

12521 Uppsatser om Social jämförelse - Sida 14 av 835

En studie om klagomÄlsbeteende i den virtuella vÀrlden

The thesis ?Vi fixar och trixar oss fram till att hjÀlpa mÀnniskor? focuses on social work in the field of prostitution and human trafficking in Sweden. Through semi-structured interviews with social workers in the municipalities of Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö working with persons selling and buying sex, and through discourse analysis, the author analyses the perceptions among these social workers of the relation between human rights, prostitution and human trafficking, and the social work which they conduct.The thesis concludes that although the social workers perceive prostitution and human trafficking and social work in this field as human rights related, they are not explicitly using a human rights based approach in their work.The thesis concludes that the social workers identify several aspects that infringe on the rights of their clients in relation to the human rights principles of Universality, Non-discrimination, Accountability and Rule of law and the principle of Participation and Inclusion. They portray the human rights situation of street based sellers, especially those not being Swedish citizens and those affected by human trafficking, as severe.The thesis concludes that the social workers find several obstacles (legal as well as structural) that diminish their ability to strengthen their clients? human rights situation.

MÄngkulturen ur skilda perspektiv : En studie av gymnasieelevers sociala miljö och dess pÄverkan av synen pÄ det mÄngkulturella samhÀllet

The aim of this research is to evaluate whether the social environment of Swedish high school students affects their views on the multicultural society. The research material was collected through the use of two focus groups containing high school students from two different schools, one group is used to a multicultural social environment while the other group is used to a less multicultural social environment. With the researcher acting as a moderator in the focus groups, the students discussed different questions regarding multiculturalism, gender equality and religion. The theory that this research is based on suggests that the social environment and the social capital affects the students views on the multicultural society. The results of the research were evaluated and connected to the theory.

GÄr sociala risker att visa pÄ en karta? Social rumslig riskanalys för Göteborgs stad

This essay deals with risk management and social risks, which have received increased attentionin recent years. Methods for dealing with social risks, for example within local Risk andvulnerability assessment (RSA), are currently under development. The purpose of this paper is toexamine if and how social risk can be quantitatively assessed and mapped using GeographicInformation Systems (GIS). The definition of social risk that the essay is based on states: "Theprobability of unwanted events, behaviors or conditions originating in the social conditions thathave a negative impact on the objects that are worth to preserve.? A number of social riskindicators that can be used for a spatial analysis have been operationalized based on thisdefinition.

Spelberoende i VÀstra Götaland, kommunernas instÀllning till ansvar, hjÀlp och egen kunskap.

The aim of this essey was to find out what kind of help problem gamblers can get at social service offices in the region VÀstra Götaland in Sweden. We also examined the knowledge regarding gambling problems at social sevice offices and who the head of the social service offices regarded having the responsibility for the question of helping problem gamblers. As a last question we wanted to know if the size of the population in the community had an impact on these questions. Central questions in our essey asked are:How much help does the social service offices in the region VÀsra Götaland offer problem gamblers? Who has the responsabilety to help problem gamblers according to social service offices?What knowledge does the social service offices have concerning problem gambling?Does the population of the community have an impact on theese questions?This is a quantitative study made as a webbservey to the head of the social service offices in the region VÀstra Götaland.

Ny Protest? : En fallstudie av rörelsen Planka.nu.

The aim of this paper is to analyse the social movement Planka.nu with reference to the theory of new social movements in order to engage in a discussion about the presence of ?old? tradition and ?new? trends. As well as empirical, the purpose is also theoretical and methodological: to examine, and extend, the discussion about new and old social movements. A qualitative method is used. The analytical framework is based on a combination of theories of social movements and new social movements.

Empowerment: en studie i ansvar, tilltro och ekonomiskt bistÄnd

Our understanding is that responsibility is shifting from the community towards the individual within the field of social work. This resulted in our essay, which aims to study how the representatives within social service assistance and churches in Helsingborg work with personal power. Our aim is also to illustrate how these representatives view the boundaries of responsibility between the individual and the community. Our questions are: How do the representatives work with personal power from a micro and macro perspective? How do the representatives look upon their position as representatives? What do the representatives consider as responsibility of the individual respective the community? And; Are there preventing factors from individual responsibility? We obtained our empirical material from a qualitative method consisting of interviews.

Institution Àr ett nödvÀndigt ont : Politikers och tjÀnstemÀns syn pÄ institutionsvÄrd och forskning

The intention of this study was to examine how social workers, leaders within the social work administration and politicians in the social work committee in Helsingborg related to residential treatment of youth and the research showing signs of undesirable results.The main questions were:1. How do social workers, leaders within the social work administration and politicians in the social work committee relate to residential treatment of youth and the research existing about it?2. Which factors do the different categories mean justify the placements?3.

Den ljudlösa bilen : En underso?kning om buller, ba?ng och brummande bilar

Examensarbetet kommer underso?ka aktiv ljuddesign fo?r tysta personbilar. Utifra?n tidigare forskning om hur elbilen utsa?tter ma?nniskor i ta?tomra?den fo?r fara pa? grund av avsaknaden av auditiv information, ska vi utveckla fo?rslag pa? dynamiska billjud som fo?rha?ller sig till trafiksa?kerhet, design och minskade ljudfo?roreningar. Den totala ljudniva?n i sta?der a?r la?ngt o?ver rekommendationen och fo?ljden blir ett ha?lsoproblem i sto?rre sta?der.

"Eftersom det Àr en lagidrott förvÀntar sig spelarna att nÄgon bestÀmmer" : En kartlÀggning av kunskaperna rörande trÀningsmetodik inom svensk pojkishockey

The purpose of this study was to examine social workers working process in social assistance with focus on the childÂŽs perspective. We were interested in learning about the existence of variations in approach and attitude between two municipalities. Question to be answered about what methods and approaches used by social workers to include the childÂŽs perspective in the process of social assistance. Another question to be answered about what the manner in which social workers took into account the childÂŽs perspective when the families apply for social assistance in relation to the operations and requirement. To fulfill the purpose, qualitative methods were used.

Är det nĂ„gon skillnad mellan arbetslösa och tillsvidareanstĂ€llda i emotionsperceptionsförmĂ„ga och sjĂ€lvkĂ€nsla?

Syftet med studien var att underso?ka om ma?nniskor som deltar i na?gon form av arbetsmarknadsa?tga?rd a?r mer bena?gna att tolka andras emotionella uttryck som mer negativa i ja?mfo?relse med tillsvidareansta?llda, samt att underso?ka om det fanns na?gon skillnad i sja?lvskattad sja?lvka?nsla mellan grupperna. I studien deltog 28 individer varav 14 ingick i en underso?kningsgrupp och 14 i en kontrollgrupp. Alla deltagare genomfo?rde ett databaserat emotionsperceptionstest samt besvarade en enka?t da?r de fick skatta sin sja?lvka?nsla.

Anhörig, den osynliga kraften. : En studie om hur det Àr att vara partner till en person i en depression och/eller med bipolÀr sjukdom.

This study aims to examine how social workers, in the Swedish social services, perceive and interpret LVU § 3 from a gender perspective. In total eight social workers participated in the study, attending interviews based on a vignette. From a gender perspective we wanted to found out how the social workers define "other socially destructive behaviour" and understand their thoughts about this subject. Moreover, we aimed to see if social workers perceive any differences between boys and girls behaviour. Based on several theories, two gender theories and concepts we have analysed our result from the interviews.

Sociala intranÀt - ett intranÀt för alla? : Uppfattningar bland leverantörer och bestÀllare

A social intranet is an information and communication channel that is relatively new. There is still a small amount of research done around social intranet and what it is, and also on what organizations and their members may benefit from using such an intranet. Therefore, this paper was written with the purpose to em-phasize the reasons, possibilities and difficulties of implementing and using a so-cial intranet. With interview as method we took part of the experiences and views on social intranet from a number of organizations that are using or is about to establish a social intranet, and also from companies who deliver the service. Through the use of previous research in organizational communication, we then analysed the responses we received from our respondents.

FörÀldrar till vuxna narkotikamissbrukare och deras kontakter med socialtjÀnsten

The objective of this thesis was to study how parents of adult drug addicts experience their contact with the social welfare office, what elements affected the parents degree of satisfaction with the contact with the social welfare office, and whether the contact meant any help for them. Six parents of adult drug addicts were interviewed..

?Förebyggande socialt arbete" ? behövs en vidare definition?

The aim of this study is to better understand the Swedish concept of ?förebyggande socialt arbete?, preventive social work. I have conducted eleven qualitative interviews with different key persons and skaters, together with participant observation. During the process of analyzing the material I have used Randall CollinsŽ concepts of interaction ritual chains together with Jean Laves and Etienne Wengers concept of situated learning. The answers could be split up in three areas, first those who regard prevention work as building good things for the future.

Kvinnliga chefer inom logistikbranschen - En kvalitativ studie om utmaningar med homosocialitet och glastak f?r kvinnliga chefer inom den mansdominerade branschen logistik

Sedan Covid-19 utbrottet har distansarbetsm?jligheter f?tt en ?kad popularitet. Denna f?r?ndring har skapat ett ?kat behov av forskning inom detta omr?de. D?rf?r syftar denna studie till att genom semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer ge insikter om IT-anst?lldas preferenser av arbetsmilj?, s?rskilt i j?mf?relse mellan kontorsarbete och distansarbete.

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