

14989 Uppsatser om Social life - Sida 58 av 1000

"Jag gjorde det dom betala för" : En narrativ berättelse om en kvinnas liv och vägen ut ur prostitution och missbruk

This study aims to find out what happens with the roles that are seemingly left behind. Are there roles that are harder or easier to exercise? Available roles with us through life and affect our future decisions or we switched completely away from them and create new roles based on the situations we find ourselves in at the moment? The aim is also to see how the relationship looks like between closed roles and new roles in life. To try to find this out, I have used the narrative method. The study is based largely on Goffman's theories of roles, behind and above the front- and back stage.

ATTITYDER, VÄRDERINGAR och INSTÄLLNING till FRAMTIDA ARBETSLIV : ?En kvalitativ studie med sex unga kvinnliga beteendevetarstudenter?

The purpose of this paper was to investigate what young behavioral science students, born in the 1980s, think is important in their future work life. The purpose has also been to investigate what attitudes the behavioral science students have towards their future work life, and what place work has in the young behavioral science students lives. After clarification of above, the aim has also been to compare the results with former research. Thereafter the purpose has been to investigate whether traditional work motivation and job satisfaction theories are applicable for young people today. The empirical material is based on interviews with six women who study behavioral science at various levels.

Socialarbetares tolkning och tillämpning av LVM: ur ett genusperspektiv

The law (1988:870) concerning care of substance abusers is constructed in a way that gives the social workers room to interpret and apply the law individually. This may contribute to differences in treatment between female and male substance abusers. The purpose of the essay was to investigate whether the client's gender had any significance to how the social worker interpret and apply the law (LVM).The specific questions we worked around were:- What significance does the client's gender have in the decision-making?- Does the social worker's opinion about the law have any significance?- What factors can effect the social worker's interpretation and application of the law?- What importance do the social workers attach to prevailing norms about men and women when they interpret and apply the law?We chose to use a qualitative method to answer the above questions. Six social workers were interviewed and 39 LVM sentences were analysed.

Gestaltningsförslag för S:t Eriks torg i Uppsala : med utgångspunkt från Jan Gehls teorier för att främja liv och aktivitet

In this work a new design for S:t Erik?s square in Uppsala is being proposed. The square is situated in the middle of the city, surrounded by historical buildings. Today the square is a parking lot. The aim of the design proposal is to promote life and activity of pedestrians and cyclists.

"Det lättare livet?" - en litteraturstudie om hur en person som opereras för obesitas kan stödjas till förbättrad hälsa pre- och postoperativt"The easier life?" - a literature review about how a person, operated for obesity, can be supported in order to r

Background: Obesity surgery is the only technique that has proved to have a long-lasting effect on weight loss. Operation is not a solution but rather a lifelong involvement for the person. To loose a lot of weight means a big adjustment for both body and mind and the operated person may need support, advice, information and encouragement. Aim: The aim was to describe how a person, operated for obesity, can be supported in order to reach improved health pre- and postoperative. Method: A systematic literature study was made which resulted in 18 scientific articles that have been reviewed.

Elevers och pedagogers syn på Social och Emotionell Träning i skolan

Idag finns social och emotionell träning (SET) som ett särskilt ämne på en del skolor med egna tilldelade timmar på schemat. Det vi ställt oss frågande till är vad det är som gör att vi har tagit in social och emotionell träning som ett eget ämne på schemat i grundskolans tidigare år och vi frågar oss även om det behövs särskilda lektioner för detta? Genom att intervjua tre lärare och tio elever samt att göra observationer under dessa lektioner har vi försökt finna svaren på våra frågor..

Undergrupper av social ångest i relation till depressiva symtom och livstillfredsställelse hos unga vuxna: En tvärsnittsstudie

Uppsatsens övergripande syfte var att undersöka möjliga mönster av social ångest och dess relation till depressiva symtom och livstillfredsställelse. Social ångest innebär lidande för många människor och medför rädsla för situationer där det finns risk att granskas, att få uppmärksamhet samt att bli bedömd för sina prestationer. Social ångest karakteriseras av undvikande beteende men indikationer finns att det även existerar en atypisk undergrupp av social ångest som uppvisar ett impulsivt beteende. Självskattningsformulär har använts vid datainsamlingen och urvalet bestod av unga vuxna i åldern 20-24 år. Resultaten analyserades genom klusteranalys och indikerade att en atypisk impulsiv grupp med social ångest existerade samt att kön modererar graden av depressiva symtom. .

Hjältar och förebilder : en studie av äventyraren och hans inspirationskällor

The purpose of this essay is to examine how the adventure is accomplished as a project, and how this is vindicated, through science or by other means. The scientists of today are not seen as adventurers or heroes, at least not as they used to, but this image lives on as a sort of role or social institution, that can be used by anyone and in any purpose. These roles could be seen as a type of rules for the modern adventurer, and act both as a limit or a possibility. This essay compares two North Pole travelers, Ola Skinnarmo and Salomon August Andrée..

Det sociala området i EU, sett genom dokumenttexterna Romfördraget, Lissabonstrategin, den socialpolitiska agendan och Sveriges strategirapport.

The social dimension in the EU, explored through the document texts of the Treaty of Rome, the Lisbon Strategy, the Social Policy Agenda and the Swedish Strategy ReportThis paper explores the social dimension of EU social policy, except the aspects of the economic and labour market. The EU documents reveal an underlying line of thought stemming from the alignment of the six founding countries, spearheaded by France, with the conservative corporatist welfare model. As one of four European welfare models, the conservative corporatist model emphasises labour market issues, corporate social responsibility and the subsidiarity principle in EU social policy. It also influences how the texts define the terms social, social policy and social exclusion. The definitions determine how policymakers combat problems such as social exclusion and identify the policy issues to be included in EU social policy.The Swedish Strategy shows how the country is responding to the objectives that it has been assigned by the EU and how it plans to attain them.

Relationens betydelse i klientarbetet inom missbruksvård : En kvalitativ studie utifrån ett socialarbetarperspektiv

The purpose of this particular study was to examine the client relationship as described by social workers during the ongoing process of addiction treatment in conjunction with the effects on creating these relationships as affected by government stipulations. As a basis for the study, qualitative interviews were conducted with five separate social workers in the course of their work within addiction treatment. Results from the study were analyzed by means of power and dramaturgically roll theory. The social workers stated that it was of the utmost importance to create a good relationship in order to effectively help the client. The social workers further stated that a good relationship was characterized by the virtues of cooperation, trust, and confidence.

Hörapparatbärares upplevelser och erfarenheter av tekniska hörhjälpmedel i offentliga lokaler

To be able to feel a sense of belonging, people need to have the possibility to take part of the information from the society. Hearing-impaired don?t have the same possibility as hearing people when they want to take part of the information, therefore they don?t get the same benefit. This contributes to a feeling of not belonging and a sense of limitation in different social occasions. Therefore the society needs to be accessible to everyone regardless disability.

Närståendes upplevelser vid akut kritisk sjukdom

AbstractBackground: When an acute illness or trauma occurs, life becomes disorganised and shattered for the critically ill person and his/her family members. The family members are confronted with thoughts about life and death which can cause stress and anxiety. How the family members cope with the crisis is individual and depending on personality and earlier experiences. Aim: The purpose of this literary review was to illustrate the family members´ experiences when dealing with a critically ill family member. Method: A literary review was made based on fifteen qualitative and quantitative scientific articles and a literary book.

"Dilemmat i tillämpningen av tvångsvård" : En kvalitativ studie utifrån åtta socialsekreterares perspektiv

The overall objective of our research is to understand  how social workers in social services protect the individual's autonomy, integrity and a coercive law which deprives the individual of his rights.In this study, we bring out social secretaries perspective on how they see the compulsory treatment and the problems that can arise in a detention. This study is based on the questions; How are power between social worker and client? What is the social secretary of the law on compulsory as a tool to help clients?We interviewed eight social workers who work specifically with compulsory treatment. We used the result to answer our questions. As a theoretical background, we chose to use the power perspective, the concepts of flexibility and freedom of action and categorizations.The results that emerged from our study are that compulsory treatment is considered to be a positive and negative thing.

Ett gott liv på äldre dar : Äldres upplevelse av hälsa och livskvalitet

På grund av en ökande medellivslängd hos Sveriges befolkning, är en betydligt större grupp äldre att vänta. Mer kunskaper kring människors förutsättningar för ett gott liv i hög ålder kommer  att krävas för att på bästa sätt kunna ta hand om denna åldersgrupp. Syftet med denna studie var att försöka få kunskap om hur äldre människor upplever sin livskvalitet och hur åldrandet påverkar deras livssituation. Inför studien valdes kvalitativ metod och 7 stycken intervjuer med målgruppen 80+ genomfördes. Dessa intervjuer analyserades med hjälp av grounded theory och resulterade i fem kategorier; livets ryggsäck, livskriser, känslan av trygghet och rädsla, att känna social glädje och sorg och självständighet ger meningsfullhet.

Förekomst av smak- och/eller luktförändringar vid antitumoral behandling med kemoterapi

Aim: The aim of present study was to determine the frequency of taste and smell disorders occuring in patients receiving chemotherapy for cancer. Methods: The study was of an empirical cross sectional quantitative descriptive design. During one month, consecutive cancer patients at outpatient units in two Swedish hospitals were asked to participate in the study by completing a questionnaire that had been developed previously for a similar study. All participants had undergone at least 1 cycle of intravenous chemotherapy or  a minimum of seven days of oral chemotherapy. Results: A total of 102 patients completed the questionnaire.

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