13921 Uppsatser om Social structure - Sida 34 av 929
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One of sociology´s to assess the effects of political decision.
According to sociologist Anders Persson the society is changing, and in that
change social fear appear. In the reaction of social fear some people are being
excluded. In that more narrow frame for normality laws are created that makes
some parents and their children ?the other?. Nine years ago the sociologist Eva
Kärfve published a book that was very critical to the newborn psychiatrics
diagnosing of children as a way of segregating groups in society.
Behandlingseffekt av KBT för social fobi på en psykiatrisk öppenvårdsklinik
Social fobi är vanligt förekommande och tenderar att föregå andra diagnoser såsom depression. Huvudsyftet med föreliggande studie är att utvärdera KBT-behandling baserad på Clark och Wells (1995) förklaringsmodell för social fobi, genom att pröva behandlingsresultatet från en öppenpsykiatrisk klinik gentemot randomiserade kontrollerade studier. Studien baserades på data från 36 tidigare patientbehandlingar utförda av psykologer vid WeMinds specialistklinik. Som huvudutfallsmått användes förändringspoäng på skalor för social fobi som visade stark effekt, i nivå med jämförda studier. Därutöver uppnådde totalt 78 procent av patienterna kliniskt signifikant förbättring och 75 procent bedömdes vara i remission efter behandling.
Forensic Carving from Unallocated Space
Computer Forensics investigations have become more and more common while investigating IT-related issues. From experience, hard disks, USB thumb, memory sticks contains information that might be useful. Computer Forensics is regulary conducted by Police, Customs, Tax investigators but also within private companies and organisations. However, there are areas within the storage device that are not part of the organisied structure that a file system gives. The reason for that might be that the information has been erased by intention, a virus destroyed the file system and so on.
"Man kanske inte ser ut som sitt namn" : En studie om fem kvinnors konvertering till islam
The purpose of this study is to investigate a group of female converters and their subsequent experiences when transitioning to islam by bearing hijab. The study analyzes how this religious conversion has shaped and influenced the identity of mentioned women, as well as their attitude and relationship to the social environment prior to and after converting. This means that in accordance with the purpose of this study, an attempt to reveal the everyday life of these women will be performed. In order to make this study possible, three different methods will be put to use. A narrative method that touches upon the time leading up to and after the final converting and the impact of the conversion.
Om hemlöshet : Socialsekreterare om ett socialt problem i två kommuner
The aim of this study was to illuminate how social workers in social services work with the social phenomenon, homelessness in two municipalities. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with interviewees from a department of social services. Our theories that we used was resistant inequality, structural discrimination, exclusion, empowerment and representation. After compilation of our empirical our conclusions are that homelessness is a complex phenomenon. Social workers handles homelessness based on client?s needs and the work is individualized.
Slutnurrat för kommunerna? : Räntesnurror ur ett kommunalt perspektiv.
On the 1st of January 2009, a new regulation regarding interest deduction limitations was enforced. The aim was to prevent tax structure with interest deductions in a community of interest. The changes meant that intra-group share transfers, which generates an intra-group loan structure, can lead to borrower losing their right to deduct interest expenses. Except from the main rule two exceptions were also introduced. These eliminates the limitations, and accept the deductibility despite the above conditions.
Stress inom ämnet idrott och hälsa : I vilken utsträckning förekommer stress bland åttondeklassare och vilka är stressfaktorerna?
This paper is an account of the work around the arrangement and registration of the archive of the Swedish Art-ists? Association?s archive. The Swedish Artists? Association is an association of artists that both makes exhibi-tions for their members? works and handles the Artists? House, called Konstnärshuset in Swedish. During the work with the archive the author faced a number of challenges and problems.
Det situationsanpassade ledarskapet
The Swedish Armed Force is one of the largest authorities in Sweden and has as its primary mission to be responsible for Sweden's military defence. Their unique activity - to participate in armed combat ? requires leaders who can make quick and rational decisions in uncertain and conflicted environments. This study aims to gain an understanding of how individuals with leadership roles in the Swedish Armed Forces are experiencing their leadership in relation to the organization's structure and culture. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, the following research question was created: How do individuals with leadership roles experience the influences of the organization's structure and culture on their formal leadership? The theoretical starting point is Weber's organization theory, Schein's organizational culture theory, and different definitions of leadership.
"Man nöjer sig med att prata med föräldrarna" : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens bedömningsprocess efter inkommen 14 kap. 1 § SoL anmälan.
The aim of this study was to reach a deeper understanding of the process that occurs within the social services after receiving a notification according to Chapter 14, section 1, The Social Services Act. More specifically the focus of this study was to illustrate how social secretaries reason about children?s participation in the process, as well as to examine whether the legislative change, Chapter 11, section 1 a, The Social Services Act, has affected the process in any way. The study?s results reflect interviews with five social secretaries who are active in four different municipalities in southern Sweden.
Skolkuratorers syn på ungas användande av sociala medier : Med en diskursteoretisk ansats
AbstractAuthor: Josefin Gustavsson, Moa OsbäckTitle: School social workers view on young people using social media ? a study with a discourse theoretical approach [Skolkuratorers syn på ungas användande av sociala medier ? en studie med en diskursteoretisk ansats]Supervisor: Anders GiertzAssessor: Jan Petersson The aim of this study is to investigate school social workers view on young people using social media. With this study we are intended to understand how discourses affect the interventions of school social workers. This study has a qualitative approach and contains seven interviews with school social workers and one social worker who responded through a written response document. The interviews were semi-structured to enable spontaneous reflections and to catch the essence of the respondent?s language in the context as a school social worker.
Samarbete i nätverk : En studie om hur främjande av samarbete realiseras i ett orkestrerande affärsnätverk
The network with its virtual business structure challenge the established vertical business structure. Part of the network theory that has developed focuses on relationships that forms B2Bnetworks. One way to create a B2B-network is for independent businesses to form a organization promoting co-operation. For co-operation to be successful it requires well thought-out actions, but a lack of how these actions are implemented have been noticed. This study explores how encouragement of co-operation can be done practically.
Utveckling av nyckeltal : - ett redskap för prestationsmätning i idrottsförbund
The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether institutional ownership has an influence on CEO compensation in companies where the institutions have invested. In order to fulfil the purpose of the thesis a quantitative study was carried out within the Swedish corporate context where we have studied Swedish institutional investors and companies quoted on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Our period of study was the financial year of 2007.The empirical questions at issue is; Was there a connection between Swedish institutional ownership and the size of the CEO compensation, and, does Swedish institutional ownership lead to a certain type of CEO compensation in terms of structure?Our results did not suggest that an increased institutional ownership neither leads to a certain type of salary level nor a certain kind of salary structure. These results contradict earlier American research, which has been done within this area and has previously shown a secured connection.The reasons for our results may be many and it is difficult to state any concrete conclusions to why we received differing results.
Mindfulness: medveten närvaro i socialt arbete
Our curiosity was awakened when we became aware that many social workers use "mindfulness" methods in their profession. In this study, we used qualitative methodology in our desire to examine and understand why the mindfulness approach, with its roots in eastern philosophy, is becoming established in society at large and, simultaneously, being used in the social work field. We were interested in when and why social workers choose to use mindfulness with their clients. Our prior research has revolved around development and use of methods in social work, and on the human reaction to stress.We conducted seven semi-structured interviews, which incorporated four comprehensive questions:1. Why has the mindfulness method become established in the social work field and in the culture in general?2.
Social identitet i organisationsförändring - en fallstudie av Banverket Projektering
Vi har funnit att den sociala identiteten har förändrats på Banverket Projektering i och med organisationsförändringen, och att coaching haft inverkan på detta. Vidare har framkommit att det förekommer gråzoner inom coachingverksamheten. Gråzonerna kan motverkas genom social identitetscoaching. Social identitetscoaching bygger på utvidgad och koncentrerad gemenskap, utbyte av åsikter och trygghet för de anställda..
Socialsekreterares värdering av olika arbetsmiljöfaktorers betydelse för en god arbetsmiljö
Lately, alarming reports have appeared regarding the work environment and work situation of social workers. Research focusing on the promotion of health and well-being in the workplace among other professionals show that factors such as social relationships, ability to influence their work situation and leadership are important. A quantitative study was conducted focusing on the work climate for social workers employed by some of the district administrations in the City of Malmö. A questionnaire with questions and statements on various factors in the work environment was sent to 34 social workers. They were asked how important these factors were for their well-being, as well as to what extent they felt that these factors were present at work.