

22039 Uppsatser om Social work students. - Sida 14 av 1470

Frysdisketiken : Vikten av att kommunicera Corporate Social Responsibility inom livsmedelsbranschen

The purpose with this essay is to explore the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within the food industry. We have decided to focus on how five different ethical labels are communicated towards students and the standpoint of the study is the students understanding of the communication. The labels that we have chosen to examine in the study are KRAV, Fairtrade, Svanen, Ekologiskt Jordbruk and Rainforest Alliance. The primary research question in the study is? How are the students purchase behavior affected by ethical labels in the food industry??.Throughout the study we will refer to CSR-products as products are stamped with one or several of the named ethical labels.

Klarspråk i myndighetstext : En undersökning av begripligheten i Skatteverkets förfrågningar, överväganden och beslut

The purpose of this Bachelor?s thesis is to examine university librarians? perceptions of information literacy, of students? information literacy and of education in information literacy. The focus is on how they perceive the students? information literacy development during their university studies. Also of interest in this study is how librarians think that their teaching in information literacy should be included in the students? other courses. Three librarians at a Swedish university library were interviewed using qualitative interviews.

Att attrahera nya målgrupper med planerad kommunikation. Hur ekonom- och ingenjörsstudenter kan bli Volvo IT:s framtida medarbetare

Title ?Att attrahera nya målgrupper med planerad kommunikation?Author Magnus Ejerhed, Anna Johansson and Caroline JägersvärdCourse Bachelor thesis in Media and communication studiesSemester Spring semester 2008Tutor Britt BörjessonUniversity the University of GothenburgAim the aim of the study is to describe students attitudes to Volvo IT as an employer.How can Volvo IT improve their communication to students?Method A quantitative approachMaterial A questionnaire which has been given to 122 students in economics atHandelshögskolan in Gothenburg and Industrial economics at Chalmers Universityof technologyMain results The main results of the study are that most of the students in economics andindustrial economy are positive to work as management consults. They also havean optimistic attitude to work as intern management consults in a large company.The students don?t regard Volvo IT as a possible future employer; neither do theyhave a good knowledge of the organization.Conclusions It is very likely that the students don?t regard Volvo IT as a potential employerbecause they don?t think of Volvo IT as an organization in management consulting.Volvo IT has to make their management consulting, Fortos ManagementConsulting, more visible if they are going to make the students more interested ofthem as an organization in management consulting. They have to inform theirtarget group what new competences they are looking for.

Elevers tankar om klimatförändringar

This work examines the students´ thoughts on climate change with a focus on carbondioxid through photosynthesis and the carbon emissions from cars. The study is based on two subject areas, one with a focus on enhanced greenhouse effect, and the other focusing on photosythesis. The survey was conducted by means of qualitative interviews with students in grades four and six. The results describe that student´s understanding for photosynthesis and the carbondioxids function for photosynthesis doesn´t change significantly from grade four to grade six. I have divided the students inte three levels based on their understandingof the various fields, and their use of adequate concepts.

Den kvinnliga studenten och alkoholen: en kvalitativ studie om åtta kvinnliga studenters förhållningssätt till och erfarenheter av alkohol

The purpose of this essay was to describe eight female universitystudents drinking patterns and their own experiences of alcohol. The main questions that guided us through our study were:*How the female students describe the meaning of alcohol*How they describe their experiences of not drinking alcohol*If they have experienced pressure to drink alkcohol and if they have pressed other people to drink alcohol*How the students describe the student life influence on the alcohol consumptionA qualitative method was used as the purpose of this essay was to investigate the female students own subjective experiences and not to investigate students alcohol habits in general..

"Jag ser det som ett smörgåsbord" : En studie om två olika läs- och skrivutvecklingsmetoder

In this study I have compared two different development methods of reading and writing. I have done this by interviewing five first grade teachers in elementary schools and it is based on qualitative research interviews. The aim of the study was to immerse myself in which methods these five teachers describe that they have used. They got to describe how they work and how they have tought the students to read and write. I have investigated if the teachers think that the computer is a good tool. The investigation also shows if the teachers believe that the students´ writing skills deteriorate if they can use the keyboard instead. I came to the conclusion that four of the teachers used Arne Trageton´s method (2005) which means that the students learn how to write by using to computer.

E-mobbning : En studie om vad det är

The purpose of this work is to investigate what students in grades 4 to 6 at a school in southern Värmland know about cyber bullying. It also aims to find out whether there is or has been any cyber bullying in grades 4-6 at the school. The issues at work are what do cyber bullying? Is there a difference between cyber bullying in the different grades? (4-6 grades) Are their differences in cyber bullying when it comes to sex? And there is no connection between the mental bullying and cyber bullying? The material for the work was collected through a questionnaire survey conducted with students in grades 4 to 6. The survey was conducted anonymously, they were asked what sex it was and what grade they are in.

Studenters användning av referenstjänster: en användarundersökning vid Lunds universitetsbibliotek UB1, ht 1996

The main purpose of this study was to establish to what extent undergraduate students use reference services, what knowledge they have about those services and what their views of them are.The survey took place at Lund University Library, UB1, the main library responsible for collections in social sciences, humanities, theology and law. A total of 476 undergraduate students were asked to fill in a questionnaire, 273 accepted. The study is quantitative and was carried out during the autumn semester, 1996.The results show that the service used most frequently by undergraduate students is the reference collection. The least used service is the Internet, more than 50 percent of the students never use Internet at the University Library. In general, students are very pleased with the service given by the reference librarians, and with the collection of reference books.

Efterarv vid makes förmånstagarförvärv : En utredning av rättsläget i spåren efter NJA 1975 s. 302, med särskilt fokus på särkullbarns rätt till efterarv

This study focuses on the use of animals in social work from the perspective of social workers. The purpose of this study is to examine social workers? experiences of animal assisted social work and how social workers view the integration of animals in various fields of social work. The research is based on a qualitative method and four semi-structured interviews were conducted with social workers. The theories incorporated in the study are Attachment Theory and Sense of Coherence (SOC).The following results are presented: Social workers are considered to have a more comprehensive understanding of clients compared to their associates who do not hold a degree in Social Work.

Portfolio : - ur ett nyzeeländskt perspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to illustrate how and why teachers in New Zealand use portfoliosas a part of their teaching. The purpose is also to investigate if, and in that case how, a sociocultural perspective on learning can be shown through the work with portfolios. Toinvestigate this we have made a case study in New Zealand where we interviewed sixteachers. The result of the investigation shows that our teachers use portfolios in both asummative and a formative way. In a summative way to gather what the children have done inschool, and in a formative way to help the students to assess what they have done, how theyhave done it and what they are going to do next.

Genus i det kreativa arbetet

The purpose of this work was to observe fifth grade students in their creative work, how they act and how gender roles appear in the creative work. The background to this work is that I want to examine whether there is any difference in gender roles, when students are working creatively and on their compliance with, the sexes, typical similarities and differences that exist.Observational study showed that girls and boys in the class I observed, in general, has followed traditional gender patterns that exist in our society. With typical gender patterns, I mean that girls are expected to be quiet, talented and helpful and the boys are expected to speak loud and more often than the girls. The girls were, on balance, quieter and more tranquil than the boys who had difficulties to sit still and wanted to be seen and heard more widely..

Arbetsklimatets betydelse för mobbning : En studie om 2 rektorer och 4 lärares syn på arbetsklimatet inom personalgruppens inverkan på mobbning

I have done a study to see what perceptions held by two principals and four teachers, if adult behavior and attitudes towards each other will affect the climate between the students and put it in relation to the fundamental values of work and policy documents. I have also examined how they describe their work environment in their daily work and how they work to combat bullying.I have used qualitative interviews as a method to get answers to my questions. The interviews took place at two different schools, in which I interviewed a headmaster and two teachers at both schools. What emerged during the interviews were compiled and processed with aid based on previous research and theories which focus is in a social constructionist approach.The results as it shows in my study highlights a consensus among the interviewees that the personnel group working atmosphere affects the climate between the students and that there is a good understanding of the impact they have. The study also shows that the experience of their work climate affects by how the communication between management and staff looks likes and how many resources there are in the form of personnel.

Närvaro och frånvaro : en studie om elevers tankar runt skolk

Truancy is a problem in the Swedish schools today, just as well as in other European and other developed countries where educataion is gratuitous. Teachers all over Sweden go to classes with a clear and well-planned schedule for the day. But some are unable to do their work because of asent students. In this study I have chosen to focus on the perspective of the youths and the main question is: how do students discuss and think about truancy. During the study I have chosen a qualitative approach and have therefore done observation in various classes in a Swedish senior high school in a suburb outside Stockholm during twelve weeks.

Känslomässiga utmaningar i socialt arbete ? vad betyder strategier och yrkeserfarenhet?

The aim of this study was to gain a greater understanding of what social workers perceive to be mentally demanding and emotionally challenging work, and which strategies they use to handle it. I chose to interview six social workers, three of them had long experience of social work, and three of them had worked for less than a year. The justification for this choice wasthat I wanted to interview people with different experience of social work over time, to be able to see possible differences in what was perceived as mentally demanding and emotionally challenging work, and how it was handled. The social workers were interviewed with a semi structured interview manual.The results showed that the organization of the social service is not fitted to the work that social workers execute. This means that what is perceived as mentally demanding and emotionally challenging work largely depends on this.

Integration av mångkulturella elever i skolan : En kvalitativ studie från skolkuratorers perspektiv

The Swedish school in today?s society is multicultural. One of the main questions is how to integratethese students in the Swedish society. The purpose with the study is to explore how schoolcounsellors? work to promote the integration of multicultural students and what factors can influencethe integration of these students.

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