

22039 Uppsatser om Social work students. - Sida 62 av 1470

Sinnesmarknadsföring : It makes sense

This work has treated the subject of gender, with demarcation against the norms regarding appearance and beauty, conveyed by the media and how it affects society. This is expressed through social satire cartoons. This work has also led to an exploration of the importance of a personal drawing style and how it manifests itself..

Oktogonen - ett långsiktigt styrverktyg

The purpose of our study is to examine whether stress among social workers is present, and ifso, what strategies they and their supervisors use to manage work-related stress. The study isbased on a qualitative method. The data consist of interviews, with six social workers andthree supervisors. The study?s theoretical framework is based on KASAM, SOC-sense ofcoherence by Antonovsky, demand- control- support model by Karasek & Theorell, stresstheory by Hans Selye and coping strategies by Lazarus.

Stökiga flickor och oväntade kärlekspar : En normkritisk läsning av tre ungdomsromaner

The study aims to examine how three books written for teenagers and young adults address topics that are generally considered as deviant to social norms in order to conclude if they can contribute to a norm critical pedagogy in school. Norm critical pedagogy is foremost based on gender- and queer theory and tends to discuss how social norms and power structures are constructed and reproduced in different social contexts. To work in a norm critical fashion the teacher must be aware of the present norms and work to make the pupils conscious of them. Thereby the focus is on existing norms, rather on the deviances. To use norm critical pedagogy correct it must be incorporated in all subjects in school.The books that have been analysed in this essay are Syskonkärlek by Katarina von Bredow, Henrietta är min hemlighet by Maja Hjertzell and Tusen gånger starkare by Christina Herrström.

Vårdplaneringsteam-För och nackdelar

Hedström Tom, Care planning teams. Advantages and disadvantages. Examination work C-level, 15 hp, Malmö Högskola, Health and society, Social works program, autumn semester 2009. The purpose of my work was to find out what the advantages and disadvantages might be with a care planning team from a support administrators point of view. The data collection for this work was done by semi-structured qualitative interviews with five people, all working as support administrators within the social services in the same region and town in Sweden. In my choice of interviewees i have tried to get such a diverse mix as possible when it comes to the interviewees experience in the profession and experience with care plannings.

Den svenska debatten om Natos bombningar av Jugoslavien 1999

Purpose: The purpose of this work is to investigate teachers' professional attitude to homework as a method. The study will also provide answers to the purpose for which the homeworks are used in teaching and if the individual circumstances and needs are met by this method.Method: Qualitative research was conducted through interviews with four teachers from three different schools. In addition, published surveys were used in support of reasoning.Results: Neither the curriculum or the syllabus mentions homework. There are no directives for how much time should be dispensed with and the extent of a homework should be. In teacher training literature the homework is not discussed.


From my own experience as a school counselor I have learned that the decision making processes in terms of supporting and helping the students is extremely hard and very individual. In different situations, a different approach between individuals is present. I thought about which factors effects the school counselor?s way of handling problematic situations. I soon realized that the individual has a great effect on the work itself.

Skolans demokratiuppdrag, det fria ordets rättigheter : En kvalitativ undersökning på en högstadieskola år 7-9

The pupose of this study is to qualitatively study how teachers at a high school work with the schools demokratic mission under the management by objectives and what the policy document says and how the students can partcipate in different issues. My question fomulations are: What does it say in the governing documents about schools democratic mission and student influence? How do teachers concretely work to implement the values of democracy and student influence? How can the class councils used as part of the school's democratic mission? The theoretical frame of the study is about the school democracy mission and the possibilities and limits.  Futhermore a brief review of the fundamental values of the school are presented, followed by how the democratic process works.I used the qualitative analysis in order to find a lot of information about a small amount. Its strength is to convey a lot of information about a small number of observations and if the material is small in size.

IT och flerspråkighet i gymnasieskolan

The purpose of the study is to examine the multilingual student?s use of IT in school.The study also highlights the teacher?s view of development and how they use IT in their own teaching.A qualitative approach study was conducted to acquire a deeper understanding of students' language learning by using IT. In the study, it was assumed socio-cultural perspective in which learning takes place through interaction with others.The result shows that multilingual students have difficulty understanding information available on the internet and they are either waiting to meet a teacher to get a clearer picture of what to do or doing tasks even though in some cases misunderstand the task. Language teachers also confirm student?s impression and at the same time express the concern that students are reading less.This study shows that there may be correlation between students' learning motivation and an understanding of instructions online.

Attityd, Närvaro & Prestation : En kvalitativ studie om lärares och elevers uppfattningar av bedömning och betygsättning i Idrott och hälsa A

The purposeof this survey is to study both teachers and students view regarding theevaluation and grading in the subject Physical Education A. In order to meetthe purpose, the survey is executed by focusing on three main researchquestions: What is the teachers and students notion of the goals of the subjectand the course plan? Which knowledge is evaluated in the subject, according toteachers and students? Which factors, believe teachers and students, affect theevaluation? The results of the survey is established by qualitative interviewsthat has been conducted with four teachers and five students in two schoolslocated in a medium ? sized city in the south east of Sweden.The resultsof the survey indicate that not only teachers, but also students consider thecourse plan and the grading criterias is relatively unclear and interpretablein a lot of different ways. Teachers and students also states the theoreticaland practical moments are equally important when evaluating. Further, theystate that knowledge in ergonomics, exercises theory, diets, swimming andleadership skills are important knowledge in the subject.

Barn som utsätts för våld i nära relationer : Vilken hjälp bistår socialtjänsten med?

The main purpose of this study is to find out what kind of help social service in one selected municipality in Sweden can provide for children who have witnessed or been victims of domestic violence. Using focus group interview this study investigate how the social workers meet the needs of these children. The bases for our analysis are the Organization Theory and the Attachment Theory, as well as previous research. Important results are that the social services are dependent on notifications in order to do their work and that the most common interventions are foster care, emergency foster care and/or family therapy. The difficulties that social workers perceive their work are unjustified families and heavy workloads.

Grönskans roll i framtidens stad : En stad i förändring

The aim of this study was to analyze the assessment of the primary school, from the teacher?s perspective. There has been an ongoing discussion regarding assessment and about the purposes of assessment for a long time. But there is a paucity of research on what teachers believe about. This study examined primary teachers? beliefs on major purposes of assessment.Assessment is the process of gathering and interpreting information about students? learning.

Möten med historia : En intervjustudie om hur åtta elever ur årskurs nio möter historia i sin vardag utanför skolan

The main purpose of this paper is to examine how students in school year nine in the Swedish school come in contact with history outside of the school context. The paper also focuses on, if and how the students consider the contact with history as something different than, or similar to the history education that takes place during school hours, the student´s interest in history will also be examined. To gather the student?s opinions on these subjects, I have done interviews with eight students divided into two groups, with one group consisting of four girls and one group with two boys and two girls. The interviews took place at the students school located in a smaller city in Värmlands län, Sweden.

Sjukhusundervisning för barn med cancerdiagnosen hjärntumör : om normalitet och utanförskap

Background: Studies have shown that 66 children and teenagers in Sweden suffers from brain tumor every year. Children and teenagers who can´t participate in the regular school for a longer time for whatever reason, have by the school law the right to education in hospitals or institutions. Education that take place in other places than school most try to follow the same guidelines as his/hers usual school.  This applies to students in elementary school, compulsory school, special school, Sami school, secondary school and upper secondary school.Purpose:  The purpose of this study was to find out how three teachers at a hospital school plans their work with children in grade from 1 to 3, who suffer from cancer, especially brain tumor.  How can the teachers at the hospital school plan and organize their teaching so that it´s possible for the children whit brain tumor to feel as normal as possible. How does the common work between the consultant nurse, teachers at the hospitals and their ordinary school prevent the children to feel like an outsider?Method: I have chosen to do a qualitative study followed by three interviews whit three informants who works at a hospital school.

Biblioteket och svenska för invandrare: en undersökning av folkbibliotekets funktion i andraspråksinlärning

The purpose of this master's thesis is to find out what support students of Swedish for Immigrants (sfi) think they get from the public library during their study of the Swedish language. One important aspect in this essay is to examine whether the library can meet the need of Swedish-speaking meeting places where the sfi-students can practise their new language. The method used in this study is qualitative interviews. Nine sfi-students, one sfiteacher and one librarian have been interviewed. A sociocultural perspective on learning has served as a theoretical starting point.

Bibliotekspersonalen utfärdar lånekort Studenters uppfattning av bibliotekspersonalens service

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to study students perception of the services that the library staff provides and the library staffs opinion of the students perceptions. With the concept service we mean the treatment, the attitudes and the qualities that exist between the library staff and their users. Our purpose is also to examine how the users experienced services quality. Our survey was conducted at an academic library with questionnaires to both students and library staff. We analysed the result of the survey by using three theories by Lundmark, Keen and Grönroos and Monthelie.

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