1401 Uppsatser om Sociocultural processes - Sida 33 av 94
Inredningskoncept för vägambulans : Ett examensarbete vid Industridesignprogrammet 2011
The subject of this bachelors degree project is an interior layout for road ambulances.Landstinget Västernorrland (LVN) wanted a layout concept that would be used to com- municate their design intentions to the ambulance producers during their purchase process.Designing ambulance interiors is an extremely complex process since there so many fac- tors to take into consideration. It ?s not just about taking the equipment and place it where there is space left in the cabin. You have to start with the user in focus and the tasks that are to be performed in the ambulance environment.It ishard to find design solutions that will fit 100% of the ambulance personnel?s working routines for 100% of the tasks.
Fastighetsanalys för Södra Cell Tofte
This paper aims to derive the Black-Scholes equation for readers without advanced knowledge in finance and mathematics. To succeed, this paper contains a theoretical chapter in which concepts such as options, interest rate, differential equations and stochastic variable are explained. This paper also presents the theory of stochastic processes such as the Wiener process and Ito process. In the chapter on the Black-Scholes model the Ito process is used to describe price of shares and with the help of Ito's lemma Black-Scholes equation can be derived. In the paper, assumptions are listed that apply to the Black-Scholes model and then uses the Black-Scholes equation to calculate the price of a European call option.
Kväve i Östra Mälaren : hur kunskap förvaltas och används i tillståndsprocesser
The nitrogen cycle in freshwater bodies is complex and consists of many separate processes affected by a number of important factors for example oxygen concentration in the water, temperature and circulation. Knowledge of the different components of the nitrogen cycle exists; however, a complete and comprehensive picture is difficult conceptually as well as theoretically. The available literature illustrates that the research on nitrogen and the related freshwater processes is still associated with high uncertainty of how much of the supplied nitrogen from the catchment is transported with the water versus and how much is lost due to denitrification, sedimentation or uptake by plants. This report is an interdisciplinary survey of Nitrogen discharge permitting. The research focuses in particular on the decision-making process, the levels of scientific standard and the administrative framework.Application for Nitrogen discharge permits are decided by the Environmental Court with council from their own experts as well as relevant government authorities and organisations.
Vätning på mikroskala
Individual cellulose ?bers were studied to identify the transport and absorbtion phenomena as well as the in?uence of drying. A Chalmers University of Technologydeveloped method within ESEM (Enviromental Scanning Electron Microscope) has been used in this study. The results from the laborations gave the following conclu-sions: The transport of water occurs in ?bers in the ?ber wall surface and the lumen.
Det Omedvetnas återkomst : En tvärvetenskaplig litteraturstudie i fältet mellan psykoanalys och neurobiologi
There are differences today amongst psychoanalysts regarding if psychoanalysis should limit itself to being exclusively a hermeneutic discipline or if psychoanalysis should find points of contact with neurobiology. The purpose of this essay is to touch upon the larger issue that creates the different points of view: Can psychoanalysis become enriched by finding points of contact with neurobiology, and should psychoanalysis be regarded as belonging to a broader scientific field than being exclusively a human science? The question at issue is: Can modern neurobiology contribute to a development of the psychoanalytic concepts; compulsion to repeat, transference/countertransference and talking cure? The method used is a literature study. The result shows that: Freud?s theories regarding traumatic compulsion to repeat can be linked with LeDoux?s theory of "emotional memory".
Jag frågar hellre två gånger än att testa själv! : En studie på Hantverksprogrammet om motivation, läromedel och sociokulturell inlärning
I dagens skola handlar det om att kunna förmedla kunskaper som eleverna har nytta av i livet och i sitt valda yrke med omvärldens och branschens krav och förväntningar. Som yrkeslärare skapas mycket eget läromedel och syftet med rapporten är att ta reda på hur ett undervisningsmaterial kan se ut som genererar motivation och som integrerar ett sociokulturellt perspektiv.De begrepp som används i studien är sociokulturellt perspektiv, motivation och läromedel. En översiktlig förklaring av begreppen och en litteraturstudie som beskriver olika teoretiska utgångspunkter genomförs i bakgrunden. Metoder som har nyttjats har varit dels litteraturstudier och dels en kvantitativ enkätundersökning.Resultaten av vår undersökning visar på en kombination av elevernas svar och litteraturens olika teorier. Eleverna föredrar träning, mindre grupparbeten och traditionella prov, men vill gärna ha både teoretiska och praktiska presentationer av läraren.
?En riktig man är en hårig, bastant skogshuggare med muskler? : - En studie där unga män talar om den manliga kroppen
Kvinnors föreställningar om den egna kroppen är ett välstuderat område medan motsvaradestudier om manliga uppfattningar är mindre vanliga. Utifrån denna iakttagelse väcktes intressetför studien. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv belysa hurunga män talar om den manliga kroppen samt uppmärksamma normer, vad som underdiskussionerna framstår som sanningar i de unga männens verklighet. Teoretisk referensram: Studien har sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i sociokulturellt perspektiv. Det vill säga att individerformas och får kunskap utifrån den kultur de befinner sig i.
Framtagning av nyckeltal som indikerar kvalitetsbristkostnader : Development of key performance indicators revealing the cost of poor quality
Since the 1980s, companies have taken a larger interest in quality and it´s economic impact within the company. Having the knowledge that it´s not quality that costs money, but it´s rather the lack of quality. The work immerses itself in the field of cost of poor quality and the development of key performance indicators.The thesis is performed at Bufab Holding in Värnamo. Bufab Holding is a trading company which mainly buys and sells C-parts. C-parts include fasteners, other small metal-, rubber- or plastic parts such as wires, springs and electronic fasteners.The aim of this thesis was to make a survey of the cost of poor quality and to find key performance indicators (KPI) for cost of poor quality that can be continuously monitored.
Pedagogik för blogg : "när skolan blir viktig och på riktigt"
In this essay I examine if socio cultural theory is present for teachers when pupils and students are using computers in class, especially when using blogs as a tool for learning. The aim of the essay is also to examine if blogs among pupils in class can promote peer support, co-operation and reflective dialogue, and in that case in what way. The essay consists of two studies, one small interview study and one literature study. The interview study is made with the qualitative method phenomenographic analysis, presenting four Swedish teachers who have much experience using blogs in education. The aim of the literature study where some national and international research studies of relevance are presented, is to broaden the perspective.The result of the interview study shows that a socio cultural theory is highly present among the teachers who already use blogs in education. In addition, those teachers experience that the blog in the classroom supports dialogue and co-operation among the pupils. In contrast, the literature study shows that most teachers in Sweden who made their pupils work with computers in classroom seem to let their student work alone, without guiding them and without creating co-operation or dialogue in the classroom.
Språkutveckling med hjälp av Tragetons metod; möjligheter och hinder : Att skriva sig till läsning med dator och surfplatta
The purpose of this study is to describe some primary school teachers understanding of language development and approach of first and second language speakers with Arne Tragetons Writing to reading, for pupils in early ages.By using a qualitative method with interviews and participant observations and informal conversations, the basis for the survey was collected. Four teachers in three schools participated. The proportion of second-language pupils at each school was 35%, 17% and 0%. My theoretical starting point in the study was the hermeneutic research tradition, which has been used to interpret and understand the collected material. Theories of behaviorism, constructivism and socio-cultural perspective has been used in the analysis part of this study.
"Vet inte hur man gör om det kommer in en muslim" : En kvalitativ studie om konstruktionen av etnicitet och åldrande inom äldreomsorgen.
The purpose with this study is to examine and analyze the eldercare staffs conceptions and perceptions about the construction of ethnicity and aging, in Swedish eldercare, to illustrate the process of othering. The authors interviewed eight people who work in the eldercare by using a vignette. We have analyzed our result from the interviews through several theories and earlier research pertinent to the subject. The study has shown that eldercare staff through their conceptions and perceptions unconscious been conducive to make and recompose constructions of ethnicity and elder. The constructions of ethnicity and elder can be conductive to processes of othering..
Självförverkligande i ett mångkulturellt samhälle
The aim with this essay is to examine in which way self-realizing and solidarity can bereconciled in a multicultural society. The essay is a sociological literature study whichexamines the self- realizing process and puts it in a multicultural perspective.The issues areWhich role does self-realizing play for solidarity?How is solidarity created in a multicultural society?Can everyone be self-realized in a multicultural society?Conditions and problems for self-realizing processes are examined and are treated mainly onthe basis of Jeffrey C. Alexander and Axel Honneth theories. In the essay is established thatself-realizing and society-solidarity is mutually interdependent and that solidarity requires aform of shared value, but it doesn?t need to be based in the traditional values that commonhistory, ethnicity or culture.
Vilken kvinna? En intersektionell diskursanalys av ämnesordlistan i databasen KVINNSAM
The aim of this thesis is to critically analyse the subject heading list in the database KVINNSAM at Kvinnohistoriska samlingarna. This list is intended for the retrieval of gender specific information and the subject heading women is implied. The main question is: which woman is represented in the list? The thesis analyses specifically the representation of disability, ethnicity and other sexualities than heterosexuality. Kvinnohistoriska samlingarna, the concept of gender studies and KVINNSAM is presented.
Vilka mål står till grund för planeringen av NO-undervisning för de tidiga åldrarna? : En undersökning med lärares uppfattningar i fokus.
This study aims to deepen the understanding of which opinions and perceptions the teachers in the study have about the national goals, as well as local, when they plan their lessons in science studies for the younger ages. We wish to illustrate which goals these teachers find most important, their opinions on how they use these and how the different goals affect their design of teaching. The study also aims to examine which syllabuses, national or local, the teachers believe have an effect on their planning. Data were collected by interviews with four teachers, combined with questionnaires sent to 25 teachers teaching in science studies in forms 1-6. To analyse the data, key terms from Vygotsky and a sociocultural theory was used, such as situated learning, artifacts, the zone of proximal development, thinking in group and mediation. The data was also interpreted and examined by recent studies regarding this subject. The results show that the teachers find their own knowledge, the national syllabus and their colleagues as most important for their planning.
Flödesoptimering på sjukhuslaboratorium: En praktisk implementering av lean
This study has investigated the possibilities of implementing lean in a division of a hospital in Stockholm. The goal was to reduce the lead time for the patient to get his diagnose by implementing lean in the two production flows of this division. In order to accomplish it, a complete map over the value stream has been done. With the help of the value stream map and lean theory a list over the processes in contradiction with lean has been made. Finally propositions to implement lean and by this way reduce the lead times in this stream have been made out.