken har potential att etableras för skogsproduktion.Studien är en kunskapssammanställning som lyfter fram kunskap kring skogsbruk på svensk torvmark med fokus på föryngringsprocessen. Finland använder torvmarker i skogsbruket på ett sofistikerat sätt.

Jämförelse mellan sådd och naturlig föryngring av tall i Härjedalen

The purpose of this study was to compare naturally regenerated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris (L.)) against seeded Scots pine in terms of benefits and differences. An inventory was performed at a number of different sites, 4 ? 6 years after soil scarification and data on the number of new established plants, their height growth as well as ground-line diameter was collected. Information about site conditions such as altitude, quarter exposure and frost risk was also collected. A review of previous studies was conducted in addition to the field study.

Erosionsskydd i strandzoner :

Erosion in coastal areas is a common problem all around the world. The range of the problem depends on several factors, i.e. type of bed-rock and soil, wind and wave climate. Another factor is whether the area is of high interest, i.e. if the area is important for tourism and recreation, if there are houses and other buildings close to the shoreline or if it is a site of special scientific interest.

Odlingsstrategier på organogena jordar : en studie om beslutsfattande bland KRAV-anslutna lantbrukare

This study examines how farmers certified by KRAV face proposed regulations on organic soils put forward by KRAV economic association among others, and how they are affected economically. These soils are, from an environmental perspective, interesting as a target for production regulations as they cause greenhouse gas emissions through decomposition of organic material when cultivated. The regulations advocate that organic soils should be grown with pasture where soil cultivation is only allowed every fith year which implies that possible adjustments of cultivation have to be made in order to fulfill the regualtions. Collection of data have been made through a questionnaire sent out to 574 farmers certified by KRAV. The answers have been analysed using a decision making model and statistical findings suggest that proportion of organic soils, type of production, economic conditions and farmers? goals and values have an influence on whether the regulations and potential cultivation adjustments have been considered or not.

Skydd mot yterosion i slänter av finmorän

Slopes in fine till soils are exposed to surface erosion due to rainfall, snowmelt and upland water sources. Large areas of road slopes are therefore covered for surface erosion protection. Preventive methods like ditches and trenches are also being used. Silt tills are particularly troublesome since the water can bring the soil into suspension and cause mudslides. Different methods for erosion protection have been studied in this work, with the emphasis placed on rockfill covering. The need for and the dimensioning of this type of covering has been examined in literature and field studies.

Att utkräva ansvar - en analys av Vattenfalls verksamhet i Tyskland

With the expansion onto the international market almost a decade ago, Swedish energy corporation Vattenfall began it's breaking and burning of coal on German soil. Criticism aimed at Vattenfall peaked in the mid 2000s with the revelation of large quantities of carbon dioxide emissions and the re-location of villages and graveyards in German states Brandenburg and Saxony. The purpose of this thesis is to show where the responsibility for these activities lie. By analyzing the history of, and the political debate surrounding, Vattenfall, I will show that the prevailing policies of right- as well as left-wing parties in the 20th century were all, regarding this matter, market oriented. I will also show that these market promoting policies made possible a situation where the transparancy of, and state control over, Vattenfall were close to eliminated.

Möjligheter att förutsäga kvävegödslingsbehov i höstvete med Yara N-tester

The Yara N-Tester is a handheld chlorophyll meter which can be used in several different crops as an aid to determine if there is a need of complementary fertilization with nitrogen (N) or not. If the crop requires more N the N-Tester will recommend an amount in kg per ha. The possibility to assess the need of N depends on the strong relation that exists between chlorophyll- and N-concentration in the leaves of plants. In the multiannual trial series ?Nitrogen to winter wheat at different soil conditions? measurements with the N-Tester was carried out at flag leaf emergence (GS 37). In this work the result of measurements, the NTesters ability to estimate the need of N in winter wheat, will be presented for the years 2008-2011.

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