

22039 Uppsatser om Social work students. - Sida 66 av 1470

Den svettiga sanningen : Bedömning och betygssättning i ämnet idrott och hälsa

Aim and questionsThe purpose for this study was to investigate how marks and mark settings are formed in physical training at some compulsory schools. We also wanted to see how the criteria for marks are formed. These were the main questions during this study.? How do the students find the evaluation and the making in physical training?? Are there differences between different student groups when it comes to their experience around estimation and marking in physical training? (gender, marks, schools etc.)? How do the teachers motivate their marking in physical training?? Are there any differences between the criteria for marking between different schools?MethodThe study was carried out during the spring 2005 at eight schools in a municipality in the middle of Sweden. The study involved 339 students opinion polls and 12 teacher opinion polls.

Jönköpingska ä gött! : En studie i jönköpingungdomars kunskap kring den egna dialekten

This essay investigates the knowledge about the dialect in Jönköping among youths in the same city. My aim is primarily to focus on their knowledge around words and expressions in the dialect of Jönköping. My method is both qualitative and quantitative and the survey was performed through questionnaires that were sent out to 50 students. In the questionnaires the students were asked to translate words from the dialect in Jönköping but also to freely speculate around the features in the dialect. My findings indicate that the knowledge around the students own dialect is very poor. Knowledge about the words and expressions that were used in my questionnaire were also poor but among those words that the students actually recognized many originated from the Romany language.

Svenskt och norskt barnavårdsarbete : en jämförande studie av socialtjänstens konkreta barnavårdsarbete

This essay aims to examine and compare Swedish and Norwegian social work with children. It is a comparative study between two social welfare offices, in districts with similar population and problems, one located in Stockholm and one in Oslo. The main questions were; how is the work organized and carried out, what type of help and assistance is available and what kind of discretion and powers do the social workers have. In our essay we used qualitative methods mostly based on interviews, vignette questionnaires and documents, but also written research. In our analysis we used modern organisation theory and street level bureaucracy to seek explanations.The two welfare offices have similarities and differences.

Förlorad i övergången från aritmetik till algebra : Hur gymnasieelever översätter aritmetik till algebra

The aim of this thesis is to look for signs of students? understanding of algebra by studying how they make the transition from arithmetic to algebra. Students in an Upper Secondary class on the Natural Science program and Science and Technology program were given a questionnaire with a number of algebraic problems of different levels of difficulty. Especially important for the study was that students leave comments and explanations of how they solved the problems. According to earlier research, transitions are the most critical steps in problem solving.

Pest och pina : En undersökning av livsåskådningar och möten med lidande i romanen Pesten av Albert Camus

Swedish students' knowledge of both mathematics and reading comprehension has deteriorated in recent years. Scientists are discussing whether there is a connection between these areas and that the pupils deteriorating math skills may have something to do with their increasingly lower results in terms of reading comprehension. To investigate this possible connection, I conducted a survey among students in ninth grade and have come to the conclusion that the scientists are right: this connection absolutely exist. Students who received a high score on tasks designed to test students' mathematical problem-solving skills, also received high results on the reading comprehension test. And students who received a poor performance on the problem-solving tasks, were also low performers in the reading comprehension test.

Pysselgumma eller pedagogiskt ansvarig för barns sociala utveckling? : En kvalitativ studie om hur en grupp fritidspedagoger och fritidspersonal ser på sitt yrke ur ett status,makt och rollperspektiv

The aim for this paper is to investigate how a limited number of youth recreation leaders and leisure-time pedagogues view their vocational competence, which kind of power the persons in the essay experience to have in their workplace and which kind of status they experience that they have in comparison with other occupational groups in their schools. The final aim of the paper is to find out how teachers interact with youth recreation leaders and leisure-time pedagogues when it comes to their vocational competence. My questions are:How do a group of youth recreation leaders and leisure-time pedagogues view their professional assignments?How does a group of youth recreation leaders and leisure-time pedagogues view their power in their workplace in comparison with other occupational groups?How do a limited number of youth recreation leaders and leisure-time pedagogues view their status in relation to teachers, other occupational-groups and parents? Which role have my respondents been assigned by their team and why do they think they have gotten that role?To answer these questions I have used a qualitative method which includes four in depth interviews. The overall theoretical perspectives are symbolic interactionism and social constructivism.

Hyperverklighet och gränssnitt : Gymnasieungdomars verklighets- och identitets- konstruktion i gränssnittet mellan varandra, internet och skolan

This study investigates the internet habits of students in the Swedish gymnasium. The part that internet plays in their lives and their attitude towards the educational system is reflected upon the philosophical background that stretches from Kant to postmodern philosophers such as Baudrillard. The aim is to create knowledge about how the social aspects of the internet affects their concepts of reality and their own and others identities. The method used for the collection of empirical data has been semi-structured interviews, preformed with students in a Swedish gymnasium. The data is then interpreted against the theoretical and philosophical background.

"De har ingen självklar plats någonstans" : - En studie om socialarbetares erfarenheter av multiproblematiken kring insatser och insatsbehov till våldsutsatta kvinnor med missbruksproblematik

Previous research shows that women who are victims of intimate partner violence and also have asubstance abuse have difficulties getting access to services to aid with their experience of violence.This study has examined social workers experiences of working with women with these problems,what types of services are provided and how their service needs are assessed. The study has ahermeneutical approach and the data consists of interviews with nine social workers in lines ofwork that come into contact with women in the previously described client group. The data hasbeen analyzed using content analysis. The result of the study indicates that women who are victimsof intimate partner violence and also have a substance abuse do not get their needs provided forthrough the current services in the field of social work. These women are described as havingcomplex problems and are therefore in need of more and other services than those currentlyprovided.

Om Ideellt engagemang och dess betydelse för yrkesrollen

The aim of this study was to reach a better understanding of voluntary work and its possible influence on the work role. Based on a phenomenological approach, five voluntary workers from the leisure field were interviewed. The interpretation of the empirical data was based on the Humanistic psychology and its theories about personality, self-realization, motivation and emotion. The results show that the motive behind the voluntary engagement varied amongst the participants and all of them stated more than one motive. However, social motives, wanting to learn more and develop their skills and also wanting to help others, were the most frequent motives among the participants. In the light of the theoretical background for this study, these motives can be understood as being due to the need of self-realization and appreciation from others, and also a wish to reach an ideal self.

Datorn som komplement i undervisningen : En studie om datorer som ett led i läs- och skrivinlärningen

The school is a place of work where teachers, with different tools, are supposed to teach their students for the future. In the study the teachers? opinions will be lifted when it comes to use of computers as a tool to teach the students how to read and write. The interpretation is that the use of computers is reflecting the development of society and the intention is to find out if computers will be used in a didactic purpose in teaching. We focused on getting knowledge about which different opinions there are among teachers in grade 1-3 when it comes to the use of computers as a tool in teaching how to read and write.

Anställningsbara humanister : En kvalitativ studie om studenternas syn på anställningsbarhet

Employable humanists. A qualitative study on humanist students' views on employability.The crisis of the humanities is a controversial debate in the media and within academic settings. Because of lack of request for humanists in the labor market, the question of humanistic skills and employability is becoming increasingly important. The concept of employability importance not only echoes within the economic discussions, but also on everyday agenda in the academic world and takes a large part in the communication between the university and the students. It is therefore important to get answers to the question whether there is conformity in the interpretation of this concept between the university and the students.The aim of this desk study is to examine how the concept of employability has its significance in the academic communication and how the responsibility for employability is portrayed.

Träning och kost på ett idrottsgymnasium -En explorativ undersökning som handlar om sambandet mellan kost och träning på ett ishockeygymnasium : Exercise and nutrition at a sportsgymnasium -An explorative survey of the relation between exercise and nutrit

This is an examination report in physical education. It focuses on the relation between excercise and nutrition and how this relation works in an icehockeygymnasium in a midsized city in Sweden. The training ratio for the students are 11-12 times a week which indirectly means that the nutricion is very important to them so that they have the strength to manage both training and school. In this examination report you can read about how the food is composed and how many meals the students are offered through their education program. The persons that I´ve interviewed are the head coach, the president of the school restaurant and three students.The students have practise in the noon two times a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Underha?llande stereotyp eller o?verdriven parodi? : En mottagarstudie om Umea? Energis reklamfilmskoncept Dolf och Ja?rven

Media affects our views of the world and plays a large part in creation and dissemination of social representations. Through media?s increasing importance, people and organizations need to work harder to stand out among the large amounts of brands that exists today.In 2013, Umea? Energi launched a commercial concept about Dolf and Ja?rven, two characters living in Lill-Grobban, a fictional village outside of Umea?. The aim of this qualitative study is to examine how Umea? Energi uses stereotypes in the commercial concept Dolf and Ja?rven and how this affects the respondents, and in the long run the stereotypification of norrlandians.

"Att hjälpa är att lära" : En kvalitativ studie om betydelsen av socialt stöd för ensamkommande flyktingungdomar

Every year a great amount of unaccompanied children flee their homelands without their parents or guardians. This means a journey filled with danger and difficulties. The difficulties don?t only exist during the road ahead but also when the children arrive to the new country. Even if Sweden?s work in receiving refugees is one of the best in the world, it still exist problems.

Webb 2.0-relaterad marknadsföring - Möjligheter och risker med marknadsföring i webb 2.0- relaterade webbtjänster

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how some university students, who are using the libraries extensively, use and experience the public and the university library and what they expect from the two different library types. I also compare their expectations with the different tasks and aims of the two library types. To answer this I have interviewed seven students at the department of history of literature at Göteborg University. I have also studied some literature and research related to this subject, for example user studies about students and libraries and the information behaviour of distance students.

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