

15135 Uppsatser om Social identitet - Sida 25 av 1009

En jämförande studie om identitetsskapandet, sociala band och självkänsla hos brottsoffer och f.d. kriminella

Denna studie avser att jämföra brottsoffer och f.d. kriminellas upplevelser av hur individens identitet har formats. Undersökningen bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med tio informanter som söker besvara frågan om hur individerna upplever att deras sociala band och självkänsla har förändrats av att vara kriminell respektive brottsoffer. Dessa frågor besvaras med de teoretiska utgångspunkter som valts där fokus ligger på Jenkins sociala identitetsteori. Vidare används Scheffs teori om sociala band som är associerad med känslor av skam och stolthet, samt Johnsons teori om självkänsla används som reglerar individens välmående.

Vårdande möte i omvårdnaden av personer med demenssjukdom

Personer med måttlig eller svår demenssjukdom förmedlar känslor, tankar och behov utifrån nedsatt kognitiv och emotionell förmåga. Då sjukdomen innebär annorlunda kommunikation och uttryck försvåras samspelet med vårdaren vilket kan minska välbefinnande och öka lidande. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa hur sjuksköterskan kan stödja demenssjuka personers upplevelser av identitet, integritet och välbefinnande. Sökningar av artiklar gjordes i databasen Cinahl och kvalitetsgranskningen resulterade i att sju artiklar inkluderades i studien. Artiklarna analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.

Teoretisk kunskap i en praktisk verklighet: en intervjustudie om socionomers och arbetsledares kunskapssyn i socialtjänstens arbete med barn och unga

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how social workers perceive the concept of knowledge within social services, particularly within children and youth services. Our goal is also to study the employer's expectations and demands on graduate social workers. The main questions we address in this thesis are; What knowledge is seen as useful by employers and graduate social workers working in social welfare offices? To what extent does university education bring useful knowledge to the work being done by social workers? What practical knowledge is there in the workplace for social workers to learn? When recruiting, what expectations does the employer have of graduate social workers? What challenges are there with recruiting a graduate social worker?We have interviewed six social workers and four employers in the social childcare division in different municipalities in Skåne region, Sweden. We have used epistemology in our analysis.

Det narrativa greppet om erkännandet: En studie i hur makt förmedlas genom berättelser

I denna uppsats utforskas det narrativa perspektivet som ett möjligt analytiskt grepp för att komma åt maktstrukturer, där erkännandet av identiteter analyseras som en upplevd domän av dominans. Uppsatsen inleds med en utveckling av begreppet diskursiv makt, vilket görs genom användande av Steven Lukes teori om maktens tredje ansikte. Följande därpå diskuteras hur man med hjälp av det narrativa greppet kan förstå makten som reglerar berättandet av jaget. Denna makt ses som påvisad då teman i metanarrativ och framträder som reproducerade i konkreta narrativ. Resonemanget klargörs genom en diskussion om republikanismen som ett metanarrativ, vilket relateras till hur maktutövning genom erkännandet kan ta sig uttryck..

Region och regional identitet i diskursen om Skåne och Västra Götaland

I februari 2007 redovisade ansvarskommittén sitt slutbetänkande för regeringen. I sitt slutbetänkande föreslår ansvarskommittén en omstrukturering där 6-9 regionkommuner kommer att ersätta dagens 21 landsting, samtidigt kommer 6-9 län, sammanfallande med de föreslagna regionkommunerna, att ersätta dagens 21 län. Den föreslagna omstruktureringen har fått regionaliseringsdebatten att åter blossa upp i Sverige. I debatten är det tydligt att känslorna för den egna regionen varierar mellan olika regioner, då vissa regioner vurmar mer och andra mindre för den egna regionen. Vad beror detta på? Handlar det om regional identitet eller avsaknaden av densamma? Dessa frågor ligger till grund för denna uppsats med syfte att undersöka hur region och regional identitet konstrueras och rekonstrueras i tidningsmedia.

Kan företag kontrollera sitt varumärke online? : En kvalitativ studie om villkoren fo?r marknadskommunikation i sociala medier 

Purpose: This study aims to investigate the conditions that prevail when companies put their marketing in social media with the purpose of creating a perception of the risks and opportunities it brings to businesses and ultimately how it may affect the corporate image and identity.Theories: The basis of the problem area are presented through a theoretical framework with the purpose of highlighting the notions of social media, communi- cation, marketing communication, groundswell, corporate identity and image.Methodology: To investigate the research questions this study adopted a qualitative approach in which the authors study the properties of a phenomenon in order to seek a deeper understanding of the problems we have presented. There is an exploratory approach to knowledge and the authors have chosen to conduct qualitative research interviews based upon three themes: driving forces, challenges and impacts.Conclusion: The study revealed that traditional models of communication are no longer applicable in social media. Companies are up for a challenge and must clarify their sole purpose when establishing communication in the social landscape. The general motivation for marketing in social media is making profit, however, building relationships is not a natural motive for most companies. The risks companies expe- rience is the exposure caused by social media and the study also reveals that this fear is firmly attached to their lack of knowledge of these new channels of communicat- ion and their primary areas of use which indicates that skilled employees plays a vi- tal role with their use of social media in their communication process.

Socialsekreterares kunskap om och anvädning av sociala medier i arbetet : En studie i en medelstor kommun i södra Sverige

AbstractThe aim off this study is to research social workers´ knowledge, use, risks and possibilities of social media in their work with clients. Because today the society is using social media networks in daily life and social media has become a tool in social work as well. How does social media and social work cooperate? And how does social media effect social workers? For example the website Facebook has grown huge and many people use it everyday. Where is the line between work and private life? To reach this knowledge in this study, qualitative interviews have been done with six social workers that work with children, youths and families.

Europeisk identitet

European identity is a topic constantly debated around Europe. There are many takes on whether there is a European identity and what the European identity consists of. In the European Union the Commission has worked towards developing a common European identity since the middle of the 1970?s. The development of a European identity is an important part in the commission?s quest to tie the union and its people closer together.

Syns du inte så finns du inte : En vetenskaplig studie om artister som varumärken

The purpose of this study has been to maintain a deeper understanding of how unestablished, professional musicians can get discovered by the music industry by communication, branding and positioning of their brand at social media.We found that fans have a greater impact on unestablished musicians than we previously thought. They have to create an identity for their brand, keep active on social media and engage their fans. Musical artists must maintain an ongoing dialogue to keep their fanbase, preferably with emotions involved. No fans equals minimum attention from the industry. Uniformity and professionalism is also important, because it evokes seriousness.

Mitt språk, min värld : En socialpsykologisk uppsats om språk och identitetsutveckling på ett språkcafé

We want in this paper, by using participant observation and qualitative interviews, comecloser to an understanding of what meaning a language café might have for the peoplewho go there. Many of the visitors are people who recently moved to Sweden and are inthe middle of a process of learning Swedish. We want to get a further insight into howthey feel about their situation and what the social encounters on the language café mightmean to them. The purpose is to examine how this can have significance for the identitydevelopment of the visitors.The result shows that the language café is an important place for the visitors because itis the only place they can go to in order to practice speaking Swedish, which isimportant for them to find their place in Sweden. The language café also fulfils animportant function of a place where the visitors can receive an understanding of theSwedish society and reflect about it, but also a place for self-reflection to see theopportunities in the situations they find themselves in.

CSR i sociala medier - Möjligheter och risker med att kommunicera CSR i sociala medier

This B.Sc. Thesis examines how Swedish Large Cap companies communicate CSR in social media. We describe the current state of CSR communication in four different social media channels, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, and blogs. This research, supported by interviews with stakeholders and a quantitative survey, analyses the potential risks and benefits from communicating CSR via social media and provides concrete advice on the development of a CSR communication strategy for social media. Although some benefits have been realized, many companies have failed to truly reap the potential benefits from an effective social media strategy for CSR.

Mer än ett spel : ? en kvalitativ studie om MMORPG-spelens påverkan på spelarnas liv

The phenomenona MMORPG-games ? a qualitative study on MMORPG-games effects on the players lifeThe aim of this study was to shed lights on what it is that makes some people play MMORPG-games, get a insight in how a gamers social network can look like and how the game can change the players everyday life. To acchieve this aim the authors carried out four individual interwievs with MMORPG-players. These interwieves was hermeneutic interpreted with the socialantropology networkstheory, roletheory, social identitytheory and the entirety was interpreted with the concept: ?the late modern society?.The conclusions that was found were that the games helps the players to handle their everyday life and has a condition for the players to produce relationships with other players.

This is me, take it or leave it liksom. En fokusgruppsstudie om hur ungdomar talar om identitet, status och utanförskap

Syfte och frågeställningar: Det övergripande syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur ungdomar pratar om identitet, status och utanförskap ställt i relation till fritid och idrott som identitetsskapande arenor. För att besvara detta syfte utgick vi från följande frågeställningar; Hur pratar ungdomar om identitet, status och utanförskap? På vilket sätt påverkar fritid och idrott ungdomars identitetsskapande? Vad får utanförskap och status för inverkan på ett identitetsskapande?Metod: Studien utformades abduktivt och baserades på en kvalitativ metod. Empirin samlades in genom tre halvstrukturerade fokusgruppsintervjuer med ungdomar över 15 år och själva urvalet baserades på en blandning av kvot- och snöbollsurval. Själva studien utgick från tre centrala begrepp (identitet, status och utanförskap) som diskuterades och ställdes i relation till varandra.

Egen och social påverkan på perfektionsim hos individuella idrottare

The main purpose of this study was to examine own and social influence on perfectionismwith individual athletes. The participants (n= 96) of this study represented ten different sportsand their ages was between 15 and 44. An interview with four of the participant wasconducted. The instruments used for this study was the Positive and Negative PerfectionismScale (Terry-Short et al., 1995) and for the interviews questions was based on own and socialinfluence. The results showed that there was a relationship between positive perfectionismand own influence, negative perfectionism and own influence, negative perfectionism andsocial influence.

Evidens eller referens?: vad påverkar rektorers beslut?

Today the school is a given place for preventing social problems. The school struggles continuously to live up to the expectations of balancing preventive social work with pedagogy in a satisfactory way.The purpose of this essay is to get a picture of priorities of social work in school. I want to know what it is that affects and controls the principal's decision about what kind of social project they will accept and be a part of.This essay shows that only one of the eleven principals interviewed apply projects based on evidence when they decide about participation in a social project. Instead, the decisions are based on references from other schools. The reason why the principals do not base their judgement on projects which are based on evidence is because they consider the search for results too time consuming.When there is no requirement that a certain part of the social work in a school must be based on evidence, it leads to the children taking part in different social projects which we can not guarantee are good for them.One solution can be to guide the principals through a national social teachingplan, which can assure that social work based on evidence are being applied in the municipality schools as well as the independent schools..

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