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Barn och sociala medier : Hur sociala medier pÄverkar elever och skolans arbete mot krÀnkande behandling

This work is about the rights of children, how students use social media and how effective teachers are using social media in their work against abusive treatment. The purpose of this work is to examine what students have rights in school, what and how students use social media and how schools and teachers are working to prevent the abuse that takes place over the internet and via mobile phones. The method used to investigate this is partly a survey of students in grades five and six at four different schools and interviews with four practicing teachers, working as a teacher in each class who made survey. My conclusion is that children have a variety of rights in school, and all schools and teachers are working on this through rules, values ??clarification and collaborative exercises. More and more younger children use out of social media, the survey shows that many of the students in grades five and six uses much social media.

En skildring av sex gymnasiekuratorers erfarenheter och arbete med elever med social fobi

The purpose of this essay was to examine six high school welfare officers' experiences and work with students suffering from social phobia and discuss the welfare officers' view on social phobia from a psychiatric, cognitive and a knowledge theory. The study consists of qualitative interviews with welfare officers from several different high schools and attempts to answer the following questions: What previous experiences do welfare officers have of students with social phobia? How do welfare officers become aware of students with symptoms of social phobia and bring forth their problems? How do welfare officers describe their social work with students suffering from social phobia?The welfare officers' experiences of students with social phobia varied but turned out to be less salient than the amount of research in the area would suggest. The theoretical knowledge also varied, as did the acquiring and use of theory. These findings were then analysed on the basis of Rosmari Eliassons thoughts on knowledge, leading to the conclusion that the interviewed welfare officers do not construct their work on praxis-knowledge.

Demokrati i klassrummet : En kvalitativ studie i de sociala rollernas betydelse i Ă„r tre.

According to the curriculum the Swedish school system should aim to let the democratic values permeate the school as a whole, and the school should assume each student's individual abilities in teaching. (Lpo -94) Democratic education is what the pragmatist John Dewey strongly encourages in his book Democracy and Education, which is why he stands for the theoretical framework of the concept of democracy in the school context. This study aims to examine whether and if so, the social roles in a classroom can affect students' opportunities for learning. The main research questions asked were:How can the social roles affect students' opportunities for learning in a classroom? How do students perceive that the social roles in the classroom affect their opportunities for learning? This has been investigated by two complementary perspectives.  Partly thru a student perspective to raise the students 'own experiences, and partly from an outside perspective to show how I, as an observer can see that social roles affect students' opportunities for learning.

Fysisk aktivitet i förhÄllande till global self-esteem, self-perception och social kroppsÄngest

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka samband mellan global self-esteem, fysisk aktivitet och social kroppsÄngest. Vidare var syftet att undersöka skillnader mellan kön, Älder och fysisk aktivitet angÄende global self-esteem, self-perception och social kroppsÄngest. 171 försökspersoner deltog i studien genom att svara pÄ en enkÀt, besÄende av instrumenten Physical Self-Perception Profile (PSPP) (Fox & Corbin, 1989) och Social Physic Anxiety Scale (SPAS) (Hart, Leary & Rejeski, 1989). Resultatet visade negativa signifikanta samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och global self-esteem och Àven mellan global self-esteem och social kroppsÄngest. DÀremot fanns inget signifikant samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och social kroppsÄngest.

Syns du inte sÄ finns du inte. - En studie om irreguljÀra immigranter och socialtjÀnsten

Different studies have shown that somewhere between 10 000 and 75 000 persons live in Sweden as undocumented migrants. They are not entitled to basic human and social rights such as access to health care on the same basis as persons holding a residence permit in Sweden. Undocumented migrants are often exploited as workers in the informal economy and they are not allowed to organize in unions. The Swedish Social Services is by law bound to care for all people living in Sweden, though in reality undocumented migrants are excluded from benefits and efforts granted by the Social Services. Our aim with the study has been to investigate the situation of undocumented migrants in Sweden and in relation to Social Services.

TÀnka efter vad Àr det jag gör : En kvalitativ studie i hur erfarna socialarbetare utövar ett kritiskt reflekterande förhÄllningssÀtt i sin profession.

The aim of this study was to examine the use of critical reflection in two social fields of work, using social workers that have at least five years professional experience. We have chosen to examine two fields of work in the same organization to be able to see possible similarities and dissimilarities that occur in the same organization.In our studies at B ?level we examined the use of critical reflection, using social workers that just gotten their degree and that were out working on their first job. In our study we discovered that because of the culture in the organization it?s easier to accommodate the already existing ways of working, than to ?go your own way?.

NÀr otillrÀckligheten byter namn : Socialsekreterares medvetenhet om arbetsrelaterad stress och hur de hanterar den

According to statistics, a significant increase in sickness has occurred in the public sector in recent decades in Sweden. Human therapeutic professions is the area where the illness is most prevalent. The purpose of this study was through a qualitative method and hermeneutic approaches explore how conscious six social workers in the social services are on stress and how they cope with it. Further it investigates and analyzes how these results affect their daily work.One important result due to stress is that the social workers ability to treat their clients is impaired and they are less able to be empathetic. Inadequacy in the work environment leads to a sense of insufficiency by social workers, and a reduced quality of life.

Prognos för krypsÀttningar pÄ GötaslÀtten

Social housing in Northern Europe and the importance of social and political consideration in planning. Focus of the essay lies on the "burning suburbs" of France, based on literature studies combined with a study visit to Les Minguettes outside of Lyon..

Den osynliga och utsatta icke-vÀsterlÀndska kvinnan ? oförmögen att pÄverka? : - En postkolonial feministisk analys av samhÀllskunskapsböcker med den icke- vÀsterlÀndska kvinnan som exemplifiering för hur jÀmstÀlldhetsmÄlen uppnÄs

The focus of this thesis is on social workers? knowledge in assessing and making decisions in child welfare cases. The primary aim is to identify what skills or knowledge social workers find most useful within child welfare agencies in Swedish municipalities. Six different types of knowledge, social policy and the approach of child welfare cases are perspectives considered in the analysis. The interviews with social workers were held in three agencies in southern Sweden, in 2014.

#VisitOurCountry : Nationella turistorganisationers anvÀndning av sociala medier

Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to describe the social media usage of five European official national tourism organizations (NTO). The essay proceeds to discuss and evaluate the findings, whilst reflecting on the advantages of social media usage from the point of view of an official national tourism organization.Method: The authors used three different methods of research: one structured observation to study the national tourism organizations? everyday work in social media, one field stimulation to study if and how different NTO respond if a prospective visitor makes them a direct question via social media and finally an email interview to gain insight into NTO?s underlying strategies and policies about social media usage.Theoretical framework: The theories that have been used in this paper include the Uses and gratifications model, theories of one-way and multi-way communication, theories of social media and relationship marketing.Conclusion: By making use of social media the company releases some of its control to the customers as the latter can express their opinions freely in this type of media. One of the advantages of social media is that the platform favors dialogue and feedback. Social media can be used for traditional one-way communication, but works best as a supplement to the regular marketing activities, allowing the activities on social media platforms to focus on branding and building long-term customer relationships.

Medierapportering av Israel- Palestina konflikten : En inneha?llsanalys av vad som rapporterats i Dagens Nyheter och The New York Times sommaren 2014.

Denna studie har underso?kt hur Israel- Palestina konflikten kartlagts i de tva? dagstidningarna Dagens Nyheter (Sverige) och The New York Times (USA). Fra?gan som besvarats a?r hur rapporteringen i artiklarna under tva? utvalda ma?nader (juni-juli 2014) sett ut, utifra?n teorier om krigs- och fredsjournalistik, mediernas roll som opinionsbildare, narrativitet och fo?renkling av konflikter. Materialet besta?r av totalt 158 artiklar, 62 fra?n Dagens Nyheter och 76 fra?n The New York Times.

Det Àr vÄr förbannade skyldighet! : En kvalitativ studie av hur socialsekreterare kan uppleva utrymmet för civilkurage

This thesis studies public service social workers' opinions regarding their ability to act with moral courage as loyalty conflicts occur. The purpose of the thesis is to describe the social workers' experiences of their possibilities to stand up for what they believe in. We made qualitative interviews with five social workers in Stockholm. In an effort to pinpoint their experiences we asked them questions about what they want but cannot do and what is stop-ping them, what they do not want to do and why, aswell as what the possible solutions would be as loyalty conflicts occur. We were able to identify five different opinions on the organisa-tional cultures and how the employees' experience the extent of their actions.

Mötet, ett dilemma eller en möjlighet? : - En kvalitativ studie av myndighetspersoners beskrivningar av individer med ett socialt funktionshinder.

This is a study with a qualitative approach and a social psychological perspective. Our purpose is to describe and analyze authority officials descriptions of individuals with a social disability and their perception of how the interaction in the encounter with its implementation. We are interested in how they experience their power as authority representatives. The following issues are highlighted.? How do people in authority describe individuals with a social disability?? What is the authority officials view on the interaction in meetings with individuals with a social disability?? How do authority officials experiencing his or her position of power in relation to the meeting?Our results are based on semi-structured interviews with five persons in authority, which is active in Insurance and Employment Service in Örebro County.

Relativ deprivation och brottslighet i folkhemmets Sverige 2002-2012

There is a known link between relative deprivation and street crime among market liberal countries. Although some research has been done with cross-national data, there is none to suggest that the observed link is as valid in a country well known for its extended welfare and generous social expenditure like Sweden. The following study uses longitudinal data to see if this recognized link between relative deprivation and street crime also stands in a country with almost a century long tradition of striving for social-, economic- and cultural equality. Even though Sweden, over the last decade, has been subjected to a series of deregulations due to policy changes at national level, and with a following rise in inequality, it is still considered to be one of the most equal countries in the west. It is therefore not unlikely that the high degree of social security will reduce the negative impact of relative deprivation on social relations among its citizens, perhaps enough so that the correlation will be significantly weakened.

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