

12521 Uppsatser om Social jämförelse - Sida 57 av 835

Vems HÄllbarhet? Ett kandidatarbete om social hÄllbarhet i planeringen och relationen mellan marknaden, medborgarna och offentligheten.

Syftet med arbetet Àr att redovisa och diskutera planeringsprocessens förhÄllande till begreppet social hÄllbarhet, samt beskriva olika demokratimodeller och dimensioner av social hÄllbarhet. Vidare Àr syftet att undersöka hur olika aktörer i projektet Fjordbyen i Oslo arbetar med och tar hÀnsyn till olika aspekt av hÄllbarhetsdimensionen. Arbetet bygger pÄ en forskningsöversikt över relevant planeringsvetenskaplig litteratur kombinerat med en fallstudie över Fjordbyen i Oslo dÀr metoderna innehÄllsanalys och intervju anvÀndes. Den teoretiska översikten gjordes för att skapa ett underlagsmaterial för analys av fallstudiens empiri, genom skapandet av analyskriterier. Analysen visar att social hÄllbarhet spelar en viktig roll bÄde för kommunen och privata aktörer, men att det finns svÄrigheter med deltagandet som samsvarar med vad som beskrivs i forskningsöversikten.

Formandet av yrkesidentiteten: socionomen i en hÀlsofrÀmjande skola ur ett professionsperspektiv

As a school welfare officer you are often alone of having your perspective and must struggle to preserve that perspective. At the same time, there are very little defined what role a social worker should have in a school. This makes it nessesary to form and develop your role of profession independently. According to the Swedish school law, the schools are not required to employ a welfare officer. This makes the school welfare officer inferior to the other branches of occupation in school.

Förtal pÄ internet : en analys av det allmÀnnas ansvar och den enskildes möjlighet till rÀttslig prövning

Because social media is personal and reaches users directly, it has become an important means of communication for companies trying to reach out to their audience (Nygren & Wadbring, 2013). Especially the possibility of interactivity has been discussed as social media's big advantage. But how much two-way communication is actually possible on social media? This is a quantitative study that focuses on how Swedish Facebook users in the ages of 16-25 interact with companies on the social network. The aim was to contribute with increased information and knowledge about how the users mentioned above interact with the companies as well as how the users perceive the companies communication and presence on Facebook.

"Ja jag tÀnker nog pÄ ett helt annat sÀtt" : En kvalitativ studie av socialhandlÀggares syn pÄ sin yrkeskunskap i arbetet med hedersrelaterade Àrenden.

In the aftermath of three high-profile honor killings the social service administrators became strongly criticized for their lack of skills and knowledge when it comes to dealing with honorrelated cases. In order to fix this lack of knowledge and to respond to the criticism from the society, the Swedish government allocated resources to train administrators in social services to improve their knowledge of honor-related violence and know how to handle clients who are victims of honor-related crimes.The aim of this study is to examine how social service administrators perceive their professional knowledge regarding to their work in honor-related cases. How they perceive their competence and discretion in relation to the work of honor-related problems and their perception of what resources the organization has to provide training and skill development in this area. The study shows that the social service administrators experience that there has been a development of knowledge in some areas regarding their work with honor-related cases but that there still exists an uneven distribution in terms of knowledge between small and large communities in Sweden..

Klassifikation och definition av socialantropologi En jÀmförande studie ur ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is to study the relationship between the definition and bibliographical classification of a certain academic subject; social anthropology. The theoretical framework consists of views held in Information Science regarding the definition and classification of subjects. The methodological onset is based on hermeneutical concepts that allow an extended analysis of abstract structures of thought. This analysis comprises of two parts; a descriptive analysis and a comparative analysis. The result of the descriptive analysis, whose aim is to describe the academic subject social anthropology, shows that this is not easy to define, instead it is nowadays almost the same as cultural anthropology.

Kreativitetens olika ansikten i psykosocialt arbete

The purpose of this study was to examine creativity in psychosocial work. The aim issues where to find out how creativity develops in social work, why the relation is important for the innovativeness and how the creativeness can change a person. Through a qualitative method with interviews of four persons in psychosocial work and with one man who's a professor in philosophy, four relevant themes were identified. The themes are about the relation, the meeting, the dialog and the changing. All four themes are related to creativity and I used existential, philosophic and also psychoanalytic theories when I analyzed the material.

Att umgÄs eller inte umgÄs, det Àr frÄgan! : Socialt umgÀnge och utveckling hos mÀnniskor med psykosdiagnos

Background: A common view about people with diagnosed psychosis is that they are socially withdrawn and that they neither cope nor want to engage in social relationships. Newly published specialist books on this subject also support this view.Aims: To unveil further dimensions of the phenomena by explorative analyzing consumers? own depictions about their ?social relationships".Method: The material is taken from a larger study that followed consumers regularly during a lapse of 3 years. Within this material 15 interviews from three respondents were chosen, a selection which gives maximal spreading concerning age, sex and background. The interviews where analyzed by methods based on Grounded Theory.Results: Three main dimensions were identified: supportive relationships, difficulties and social withdrawal.

"En dörr in i samhÀllet och ett fönster ut mot vÀrlden" ? Föreningen som etnisk grÀnsöverskridande mötesplats och social integrationsaktör

Det hÀr Àr en kvalitativ studie med syftet att studera föreningen som en etnisk grÀnsöverskridande mötesplats och social integrationsaktör. Metodologiskt strukturerades studien kring sju halvstrukturerade intervjuer med en föreningsordförande och föreningsaktiva medlemmar frÄn en internationell vÀnskapsförening i en glesbygdskommun i Mellansverige. Empirin har analyserats utifrÄn en teoretisk utgÄngspunkt i socialt kapital. Resultatet visar att det bÄde finns möjligheter för och hinder mot föreningen som etnisk grÀnsöverskridande mötesplats. Föreningen fungerar som etniskt överbryggande i betydelsen av att internt inom föreningen överbrygga etniska och sprÄkliga skiljelinjer, men hinder mot att uppnÄ externa överbryggande vÀrden begrÀnsas av svÄrigheter att nÄ ut till nÀrsamhÀllet och till personer med svensk bakgrund i verksamheten.

Svenska myndigheters anvÀndning av sociala medier : Vilka mÄl har myndigheterna med sitt anvÀndande av sociala medier samt hur mÀter myndigheterna effekten av sitt arbete?

Swedish authorities have been dealt a mission by the Swedish state, where each agency works on the basis of their assignment. Communication has become more and more important for authorities, there are several reasons for the use of communication and they may differ from authority to authority. Some authorities claim that the purpose of the communication work is to create awareness and recognition among citizens. A communication form that has become increasingly important for government agencies is social media, according to the government authorities should implement social media in their communication work because it is very important that the authorities are available where the citizens are. Previous research has focused on the risks and opportunities that the social media generates for the public sector.

TaS - Take a Seat

Humans have always been fascinated by the thought of bringing non living objects to life. We wanted to explore the possibilities of trying to create an artefact that the audience would consider possess emotional states and have a life of its own. TaS is a interactive chair that functions as a social entity. The idea is to try and enhance the bond between human and artefact, based upon the emotional connection. We try and produce, enhance and maintain this bond through curiosity based interaction. Bachelor thesis in Interaction Design by Andreas Eriksson, Johanna Lund and Fredrik Lundh, spring term 2008, Malmö University, K3 School of Arts & Communication..

TvÄ sidor av samma mynt : En studie om mötet inom ekonomiskt bistÄnd

The overarching aim of this paper is to study the professional encounter in its complexity. The requirements for receiving welfare is set by the professional and it's the professionals decision if they are met in the proper manner. This makes the assessment of the clients conditions and the correctness of the assessment hence important. There are several levels which is necessary for the social worker to take into consideration.We have therefore made a socio-analysis by using a theoretical model of Johansson (2006) where he uses the Social Psychology of the encounter to create a model with four levels, which is always present in the professional encounter: structural, positional, relational, and experience level.  Our base was that the one responsible for handling these levels was the professional which led us to search for literature concerning the professional approach.Our study is formed as a qualitative case-study. Our empirical data consist of qualitative interviews with four social workers handling social allowance.The results shows that the complexity of the professional encounter requires a professional approach.

Social hÄllbarhet och förtÀtning : en kritisk studie i förtÀtningens sociala paradoxer

Densification is one of the urban visions for sustainable development - a vision that has become a part of the solution to the unsustainable sake dilemma. With the dense city land will be saved, energy consumption reduced and social cohesion improved. The dense city is considered to be ecologically, economically and socially sustainable. Applying an urban design concept has thus proven to be problematic. Density has been found to be a complex concept which is far more complicated than measuring how much built surface that needs to be covered. It is also not disputed what different degrees of densification mean and whether densification in itself is sustainable.

FÄr jag visa en grej? : Barns kommunikativa strategier för att skapa utrymme för social gemenskap i klassrummet.

Skolan Àr en social arena dÀr elever gör mer Àn att lÀra sig praktiska och teoretiska kunskaper. Det Àr Àven en plats dÀr elever ingÄr i sociala gemenskaper. Syftet med denna rapport Àr att genom observationer undersöka, hur elever skapar utrymme för social gemenskap i klassrummet under pÄgÄende undervisning. Studien genomfördes i en Ärskurs trea pÄ en mindre skola.De resultat som framkom var att elever anvÀnder sig av olika kommunikativa strategier för att skapa utrymme för social interaktion med varandra. Eleverna anvÀnde sig av bÄde verbala och kroppsliga kommunikativa strategier för att etablera och upprÀtthÄlla utrymmet för social gemenskap.

Inkluderad pÄ lika villkor : En retorisk analys av Socialdemokraternas invandringspolitik 1990 och 2013

The purpose of my study is to study Social Democrats immigration policy over the period 1990 and 2013. My material consists of party programs and motions that social democracy has raised in Parliament. As a research method I used McGeeÂŽs ideograph theory. I use a cluster analysis inspired by Kenneth Burke to analyze the meaning of those found ideographs. I also present and use Bitzers rhetorical situation in my analyzeWith help of BurkeÂŽs rhetorical situation I could see how the Social Democrats' rhetorical approach to immigration policy in the different periods in society.My investigation of the Social Democratic Party program and motions / propositions revealed the following ideographs: Democracy, solidarity, equality and freedom.

Social interaktion i afasigrupp : En samtalsanalytisk studie med inriktning mot socialt fasadarbete och gester

Every year, 12,000 people in Sweden are diagnosed with aphasia. Many people with aphasia supplement their logopedic treatment by participating in an aphasia group. Aphasia groups provide both social and linguistic stimulation. The aim of the present thesis was to study the social interaction between participants, and between participants and leaders in aphasia groups.In the present study, eleven persons with aphasia and four leaders participated divided into three aphasia groups. The groups were video recorded during sessions with a total of four sessions.

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