

15145 Uppsatser om Social support. - Sida 26 av 1010

Yrkesmässig handledning för sjuksköterskan : effekter på omvårdnadsarbetet

ABSTRACT The persons whom the authorized nurse encounters in hospital wards and nursing homes are in great extent elderly persons. According to Wasserman (2000), about 30 to 40 percent among these, show signs of depression. To be aware of the signs of depression, and how an authorized nurse can support the patient is therefore of great value. The introduction to this study describes the symptoms of depression and how depression in elders is expressed. It also describes treatment possibilities and nursing aspects of concern.

Husdjurs betydelse för människors hälsa och livskvalitet

ABSTRACT The persons whom the authorized nurse encounters in hospital wards and nursing homes are in great extent elderly persons. According to Wasserman (2000), about 30 to 40 percent among these, show signs of depression. To be aware of the signs of depression, and how an authorized nurse can support the patient is therefore of great value. The introduction to this study describes the symptoms of depression and how depression in elders is expressed. It also describes treatment possibilities and nursing aspects of concern.

Sjuksköterskors och sjuksköterskestudenters attityder till hiv-positiva patienter

ABSTRACT The persons whom the authorized nurse encounters in hospital wards and nursing homes are in great extent elderly persons. According to Wasserman (2000), about 30 to 40 percent among these, show signs of depression. To be aware of the signs of depression, and how an authorized nurse can support the patient is therefore of great value. The introduction to this study describes the symptoms of depression and how depression in elders is expressed. It also describes treatment possibilities and nursing aspects of concern.

Fundament för kompaktkran : En universell lösning

This thesis describes the universalization, improvement and further development of acompact crane support frame for flatbed trucks. The work has been conducted at Eloch Fordonsteknik AB (henceforth EFAB) in Uppsala.The aim of the work has been to shorten the assembly time of the product. By doingso, the product can be kept on shelf, which in turn results in shorter lead time. Thishas been done by universalizing the support frame to be compatible with most of thechassis EFAB works with. Additionally, the entire construction has been made lighter,which will make it a more attractive choice for customers.A pre-study was conducted and information was gathered internally, as well asexternally, in order to ascertain that no limitation or possibility was overlookedduring the course of the project.One such limitation has been the geometry of the truck bed that the support frameshall be compatible with.

Att lyssna till pappors röster : En kvalitativ studie av pappors upplevelser kring att befinna sig i vårdnadstvist

This study highlights the problematic situation fathers encounter when they require help and support in a custodial dispute. Previous research shows the emergence of a new, more involved father. In the light of this earlier research, this study will show a father that is willing to fight for his rights to be a present and engaged parent in the case of a separation from the mother. The aim was to analyze the subjective perceptions of five fathers in custodial dispute. This analysis did not only show how they perceive their role as a father and their masculinity but also the way they feel about the help they got from social services and other institutions.

?Vi har haft tur här på Gotland?? : en studie om socialsekreterares psykosociala arbetsmiljö

The exposed position of a social worker entails serious demands to their working environment. The experience of the working environment is coherent with various circumstances such as physical, technical and psychosocial factors. The aim of this study is to investigate how social workers in Gotland experience their psychosocial working environment. As a theoretical ground we describe the working environment regulations and it´s framework. Previous national and international research enlighten issues such as definitions of threat and violence, the significance of education and policys within social work, social support and riskfactors.

Sjuksköterskors bedömning av smärta hos dementa som saknar språk : en kvalitativ intervjustudie

ABSTRACT The persons whom the authorized nurse encounters in hospital wards and nursing homes are in great extent elderly persons. According to Wasserman (2000), about 30 to 40 percent among these, show signs of depression. To be aware of the signs of depression, and how an authorized nurse can support the patient is therefore of great value. The introduction to this study describes the symptoms of depression and how depression in elders is expressed. It also describes treatment possibilities and nursing aspects of concern.

"Man kan säga att båda sänder signaler men på olika frekvenser" : en kvalitativ studie om partners upplevelse av att vara i ett parförhållande där den andra partnern har Aspergers syndrom

Being in a relationship where the partner has Asperger's syndrome makes you indirectly affected by their disability as it affects not only the disabled but also the partner. The partner may be faced with a lack of understanding from their partner with Asperger's syndrome and from its surroundings, where the syndrome including causes, limits ability in social interaction and communication.The study is a qualitative study based on six asynchronous interviews conducted via email with partners who are in a relationship with a partner who has Asperger's syndrome.The aim of the study was to increase understanding and to highlight partners experience to be in a relationship where the other partner has Asperger's syndrome and how outside support from the environment is perceived. Results of the study showed that all six partners felt that everyday life was structured around the partner with Asperger's syndrome. There was a perceived feeling of loneliness because of the partner with Asperger's syndrome not caring about the partner and of being the one taking the greatest responsibility in everyday life for it to work. There was a feeling of stress, anxiety, lost confidence and frustration but there was also a strong desire and commitment to their partner with Asperger's syndrome.

Amning : sjuksköterskans möjligheter att främja amning inom barnhälsovården

ABSTRACT The persons whom the authorized nurse encounters in hospital wards and nursing homes are in great extent elderly persons. According to Wasserman (2000), about 30 to 40 percent among these, show signs of depression. To be aware of the signs of depression, and how an authorized nurse can support the patient is therefore of great value. The introduction to this study describes the symptoms of depression and how depression in elders is expressed. It also describes treatment possibilities and nursing aspects of concern.

Psyko-onkologisk omvårdnad vid nydiagnostiserad bröstcancer

Bakgrund:Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancersjukdomen hos kvinnor. I bakgrunden beskrivsbröstcancer ur både medicinsk och psyko-onkologiskt perspektiv. Behandlingsmetoderförklaras eftersom de har stor betydelse för patienterna att få kännedom omsjukdomsförloppet och beskrivs psyko-onkologiska reaktioner.Syfte:Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva omvårdnadsåtgärder inom psyko-onkologiför att därmed belysa hur sjuksköterskan kan ge omvårdnad till kvinnor mednydiagnostiserad bröstcancer.Metod:Metoden består av en litteraturstudie baserad på vetenskapliga omvårdnadsartiklar som söktspå databaserna PubMed och CINAHL.Resultat:Artiklarna belyser olika omvårdnadsåtgärder inom psyko-onkologi som kan sjuksköterskautföra för att underlätta tillvaron för kvinnor med nydiagnostiserad bröstcancer. Patienternareagerar individuellt och behöver därför vårdpersonalens psyko-onkologiska stöd samtinformation/utbildning.Diskussion:Diskussionen belyser hur sjuksköterskan kan hjälpa dessa kvinnor genom att erbjudaemotionellt stöd genom gruppsamtal, lämplig information och god utbildning.Sjuksköterskor har ett stort ansvar gentemot denna patientgrupp. Därför är det viktigt attsjuksköterskan får relevant specialutbildning samt handledning så att de kan erbjuda etteffektivt omhändertagande..

Alzheimers sjukdom : en förståelseinriktad studie av vardagens svårigheter

ABSTRACT The persons whom the authorized nurse encounters in hospital wards and nursing homes are in great extent elderly persons. According to Wasserman (2000), about 30 to 40 percent among these, show signs of depression. To be aware of the signs of depression, and how an authorized nurse can support the patient is therefore of great value. The introduction to this study describes the symptoms of depression and how depression in elders is expressed. It also describes treatment possibilities and nursing aspects of concern.

Känslor och upplevelser i samband med stomioperation : hur kan sjuksköterskan motivera patienten till en god egenvård ?

ABSTRACT The persons whom the authorized nurse encounters in hospital wards and nursing homes are in great extent elderly persons. According to Wasserman (2000), about 30 to 40 percent among these, show signs of depression. To be aware of the signs of depression, and how an authorized nurse can support the patient is therefore of great value. The introduction to this study describes the symptoms of depression and how depression in elders is expressed. It also describes treatment possibilities and nursing aspects of concern.

Säljstöd : En kvalitativ fallstudie gällande samspelet mellan Self-Support, Core-team Support och External Support

Abstrakt Titel: SäljstödNivå: KandidatuppsatsFörfattare: Fredrik Palmé och Niclas ÖstlinHandledare: Jens Eklinder Frick och Jonas MolinDatum: 2015 - januari Syfte: Tidigare forskning har visat att det finns lite eller ingen interaktion mellan säljstödsstrukturerna Self-Support, Core-Team Support och External-Support. Syftet med denna studie är därför att öka vår förståelse kring säljstödsstrukturer och se om det finns ett samspel mellan dem och om de kan kombineras, samt öka förståelsen för de fyra underliggande dimensionernas (workload, complexity, prequalification och customization) påverkan på valet av säljstöd.Metod: Studien är designad som en fallstudie med en kvalitativ ansats och ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Den teoretiska referensramen samlades in med hjälp av deduktion och det empiriska materialet samlades in genom semi-konstruerade intervjuer. Resultat och slutsats: Studien indikerar att det finns ett konstant samspel mellan de tre olika säljstödsstrukturerna. Valet av säljstöd beror  på säljarens upplevelser av de fyra dimensionerna och Self-Support, Core-team support och External-support är ofta kombinerade för att erbjuda det mest lämpliga stödet vid rätt tidpunkt. Förslag till vidare forskning: Eftersom ett av företagen var under omstrukturering och led av viss personalbrist, finns det möjligtvis en skillnad i appliceringen av säljstöd i ett företag som har lämplig mängd personal. Det vore även intressant att se vilken påverkan kommunikationen i ett mer centraliserat företag hade haft på valet av säljstöd. Uppsatsen bidrag: Studiens bidrag är den ökade förståelsen kring samspelet mellan olika säljstödsstrukturer.

DATORSTÖD FÖR ARBETE - KONSEKVENSER FÖR VAL AV AFFÄRSSYSTEM En studie av en service- och supportavdelning

This report is focusing on problems with introducing standard enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) in businesses. A study has been carried out on a service and support department at a Swedish heat metering company, SVM North Node. The study aims to help the company become a better customer in choice and customization of a new ERP system. We make a description of the department studied and the work carried out there, on the basis of learning, knowledge and cooperation. As a final point we present some ideas on how computer systems could support their work, hoping that this will result in them making adequate demands on a new ERP system.

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