

15145 Uppsatser om Social support. - Sida 35 av 1010

Ungt chefskap inom kommunal äldreomsorg: en empirisk studie av hur unga chefer upplever sin yrkesroll som chef i förhållande till sin ålder

The purpose of this study was to examine how young managers (26-32 years old) in municipal old-age care organizations, in Skåne and Blekinge, experience their professional roles as managers in relation to their age. One of the questions asked in this study was whether managers experienced that their age affected their managerial position, and in that case, how? In order to investigate this, a qualitative method was used, including interviews and observations. Seven interviews with young managers were conducted. My approach in the working process was influenced by Grounded theory as defined by Glaser and Strauss (1968).

Psykosociala faktorer i arbetslivet som påverkar sjukskrivningar, i synnerhet hos kvinnor - En litteraturstudie

Every year many individuals became sick listed, it could be for a long time, or a short time but irrespective there will beeffects on the individuals life and on the society. The aim of this study was to describe some relevant psychosocial relationships in the workplace that effect that women become sick listed. The method of the study was a literary study which was based on a number of scientific articles. The result of the study showed that many different factors effects the risk of becoming sick listed. Factors that causes sick leave where many and individual, but lack of social support, bullying, unstructured work environment and theworkplaces management, imbalance between demands and control and the women's situation were factors that had a big influence.

Betydelsen av social konsekvensbeskrivning : att sia om en hållbar framtid

Social hållbarhet är ett högaktuellt ämne. Delegationen för hållbara städer presenterade år 2012 sin slutrapport och bara ett år senare presenterade Malmökommissionen sin slutrapport för ett social hållbart Malmö. Syftet med uppsatsen är att bredda kunskapen om social konsekvensbeskrivning samt att undersöka dess potentiella effekt på social hållbarhet, eftersom det är av största vikt att hitta konkreta arbetssätt för att uppnå ökad social hållbarhet. Genom en litteraturstudie undersöks i uppsatsens första del vad begreppet social konsekvensbeskrivning har för bakgrund, varför det förespråkas, hur en metod för genomförande skulle kunna se ut samt vilka utmaningar som finns. I uppsatsens andra del studeras tre artiklar som utvärderat effekten av att utföra social konsekvensbeskrivning. Litteraturstudiet resulterar i slutsatsen att social konsekvensbeskrivning har stor effekt på social hållbarhet, på flera olika sätt. Trots att metoden medför en hel del komplexa frågor att förhålla sig till finns det därmed god anledning att utveckla arbetet med social konsekvensbeskrivning, för att vi tillsammans ska nå en mer socialt hållbar framtid..

Kvalitet-i-Bruk för Beslutstödssystem inom Thoraxkirurgi

The aims of the practical work carried out for this thesis were to redesign a clinical decision support system for thoracic surgeons, called AssistMe, and to evaluate the concept behind this system. The main objective of the thesis is to give an account of the considerations that were found to be of key importance for designing a clinical decision support system for thoracic surgery. Another aim was to let future users test the system after it had been redesigned and evaluate the concept behind it. The thesis also investigates users? experience of the system and their views on whether it would be applicable in their daily work practice.

Erfarenheter av kontaktsjuksköterskans omvårdnad inom cancervården

More people are likely to be diagnosed with cancer and the number of people living with cancer is expected to increase, which means that patients live longer with cancer and different treatments. All patients in Sweden should have access to a nurse navigator to facilitate the cancer trajectory. The purpose of this literature review was to delineate patients' experiences of the care given by the nurse navigator. The result is based upon twelve scientific articles included in this review. The results show that the experiences of the patients can be divided into four different categories: emotional support- being present and offering supportive talks, support for physical symptoms- counseling and relief from symptoms due to illness and treatments, educational support- receiving information and knowledge about the disease and cancer trajectory and coordination support- collaboration with other healthcare professionals involved in patients´care.

IT-supporten i kommunala verksamheter: En fallstudie av Umeå kommun

The objective of this study was to examine how an IT department has been affected by the changes of increased local usage of IT, and how the usage have affected municipalities IT departments demands of IT support. In the study we explore how both the IT department and the IT support works by interviewing present and former employees at the local IT department. The current IT department have undergone a series of local changes over the last 20 years, the department has gone from only having internal users to getting the entire municipalitiy?s agencies of IT as users. It started with how the municipality began to dig down fiber optic cable in the middle of the 1990?s, and today has started to develop solutions as to how to meet the demands of future usage of IT.

Det ryska barnbibliotekets roll och överlevnad i dagens Ryssland : En fältundersökning på barnbiblioteket i Pskov

In an international perspective the Russian children s library is a unique institution, being solely committed to children up to 14 years of age. In Russia of today it is, however, being exposed to hard pressure as the economical and social conditions have changed dramatically since the collapse of the USSR. My interest lies in examining this change of living conditions for the children s libraries and how this in turn affect their work and role in the present state. In order to view this change in a longer perspective, I compare the situation for children s libraries during the time of communist regime with that of today using documents about and from children s libraries. I have studied its legal position and conditions, financial and political state, and how the modern society affects children and youth, especially their daily cultural life.

Att mäta fattigdomsbekämpning - En studie av social performance-rapportering inom mikrofinans

This study has a double purpose. First, it explores and maps out the use of quantitative key indicators in social performance reporting within a microfinance portfolio. This was done on behalf of Storebrand Asset Management, who would like to aggregate and report the social results of their microfinance investments to their customers. The study concludes that the extent of social reporting and types of indicators used varies, meaning that it is hard to aggregate data for use in further reporting. Thus, the work towards the goal of social reporting has only just begun.

"Föräldrarna ska kunna hjälpa barnet" : - En kvalitativ studie om de icke-förövande anhörigas behov av stöd för att stödja sitt sexuellt utnyttjade barn

Through an internship at a nonprofit organization called ATSUB[1], specialized at giving support to non-offending parents to sexually abused children, one of the authors to this study found that there was a lack of care for the parents by governmental operations. While studying the previous research we found a great deficiency when it came to non-offending parents and far most about non-offending fathers. We found studies proving that the child?s non-offending parents are the best support for the child during their healing process. Research also shows that parents must be able to get good support and treatment during their crisis for the parents to be able to support the child, since they?re also in great despair over their child being sexually abused.

Ungdomar och Riskbeteende - Youth and hazardous behavior

The purpose of our essay is to investigate the social services work for youth with hazardous behavior. To aquire relevant information we decided to us the qualitative method. We made five interviews with social workers from different sections to get a full view of the situation. The main conclutions we came up with is the importance of the family structure, and a safe home environment with good values. Another important part is a daily meaningful occupation, for the main part in this age it is school attendance.

Att lära av varandra : En kvalitativ studie om användningen av practice research.

The aim of this study was to investigate the production of knowledge that can emerge in the use of Practice Research by Mirror method. This by finding out what it is in the practical work that leads to the production of knowledge and how knowledge production takes form. The empirical data that form the basis for this study is recorded group within the Mirror method discussions and a focus group interview with social workers who participated in the discussions. Those who have participated are social workers with experience from working with financial aid support and only real cases have been used in the discussions. The results have been analyzed according to Lipsky's theory of street-level bureaucracy and their discretion and Fook and Gardner´s theory of critical reflection.

Det står ?jävlig mamma? skrivet i pannan på mig" : En kvalitativ studie om föräldrar till barn med diagnos inom autismspektrumet och deras vardag

The purpose of the study isto,based on network theory, systems theory and development ecological systems theory,understand parent?sexperiences of having children with autismspectrum, as well as understand the importance of social networksfor the parents. All of the intervieweeswere mothers. The results showed that it is important to parentsto have contact with other parents who are in the same situation as them. Many of the interviewees had a small social network.

En skola för alla? : En skola för elever med autismspektrumtillstånd?En kvalitativ studie som undersöker skolsituationen för elever med autismspektrumtillstånd i en svensk kommun

The overall aim of this case study is to find the conditions for pupils in the nine-year compulsory school with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who are instructed in the ordinary classroom. The study explores what kind of support the schools offer these pupils. The study also examines the views of the teachers´, special educators´, principals´ and municipal representatives on what kind of support these pupils need and ought to be offered.The methods used were qualitative interviews and a questionnaire study.The theoretical basis of the study is the three different perspectives of special pedagogy. These perspectives represent three different views on the disorders of pupils.The overall result shows that the municipality offers little support for schools. The study shows that there is little collaboration between schools and ASD-specific support outside school.

Inkludering som mål för skolan specialpedagogiska arbete : Ett dilemma mellan styrdokumentets direktiv och verkligheten i klassrummet

The society?s view of pupils with needs of special support in nine-year school has changed over time in Sweden. The teachers? views of the pupils have had an influence of how the special education process is designed. The aim with my paper is to make a comparative study of how special education teachers in rural schools and schools in Stockholm have designed their work with pupils with needs of special support.

?Jag vill vara där dom andra är" : Specialpedagogiska insatser ur elevperspektiv

This study was about how pupils described their school situation with special education. The specific focus was on pupils which are described as ?troubled pupils?, unconcentrated pupils?, pupils in social and emotional difficulties or characterised by similar concepts. The study was based on a sociocultural perspective and an interactional perspective. The empirical material consisted of interviews with eight pupils in age between 9 to 12 years old and who had special education.

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