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Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att bedriva psykiatrisk omvårdnad : En litteraturstudie

Background: Studies have shown that 66 children and teenagers in Sweden suffers from brain tumor every year. Children and teenagers who can´t participate in the regular school for a longer time for whatever reason, have by the school law the right to education in hospitals or institutions. Education that take place in other places than school most try to follow the same guidelines as his/hers usual school.  This applies to students in elementary school, compulsory school, special school, Sami school, secondary school and upper secondary school.Purpose:  The purpose of this study was to find out how three teachers at a hospital school plans their work with children in grade from 1 to 3, who suffer from cancer, especially brain tumor.  How can the teachers at the hospital school plan and organize their teaching so that it´s possible for the children whit brain tumor to feel as normal as possible. How does the common work between the consultant nurse, teachers at the hospitals and their ordinary school prevent the children to feel like an outsider?Method: I have chosen to do a qualitative study followed by three interviews whit three informants who works at a hospital school.

Man är bättre? : - En kvalitativ studie om manliga socialsekreterare i minoritet

During the emergence of social work, women have been considered to hold greater competence in social relations. Approximately 80% of social workers in Sweden are women, which leaves men in a minority. Men are considered to have advantages in female-dominated professions because of their unique and desirable abilities. This paper aims to adress men's underpresentation in the female-dominated social work profession. The purpose is to explore the attitudes and experiences of men working in a minority group.

Demokratiska verktyg i gymnasieskolan : - Elevdemokrati ur ett elevperspektiv

The study aims to investigate student participation as a tool for democratic development in secondary school from a student perspective. Furthermore, students' perceptions of the school's work with student participation in formal and informal contexts are also investigated, with basis in the teaching structure. The results are based on interviews conducted with students who all attend the same class in their last year of high school. Subsequently, an analysis is made based mainly on three different theories: democracy, curricula and sociocultural theory. The result shows that students feel that they are able to practice student participation but the amount of influence they get differs between individuals depending on devotion and commitment.

Psykologisk diagnosticering av tvåspråkiga barn Hur tar skolan emot elever med inlärningssvårigheter i förberedelseklass?

Abstract Abstract The aim of this essay was to investigate the level of the organizational state of readiness for receiving students with learning disabilities in classes specialized in working with students recently arrived in Sweden, called förberedelseklasser, which could be translated as preparational classes. I tried to do so by answering two questions: *What routines do principals believe that the particular School has for dealing with cases in which a student in a preparational class is suspected to have some form of learning disability? *What perception do teachers have in regards to whether or not the system at their School is well prepared for discovering and aiding students in preparational classes suspected to have learning disabilities? The first question was directed to principals currently working in schools where a large part of the students are bilingual, and many of those recently arrived in Sweden. The second question was aimed at teachers that work in preparational classes. By interviewing two principals and three teachers I came to the conclusion that the teachers believe that their students are often misplaced in preparational classes when in deed they should be placed in a special educations group. My essay also shows that both principals and teachers are dissatisfied with the amount of time the process of discovering, investigating and diagnosing a student with learning disabilities takes.

Livets manuskript : En studie i livsåsfrågor i populärkulturen

It?s not for nothing the time we live in is often referred to as the age of information. Children and young adults who grow up I today?s society have greater access to facts and opinions than any earlier generations. This also applies to popular culture that during the last couple of decades have taken new expressions that no one could have ever dreamed of and more time goes to the consumption of it via visits to the cinema, television and computers.

Elever med ADHD i klassrummet : hur påverkas vi?

Today there are many students in schools with a wide variety of different behavioral disorders. Among these disorders you can find ADHD. We have selected to research how pedagogues respond to students with ADHD. The essay will address the issues concerning the pedagogues own knowledge about ADHD. This essay will problematize if pedagogues find their knowledge about ADHD sufficient enough to respond to students with ADHD and other students without diagnoses of one of the class equivalent manner.

Jämtländska pedagogers erfarenhet av att ta emot flyktingbarn i förskolan

In recent years, the demands for effectiveness and evidence in social work have increased in all work areas, including that of healthcare. This has sparked the discussion on concepts such as practical- and theoretical knowledge and their respective roles in social work. In the light of this, the purpose of this candidate thesis is to investigate healthcare social workers understanding of practical- and theoretical knowledge in the working process as well as their respective influence and importance. This candidate thesis is based on three interviews with social workers from different departments in Norrlands Universitetssjukhus in Umeå, Sweden. To provide range to the thesis, the interviewees were chosen from a purposeful sampling.

Common misconceptions about everyday astronomy-related phenomena among students in the 9th grade

Students of all ages host a wide variety of scientifically inaccurate ideas and conceptions about everyday astronomical phenomena, such as the seasons, the moon phases, and gravity. The field of Astronomy Education Research has over the last decade experienced an accelerating growth, although the majority of studies have been conducted in the USA. In this work, the 9th grade students of a typical Swedish school were surveyed by means of a questionnaire in order to probe their conceptual understanding of several key concepts in astronomy. In the end, the number of respondents amassed to a total of 90. The results were analyzed with a constructivist approach in light of conceptual change theory and phenomenological primitives.

Ni får ju prata, men... : om skolans pedagogiska idéer och uppdrag utifrån begreppet kommunikation

The purpose of this study is to describe the three most significant pedagogical ideas and their impact on the national curriculum from the concept of communication. As the school is a social learning community this study looks at some teachers? perceptions and experiences of teaching with a communicative approach, and the obstacles they claim to meet. The educationist Kieran Egan argue that these three pedagogical ideas are incompatible and that a curriculum that compromises them is doomed to fail. He mean that a new coherent view on education is required and should be based on students? understandings.

"När jag blir stor vill jag jobba som...." : Om genusmedvetenhet och vägledning i skolans tidigare år

Vår studie, som omfattar sex intervjuer, fokuserar på genusmedvetenhet hos vägledare. På vilket sätt de arbetar med genus i mötet med elever för att vidga perspektiv och på vilket sätt de kan tänka sig att arbeta med att skapa en genusmedvetenhet hos elever i år 4-6. Vårt resultat visar att genusmedvetenhet är ett svårt begrepp som har olika betydelse för vägledarna. Vägledarna menar att de inte arbetar på ett planerat genusmedvetet arbetssätt idag men vi ser att de omedvetet arbetar med genusperspektivet genom olika aktiviteter. I arbetet med elever i år 4-6, vill vägledarna bidra på olika sätt med att vidga elevernas perspektiv gällande självuppfattning, yrken och arbetsmarknad.

Allt som är fast förflyktigas : Föreställningar om arbete och sambandet mellan arbete, tillväxt och välfärd i senmodernitetens Sverige

The focus of this thesis is the conception of work and the relation between work, economic growth and welfare in today?s Sweden in the editorial of Dagens Nyheter (DN), which is the main morning paper in Sweden.As the theoretical foundation of this thesis is social constructionism and the method being used is critical discourse analysis, the language is considered as an important source for the construction of value and meaning of work. In that context it is important to investigate how DN, by certain ways of representing reality, preserves a certain view of the human being, the society and the economy. Which ideological ideas underlie the conception of work that emerges in DN? What social consequences will these ideas have?The thesis discusses the ?truths? that the editorialists mediate concerning for example the view of the human being as guided by rational choice and the view of economic growth as the main goal for social life.One of the conclusions is that DN considers work as a means for economic growth as economic growth is regarded fundamental for the survival of the welfare state..

När man inte har något språk, så är man handikappad : Om andraspråkets betydelse för tillhörigheten

Background: Studies have shown that 66 children and teenagers in Sweden suffers from brain tumor every year. Children and teenagers who can´t participate in the regular school for a longer time for whatever reason, have by the school law the right to education in hospitals or institutions. Education that take place in other places than school most try to follow the same guidelines as his/hers usual school.  This applies to students in elementary school, compulsory school, special school, Sami school, secondary school and upper secondary school.Purpose:  The purpose of this study was to find out how three teachers at a hospital school plans their work with children in grade from 1 to 3, who suffer from cancer, especially brain tumor.  How can the teachers at the hospital school plan and organize their teaching so that it´s possible for the children whit brain tumor to feel as normal as possible. How does the common work between the consultant nurse, teachers at the hospitals and their ordinary school prevent the children to feel like an outsider?Method: I have chosen to do a qualitative study followed by three interviews whit three informants who works at a hospital school.

Skrämd till lydnad : barn i en sekteristisk organisations grepp

The aim of the study is to investigate attitudes about rapists and to determine whether it is felt that they need treatment, imprisonment or a combination of the two. The study examines differences in attitudes between two different educational groups. The first group of students is comprised of those studying on programs that lead to careers working with people, whilst the other contains students who will work in business administration. The investigation also includes views on which punishment alternative the informants believed to be the most appropriate. The same differences are also investigated between gender and age.

Konsten att skrämmas : En studie om estetiska element i Friday the 13th part II och andra slashers

Swedish students' knowledge of both mathematics and reading comprehension has deteriorated in recent years. Scientists are discussing whether there is a connection between these areas and that the pupils deteriorating math skills may have something to do with their increasingly lower results in terms of reading comprehension. To investigate this possible connection, I conducted a survey among students in ninth grade and have come to the conclusion that the scientists are right: this connection absolutely exist. Students who received a high score on tasks designed to test students' mathematical problem-solving skills, also received high results on the reading comprehension test. And students who received a poor performance on the problem-solving tasks, were also low performers in the reading comprehension test.

Faktorer i sjuksköterskors arbete som påverkar patientsäkerheten : en litteraturöversikt med fokus på konsekvenser av skiftarbete och arbetsbelastning

Aim:The aim of this study is to examine similarities and differences in eating habits in students ages 16-19 in high school.Questions:How do eating habits differ between adolescent athletes and non-athletes?What significance does living conditions and religious background have on the eating habits of adolescents? Method: This study is of a quantitative approach using survey questions.The method used was questionnaires. Three schools participated in the study. The school provided programs with and without athletic orientation. My purpose was to give out 200 surveys but in the end the total of handed out surveys landed on 141.

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