

23013 Uppsatser om Social work education - Sida 2 av 1535

Det sociala arbetet inom folkbildningen : en fallstudie i Örebro kommun.

The case study investigates study association representatives? perspectives on the activities of the popular education within the social sector in Örebro and why they are organized. It further investigates the cooperation and dialogue between the study associations and the municipality of Örebro regarding this activity. The study is based on critical realism. A questionnaire survey was conducted among all ten study associations in Örebro, combined with qualitative interviews with representatives from six of the active associations.

Genuspedagogiska samtal

The education curriculum states that one of the tasks for schools and preschools are to promote gender equality by discouraging traditional gender roles. Gender equality is therefore a part of the fundamental values of the education system. In order to be able to work with the issue of gender equality, the employees need help and further education. Therefore some schools and preeschools contact a teacher specialized in gender equality work.In this essay I have chosen to do a field study of such a teacher at work during different workshops with nurses and teachers. The aim is to examine how she discusses gender ideas and what discussions arises from the meetings with the attendents.

Förväntningar kontra upplevd verklighet : en studie om socionomstudenters syn på utbildningen och yrkesrollen i jämförelse med socialsekreterares syn på detsamma (Expectations versus expect reality)

Purpose: To compare the expectations of coming profession in social work with experienced social work. We wanted to compare the pictures between the students in school of social work studies with social workers. We also wanted to increase social workers as well as other readers? awareness of social work as a profession.Questions: What characterizes the school of social studies? How do students in school of social work view the coming role as a professional? How do students in school of social work view upon social workers as professionals? How do social workers view upon their own profession? How do social workers view upon the own role as a professional? How do social workers view upon the relation between the idea of the profession and the daily practice? How do the students in school of social work studies and social workers view upon professional social work?Method: Qualitative study with qualitative interviews.Conclusion: Social work is a low status profession. How to increase the status of social work is not easy.

Högutbildade utrikesfödda och deras svårigheter för att komma ut på arbetsmarknaden

The aim of my work was, from the point of view from my respondents and literature, to create a picture of why so many highly educated people born abroad don't have an employment that coincides with their education.The question at issue was: How come highly educated people born abroad don't have an employment that coincides with their education from the native country?In my work, I carried out interviews with six highly educated people born abroad that moved to Sweden in the 1990's. In my results and my conclusion I started with the view of the respondents and the literature, linked together to some theories I have found fruitful for my understanding of the respondents' answers.The theoretical starting point for analysis of my work was the human capital theory, the theory of growth, the signal and filter theory and Habermas' theory.The result of my studies show that there are several factors that causes many highly educated people born abroad to have difficulties in getting an employment that coincides with their education. Such factors are weaknesses in the language, the lack of networks within one's profession and the fact that it takes a long time to complement the education..

Är klassröstningen fortfarande signifikant? - en studie om kommunalvalen i Stockholm och Göteborg 2002

The association between social parameters (i.e. socio-economy and level of education) and voting behaviour has been reviewed and analysed based on data from municipal council elections in Stockholm and Gothenburg in 2002. Some social scientists argue that the class voting is in decline and that new social cleavages have emerged. However, by using regression analysis techniques, this study implies a strong dependence of voting behaviour on social parameters, such as socio-economic status (SES) and level of education. Socio-economy appears to be a dominant predictor in the analysis.

Demokratiuppdraget: ett viktigt uppdrag : En kvalitativ studie om hur fem lärare för årskurs 1 tolkar skolans demokratiuppdrag

According to the Swedish curriculum the education should establish respect for human rights and democratic values (Skolverket, 2011, s.7). The purpose of this study is to investigate how five first grade teachers understand the democracy education and how they practice it in reality. I have, based on the purpose of this study issued following questions:What is the teachers interpretation of the democracy education? How does the teachers work with democracy in practice?What difficulties does the teachers see with the democracy education?This study is made through a qualitative method based on interviews with five teachers. The results show that the teachers at both schools, despite the different definitions of the concept of democracy, yet interprets democracy education relatively equal.

"Alla är vi olika" : Fem personers upplevelser av en exkluderande specialpedagogisk undervisning

The study aims to examine how the people who have received special needs education during their schooling have experienced it.Since I wanted to take advantage of people's experiences of special needs education, I chose to conduct qualitative research interviews. Five people in the ages of 21-26 years old participated in the study.A summary of the work says that special needs education creates mixed feelings, feelings of joy and alienation. The positive as described in the work is that the special education teaching has created a classroom that is aligned along the pupil's needs and circumstances. All informants have expressed that their negative experiences is about them having to leave the common classroom.Keywords: exclusion, inclusion, special needs education, student needs.

Socialarbetare : professionell medmänniska eller byråkrat?

The purpose of this study was to examine how social work professionals view their professional role and how they think about the concept of social work. I also wanted to investigate what they believe characterize a professional social work. For the purposes of this study, I chose a qualitative approach in which I interviewed five people linked to the social work. The theories which I have assumed in the analysis of the results are power theory, organization theory and professional theory. The results of this study show that the respondents believe that a professional social work is performed by someone who has training and experience in the field.

?Det är rätt positivt när jag tänker på det, fast dom kan vara besvärliga när dom pågår.? ? En studie om moraliska dilemman i socialt arbete

The purpose of our study is to get more knowledge about how moral dilemmas affect social workers in their work. This because we find that a big part of social work involves ethic reflections and that is why we find it important for social workers to have knowledge about how they should and can think and act in these situations. Ethic statements exist for social workers to use in their work but we haven?t found any guidelines for concrete situations and that?s why we decided to study this area. Questions we want to answer are how do the social workers define moral dilemmas in social work? How do the social workers deal with moral dilemmas in their work? How do moral dilemmas affect social workers in their work? This is a qualitative study with interviews from seven social workers from one social service office although they are from different units.

Arbetsgivarens skyldigheter att förebygga psykosocial ohälsa : Emperisk studie vid Karlstads universitet

In the society of today more and more employees are reported sick due to illness caused by their place of work. A lot of employees are stressed in their daily work and because of that they get mentally exhausted. These common occurrences are a part of the psycho-social work environment and it is the employers responsibility to avoid them. To rehabilitate an employee is often very expensive and takes a lot of time. Focusing on preventing illness in the work environment, instead of repair when illness is a fact, is an advantage both for the employers and the employees.The purpose with this essay is to illuminate the responsibility that the employers have to prevent psycho-social illness in the work environment.

-Omanligt kan man säga... : Socionomstuderande mäns perspektiv på yrke, karriär, status och att tillhöra en könsminoritet

The purpose of this study was to enlighten the views of male social work students on; the social work profession, social work status and their career options. Also, the study aimed at getting these students angles of approach on the fact that they, being men, are a minority group within the profession of social work. Some of the main questions were: Why does not social work as a profession seem to attract men? What about the status of the profession of social work? What were the thoughts of male social work students about this? What advantages or disadvantages did they recognise, being a minority in the profession? The method used in this study was doing separate interviews. All of the interviewed students were convinced that they had a better chance of getting a job.

Tolfternas samkväm : folkbildning och bibliotek för arbetarkvinnor 1902-1907

Tolfterna was a popular education organization that existed between 1896 and1964 and that arranged social evenings and set up a library for working women. This thesis purpose is to investigate Tolfternas's activities in 1902-1907 and hereby place Tolfterna in the education- and library history. The thesis examines the library catalog and the protocols from the social evenings and analyses them by means of the popular education ideologies of the early 1900's: Patriarchal education, civic education, self-education and the domestic/housewife ideal.The analysis shows that the organizers of Tolfterna as well as the working women who visited the social evenings had political and social interests. This places Tolfterna in a civic education context.The social evenings contained a mix of politically orientated discussions, traditional lectures and entertainment as music and reading. The library had self-education orientation, it contained mostly fiction and was run by the working women.

Reproduktionen ? Validering av reell kompetens och högskolans rådande ordning

This thesis examines the relationship between recognition of prior learning and the aim to increase social and ethnical diversity in higher education. Recognition of prior learning is a result of educational politics aiming to broaden social and ethnical recruitment to higher education. By examining if recognition of prior learning rather can, and shall, be seen as part of what Pierre Bourdieu calls educational social reproduction I try to question whether it fulfils education policy goals or not. My results show that persons responsible for recognition of prior learning rather recognise knowledge from prior educational institutions than knowledge gained outside the educational system. Considering this, recognition of prior learning does not quite live up to the aims.

Att stärka barnens sociala förmåga i förskolan. : Pedagogers arbete med barn i svårigheter i socialt samspel och hjälpmedel i arbetet.

The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyze how seven Swedish preschool teachers and two special education teachers think and work with children who show a lack of social skills. The study method has been semi-structured interviews with the educators which have been analyzed and sorted under different themes/categories. The theoretical framework used in this study is sociocultural, relational and categorical perspectives. These perspectives have been chosen in order to better understand how teachers see their role in supporting children in need of special support. The environment in the preschool is found to be of great help and the teachers? approach is of great importance.The research emphasizes the importance of integrating thinking, feeling and behavior.

Byggutbildningen : En undersökning av före detta elevers åsikter om byggutbildningen

How do we match our education with the needs of the construction line of business and the requirementsof the Swedish National Agency for education? Is there something that we have to change?In this study I have asked our former students about their opinion of our education and I have also asked them to give me their view on what a good teacher is like. I have been able to benefit a lot from their answers in my efforts to be that good teacher. This survey took place at Facebook.The answers showed that we carry on a piece of solid workmanship. But you can always improve, try harder.

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