

4097 Uppsatser om Socially constructed gender roles - Sida 2 av 274

Hur könsroller skapas och reproduceras i läromedel : En undersökning av bilder i läroböcker för matematik för de yngre åldrarna

The purpose with this essay was to see how the mathematic books showed sexual roles in pictures and if they confirm or deny the traditional sexual roles that school shall counteract according to the curriculum, Lgr11. The questions I focused on were this:How sexual roles are introduced on the pictures in the chosen mathematic books?What are the similarities and differences between the presentations of the gender in the chosen education materials?I used a semiotic method to analyze my pictures. The central parts of my theories were how we think that gender is created using characteristics and attribute. In my analyze I found out that the pictures in one of the book series showed more stereotypic sexual roles than the other book series did..

Gymnastiktjejer och Ishockeybrudar : En studie om genus och normer i två idrottsföreningar

The aim of this study was to examine which norms are applicable and how they are reproduced in two sports organisations. More specifically the aim was to find out how the leaders worked with gender roles and what message the organisations give out to young people. And at the same time, find out if there are similarities and differences between two different organisations, regarding norms and gender roles.  The study was based on observations and interviews. The observations were made during and after training in an ice hockey team and two gymnastic teams for girls nine to thirteen years old. The interviews were conducted with seven leaders and one senior ice-hockey player.

Typografins gränsland : Om genusnormer i förändring

The earlier studies of how gender is visually constructed in lifestyle magazines have mainly been done on photographs. But, photographs are only one part of the entire magazine Therefor3, we saw the importance in examining one of the other big parts, typography.We have been studying if gender can be constructed in lifestyle magazines through the shape and color of typography and the color context. It is important to point out that we have not been studying the written word but only the shape and color of the typography.The study has been conducted through a qualitative content analysis with a comparative process of the selected magazines. The analysis began with a semiotic analysis of selected parts of the magazines. The result was then analyzed with a feminist theoretical approach.The result of the study shows that gender can be constructed through typography in a number of different ways.

Modig eller rar, vad sa far? : En studie om Kamratpostens framställning av flickors och pojkars fritid

The aim of this study was to shed light on how journalists describe the child?s world and what gender labels are used in their descriptions. We wanted to get a better understanding of what happens when gender is constructed.In order to study how gender is constructed, we chose to examine how the children?s magazine Kamratposten describes children?s spare time. We chose Kamratposten because it turns to both girls and boys.

"Skippar prinsessböcker med happy ending" : En kvalitativ studie av genus i fem bilderböcker och fem förskolepedagogers uppfattningar om genus i bilderböcker

The aim of my thesis was to examine if educators need to be critical of what they read to the children from a gender perspective. I examined how picture books depict gender and if the books enhances or breaks perception of gender roles. I also examined educator?s perception of gender and if they think picture books can affect children?s perceptions of gender, but also what educators think about gender equality through picture books. The study is based on analysis of five picture books and interview with five educators.The results of analyzes showed that picture books are stereotyped and enhances perceptions of gender roles.

?Hon är min bästa tjejkompis? : En narrativanalys av kärlek och genus i Kamratposten

Kamratposten is a swedish magazine aimed at youth aged 8-14. They write about almost everything that concerns youth, all the way from dealing with loneliness to animals and celebrities. This study concentrates at how they write about love. With a qualitiative narrative analysis of the 12 articles that concerns love from the 2013 issues of Kamratposten, I have tried to answer the questions: - What narratives about love are being constructed in Kamratposten 2013?- How do they construct males, females and gender in their articles about love?What I found was that the hetero normativity, or the heterosexual matrix as Judith Butler calls it, was very strong in the articles.

Att bevara och förändra: en diskurspsykologisk studie av jämställdhetssamtal på Malmö stadsbibliotek

The aim of this master's thesis is to study how gender equity is discussed and worked with at a Swedish public library, and what potential consequences these discussions will bring. By analysing different types of documents and interviews with library staff using discourse psychological theories and methods we show that two dominating discourses coexist and determine the direction of how gender equity is discussed. These discourses are argued to create and uphold gender and gender roles within the organisation as well as in society at large.In our study we find that one of the identified discourses has, as one of its consequences, that it preserves and regenerates traditional gender roles. This discourse is mainly used when discussing personnel policies and when recruiting. We call this the discourse of gender role preservation.The second discourse is mainly seen when discussing the public dimension of the library's functions.

Barnbokens karaktärer ur ett genusperspektiv : normativt eller normutmanande

The aim of this paper is to examine how gender roles are described in two children's books and compare the results against the curriculum Lgr11 's values. The compared books have different aims though one of the analyzed books claimed to go against the gender roles and the other one isn?t. The method of analysis is discourse analysis and deconstruction of the text by using Nikolajeva´s (2004) pattern for stereotype gender descriptions and Kåreland´s (2005) analysis of story actions based on gender representations in children's literature. The analysis of the texts shows that there are differences between how the two books characters are described depending on gender. What emerges is that in one of the books femininity is valued high but instead it lacks equality between the sexes, while in the second book the main characters are described as equal even though the other characters are described in a stereotypical way.

Tysta flickor och högljudda pojkar : Observation om pojkars och flickors könsroller med utgångspunkt från likabehandlingsplanen

This study is about gender in classroom situations. The purpose is to examine if gender still exist although the government has educated gender teachers. I have been observing students during lessons and taken notes on teacher´s comments, which analysed. I have come to the conclusion that the students are awase of the power roles conserning gender and gender. In this classroom the heteronormativity still is a common phenomenon.

Kvinnligt+flicka/manligt+pojke=traditionella könsmönster : en semiotisk bildanalys av grundskolans tidigare års matematikböcker

This essay focuses on the pictures in mathematics books for elementary school. The purpose was to see if images in mathematics books for elementary school show traditional gender roles.The aim of the essay has been broken down into following research questions:Vilka färger förknippar de olika matematikböckerna till pojkar/män respektive flickor/kvinnor?How many times were girls/women and boys/men illustrated in the mathematics books?What behavior is associated with masculinity and femininity?Which colours are associated with boys/men and girls/women in the mathematics books?I used a semiotic image analysis method to study the pictures presented in the mathematics books. The theories in this essay were used to see how society makes girls become girls and boys become boys and in what ways the genders are portrayed in relation to each other. In addition, the theories include the question of whether a specific colour is given to a specific gender? The analysis evidently confirmed that the images in the mathematics books demonstrated traditional gender roles.

Att döda en mansnorm : Att döda en mansnormJakten ur ett genusperspektiv -den kvinnliga jägaren i den manliga jaktkulturen

Hunting is considered as the most masculine activity in our society. Historically, man has been described as the provider for his family, this in the forms of hunting and gathering. Today hunting is still associated with a male hunter, but women have started to infiltrate the hunting culture. In this study hunting culture is analyzed with a gender perspective. In a modern society with gender and equality as a big subject of debate it is interesting to examine this impact on a culture so linked with masculinity.

Heteronormativ fantasy? En queerteoretisk analys av sex fantasyromaner

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how six fantasynovels reflects or breaks the heteronormativity in society bylooking at how gender roles and sexuality are described.The theoretical framework is based on Judith Butler's theoryabout the heterosexual matrix which requires two separategenders and a compulsory heterosexuality and YvonneHirdman's two principles about dichotomy and hierarchy.The method used was idea analysis where dimensions basedon the theoretical framework were constructed. Thesedimensions were: behaviour, tasks, relationships and roles.The result shows that all of the books both breaks andreflects the society's values on gender and sexuality. Thereare some stereotypes present, for example that intuition isassociated with femininity and physical strength withmasculinity. However, the books also offer characters ofboth sexes that break the gender stereotypes, such asstrong women and emotional men.

?Jättebra, fortsätt så!? : Responsens betydelse för motivationen i ämnet idrott och hälsa

This thesis explore women?s needs when reentering society after having served a sentence at the female prison Färingsö, outside Stockholm and whether those needs are being met in the reentry strategies that are being provided. Parallel to this the thesis also examines if there, based on nonconformity and gender theories, is a socially constructed representation of women maintained in the rehabilitation work.The method of this thesis applied semi-structured interviews and used snowball sampling to expand the network of informants to obtain the data necessary. Totally five interviews were carried out. Previous research has shown that women in prison have much more complex problems than men and that there is a need for reentry strategies that take gender in account.The results showed that in terms of being able to reenter back in society, women needed help to structure a previously chaotic life.

Kvinnor, kriminalitet och könsmaktsordning : En kvalitativ studie om återanpassningsarbete på Färingsöanstalten ur ett genusperspektiv

This thesis explore women?s needs when reentering society after having served a sentence at the female prison Färingsö, outside Stockholm and whether those needs are being met in the reentry strategies that are being provided. Parallel to this the thesis also examines if there, based on nonconformity and gender theories, is a socially constructed representation of women maintained in the rehabilitation work.The method of this thesis applied semi-structured interviews and used snowball sampling to expand the network of informants to obtain the data necessary. Totally five interviews were carried out. Previous research has shown that women in prison have much more complex problems than men and that there is a need for reentry strategies that take gender in account.The results showed that in terms of being able to reenter back in society, women needed help to structure a previously chaotic life.

Under Kafferasten : En studie av genus på ett kontor på försäkringskassan

Abstract The main purpose off this essay is to understand what different ways women and men use to communicate and make themselves acknowledged by their co-workers.  This is done by interviews with people at an ordinary office and trough observations at the workplace. A qualitative method was entrenched and seven respondents, four women and three men, age 43-55 was interviewed. The theoretical frame contains theories from Goffman?s dramaturgic perspective such as roles, facade etc.  The theories concerning gender come from Hirdman?s different analyses on how the relations between men and women take form. The data collected shows that men and women use their body language, voice and accessories in different ways to make themselves acknowledge at the office.

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