12468 Uppsatser om Social miljö - Sida 65 av 832
Med snuset i fickan: en beskrivande och analyserande studie av snusande ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv
The aim of this essay was to describe and analyse the use of snuff as a social activity. By accomplishing eight qualitative interviews with snuff-users I wanted to get a glimpse into their relationship to the snuff and find out in which situations and frames of mind the snuff-use alter. I also wanted to find out if age, class or gender has any affect in snuff-using. The interviews were analysed in a sociological perspective with help from Erving Goffmans and Joseph Gusfields ideas, among others. I found out that each snuff-user creates his own rituals and routines, but there are factors in daily life, which can change the use of snuff.
Sociala faktorer bakom hÀlsokomponenten KASAM bland lÀrarstudenter
Det salutogena perspektivet pÄ hÀlsa fokuserar pÄ att förklara varför mÀnniskor behÄller sin hÀlsa trots att de utsÀtts för en mÀngd stressorer, till skillnad frÄn de modeller som förklaringar till insjuknande. Syftet med föreliggande studie Àr att undersöka förhÄllandet mellan social bakgrund, livsstil och KASAM (kÀnsla av sammanhang) hos lÀrarstudenter (N = 301). KASAM Àr ett ofta anvÀnt mÄtt pÄ hÀlsa som tillsammans med frÄgor rörande studentens liv och uppvÀxt samt frÄgor kring livsstil och social bakgrund ingick i den enkÀt som deltagarna i föreliggande undersökning fyllt i. Studiens resultat visade inte pÄ nÄgra signifikanta samband mellan KASAM och livsstil, vilket överrensstÀmmer med resultaten av tidigare forskning. Det fanns inte heller nÄgra samband mellan KASAM och social bakgrund.
Heder, handlingsplaner och handlingsutrymme : En studie av socialsekreterares arbete med hedersrelaterad problematik
The study aims to describe and analyse the relationship between norm and practice regarding social services casework on honour-related problems. The relationship between norm and practice involves the difference between the way it is intended that social workers shall operate in these cases and how they perceive that this works in practice. We interviewed two focus groups of eight Swedish social workers, four in each group. We also held an individual interview with a social services business developer. Focus group interviews were based on two vignettes; one depicting an honour-related case and the second an "ordinary" case.
Social rekrytering : en kvalitativ studie som behandlar fyra organisationers och fyra professionella aktörers tankar om rekrytering oc sociala medier.
Detta Àr en kvalitativ studie som behandlar relationen mellan sociala medier och rekrytering, sÄ kallad social rekrytering. Vi har genomfört intervjuer med personer frÄn företag och offentliga organisationer kring deras anvÀndande av social rekrytering. Vi har Àven intervjuat fyra professionella aktörer som arbetar med sociala medier, kommunikation och human resources, med avsikten att fÄ en djupare inblick i hur sociala medier bör och kan anvÀndas i rekryteringssammanhang. Vi kopplade vÄra intervjuresultat till teorier kring bland annat rekrytering, sociala medier och employer branding.Studiens frÄgestÀllningar berörde hur företagen och de offentliga organisationerna möter social rekrytering samt hur de anvÀnder social rekrytering idag. De professionella aktörerna besvarade frÄgor kring hur de ser pÄ samspelet mellan rekrytering och sociala medier.
PR och marknadsföring inom sociala medier : En studie kring riskerna att vara social i sociala medier
Social media provides a new position of power to the single individual within PR and marketing campaigns. When a company uses social media as a communication tool in their PR and marketing practice, they have to adapt themselves after the customers' needs and the new communication structure within social media. Communication in social medi is different from traditional media, which is more one-way communicative and visual in its interaction, rather than the digital media that are more two-way communicative av viral through dialogue. If a company creates PR and marketing campaigns within social media without adjusting to the new rules of communication through dialogue, and instead try to apply traditional one-way communication to their social campaigns, they put themselves and their brands in risk of public humiliation and loss of customers; the speed of the viral dialogue over social media can spread bad news fast, and with the newfound power of the single individual, the impliacations can thus be devastating for a company and its brand. If an organization does not respond and take part of the criticism that may be directed at them through the customers' comments, the negative dialogue among clients and the public within social media can quickly create a hazard enviorment for a company and its brand to be seen in. The public within these social media platforms are more independent and continuously conversing with each other on a local an global scale.
Samtalet pÄ Facebook : En studie om IKEA Sveriges kommunikation i sociala medier
IntroductionIn this study, we have explained the complexities of social media, as it is still a relatively unexplored area. With the rapidly growing use of social media in recent years, companies have chosen to establish themselves in social networks to advertise themselves and communicate with their customers. In this study we analyze IKEA Sweden and their use of social media on the national market, where focus lies upon IKEA Sweden Facebook-page. The study intends to find out how the company uses social media as a marketing and communication tool and also analyzes the relations and conversations that occur on the Facebook-page. Purpose and research questionsThe purpose of the study was to gain a deeper understanding of how a large Swedish company as IKEA has chosen to use social media and how it's perceived by them. We also intended to find out how IKEA Sweden uses social media in their daily work and how the company communicates through this media channel.
?? det Àr ju sÄ jÀkla frustrerande? - en kvalitativ undersökning av fysiskt aktiva individers upplevelser av socialt stöd i samband med trÀningsuppehÄll efter en skada.
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to better understanding of the importance of social support for physically active individuals' experiences of training residence following an injury.The physical activity's impact on public health is well known. Increased physical activity also increases the risk of suffering an injury related to physical activity. The importance of social support for those individuals who suffer an injury related to physical activity is where increased knowledge is needed.Four interviews to were conducted using a thematic interview guide with the following themes: The experience of the training break, two sides of social support, several ways of dealing with the experience, the design of the support, Varied support providers relationship changes. The most important property of the individual who gave support was an experience similar to that of the injured individuals underwent. That, combined with the close relationship with the individual who gave support was seen as crucial to the experience of the social support role for the injured individual.The Conclusion was that social support is important for the experience of a break from exercise due to an injury related to physical activity..
Blatte - en etnicitet? Om ungdomars med utlÀndsk bakgrund syn pÄ sin etnicitet
Immigrants and children of immigrants are statistically lumped together into a category of "person with foreign background". Blatte is a degrading and violating word when directed at immigrants by Swedes. The aim of my essay was to test to what extent the Swedish term "blatte" could be qualified as an ethnicity in the sense that young people with foreign background born between 1981 and 1984 living in a neighborhood with a high population of people with foreign backgrounds have another ethnicity, besides the Swedish and the "home country ethnicity" to find themselves and their identity in.My method consisted of interviewing six people between the ages of 21 and 24 with different ethnic backgrounds living in a limited area of Malmö, SwedenŽs third biggest city. I tested my hypothesis of these people having a third ethnicity to relate to against three schools and from two out of three schools defending my hypothesis, my result is that blatte can not fully be seen as an ethnicity but definitely shows tendencies of becoming one in the future..
Den kritiska Messengergenerationen : En studie om politiska diskussioner i sociala medier samt skolans roll i att forma kritiskt ta?nkande individer
The purpose of the study is to explore how social media can be used as a forum to discuss politics and also how young people use critical reflection to evaluate the information available on social media. To achieve the purpose, a qualitative research is used. The empirical data is collected through semi-structured interviews with six high school students who voted in the Swedish parliamentary elections in/of 2014. The empirical data were then analyzed based on previous research on social media, and the school's mission to foster individuals who think critically. The analysis is also based on the theory of deliberative democracy model.
NÀr grÀnsen mellan sÀndare och mottagare suddas ut : En studie i hur organisationer ser pÄ sociala medier som del av den externa kommunikationen och hur de bemöter sin omgivning i det nya medieverktyget
Title: ?When The Line Between Transmitter and Receiver Blurs? ? A Study of how organizations look at social media as part of their external communication and how they respond to the environment in the new media toolNumber of pages: 49 (51 including enclosures)Author: Ida Hansson KÀllTutor: Cecilia StrandCourse: Media and Communication Studies D 30hpPeriod: Spring 2010University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Informatics and Media,Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to study how five organizations look at social media as part of their external communication and how they respond to the environment in the new media tool.Material/Method: A qualitative method has been used. Five interviews as primary sources have been conducted with representatives from each organization.Main results: The main results of the study is that organizations have to integrate social media as part of their external communication plans in order to face and respond to their surroundings in a new interaction and multi-way communicative platform. Results also show that organizations are well aware of the importance of making use and participate in social media.Keywords: blogs, external communication, facebook, respond to the environment, social media.
Busar eller stackare? : En studie om samarbetet mellan socialtjÀnst och polis
The purpose of this study was to investigate how the social services and the police co-operate with each other when they come into contact with an individual within their realms of influence. It has been shown in a report by Fridolf (2008) that co-operation is not the aim itself but used as a mean to reach for better processes and better results. We have used qualitative interviews in the study, where three social workers and three policemen have participated from the same municipality to answer our questions. To analyze our result we have used system theory and organization theory. The result of our study shows that within this specific municipality the two agencies co-operate very well.
Forskningsbiblioteket som mötesplats : En ny sida av forskningsbibliotekets uppdrag?
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the research library of LinnĂŠus University is used by students as a meeting place. Building upon Putnam's theory of bonding and bridging social capital and Audunson's conception of high and low intensive meeting places, it aims to explore the research library's potential for creating social capital and thus strengthening both learning and democracy in a university context. Borrowing part of the survey design from a study conducted as part of the Norwegian PLACE project, this study collects responses from 134 students as to their use of the library as a meeting place. The results show that the LinnĂŠus University library is used for a variety of meetings of both high and low intensity, why it should provide a good setting for the creation of social capital. There seems to be a connection between how often one visits the library, as well as to which department one belongs, and how one uses the library as a meeting place.
Barnet i bistÄndet : - en kvantitativ studie om barnperspektivet i ekonomiskt bistÄnd
This study is about the child?s perspective when it comes to work with financial assistance. The purpose of the study was partly to describe how social workers regard the child?s perspective in their work with financial assistance and partly to look into whether they impose a child?s perspective in their practical work. To fulfill this purpose the authors used a quantitative method and sent out a web based survey to all the social workers actively working with financial assistance in Stockholm town.
Nya vÀgar till ett nytt jobb
The purpose of this study is to describe how unemployed persons in a work-program experience their participation in the project and how they feel about the possibilities to find a new job. It is a qualitative study with a social psychological perspective and the research is based on nine interviews. The theories used cover both social psychological and cognitive perspectives such as those of Charles Cooley, Johan Asplund and Thomas Scheff..
Corporate Social Responsibility ? ett sÀtt att styra intryck? : En komparativ studie om tre modeföretags arbete med Corporate Social Responsibility och dess relation till intrycksstyrning
Corporate Social Responsibility Àr ett aktuellt Àmne och en strategi som mÄnga företag börjar anvÀnda sig mer av. Syftet i denna uppsats har varit att titta pÄ tre svenska modebutikskedjor, deras CSR-arbete och CSR:s roll i intrycksstyrningen pÄ företagen och dÀrmed deras anseende.Den centrala teorin i denna studie har varit den om intrycksstyrning skriven av Erving Goffman i hans verkJaget och maskerna(2009). Vi har Àven anvÀnt oss av Archie B. Carrolls teori om CSR-pyramiden.Denna studie Àr komparativ och tre modeföretag har jÀmförts i deras intrycksstyrning samt i deras CSR-arbete. Intervjuer har hÄllits med CSR-ansvariga pÄ respektive företag.