1401 Uppsatser om Sociocultural processes - Sida 59 av 94
Lärande genom feedback : En kvalitativ studie om lärares uppfattning- och elevers upplevelse av feedback
Syfte och frågeställningar.Syftet med studien var att undersöka lärares och elevers syn på feedback i ämnet idrott och hälsa, samt om och i så fall hur denna feedback påverkar elevernas upplevda lärande. Detta skedde utifrån följande frågeställningar; Anser eleverna att feedback är viktigt för det upplevda lärandet i ämnet idrott och hälsa och hur tänker de kring detta? Anser lärarna i ämnet idrott och hälsa att feedback är viktigt för utvecklingen av elevernas lärande och hur tänker de kring detta? Har lärarna ett medvetet användande av feedback och uppfattar elever lärarnas feedback som konstruktiv och utvecklande? Använder lärarna formativ bedömning i sin undervisning och är det i så fall ett medvetet val?Metod.Detta är en kvalitativ studie med intervju som metod. Vid datainsamlingen genomfördes totalt åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer. Fem lärare med gedigen erfarenhet intervjuades enskilt samt tre elevgrupper bestående av totalt tolv elever.
Framgångsfaktorer och hinder för elevhälsoarbete : Ingen organisation är starkare än dess svagaste länk
Syftet med studien är att identifiera framgångsfaktorer, samt att påvisa hinder för att uppnå en fungerande elevhälsoorganisation, samt att visa hur Elevhälsans olika yrkeskompetenser bidrar till ett framgångsrikt elevhälsoarbete på en skola.Studien har genomförts med hjälp av kvalitativa djupintervjuer av Elevhälsans personal i åk 6-9 på en skola i en mellansvensk kommun, som enligt Skolverket anses ha en väl fungerande Elevhälsa. Resultaten grundar sig även på samtal med annan personal på skolan, samt på observationer i olika klassrum. Data från intervjuer, samtal och observationer har analyserats utifrån aktivitetsteorin, där fokus ligger på beskrivning av Elevhälsans olika yrkeskategoriers mål, handlingar och operationer.Undersökningen visar hur Elevhälsans olika yrkeskompetensers individuella arbete, samt samarbete sinsemellan bidrar till en fungerande elevhälsoorganisation. Elevhälsans arbete med eleverna kretsar kring hälsofrämjande arbete och arbete för att eleverna ska nå kunskapskraven. Detta bygger på värdegrundsarbete där det satsats mycket kraft på relationsbyggande och gott bemötande mellan elever, samt mellan personal och elever på skolan.
Det systematiska kvalitetsledningssystemet i praktiken : - En studie om implementering av det systematiska kvalitetsledningssystemet inom hemvårdsförvaltningen i Halmstad kommun
AimThe aim of this study is to through managers in eldercares deskriptions of the systematic qualityleadingsystem examine the implementation process of this system in the eldercare in the municipality of Halmstad. BackgroundIn this paper the background explains elderly care and social work context, leadership in change and implementation processes. The theoretical frame illustrates Vedungs implementation theory and Webers model of bureaucracy MethodTo collect empirical data for this study, a qualitative research design was used in which eleven managers within Halmstads municipality home care management stood as respondents. ResultThe respondents highlighted a variety in the use of the systematic quality management system tool. The result describes that several obstacles were experienced in the use of the systematic quality system. ConclusionBased on the descriptions the respondents gives of the implementation process of the systematic quality management of Halmstad municipality home care management, the conclusion can be drawn that the implementation process has not resulted in the employees making use of systematic quality management in practice. The systematic quality management system that will ensure the quality of the care work is thus used to a limited extent..
Spåren av framtiden : Näringslivets utmaingar i informationssamhället speglade i politiska intentioner och tre utbildningsföretags uppfattningar
There are numerous of ideas and theories around the present development in our global society, describing an ever changing era based and propelled by information and communication technology (ICT). How influential has this development been on political visions and intentions and on the business worlds views on important competencies? The purpose of this thesis is to describe the national and international visions of important competencies in the ?information society?. Through a case study, focused on how the training and consultancy industry apprehends and answer to this change and development, as they often act as agents for new trends in the business world both as accommodators and originators. The growth and speed of the universally available information demands knowhow in seeking, analyzing and managing information, and this competence is crucial today.
Folkbiblioteken i Wien ? Biblioteksutveckling i allmänhet samt en fallstudie av tre bibliotek
The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the societysystem in Austria has influenced the library system. The aim is toanalyse in what way these influences have changed during thegrowth and development of the public library system and how it isdisplayed in each separate library branch. The focus of myinvestigation has been the municipality public libraries in Vienna,and mainly the three libraries in the third district of the city. Themethod I have used is literature studies, examining and analysingsource material from the internal archive of the public libraries inVienna. I have also used the qualitative interview method in orderto examine the situation in the selected libraries Rabengasse,Erdbergstraße and Fasangasse.As there is no common library law, there are significantdifferences in the library structure in different parts of Austria andeach municipality decides how they want to prioritize the libraries.Since the public libraries of Vienna are well organized together inBüchereien Wien, the library structure in the separate librarybranches is coordinated.
LUEC Ledarutvecklingsprogrammet för erfarna chefer inom Sjöfartsverket - vilken nytta och effekt har det gett?
The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the societysystem in Austria has influenced the library system. The aim is toanalyse in what way these influences have changed during thegrowth and development of the public library system and how it isdisplayed in each separate library branch. The focus of myinvestigation has been the municipality public libraries in Vienna,and mainly the three libraries in the third district of the city. Themethod I have used is literature studies, examining and analysingsource material from the internal archive of the public libraries inVienna. I have also used the qualitative interview method in orderto examine the situation in the selected libraries Rabengasse,Erdbergstraße and Fasangasse.As there is no common library law, there are significantdifferences in the library structure in different parts of Austria andeach municipality decides how they want to prioritize the libraries.Since the public libraries of Vienna are well organized together inBüchereien Wien, the library structure in the separate librarybranches is coordinated.
?Att våga ställa frågan, att våga höra svaret?
The purpose of this report is to map the situation for girls residing in women?s refuges because of honour violence. The questions posed are: What forms of abuse have been described to staff working with females in refuges for victims of honour violence? What are the deciding factors that lead to a girl leaving her family and being placed in a refuge? What are the help needs of girls residing in women?s refuges because of honour violence? Five qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted amongst staff from five different women?s refuges specialising in honour violence. The results were analysed using Foucault?s theories on power, victim vs actor, victim processes along with a victimisation perspective.
Valberedning och tillsättning av styrelse enligt Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning: En studie av könsfördelning ur ett institutionellt perspektiv
Since July 2005 the major companies listed on the Swedish stock exchanges are required to apply the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance. The code states that companies shall have a nomination committee responsible for nominating new board candidates and seek to obtain gender equality in the Board of Directors. This paper examines the trend of board as well as nomination committee composition among Sweden's 60 largest publicly traded companies between 2005 and 2008. Our overall finding is that neither the board nor the nomination committee composition has changed to a notable extent during the period and that the share of newly appointed female board members has actually decreased. However, the trends vary between different sectors.
Någon som visar att de bryr sig : En studie angående ungdomars upplevelser av delaktighet iinsatsen Kontaktperson.
The aim of this study was to examine young people?s experiences of participation within the intervention Contact Person. Three questions were asked concerning young people?s experience of participation, aspects that promoted/limited the young people?s experience and the significance they attached to the intervention. The findings in this study are based on phenomenological interviews with five teenagers within the intervention Contact Person.
Uppvärmning och miljöpåverkan : -en jämförelse mellan fjärrvärme och bergvärme i villa
Many of todays studies show that district heating is one of the betteralternatives as heating source because of its low environmental load.The energy source is often leftovers from other processes producing energy or waste, like garbage or chips.Electricity in combination with geothermal heating is another heating system that has increased sharply during the last years, and also this system decreases the discharges that have negative affectson the environment compared to several other heating methods.This report aims to, concentrated towards these two different heating systems, estimate the amounts of discharges they indirect cause and how the environment is affected.We have calculated the mean value for discharges of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulphur oxide and dust generated from electrical power used in Sweden.Through interviews and research we have gained data for the same substances that district heating based on combustion of garbage and biofuel generates.We have also in cooperation with a housing company chosen a building we see representative for many of the new single-family houses built in Sweden today.Based on its shape and appearance we theoretically created three alternatives of the same house, each of them with climate screens different from each other.Together with the amounts of discharged environmental affecting substances, these houses were the base for our calculations and studies when investigating the different heating sources environmental effect.The results have thereafter been analyzed and discussed from different angles..
Kvalitetssäkring för Scaniasmotorkomponenter : Jämförelse med andra företag
Quality assurance for Scania engine componentsScania engines have become one of the world?s most renowned corporations in themanufacturing of engines. This is mostly due to the quality and performance thatScania have shown. However, this does not stop Scania from trying to achieve moresuccess in the fields of development and research to assure the quality of theirengines.The purpose of this thesis is to show how Scania ensures the quality of the enginecomponents, both those who made externally and internally at Scania, also inclusivethe manufacturing and assembly process.Three engine components were examined: D16 block engines, water pump andXP-Iinjectors. The study included the whole process from the step of supplying therow materials to the last step in production functional test.In this thesis an investigation of how other companies are working with qualityassurance was conducted.
Turism under ansvar. : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av att arbeta med CSR-frågor inom reseindustrin.
The focus of this essay is set on a number of processes that affect the challenges of the tourist trade, to be more precise ? an analysis of the attitudes towards tourism and sustainability within this line of business ? from an ethical and moral as well as social view. These issues are examined with reference to the concept of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Thus, acquaintance with theories of social constructivism, post colonialism, globalisation and global civil society is essential in order to understand the analysed material. The essay is mainly based on the outcome of qualitative interviews with various kinds of persons working with CSR related questions.
Intervjuer med sju föräldrar och en pedagog
The aim of this study is to widen our knowledge about the basic idea about having an open preschool for adopted children as understood by parents of adopted children and a preschool teacher. Sweden has a large number of international adoptions, in an international comparison among the highest numbers of adoptions per capita. Interviews were carried out with seven adoptive parents and one preschool teacher teaching at a special preschool for adopted children. It was found that adoptive parents had no particular problems with placing their children in an "ordinary" preschool. However, they choose to place the children in an open preschool solely for adopted children because of the possibility of sharing similar experiences as parents and children as well.
ITIL inom Conect AB
Conect AB wants to know how they can use ITIL in their organization. Right now their company is in an expansive phase and needs a more structured way to work. They have been thinking of improving their way of work for several years but haven?t had the time to do so. Now they have realized they need to work more efficiently to able to grow further.
Modebloggarnas dolda budskap?
The accounting scandals that have attracted attention in recent years have led to internal control becoming a more central part of business activity. Doubts about what firms actually do have increased, all caused by the attention of accounting scandals. To counter this, frameworks and laws evolved and gained a significant role in the organization and its surroundings. The aim of the present study is to find out how four companies in the Kristianstad region are working to ensure its internal control and how they work to minimize risk and reduce uncertainty. We have used a qualitative method and interviewed a person in a senior position in each company.