7265 Uppsatser om Socio-political perspective - Sida 55 av 485
Mångfaldens gemenskap? ? mångkulturell nationell gemenskap genom interkulturell kommunikation
AbstractIn the literature on multiculturalism and group rights there is a strong tradition that sees diversity as something directly paradoxal to unity. In this tradition, scholars put forward a view of multiculturalism as a divisive and exclusionary process which breaks down the cohesion and unity of society. Related to this notion is that of a neutral and universally valid frame of reference in which political dilemmas can be solved; for example a neutral civil sphere where the ?true essence? of society lies. In this essay I attempt to criticise these two notions.
Demokrati, massmedia och personcentrering - en normativ studie
Denna uppsats är ett resonerande argument kring massmedias roll i det demokratiska samhället.Vi diskuterar inledningsvis ett antal demokratiideal generellt, med syftet att ur dessa kunna identifiera ett gemensamt karaktärsdrag: att demokrati kräver politiskt medborgerligt engagemang. Detta karaktärsdrag används sedermera för att fälla ett normativt påstående kring massmedias roll och innehåll. Detta normativa påstående appliceras slutligen på tre stycken skilda demokratiska ideal med utgångspunkt i en specifik massmedial innehållstyp, personcentrering..
"ESS avgörs i Bryssel": Nätverk söker förankring i institutionell beslutsstruktur
This paper aims at describing and explaining the bi-and multilateral negotiations that are, and have been, taking place between Sweden's chief negotiator Allan Larsson and European countries, and within the EU institutions in Brussels, in order to seek support for the Swedish offer to host the European Spallation Source, ESS. It applies a case study method using political science theories ? governance and government ? and to a large extent information from the involved actors in the policy process. The paper also presents a constructive position, in showing how the negotiations on ESS can turn into a process leading to a decision on the construction of this research facility. ESS is negotiated in networks on bi- and multilateral levels consisting of European research representatives and financiers.
Hot mot yrkesrollen eller vardagligt verktyg? En studie av lärares inställning till lärplattform
Today an increasing number of schools and organizations are investing in so called Learning Management Systems. Researchers disagree on the pedagogical value of these tools. Some mean that Learning Management Systems cement old-fashioned behaviouristic teaching practices; others mean that the systems provide good opportunities in supporting learning in a socio cultural perspective. The aim of this study is to reach better understanding and increased knowledge of how the introduction of a Learning Management System influences the role of the teacher and how the learning is organized. We have conducted two case studies.
Rätt man eller kvinna på Rätt plats : En kvalitativ studie om jämställdhet
Citizenship is fundamental for participation in a democracy. It gives us rights but also responsibilities in the state that we are citizens of. Citizenship provides us with the opportunity to vote in order to influence who should govern us. However, not all living in a state are citizens. Some individuals are not included in the political life of the state.In recent years, there has been a rise of nationalist political parties in Europe.
Vägen till en motiverande fiolundervisning : En intervjustudie med fyra fiollärare
Syftet med denna uppsats är att få ökad kunskap om och förståelse för vilka didaktiska val fiolpedagoger kan göra för att främja elevers motivation till att spela och öva. För att komma närmare ett svar på denna önskan har intervjuer med fyra fiolpedagoger genomförts. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för studien är det sociokulturella perspektivet, det vill säga ett perspektiv där det sociala sammanhanget betonas och där läraren ses som en viktig del i lärandet. Resultatet visar att de fyra intervjuade fiolpedagogerna anser att det sociala sammanhanget är det viktigaste för elevers motivation, eftersom det medför att undervisningen upplevs som meningsfull. De anser även att föräldrar kan påverka elevers motivation och att övning är en viktig faktor för att eleverna ska utvecklas.
GMO Food Products - The issue of marketing and selling them in Europe.
Title: GMO Food ProductsThe issue of marketing and selling them in Europe - A Business and Legal Perspective.Author: Shane KingSupervisors: Anneli Carlsson and Ewa RabinowiczProblemThe European Unions regulations in regard to GMO?s and the approval process for both release into the environment, and onto the market, has been under fire by the USA along with Canada and Argentina. The WTO has ruled on this issue in favour of USA et al.The problem that was identified was in regard to consumer opinion in the EU. How could the EU meet its numerous international trade obligations while at the same time meetingthe needs of the citizens of the Union? Added to that was the issue of whether or not the?EU? perspective was indeed an EU perspective or rather the perspective of a fewMember States.
"Sharing is caring" : Om Piratbyrån och kognitiv praxis i en ny social rörelse
Words like pirates and anti-pirates are becoming common features in the cultural political debate of today, and the file-sharing phenomenon has become a more and more delicate and disputed subject. The fact that people are organizing in networks to swap computerfiles with each other has, among other things, led film and music companies from all over the world to initiate a number of anti-piracy organizations, assigned to protect the right to culture and information. The industrial organization Antipiratbyrån (the Anti-pirate Bureau) and the network Piratbyrån (the Pirate Bureau) have on several occasions been used to represent the prevailing conflict in Sweden. The purpose of this study is to apply a sociological perspective to the collective act of file sharing. Additionally, the purpose is to argue that the activity can be understood as a social movement, although it is rarely referred to as such.
Cultural Capital? - On the view of culture and cultural policy in Lund's application process to become Sweden's European Cultural Capital of 2014.
The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine the ways in which culture and cultural policy are being articulated in the process of Lund's application to become Sweden's European Cultural Capital of 2014.I have used Dorte Skot-Hansen's three cultural political rationalities: the humanistic-, the sociological- and the instrumental rationality, as well as and Jenny Johannisson's extension of those into three cultural-political discourses, as sensitizing concepts in my analysis. The questions raised are: How are the three rationalities/discourses articulated in the chosen central documents and in the process surrounding them? Which themes and arguments dominate the chosen documents?The main objects of my study have been four texts that have been produced in the applicationprocess: a Prestudy, a Plan of action, a Broschure and a Cultural policy. Along with them local political protocols, newspaper articles and other related material have been used. The research method applied was a qualitative eclectical textual analysis with emphasis on the content and on tracing the way the rationalities were expressed in the material.The rationalities were all found to be articulated in the four texts.
Bibliotekariers och universitetslärares syn på informationskompetens
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate on what perspective or perspectives university teachers and librarians at a medium-sized university in Sweden base their view on information literacy. More specifically, how do the respondents view their own information literacy and what opinions they have of their students? information literacy as professionals. Three perspectives are used to interpret the results, the sociocultural perspective, the phenomenographical perspective and the behavioristic perspective.The method used is semi structured interviews with three university teachers and three librarians.Both librarians and teachers emphasize the importance of information literacy, for themselves as well as for students. The information literacy of the librarians involves being well acquainted with the subjects of the students.
Debattens tvärmediala rörelser - en studie av tre debattformat och deras förutsättningar
This thesis studies three kinds of debate formats. Those are DN Debatt, SVT Debatt and Ring P1. The focus lies in the interrelations between these forums and how they interact with theri audience. Since debate is an essential tool for political and democratic practice, it is vital to study the movements and the realtions between these media formats. Some of the questions in this study are: What happens with a debate topic when it moves between the formats? In which way are the formats democratic and what does their communicative forms mean for political practice and citizen participation? The study shoes how the interpretation of a specific term can expand during a debate.
"Kung Alkohols utdrivande..." : Folkbildning och nykterhetsarbete hos Logen Leon Gambetta, Varberg 1883-1926
The essay deals with adult education from a local perspective more specifically that ofthe IOGT lodge Leon Garnbetta in Varberg. The material that has been used covers a limited period of time, which stretches from 1883 to 1926.This temperance lodge was founded in 1883 and is still active. The essay provides a historical survey of the temperance movement in Sweden and depicts the ideas behind adult education, but it also gives a more general historical account of the town of Varberg and its popular movements.By studying handwritten records from the lodge it is possible to establish a picture of its work, activities, discussions, its striving for democracy, educational activities and the principles behind these and finally the lodge's own library which was started at an early stage. All these aspects are then treated in a historical and a political context..
"Vem kan segla förutan vind?" - en kvalitativ studie om gatubarns livssituation i Delhi
This paper is about street children in Delhi and how they get through the day. The content is based on interviews with staff in different Non Governmental Organisations (NGO) in Delhi. The facts from the interviews are complemented with different researches about street children in general and not only about street children in Delhi. Our main question is "How is it possible for a child to deal with the street life in Delhi?".
"?ty det är essensen av vad vi håller på med?" : En kvalitativ studie i utveckling av personligt uttryck hos improvisationsmusiker
Denna studie syftar till att öka kunskapen om vilken syn frilansande och undervisande improvisationsmusiker har kring skapandet av ett personligt uttryck och hur de anser att ämnesområdet kan hanteras i musikundervisning. I bakgrundskapitlet ges en överblick av begreppet personligt uttryck och därefter följer en presentation av tidigare litteratur och forskning inom ämnesområdet. Nästkommande kapitel om teoretisk bakgrund beskriver det sociokulturella perspektivet i egenskap av teoretisk utgångspunkt.Studien utgörs av kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra frilansande improvisationsmusiker med stor pedagogisk erfarenhet i ämnesområdet. I resultatet beskrivs analysen av hur improvisationsmusikers syn på hur ett personligt uttryck kan skapas och hur de som pedagoger ser på undervisning inom detta område. Det framkommer bland annat att ett personligt uttryck handlar om att bejaka sin smak och vilja samt att självförtroende, hantverksskicklighet och inspiration är aspekter att ta hänsyn till.
Staden som en kollektiv aktör En abduktiv fallstudie på Malmö stad
AbstractCities are once again becoming the locus of economic, social and political processes. The effect of these processes on the city is two-fold: one one hand they threaten to fragment and dislocate the city and the actors within them, on the other hand they give actors within cities new opportunities to react and mobilize resources towards different strategies of integration. The latter gives rise to what Patrick Le Galès calls the collective actor-city. The aim of this thesis is to explore the notion of the city as a collective actor in a swedish context by utilizing Le Galès theory of european cities as collective actors in an abductive case study on the city of Malmoe. By utilizing Le Galès five dimensions that make up a collective actor I analyze interviews conducted with city officals aswell as documents produced from the city wide plan of action Welfare for everybody.