

4104 Uppsatser om Socially constructed gender roles - Sida 21 av 274

Bedömning och kunskapssyn i matematik : Förändringar i lärares bedömningspraktik

This paper examines women's positions in the music industry. By quantitativelyinvestigate ten major companies on the swedish music market, the authors have beenable to mapp positions that are dominated by women and as well as men. The essaydiscusses several theories of both gender in organizations and gender in society inorder to analyze the quantitative results.The aim of the paper is to highlight the current segregation of careers in the musicindustry as well as to lay a foundation for further research on why it is segregated.Clear graphs shows the gender distribution between women and men in business butalso the distribution of gender in occupations / positions in similar companies. In theanalysis the authors reflects on the results using relevant gender theories. In theconclusion, the authors explain the result generated by the analysis and illustrates theprevailing segregation that exists in the music industry.This paper has concluded that a seemingly even distribution between men andwomen in business organisations can sometimes be misleading.

Läromedelsanalys utifrån ett historiemedvetande och genusperspektiv : En studie av historieläroböcker från 1970-80-90-2000-talen

This essay focuses on how women and the woman emancipation are described in high school history textbooks from the years 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000, using the theories history consciousness and gender. Two textbooks are analyzed from each period. There are several gender theories, in this essay it is Yvonne Hirdman?s theory concerning woman- and gender history that is used. This means that the woman emancipation and women?s history are analyzed from the perspectives invisible, add, and-, how- and gender history.

En Bättre Människa : En normkritisk studie av föreställningar om kön och sexualitet i berättelsen om normbrytande ungdom

This study aims to make out, which notions and ideas about gender and sexuality that comes into expression in the description of the deviant youth. This study is a narrative analysis, based on a queer theoretical approach. The queer theory directs attention to the normative frameworks on gender and sexuality. Queer theory also illustrates the relationship between the normative and what is considered abnormal/deviant. The study's empirical basis is 8 legal texts, legal documents formed in a Swedish context, which include the welfare state´s judiciary and social services.

Utanförskapandet - en diskursanalys av begreppet utanförskap

In this essay my aim is to examine how the term utanförskap is constructed and defined as a social problem in the public arena of the Swedish Parliament. The term utanförskap was widely used in the election-campaign prior to the Swedish Parliament election in the year 2006. The term, mainly articulated by the Right-wing Alliance, was used to describe indi-viduals and groups that were depicted as being outside the Swedish society. In the political debate, work and benefit dependency were constructed as binary opposites, with the latter describing the individuals in utanförskap. Translated to English the term utanförskap would be something like ?the state of being outside? or ?outsidership?.

Gender Mainstreaming - Kioskvältare eller dagslända?

The European Union's work on equal opportunities for women and men can be described historically in three eras; equal treatment, positive action and, most recently, the gender perspective. In accordance with the latter, gender mainstreaming is the latest method in dealing with these issues. Its aim is the implementation of the gender perspective in all policy processes and to challenge the male norm that permeates all decision making. EU:s work on equal opportunities, though, persists not only of gender mainstreaming but has a double approach also including special actions.This thesis bases its argumentation on discourse analysis of communications from the Commission regarding employment and social affairs. It argues that the two components of the double approach; gender mainstreaming and special actions, are incompatible and even becomes contra productive put together.

?Jag kan inte se att vi behandlar elever olika beroende på kön? : en kvalitativ studie om fem SO-lärares tankar om sitt uppdrag avseende jämställdhet, kön och genus i undervisningen och i sitt bemötande av elever

This paper attempts to display how five teachers of social studies use and relate to the policy documents and their instructions on gender. To penetrate the subject, five teachers were intreviewed. Each interview focused on how the curriculum attempts to guide teachers regarding gender, sex differences and equality of opportunity. The collected information was processed, analyzed and discussed using gender studies and discourse theory.The results show that the interpretation and usage of the curriculum is very subjective and varies greatly between all the interviewed teachers. Their personal interpretation proves to be crucial when it comes to making reality of the stated goals in the curriculum, concerning actively working towards equality of opportunity between sexes.

"Genus är inskränkt!" : En komparativt inriktad studie av genuspedagogik på förskolor i New York och Stockholm

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how teachers work and reflects on gender education in preschools. We also want to take part of how teacher?s thoughts are reflected in the physical indoor environment and how the environment is designed by reviewing the rooms furnishing and the selected materials. We will do this by visiting a number of preschools located in Stockholm and New York. We have chosen three questions to get the answers on our purpose.How teachers reflect around gender pedagogy are, and how the thoughts are expressed in the practical work.How the teachers communicate with their co-workers about gender pedagogy.How the teachers own thoughts and reflections on gender pedagogy have been expressed in the physical indoor environment where the children stay during the day. We have used interviews and observations as a method to gather the information that we needed to answer our questions of the thesis.

Ungdomars syn på könsroller : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur ungdomar uppfattar vad som är manligt respektive kvinnligt

This paper presents a study of the attitudes and values related to gender young people have. Five people, four women and one male, all about eighteen years old, were interviewed about their attitudes and values related to gender.Although the study is relatively small, the results are compatible with other published studies and indicate that young people, without consideration to their sex, has a very traditional view on gender. The study also indicates that the attitudes seem to be established very early in life. Probably the most important factor to determine the attitudes and values of the child is the parent's opinions. The result show that the interviewed persons did not think their attitudes and values towards gender where influenced by media, TV etc...

Man gör sitt jobb

It is a common-held belief that the social worker for the most part uses oneself as a ?tool? in working with clients. This study seeks to examine that ?tool? in the context of treatment of teenage boys with psychosocial problems such as criminal behavior, drug-abuse and/or abusive home environment. The main purpose is to identify the conceptions of masculinity, and more specific hegemonic and subordinated masculinity, of the professionals working with the boys.

(O)jämställdhet som etnisk markör : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare i  förberedelseklasser resonerar kring genus och jämställdhet

The study aims to evaluate how teachers in my research have reasoned regarding gender and gender equality, notions on ethnicity, and specific conceptions or constructions on ?swedish-ness? and ?immigrants?. The vital point in this study will be to examine the relationship be-tween gender equality, ethnocentrism and racism. The question formulation that I have ap-plied are: On what grounds teachers conceive the concepts of gender and gender equality? How do teachers experience their work with gender equality in remedial classes? Do the teachers that work in remedial classes experience any obstacles in the pursuit of gender equal-ity in their daily work? I have used the method of qualitative interviews with five teachers in remedial classes from five different schools.

Konsten att sälja sig själv : Balanserandet mellan identiteter och roller i fåmansföretag inom musikbranschen

Konsten att sälja sig själv/The art of selling yourself grasps the complex of problems that occur when artists chooses to start their own record companies. Not only must the artist fulfil the cultural aspects of being an artist but also the economical aspects of running a business. This means that the artist?s identities and roles become more complex. The purpose of this paper is to understand the construction of identities among artists who run their own record companies.

Genusstruktur på högstadiet : en studie om hur könsidentiteter ständigt bryts och repareras och bryts

The purpose of this essay is to find out how gender upholds in a classroom, both by students as well as the teacher. The procedure has been to observe the relationship between students and also the teachers. The observations is analysed according to theories of gender and a discussion about why gender is maintained follows. The conclusion of the result is that gender is being preserved in different ways, but also the contrary ? students and the teacher oppose it.

Läroböcker och genus : En kvalitativ studie av läroböckers beskrivning av genus i religionerna islam och hinduism

The purpose of this paper is to examine how gender in Islam and Hinduism are described in textbooks for high school. The study was conducted using a qualitative content analysis and also using a feminist gender theory and postcolonial feminist theory. All textbooks are written or revised after 2011 when The Swedish National Agency for Educations? new curriculum came into force. Previous research in this area shows that it is most common that gender is treated in isolated parts within the chapters, but that there are textbooks that allows the gender perspective permeate the entire text.

Maskuliniteter : Genusnormernas inverkan på individers sociala förutsättningar

The purpose of the thesis Masculinities ? Gender and its Impact on the Social conditions of individuals is to perform a critical study of how gendered norms influence the social conditions of individuals. This has been done by a problematization and the attempt to answer the question of how the hegemonical masculinity can be analyzed as a discourse, and how the structural aspects of this discourse inflict on the social conditions of masculinities.The question was divided into the analytical themes: the boarders of the discourse, the institutionalization of the discourse, the actuation of the discourse and the agents of the discourse. The theoretical frame is constituted by the theory of discourse by Michel Foucault, the theory of the hegemonical masculinity by R.W. Connell and a subversive identity theory by Judith Butler.

ELLE & CAFÉ : ? en studie av modemagasins omslag

ABSTRACTTitle: Elle & Café ? a study of fashion magazines cover pages.Number of pages: 38Author: Greta SimonssonTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring Semester 2008University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityAim: The purpose of this essay is to:? Analyze the cover images from the 2007 editions of the magazines Elles and Café, using semiotic analysis.? Analyzes eventual resemblances or differences between the two magazine's cover images based upon the result of the semiotic analysis.Material and methods: The study of Elles's and Café's cover pages has been done using a model built upon semiotic analysis, developed with the purpose of suiting observation and examination of cover pages of fashion magazines. The cover pages were analyzed from the categories character, context, and environment.Main results: The main results include the observation that both Elles and Café chooses well-known figures from women's fashion industry as prime characters on their covers. In Elles, all main characters are famous women emerging from the music, television and fashion industries. The women in Café are known for similar professions.

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