

13018 Uppsatser om Social pćverkan - Sida 36 av 868

ÅtertagandeförbehĂ„ll : sĂ€rskilt i konsumentförhĂ„llanden

Kolonisationen har format ma?nga la?nder, men i vilken utstra?ckning? Detta a?r ett aktuellt a?mne eftersom kolonialism fortfarande finns idag. I den ha?r uppsatsen underso?ks da?rfo?r kolonisationens pa?verkan pa? ekonomisk utveckling. Med hja?lp av tva?rsnittsdata och OLS-regressioner visar resultatet att brittiska kolonier i va?rlden, relativt franska kolonier, i genomsnitt haft ho?gre BNP per capita a?r 2000 och att detta tycks bero pa? skillnader i humankapital, demokrati och institutioner.

Muslimska brödraskapet : Demokratiska avsikter?

Kolonisationen har format ma?nga la?nder, men i vilken utstra?ckning? Detta a?r ett aktuellt a?mne eftersom kolonialism fortfarande finns idag. I den ha?r uppsatsen underso?ks da?rfo?r kolonisationens pa?verkan pa? ekonomisk utveckling. Med hja?lp av tva?rsnittsdata och OLS-regressioner visar resultatet att brittiska kolonier i va?rlden, relativt franska kolonier, i genomsnitt haft ho?gre BNP per capita a?r 2000 och att detta tycks bero pa? skillnader i humankapital, demokrati och institutioner.

Barn och ungdomar som begÄr sexuella övergrepp : Socialsekreterares perspektiv

Introduction: The National Board of Health and Welfares conclusion was that today there was a low awareness about children who act sexually toward others and how their problems can be handled. This requires extensive work by school personnel and social workers to give the children the support they need. Aim: The aim was to investigate social workers perception in cases concerning children and adolescents who committed sexual assault. Method: A qualitative method was utilized with semi-structured interviews to describe social workers perceptions in cases concerning children and adolescents who committed sexual assault. Four social workers from different communities were interviewed in southern Sweden.

Anpassning och utveckling - Studie- och yrkesvÀgledares tankar om livslÄngt lÀrande i ett förÀnderligt kunskapssamhÀlle

Det problem som ligger till grund för detta arbete Àr att det enligt lÀgesbedömningen för 2014 av Grundskoleförvaltningen i Malmö kommun finns brister gÀllande kvalitet och omfattning med avseende pÄ studie- och yrkesvÀgledningen pÄ Malmö stads grundskolor. Samtidigt behövs ett livslÄngt lÀrande frÄn studie- och yrkesvÀgledarnas sida för att upprÀtthÄlla god kvalitet och professionell standard pÄ studie- och yrkesvÀgledningen enligt LÀrarnas Riksförbund. Syftet Àr att utforska vilka insatser som studie- och yrkesvÀgledare inom Malmö stads grundskolor gör för att frÀmja livslÄngt lÀrande. Vidare Àr vÄra frÄgestÀllningar: Vilket lÀrande talar studie- och yrkesvÀgledarna om att de utövar i sitt arbete? PÄ vilket sÀtt nyttjar studie- och yrkesvÀgledarna sitt sociala nÀtverk för att upprÀtthÄlla det livslÄnga lÀrandet? Det framkom att studie- och yrkesvÀgledare bÄde tillÀmpar ett anpassningsinriktat och ett utvecklingsinriktat lÀrande.

Sociala medier-journalistens nya kÀllor? : En kvantitativ undersökning av anvÀndandet av citat frÄn sociala medier i svensk press

Is social media becoming a new form of interview? This is a quantitative study about the use of quotations from social media in Swedish newspapers. We chose the online editions of two of Sweden?s biggest newspapers for this, namely aftonbladet.se and dn.se.Although we noticed a big difference between the more serious dn.se and the more scandal-oriented aftonbladet.se both newspaper still frequently used quotations from social media.The thing that we found most troublesome about this phenomenon was the fact that we found that journalists very rarely contacted the person whose quotations they used. That meant that the interviewee had a very slim chance of correcting any misunderstandings.It also opened up the opportunity for certain people to use the media to spread their own agendas without getting questioned.We used the social institutionalizing theory and the social responsibility theory to verify our findings.

SKOLSOCIONOM I GLESBYGD Roll, team och ensamarbete

Purpose of this study is to describe and analyze school social work in rural area and being alone in social work at the school welfare/health team and how this affects the individual, professionally and privately.The theoretical framework highlights the empirical data through Goffman's dramaturgical perspective. The study highlights school social workers role on the scene as Goffman divided as the front and rear arena and how school social worker find strategies to cope with it alone work it takes to be a counselor in rural areas.One way to handle her role involves acting in one of the following three characters: the self-employed, infiltrator and tough guy.The study describes how the social worker harboring the stress in the profession; through recovery - physical and mental, on the back stage, backstage.On stage there are other players such as student health team, which also acts and affect what happens on the front stage.School social workers are working hard to position itself in relation to other professions in student welfare/health team and to have a mandate to act.In the analysis, it appears that the school social workers want a clearer role profession/ occupation profession and mandate to act, which may be complicated by today is the only counselor in student welfare/health team lacking identity. There is also a desire for further/ continuing education, but this is seen as an organizational pitfall when the manager does not have the same educational background as school social worker.Ultimately, it is the peripatetic life as a social worker at the school who is considered the most exhausting part of the work as a school social worker in a rural area. There is a great desire among the interviewed school social workers to have fewer schools to relate to and work on..

Armeringsmetoder för att uppnÄ ett effektivt industrialiserat platsbyggande

Social housing in Northern Europe and the importance of social and political consideration in planning. Focus of the essay lies on the "burning suburbs" of France, based on literature studies combined with a study visit to Les Minguettes outside of Lyon..

Effektivisering vid behandling av CONTRAM-data i ArcMap

Social housing in Northern Europe and the importance of social and political consideration in planning. Focus of the essay lies on the "burning suburbs" of France, based on literature studies combined with a study visit to Les Minguettes outside of Lyon..

Konceptuell utformning av bÀrande system i höghus

Social housing in Northern Europe and the importance of social and political consideration in planning. Focus of the essay lies on the "burning suburbs" of France, based on literature studies combined with a study visit to Les Minguettes outside of Lyon..

Hur socialarbetaren uppfattar sin yrkesroll : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialarbetaren inom ekonomiskt bistÄnd upplever sitt arbetssÀtt utifrÄn ett maktperspektiv

This study is intended to study how the social worker in financial assistance relates to the social workers exercise of its authority, regarding the Social Services Act and the Administrative Procedures Act. In concerning how the social worker treats and handles the cases of their clients, but also what significancethe organization's policies and goals have on the social worker?s role and the formation of their professional identity. To answer these questions the study chose a qualitative approach. Because the purpose of this study is to investigate the social worker?s personal beliefs about their way of conducting social work.

SocialtjÀnstens arbete : Med kvinnor som blivit utsatta för vÄld

The aim of the current study was to highlight the social service work with domestic violence against women. In this study, we examined whether there was a difference in the way the social service works and if their effort differ in terms of domestic violence. Moreover, this study investigated how social workers work to prevent future violence against victims also what method they use to find out the causes behind men?s violence against women.A total of four administrative officers were interviewed from two different municipalities. All four officers were actively working with questions concerning domestic violence against women.

FörvÀntningsgap och socialisering : - En studie om studenters och revisorsassistenters kunskaper och fo?rva?ntningar om revisionens ga?llande regler och praxis

Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: A?nda sedan Liggio (1974) myntade uttrycket the audit expectation gap, fo?rva?ntningsgapet, har detta fenomen underso?kts av flertalet forskare som kommit fram till att det a?r ett utbrett problem runt om i va?rlden. Felaktiga fo?rva?ntningar pa? revisorn och dennes arbete kan vara till stor skada da? det fo?rsa?mrar fo?rtroendet fo?r revisorsprofessionen och leder till mer kritik mot branschen. Som lo?sning fo?resla?s ofta utbildning fo?r ba?de revisorer och deras intressenter, men na?got som inte studerats lika utbrett a?r hur utbildningen ser ut fo?r de blivande revisorerna, d.v.s.

LSS-handlÀggares uppfattning om LSS-lagstiftning och dess tillÀmpningSocial workers apprehension about the Support and Service for persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS) and the application

The aim with this study is to see how social workers apprehend the law, support and service for persons with certain functional impairments (LSS) and the application. We interviewed six social workers in six different municipalities to get a distribution between small and big municipalities. In the study we have used a qualitative method with half structured interview questions, since we wanted to get a comprehension for the social workers apprehensions. We have used a communication theory and a role theory in the study. The result showed that the social workers consider that the LSS is important, but that there are a few difficulties in the application.

Att se den osynliga skammen : - En kvalitativ studie om kunskapen om skam inom ekonomiskt bistÄnd

This study is about a social workers? knowledge of shame. Shame in this context is the embarrassment and humiliation that many people feel when they have to apply for financial assistance which equates to approximately half a million people each year in Sweden. The aim of this study is to understand if and how social workers in this field become acquainted with shame, and how it is exposed and then handled by the social workers in the meeting and work with clients. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, we also to some extent, need to study knowledge and how social workers obtain knowledge in social work.

Den performativa uppvÀxten : en studie i den heterosexuella matrisens verkan i tre svenska skolskildringar

Uppsatsen Den performativa uppvÀxten syftar till att studera den heterosexuella matrisens verkan i tre svenska skolskildringar. Som teoretisk grund för undersökningen anvÀnds sÄvÀl Yvonne Hirdmans teori om hur genussystemet bÀrs upp av de logiska fundamenten isÀrhÄllning och könshierarki, som Judith Butlers queerfeministiskt filosofiska dekonstruktion av kön som kategori. De skönlitterÀra verk som analyseras Àr Agnes von Krusenstjernas Tony vÀxer upp och Tonys lÀroÄr, Jan Guillous Ondskan och Jonas Gardells trilogi En komikers uppvÀxt, Ett ufo gör entré och Jenny. Genom ett textanalytiskt tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt med komparativa inslag undersöks hur genusstereotyper reproduceras och stabiliserar heterosexualiteten som obligatorisk norm, vidare hur dessa processer gestaltar ungdomars identitetstillblivelse i den skönlitterÀra skolmiljön. De tre skolskildringarna statuerar exempel som belyser hur grupptryck och okritisk medvetenhet resulterar i kollektiv könsseparerad performativitet.

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