14971 Uppsatser om Social life - Sida 44 av 999
Djurägares syn på cytostatikabehandling av hund : en enkätundersökning
Chemotherapy is one of the most important methods of treatment available today for the treatment of neoplastic diseases and gives many patients an increased quality of life and a prolonged survival time (McKnight, 2003). The object of this study was to find out more about owners? views on and experiences of chemotherapy of dogs when it comes to for example quality of life, side effects and if they would make the same decision and treats their dog again in the future. A questionnaire was in the spring of 2009 sent out to the owners of 100 dogs that had been treated with chemotherapy for neoplastic diseases at Universitetsdjursjukhuset, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) in Uppsala between 2002 and 2008. The response rate was 67 %.
Data och Tv-spel : Data och tv-spels påverkan på ungdomar
The purpose of this study is to investigate in what extension students experience that computer and videogames affect them. I have chosen to focus on the physical, mental and social affect that this activity might bring them. I have also examined how much time the students spends in front of the computer or the videogame and in which social context they play.The method I have chosen to use is a quantitative opinion poll which I used in three classes of the later junior high and I have also conducted five qualitative interviews.The conclusions I have drawn from this investigation are that computer and videogames affects teenagers both physically and mentally. Physically the affects of playing videogames mostly can be derived to the physical inactivity they expose themselves to. The students themselves did not experienced any positive physical affects from their playing.Amongst the mental affects that stood out the most I recognized the social training that online gaming provided and also the intellectual stimulation that certain games offered the player.
MÄNNISKA OCH KRISTEN GUSTAF WINGRENS SKAPELSETEOLOGI Analys av en accentförskjutning från juridisk teologisk metaforik till biologisk teologisk metaforik
Titel: Human being and Christian ? creationtheology of Gustaf Wingren.Analysis of an accentshift from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor.Author: Tove Pilroth.The purpose of the essay is to analyse the meaning and the consequences, in a critical and constructive way, of an accentshift of interpretation and understanding of the gospel, from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor. The purpose is presented in the frame of the creationtheology of Wingren. To be able to make the research and to answer the purpose of the essay, the following questions are essential:The human being is captive and redemption is liberation. If we are serious about that the gospel gives the human being rehabilitation, satisfaction, liberation and a life and a future with God, the essential question is which metaphor, a juridical or a biological, that speaks to the human being in the best way? What is the meaning of an accentshift from a juridical to a biological metaphor? How does the creationtheologhy of Wingren, from a biological metaphor, meets the situation of the existence for the human being, her longing for life, health and meaning? What kind of theological resources are present in the creationtheology of Wingren, in the confrontation with future theological challenges?The essay is stressing the need of pluralism in the interpretation of the gospel.
Sätter jag mig i ett hörn, blir jag äldre än vad jag är : En kvalitativ studie om insatsen aktivering inom hemtjänsten
From the day we are born, we slowly grow old and sooner or later most people will have to use geriatric care provided by the community. In the Swedish model, society is responsible for the geriatric care, so the elderly can live a dignified, meaningful and active life. Home help insert activity is designed to help elderly get their social needs satisfied in the form of, for example, being outdoors, walk and visit a friend or some other form of social interaction. The study's purpose is to study how older people use and perceive bet activation in the municipal home care. To find out how this was conducted five interviews with older people who have help from home care to insert activation was made.
?Jag vill bara ha ett vanligt Svensson liv?. : ? En kvalitativ studie om sociala faktorers inverkan på missbruksfrihet.
ABSTRACTIn this study, five people were interviewed who are involved in a drug-assisted program for opiate addiction, also called substitution program. The meaning of substitution is that these clients' drug addiction is replaced with substitute preparations, either methadone or Subutex in an orderly manner. The clients of the researcher decided to study the substitution program have all been a heavy opiate addiction for years. Their participation in the replacement program is more than two years, and those who have been around the longest have been in the program for six years, so long as the substitution program has existed in Visby.This is a qualitative study in which interviews are conducted face to face with each individual client, and the interview was unstructured in the sense that no specific issues made in advance. The interviews have been themed, and the researcher has gone through various areas of life around the respondent.
Möjligheter och besvikelser : Språklärares diskurser om IKT och skärmtexter i arbetet
We have chosen to focus on the meaning of long-term income support dependency regarding health, goal setting and motivation for the recipient of economical aid. We have chosen to use semi structurized interviews to achieve our goal of reaching the clients experience of long-term income support dependency. The study consists of interviews of six clients whose answers have been analyzed through appliance of Kielhofner´s Model of human occupation, Scheff´s Shame in self and society. Our results show regarding, 1) the factor health that long-term income support dependency may elevate the risk of illness and less experienced options of possibilities to act. 2) regarding the factor goal setting, that goals may be inefficiently used during social work with long-term income support dependent clients and may result in a disorganized relationship between client and social worker in the sense of making the parties pull in opposite direction. 3) regarding the factor motivation, that long-term income support dependency and the living with the emotion of shame elevates the risk of maintaining a negative image of oneself that limits the willpower to assimilate new knowledge and/or skills.
Sociala mediers påverkan på ungdomars hälsa
In the age group 16-25 years, the Internet is the most powerful source of information. This age group is also the main user of social media. The purpose of this study was to investigate young people's experience of social media and any associations between social media and adolescents health by answering the questions: ?how does young people use social media?, ?what risks can occur in young people's use of social media? and ?how can social media influence young people's lifestyles?. The survey was conducted by a quantitative cross-sectional study using questionnaires.
Livstillfredsställelse : Föränderlig på grund av exponering för negativ respektive positiv information?
Livstillfredsställelse är vår kognitiva bedömning av vårt liv. Studier har visat att affekter påverkar vår kognition, samtidigt ses livstillfredsställelse som en stabil disposition. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om vår bedömning av vår livstillfredsställelse tillfälligt förändras efter att ha exponerats för negativ respektive positiv information. Hypotesen var att vi uppskattar vår livstillfredsställelse olika högt beroende på om vi exponeras för negativ eller positiv infomation.Satisfaction With Life Scale delades ut till 50 studenter på en högskola efter exponering av negativ respektive positiv information under en föreläsning. Resultatet visade att det inte fanns någon statistiskt signifikant skillnad mellan negativ och positiv information med avseende på livstillfredsställelse.
Hells Angels och Fucked for Life: en analys av två gängverksamheters uppbyggnad, normer och värderingar
Syftet med denna uppsats var att söka en förståelse om varför vissa människor ansluter sig till kriminella gängverksamheter och nätverk och hur detta påverkar de enskilda individerna, grupperingen i sig samt det övriga samhället.I denna studie har jag använt mig utav två typexempel av aktiva kriminella gängverksamheter, Hells Angels och Fucked for Life. Detta för att undersöka hur dessa är uppbyggda samt studera dess normer och värderingar..
Mellan normal och avvikande : En litteraturstudie om vuxna personer med Aspergers syndrom.
?Between normal and abnormal? is a qualitative literature study about adults with Aspergers syndrom. The study aims to understand how a person with Asperger syndrome understand himself. The study is built around two issues. These are; how does a person with Aspergers syndrom describe himself and how does the diagnos influence the self-image.
Faktorer av betydelse för äldres livskvalitet på särskilt boende - Vad påverkar äldres livskvalitet?
Lite mindre än en femtedel av Sveriges befolkning utgörs av personer som är
över 65 år och av dessa bor cirka 6,2 % i särskilda boendeformer. Syftet med
studien var att undersöka faktorer som är av betydelse för livskvaliteten för
äldre på särskilt boende. Metoden som använts var en litteraturstudie med
kvalitativ ansats som inbegrep åtta vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna
analyserades med innehållsanalys inspirerad av Graneheim och Lundman (2004).
Resultatet presenteras utifrån de fyra kategorierna; vikten av personlig
trygghet, denna rubrik sammanfattar vad som påverkar om den äldre känner sig
trygg på det särskilda boendet, betydelsen av mellanmänskliga relationer, denna
rubrik innefattar hur äldre upplever kontakten med personal, familj och övriga
Förekomst av meticillinresistenta Staphylococcus spp. i djursjukhusmiljö
Chemotherapy is one of the most important methods of treatment available today for the treatment of neoplastic diseases and gives many patients an increased quality of life and a prolonged survival time (McKnight, 2003). The object of this study was to find out more about owners? views on and experiences of chemotherapy of dogs when it comes to for example quality of life, side effects and if they would make the same decision and treats their dog again in the future. A questionnaire was in the spring of 2009 sent out to the owners of 100 dogs that had been treated with chemotherapy for neoplastic diseases at Universitetsdjursjukhuset, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) in Uppsala between 2002 and 2008. The response rate was 67 %.
Hälsosamt förhållningssätt mot stress: En kvalitativ studie om att vara enhetschef inom LSS i Kalmar kommun
Stress is part of everyday life and in the working conditions of the social services in Sweden. Thus each and every person has resources and strategies to cope with those stressors that construct the assumption of stress. The aim of this study was to understand how persons in leading positions of the LSS of Social Services in Kalmar experience and cope with stressors in their leadership and organization and to investigate what factors during working and non-working hours promote health. Influenced by the theoretical approach of Aaron Antonovsky´s Sense of Coherence seven qualitative interviews were conducted with persons in leading positions. They were asked about stressors, coping strategies, resources and health promoting factors that help to cope with stressors.
Socialt kapital genom Föreningsengagemang? : Föreningsengagemanget betydelse för det sociala kapitalet
This study examines the connection between social capital and involvement within voluntary associations; involvement is defined either as being a member in an association or a member who has some kind of assignment in an association. The study also examines if there is a difference between two social economic groups regarding the attainment and transformation of social capital through being involved in a voluntary association.Social capital is defined as social trust and the willingness of collective action.The result of the research shows there is a slight connection between the involvement in voluntary associations and social capital. It shows that people who are members of a voluntary association often have higher social capital than those who are not members of any voluntary association at all. The study also shows that there is a difference in attainment of social capital between those who have some kind of assignment in a voluntary association and general members.When studying social capital and involvement in voluntary associations it is also of interest to take social class into the analysis, because the study shows that people with a lower education had increased social capital when they were members in an association compared to the members with a higher education..
Stress och genusspecifika mönster bland ungdomar : En kvalitativ studie utifrån professionella aktörers upplevelser och erfarenheter av ungdomars stress
The aim of the study was to understand professionals? perceptions and experiences of adolescent stress. In the study I interested myself further if you can identify gender-specific patterns in the professional stories about young people's stress and stress related illness. Five interviews were conducted with professionals in psychiatry and social work. The thesis took its incipience in social constructionism.