

16278 Uppsatser om Social science visualization techniques - Sida 28 av 1086

Olika kommuner - olika förutsättningar? : En jämförande studie av två olika kommuners missbrukarvård och dess konsekvenser för klienten

Our main purpose has been to describe and compare two community's ways of organising and executing the social welfare sectors drug and alcohol abuse programs. We also wanted to explain the similarities and differences we found with the help of an organisations theoretical perspective. A second purpose has been to try to find out if the difference affects the clients possibility to receive equal care.To find out how the community's organise and execute their drug and alcohol programs, we interviewed two social workers in leading positions in Landskrona and Ängelholm. We have further more, to find out if the differences we found influencing the clients possibility to recieve equal care, completed an inquiry with fictional cases that all of the involved social workers, at each community, built an opinion upon.Our main result showed more simmularities than differences in our two community's ways of organasing and executing their drug and alcohol programs. We judged the clients possibility to adequate care to be equally sufficient no matter where he sought care, since our study showed that the social workers choice of approach did not differ significantly between the two communities, even though we found differences in their way to organise and execute the social welfare sectors drug and alcohol abuse programs..

ATT VÄLJA, VÄLJA OM OCH VÄLJA RÄTT: En kvalitativ studie av vad det är som styr kommuners utformning av öppenvårdsinsatser för ungdomar

The aim with this study was to examine what it is that govern the way that municipalities develop the non-institutional care for youth. An extensive development of non-institutional care for children is a visible trend in municipal social service and probable reasons for this development are, among other things, research that show inadequate results of the institution care and economy. Our main questions at issue were how the municipalities argue the priorities that have been done within their youth care services with regard to the non-institutional care and how they reason considering this? Furthermore we asked why the municipalities have chosen to develop their non-institutional care for youth the way they have and on what grounds they make their choices? This study consists of eight qualitative interviews with politicians and employees in four different municipals along with analysis of relevant documents. We have found that what governs the way that municipalities develop the non-institutional care for youth has to do with that the municipalities found it vital to find alternative solutions to the expensive and ineffective institutional care, that they comprehend that the quality of non-institutional care are higher then of the institutional care and that the non- institutional care is seen as more effective with regards to economic results and achieved treatment results.

Moralpanikens (o)logiska dagordning - En fallstudie av den amerikanska kontextens undantag från den konstitutionella ordningen

Abstract"The war on terror" has resulted in numerous exceptions from the constitutional order. This thesis is an attempt to give empirical support to Georgio Agambens theory that these exceptions should be regarded as a constant element in modern societies based on a constitutional order. The results of the case study of the empirical exceptions in the American context give Agambens theory validity. The exception is a reappearing phenomenon, which implies that the constitutional order is fragile. What then is it that makes the legal norms fragile? In this thesis I will discuss the causality of moral panic.

Kan nätverk konstrueras? : En studie av relationerna och nätverksbyggandet kring Kista Science City AB

Ett väl fungerande nätverk kan hjälpa företag att förbättra sin produktivitet och skapa möjligheter till affärer. För att utnyttja fördelarna som nätverk kan skapa har Kista Science City AB sedan år 2000 aktivt arbetat med att skapa olika projekt och nätverk, med avsikt att stimulera tillväxt i regionen Kista Science City, framförallt hos de mindre företagen. Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva de relationer som företagen inom nätverken kopplade till Kista Science City AB har, med hjälp av ARA-modellen. För att besvara syftet så har en kvalitativ intervjubaserad fallstudie utförts. Uppsatsen visar att det finns störst potential till starka relationer gentemot externa aktörer och att det konstruerade nätverket är begränsat till någon del av de lager som nämns i ARA-modellen..

Vägar ut ur Protracted Social Conflict: En fallstudie av förutsättningar och brister i fredsbyggandet i Tjetjenien

I denna uppsats gör vi en ansats till att förklara varför konflikten i Tjetjenien inte är löst. Genom att undersöka om konflikten i Tjetjenien är en Protracted Social Conflict, får vi fram de underliggande mekanismerna och komplexiteten som gör att konflikten kan fortgå. När dessa är tydliggjorda identifierar och senare kritiserar vi de traditionella fredsbyggandestrategierna, vilka inte är tillräckliga i en sådan komplex konflikt. Detta framförallt på grund av att de traditionella fredsbyggandestrategiernas mål snarare är att bygga en liberal markandsdemokrati snarare än fred. För att komma till en lösning krävs en uppmuntran till civilbefolkningen att utveckla forum som kan överbrygga splittringen mellan de olika identitetsgrupperna, detta är dock något som måste ske frivilligt och på folkets egna premisser..

Viljan att veta : en analys av Mona Hatoums verk Corps étranger via bio-politik och science fiction

In this paper Mona Hatoums installation Corps étranger is discussed via a post structuralized method based on associative and semiotic comparisons with vanitas, a post-modern self-portrait, and as a representative for modern visual art. The analyze touches upon pornography, science fiction and the quest for scientific conquest in outer and inner space. Theoretical references are Foucault, Freud, Lacan, Barthes, Dolar, Said and Virilio. Hatoum makes the observer a voyageur with the aid of the latest medical technology, endoscope, which gives her the opportunity to make an introvert self-portrait when she films her own throat and rectum. But at the same time she makes the portrait of us all.

LJUDETS NATUR, Ämnesövergripande undervisning i musik, NO, teknik, data och svenska på mellanstadiet.

This paper discusses sound education within school subjects such as music, science, engineering, computer science, and Swedish to classes at the intermediate stage..

Tillämpningen av 13 § LVM : erfarenheter och uppfattningar bland yrkesverksamma

The aim of this essay was to look into and compare the experiences and opinions about the practice of 13 § LVM among persons that, through their profession, use the law.The questions we have been asking were; what experiences and opinions the individuals have about the paragraph in general, what they think about the cases when no application for LVM is made after a client has been taken in charge as directed by 13 § LVM, and of the fact that the majority of cases of LVM are initiated by the same paragraph. Another question was how the individuals think about the legal security in connection to 13 § LVM.The methods used are qualitative and we have interviewed individuals from different fields of social work that comes in contact with drug abusers.The findings from these studies include that care made out of the clients' free will is the main reason why an application is not made. It is also the reason to why many LVM initiates as directed by 13 § LVM for the reason that the districts above all try to help the clients without force. The economical aspects are repeatedly mentioned as another reason to the problems appeared in connection with 13 § LVM..

"Vem kan segla förutan vind?" - en kvalitativ studie om gatubarns livssituation i Delhi

This paper is about street children in Delhi and how they get through the day. The content is based on interviews with staff in different Non Governmental Organisations (NGO) in Delhi. The facts from the interviews are complemented with different researches about street children in general and not only about street children in Delhi. Our main question is "How is it possible for a child to deal with the street life in Delhi?".

Referensintervjuer på folkbibliotek: En intervju- och litteraturstudie

This thesis examines the subject of reference interviews and the ways librarians form an opinion of users information needs. Using literature and interviews with three librarians I look at the questions below: - Why and when are reference interviews needed? - What significance do they have? - What ideas exist about the performance of reference interviews? - Are there any differences in librarians views of the questions above compared to views in the literature? Results from literature studies and interviews show that reference interviews can be important when librarians try to find out more about users information needs. However its neither necessary nor possible to analyse all reference questions. Librarians therefore need to determine if a reference interview is needed or not.

Social upphandling : Ett uttryck för public-private partnership?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how social procurement can be a further development of public-private partnership. This is done with interviews and a case study of the social procurement Mitt Gröna Kvarter and its labor effort Boendebyggarna. The theoretical framework used in the thesis consists of public-private partnership and corporate social responsibility. It tries to answer the following questions:What does this social procurement mean by the concept of public-private partnership?What does this social procurement mean for the participants involved?How can social procurement be seen as a further development of public-private partnership?The thesis uses the theory development around the concepts of public-private partnership and corporate social responsibility and shows that social procurement does indeed have similarities to public-private partnership and could very well be a further development of it..

"... människan kan förändras om man ger den verktyg" - En kvalitativ studie av elva frivårdsinspektörers synsätt på kontraktsvårdsutredningar för drogmissbrukare

The object of this essay was to illustrate and analyse what determines that a contract treatment investigation for a drug addict is initiated and what factors influence the investigation itself, from the probation service officer's perspective.We selected the following two questions:- What does the probation service officer see as being the deciding factor for a contract treatment investigation to be initiated?- What questions appear in a contract treatment investigation and how do they influence the investigation, according to the probation service officer?To find answers to these questions we conducted interviews with 11 probation service officers, during November and December 2005, at three different locations across Skåne. We decided to use the qualitative method for collecting the data we needed.In our essay we came to the conclusion that the will and motivation of the client is a deciding factor whether or not a contract treatment investigation is to be initiated. An important collaborator in this process is the social services. According to the probation service officers, many of the problems that may appear in the co-operation are due to the tough economic constraints experienced by the social services.

Gränslöst. En global utställning på Historiska museet

This thesis is a report concerning the practical aspects on exhibition techniques. During an internship at the National History Museum in Stockholm I participated in the work with their new, temporary exhibition Gränslöst - en global utställning på Historiska museet [Boundless - a global voyage of discovery at the National Historical Museum]. I was part of a small project team of museum staff. The purpose of this exhibition was to show how cultures have met and influenced each other throughout history. The National Historical Museum has in its collections and exhibitions several examples of objects that has been imported from or inspired by other cultural areas.

Vätsketerapi : experimentell studie med två infusionsaggregat

Background: In small animal healthcare fluid therapy is an important area. To get an adequate treatment there are several factors that may play important roles in this matter. One of these factors is the correct use of the administration technique. Aim: The aim was to investigate how correct the amount of prescribed fluid was given when different people set up a fluid administration set. Method: An experimental study was performed to compare two different infusion techniques.

EN VÄG BORT FRÅN SOCIAL EXKLUDERING? - Fyra deltagares upplevelser av ett holistiskt projekt

The intention of this essay was to describe and analyse the participant's experience in a work project based on a holistic model. The main purpose of the project was to integrate homeless people back into society. My main questions were: 1. What meaning did the project have in the participant's life? 2.

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