

22039 Uppsatser om Social work students. - Sida 46 av 1470

Akademiska utlandsstudier : En fallstudie om motiv till utlandsstudier bland svenska studenter på Södertörns högskola

The purpose of this study is to investigate the primary motivation for studying abroad among students at Södertörn University, and also examine how the time studying abroad will affect the students on a personal level. The essay is based on a qualitative approach of ten interviews with students who have already completed an exchange program. With the help of the theoretical concepts of push and pull factors, motivation categories, human capital and previous research, the results and analysis showed a coherent pattern. It turns out that the majorities of students are primarily motivated by the opportunity to enjoy a nice nature, new environment and get to know new people. The time studying abroad mostly contributed to the student?s personal development and also gave an understanding of other people and different cultures.

Läs- och skrivsvårigheter : Stöttande arbete för elever med dyslexi

Purpose: my aim was to explore ways that teachers can support students with dyslexia and what/ which tools some teachers / special education teachers use to facilitate students.Method: I used a quantitative method by interviewing some regular teachers and special education teachersResults: In my study, I learned how some teachers can support students by reading loud to them; a main task for the teachers could be to create the love of reading for the students. That task was reinforced by students' self-image..

En enkätundersökning om kroppsideal bland elever i årskurs 9

According to the core contents in the curriculum for the compulsory school 2011 for the subject Physical Education grades 7-9, teachers of the subjects shall give their students knowledge about body ideals within sports, and the society as a whole. The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the attitude toward body ideals of the students soon to leave secondary school. The study was based on a quantitative survey with 70 participating students from three different schools. The results show that the schools, according to the students, do not inform the students about body ideals. However, the result shows that the students consider body ideals as an important topic that needs to be dealt with in school, since they consider the adolescences of today are living with a pressure telling them what to look like.

Tysta flickor och högljudda pojkar : Observation om pojkars och flickors könsroller med utgångspunkt från likabehandlingsplanen

This study is about gender in classroom situations. The purpose is to examine if gender still exist although the government has educated gender teachers. I have been observing students during lessons and taken notes on teacher´s comments, which analysed. I have come to the conclusion that the students are awase of the power roles conserning gender and gender. In this classroom the heteronormativity still is a common phenomenon.

Socialtjänstens arbete : Med kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våld

The aim of the current study was to highlight the social service work with domestic violence against women. In this study, we examined whether there was a difference in the way the social service works and if their effort differ in terms of domestic violence. Moreover, this study investigated how social workers work to prevent future violence against victims also what method they use to find out the causes behind men?s violence against women.A total of four administrative officers were interviewed from two different municipalities. All four officers were actively working with questions concerning domestic violence against women.

En studie om elevers val av metoder vid subtraktionsberäkningar

In this qualitative study of students? methods of calculating subtractions, I have used interviews, subtraction exercises and analysis of teaching material. The purpose of my study was to explore which methods students in grade three uses when calculating subtractions. I also wanted to highlight which strategies the students use and their comprehension of the concept of subtraction. In the study, I also highlight the different pedagogical ideas on which the teaching material is based on and the students? choice of methods.  The study shows that the students choose to use the methods?deduct? and ?kind of number? independently.

Sover du gott, lille vän? : En studie om mellanstadie- och gymnasieelevers sömnvanor och upplevda prestationsförmåga i skolan

This study has emerged from a growing interest in students' sleeping habits. During practical training as teachers, we have noticed a discussion of students' sleeping habits, fatigue and student performance at school in relation to their sleeping habits. The purpose of this field survey was to examine students? sleeping habits and self-perceived performance ability in school in relation to sleeping habits. The material was collected from a questionnaire that was answered by 200 students in 4-6th grade and 188 students in 1-2th grade in the upper secondary school, this to give an opportunity to see if there were any differences between the different age groups.

Hur ser vi på vår framtid? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om idrottslärarstudenters attityder och syn på ämnet Idrott och hälsa och yrket som lärare i Idrott och hälsa

AimThe aim of the study is to examine how future teachers of Physical Education view the subject, the occupation and their attitudes about the future and create an understanding about this through these research questions:In what way do the teacher students justify the subject Physical Education?How do teacher students view the future of the subject and the occupation?According to the teacher students, what and whom affect the subject? Is there a difference between the teacher students?views and attitudes depending on if they are currently in their second or last year of their education?MethodThis study use qualitative methods in order to create a deeper understanding for the participants? views and attitudes. Eight teacher students of Physical Education were interviewed. The interviews were between 27-57 minutes. They were recorded, transcribed and then analyzed from a socio-cultural perspective as well as Bernstein?s theory of classification.ResultThe participants justify the subject in words such as that it gives the students? knowledge about how to uphold a decent standard of living and an understanding for the correlation between physical activity, nutrition, health and wellbeing.

"Den typ; BOOP ? BORTA, liksom!? en studie av åtta tioåringars upplevelser av litteratur, film och sociala medier

The Syllabus for Swedish Language and Literature for Elementary School includes literatureand multimodal texts, such as web texts. From a Swedish educational perspective, it isimportant to consider the students' experiences. This study examines a couple of ten year oldsexperiences of literature, film, and social media. It also examines how these medias are usedin School according to the pupils. The theoretical basis for this research is based onhermeneutic phenomenology and the concept of life-worlds.

En värld i brand : - En pressundersökning om vad som skrevs om krisen i Polen 1939 och Norge 1940 i två svenska dagstidningar

 Background and aim: Media development and digitalization has expanded the PR industry's working area. More participants are on the media market and it is becoming more and more difficult to define what PR really is and what the PR agencies/departments really do. Is PR marketing, information, event marketing or maybe propaganda? We believe that the complexity to define the term PR can lead to a loss of critical approach to the business, especially among young people. Has the PR industry managed to eliminate their negative image among students in upper secondary school and what do they associate with PR today? The aim of this essay is to examine what a selection of students associate with the term PR and if they are critical to the PR industry or not.Method/Material: The method is a quantitative survey.

"Det är inte så ofta jag känner mig delaktig för jag räcker inte upp handen så ofta så det är egentligen mitt eget fel kanske" : En kvalitativ studie om sex elevers egna upplevelser och erfarenheter av dialog och delaktighet i årskurs ett

According to the curriculum Sweden?s elementary school is to educate students in subjects such as "Listening, debating and argumentation". I ask myself if this is actually something that every student is being provided with. The purpose of this study is to gain additional information about children?s participation in the classroom.

Mönsterframställning- en studie om processen från idé till produkt

ABSTRACTMusic and differences in knowledge ? a study of music teachers experiences with differences in musical knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to, out of a music teacher?s perspective, see if the differences in music abilities between 7th grade students are at all, or in some ways connected to the previous schools they?ve attended. I will also research in what areas, in the subject of music, students are differing more, as well as less, in their knowledge. The analysis is based on interviews with six 7th grade music teachers working in the Swedish nine-year compulsory school system.

SAMSPEL OCH LÄSFÖRSTÅELSE- Lärares upplevelser av samspel med lässvaga elever.

The purpose of my research was to develop new knowledge about teachers' experiences of interaction between teachers and students with weak reading comprehension and how these teachers feel that the phenomenon of interaction is expressed in a school context. A focus-group interview with four teachers who have been employed between 4-25 years have been conducted with a hermeneutic research approach as a basis for understanding teachers' perceptions of the phenomenon of interaction. The results suggest that the interaction and communication is an important part of the work. In the communication and interaction results show that concepts such as dialogue, development , understanding and rhetoric are tools that teachers work with in order to develop a better reading comprehension for students..

Det tar ju sådan tid att söka: sjuksköterskestudenters informationskompetens ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate what prompts student nurses to seek information required to their educational tasks and how they evaluate and utilize that information. The questions addressed in this thesis regard how information retrieval becomes part of student nurses? social practice; which physical and intellectual tools student nurses make use of in their education; and which mediating resources they use to perform their tasks. Roger Säljö?s sociocultural approach provides the theoretical framework for this thesis.

Behöver du företag på sociala medier eller behöver företagen dig? : En studie om kunders behov av företag på sociala medier och påverkan på relationer

Social medias impact recent years has been huge and an increasing number of companies have started using the services. The benefits for companies to be available thru social media are many and the costs are low. Social media makes it easier for companies to get in touch with their customers and at the same time they reach out to a lot of people since the number of frequent user?s constantly increase. A major part of the information that is available is seen from a company?s perspective and what benefits they can take advantage of thru social media.

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