

12504 Uppsatser om Social worlds - Sida 15 av 834

"Dilemmat i tillämpningen av tvångsvård" : En kvalitativ studie utifrån åtta socialsekreterares perspektiv

The overall objective of our research is to understand  how social workers in social services protect the individual's autonomy, integrity and a coercive law which deprives the individual of his rights.In this study, we bring out social secretaries perspective on how they see the compulsory treatment and the problems that can arise in a detention. This study is based on the questions; How are power between social worker and client? What is the social secretary of the law on compulsory as a tool to help clients?We interviewed eight social workers who work specifically with compulsory treatment. We used the result to answer our questions. As a theoretical background, we chose to use the power perspective, the concepts of flexibility and freedom of action and categorizations.The results that emerged from our study are that compulsory treatment is considered to be a positive and negative thing.

Manfred Björkquist och Nathan Söderblom i den kyrkopolitiska debatten, : speglad i deras brevväxling 1914-1931

This essay constitutes an attempt to expose, with reference to contemporary animal research, the limits of Martin Heidegger?s concept of the being of animality in Die Grundbegriffe der Metaphysik (1929/30) and to propose some possible ways to think, within the philosophical style of this particular work, the being of those animals that most distinctly transcends Heidegger?s concept. The essay seeks to address the following question: Do the results of contemporary animal research expose ways of being within animality that withdrawal from Heidegger?s concept of the being of animality in general, and if so, how should we think these new ways of animal being? The motivation to ask this question, I argue, are immanent to Heidegger?s thinking in at least three ways: 1) Because of his standpoint that philosophy cannot, in any meaningful way, create an ontological concept of animality without an orientation towards the results of the positive sciences; 2) Because of the unfinished and tentative character of Heidegger?s analysis, a character that is such that it should be seen, according to Heidegger himself, as an essential point of departure for further thinking; 3) Because of Heidegger?s view that the being of the animal are such that it involves the withdrawal of this very being from any originary access, a withdrawal that necessitates an infinite return to the question concerning the being of the animal. The essay wants to be a continuation of lines that are present in Heidegger?s open-ended thought on this theme rather than to be an external critique that approach the text, which is most often the case, as a closed point of view which we are forced to affirm or reject.

Socialsekreteraren och organisationen : ett samspel på gott och ont

Different forms of organization in the field of social work, creates different conditions of the individual social workers occupation. This affects not only the people who carry out this work, but also the clients who come in contact with social services.   This survey was based on six interviews executed during spring in the year 2010. The respondents were social workers within economic aid and their nearest executive manager at two municipalities in Kalmar County. The overall aim for this survey was to examine how these social workers were influenced by various ways to organize the municipal work activity. This through following questions:How was respective social service in the municipalities organized?How were the social worker effected in their daily work by the organization?Where there any specific up- or downsides in the way that economic aid was organized in the aspect of the social workers daily work?  The result of this survey was synonymous with a lot of the previously executed research in the area in the sense that the larger municipalities were more specialized in its organization than the smaller.

Social kompetens och arbetsminne hos gymnasieelever : Finns det ett samband?

 Den socialt kompetente har hög social status, många vänner, ett funktionellt beteende och sociala förmågor så som empati och hjälpsamhet. Avsaknad av social kompetens innebär bland annat känslomässiga och beteendemässiga problem. I denna studie medverkade totalt 30 gymnasieelever som genomgick två arbetsminnestest samt fyllde i en självvärderingsenkät som mäter social kompetens. Syftet var att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan en tonårings arbetsminne och sociala kompetens. Studien begränsades till att mäta arbetsminnets fonologiska och visuellspatiala lagringsenheter samt två sociala förmågor; prosocialt beteende och initiativtagande.

Behandlingseffekt av KBT för social fobi på en psykiatrisk öppenvårdsklinik

Social fobi är vanligt förekommande och tenderar att föregå andra diagnoser såsom depression. Huvudsyftet med föreliggande studie är att utvärdera KBT-behandling baserad på Clark och Wells (1995) förklaringsmodell för social fobi, genom att pröva behandlingsresultatet från en öppenpsykiatrisk klinik gentemot randomiserade kontrollerade studier. Studien baserades på data från 36 tidigare patientbehandlingar utförda av psykologer vid WeMinds specialistklinik. Som huvudutfallsmått användes förändringspoäng på skalor för social fobi som visade stark effekt, i nivå med jämförda studier. Därutöver uppnådde totalt 78 procent av patienterna kliniskt signifikant förbättring och 75 procent bedömdes vara i remission efter behandling.

Om hemlöshet : Socialsekreterare om ett socialt problem i två kommuner

The aim of this study was to illuminate how social workers in social services work with the social phenomenon, homelessness in two municipalities. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with interviewees from a department of social services. Our theories that we used was resistant inequality, structural discrimination, exclusion, empowerment and representation. After compilation of our empirical our conclusions are that homelessness is a complex phenomenon. Social workers handles homelessness based on client?s needs and the work is individualized.

"Man nöjer sig med att prata med föräldrarna" : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens bedömningsprocess efter inkommen 14 kap. 1 § SoL anmälan.

The aim of this study was to reach a deeper understanding of the process that occurs within the social services after receiving a notification according to Chapter 14, section 1, The Social Services Act. More specifically the focus of this study was to illustrate how social secretaries reason about children?s participation in the process, as well as to examine whether the legislative change, Chapter 11, section 1 a, The Social Services Act, has affected the process in any way. The study?s results reflect interviews with five social secretaries who are active in four different municipalities in southern Sweden.

Skolkuratorers syn på ungas användande av sociala medier : Med en diskursteoretisk ansats

AbstractAuthor: Josefin Gustavsson, Moa OsbäckTitle: School social workers view on young people using social media ? a study with a discourse theoretical approach [Skolkuratorers syn på ungas användande av sociala medier ? en studie med en diskursteoretisk ansats]Supervisor: Anders GiertzAssessor: Jan Petersson The aim of this study is to investigate school social workers view on young people using social media. With this study we are intended to understand how discourses affect the interventions of school social workers. This study has a qualitative approach and contains seven interviews with school social workers and one social worker who responded through a written response document. The interviews were semi-structured to enable spontaneous reflections and to catch the essence of the respondent?s language in the context as a school social worker.

Mindfulness: medveten närvaro i socialt arbete

Our curiosity was awakened when we became aware that many social workers use "mindfulness" methods in their profession. In this study, we used qualitative methodology in our desire to examine and understand why the mindfulness approach, with its roots in eastern philosophy, is becoming established in society at large and, simultaneously, being used in the social work field. We were interested in when and why social workers choose to use mindfulness with their clients. Our prior research has revolved around development and use of methods in social work, and on the human reaction to stress.We conducted seven semi-structured interviews, which incorporated four comprehensive questions:1. Why has the mindfulness method become established in the social work field and in the culture in general?2.

Social identitet i organisationsförändring - en fallstudie av Banverket Projektering

Vi har funnit att den sociala identiteten har förändrats på Banverket Projektering i och med organisationsförändringen, och att coaching haft inverkan på detta. Vidare har framkommit att det förekommer gråzoner inom coachingverksamheten. Gråzonerna kan motverkas genom social identitetscoaching. Social identitetscoaching bygger på utvidgad och koncentrerad gemenskap, utbyte av åsikter och trygghet för de anställda..

Socialsekreterares värdering av olika arbetsmiljöfaktorers betydelse för en god arbetsmiljö

Lately, alarming reports have appeared regarding the work environment and work situation of social workers. Research focusing on the promotion of health and well-being in the workplace among other professionals show that factors such as social relationships, ability to influence their work situation and leadership are important. A quantitative study was conducted focusing on the work climate for social workers employed by some of the district administrations in the City of Malmö. A questionnaire with questions and statements on various factors in the work environment was sent to 34 social workers. They were asked how important these factors were for their well-being, as well as to what extent they felt that these factors were present at work.

Effektiv metod för tydliga, skrivna instruktioner för produkttillverkning

St. Jude Medical Inc is one of the worlds leading companies in the medical technology area with cardiovascular devices as its specialty.Manufacturing implantable medical devices such as Pace Maker Electrodes requires complex design, safe processes and well trained operators. User friendly manufacturing operations are a necessity.Lately there?s been an increase of the manufacturing volume which also increased the number of operators. More operators need to be trained and cross-trained.

Studie om sociala mediers inflytande : Skillnaden pa? killar och tjejers motivation till fysisk aktivitet och ha?lsosamma matvanor samt deras sja?lvka?nsla genom exponering och uppladdning av bilder

To log on to social media has become an obvious part of people's everyday routine. Pictures, videos, opinions, and thoughts are posted and read by people's social networks worldwide. In doing so, the present study chose to examine whether what is posted on social media, as well as what the individuals are exposed to on social media can be related to their motivation and self-esteem. By letting 117 adolescents aged 16-19 answer a questionnaire regarding which social media they are active on, how often they are active there, and what they post on those social medias. By also letting them evaluate how they see themselves, if they compare themselves with others and how motivated they are to physical activity and healthy eating habits, we could see that to those who post pictures, and are exposed to images represent exercise / health on social media have higher self-esteem and driven more by internal motivation to engage physical activity than those who do not.

Vägar till egen försörjning: en fallstudie av ett aktiveringsprojekt

The aim of this thesis was to examine how a coordinator at a social welfare project in support of job seekers, achieve results in his efforts to reduce the number of clients with social assistance. The method of data collection was a mixture of open thematic interviews and semi- structured interviews with open questions. The coordinator was interviewed four times during the length of the project. In addition, two of his clients were interviewed. The data also includes a report from the relevant social services and other documents such as newspaper articles.

Socionomprogrammet- en praktik inom forskningsyrket?

Social work has gone from being a primarily philanthropic issue to becoming an academic discipline at university level. To ensure its legitimacy social work must be founded on, and developed through scientific research and documented experience. The purpose of this essay is to review the various arguments on social work in order to evaluate their impact on education, which in turn affects students. In addition, it will demonstrate how different forms of knowledge are valued depending on the contexts. As a means of reaching this objective, the following questions are addressed: ?What are the requirements and recommendations on how the education of social work should be structured, and why are these requirements and recommendations important??, ?How has the education of social work been influenced by the perception of valuable knowledge?? and ?How does the education of social work affect students?? The collected material consists of various arguments concerning the development of social work and the education of social work's formation.

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