

12953 Uppsatser om Social economy - Sida 7 av 864

Ideella idrottsföreningars ekonomistyrning : En flerfallsstudie om styrverktyg

Bachelor thesis in Business administration, School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University, Controller, 2FE05E, spring semester 2013 Title: Non-profit sport associations management control- A multi case study of management tools Authors: Christoffer Ahlgren, Emelie Andersson and Emelie Nilsson Tutor: Anders Jerreling Examiner: Elin Funck Background: Non-profit sport associations activate a large number of people in Sweden and have a great impact on the social community. Because of the increasing complexity to operate sport associations some are experiencing serious financial problems. The daily financial work has a major impact on how the future unfolds for the sport associations. An adverse economy not only creates complications in the economic field, it also affects the sport itself. Purpose: Our purpose with this paper is to describe and explain how the economy is controlled in non-profit sport associations and the tool that is used to support this process.

Att leva med missbrukare : En studie om medberoende kvinnor från Sydostasien

The purpose of this essay was to examine female immigrants of South East Asia who have lived together with a drug addict and how they were affected and let themselves be influenced by that, and to study their reactions to such situations.The main questions were:· How do the women describe their personal relationship matters with their husbands with focus on abuse / co-dependency?· How do they show their co-dependency in actions?· How do the women handle their co-dependency?I chose a qualitative method because my purpose was to get a comprehension and hopefully find a pattern in the life situation in this specific target group. Regarding the collection of dataI used both primary data in the frame of interviews with persons connected to the problem, and secondary data in the form of earlier studies in that field.As the main result I found that these women lived in a severe stress. They were affected both psychically and physically by the abuse of their partners. They developed different strategies of survival to stand the reality and to save the family.

Felansvar vid aktieköp. Kan felansvaret påverkas av en aktieposts storlek och säljarens totala innehav i bolaget?

This Master?s thesis aims to study how the concept ?youth? is understood and used in papers and publications about public libraries, written at The Swedish School of Library and Information Science from 1972 to 2002. It does this by answering three questions: Firstly, how is the concept ?youth? formulated in papers and publications at SSLIS from 1972 - 2002? Secondly, has the concept ?youth? changed in the analysed texts during the chosen time and, if that is the case, what constitutes this change? And, finally, what types of consequences for the understanding of the users can this have for the writers and readers of these texts? Discourse analysis is used to analyze how this concept is constituted, transformed and understood. Among the things studied in the discourse analysis is the interdiscursivity and intertextuality of the texts, as well as the meaning of the word, the wordings and modality of the analysed texts.

Social upphandling : Ett uttryck för public-private partnership?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how social procurement can be a further development of public-private partnership. This is done with interviews and a case study of the social procurement Mitt Gröna Kvarter and its labor effort Boendebyggarna. The theoretical framework used in the thesis consists of public-private partnership and corporate social responsibility. It tries to answer the following questions:What does this social procurement mean by the concept of public-private partnership?What does this social procurement mean for the participants involved?How can social procurement be seen as a further development of public-private partnership?The thesis uses the theory development around the concepts of public-private partnership and corporate social responsibility and shows that social procurement does indeed have similarities to public-private partnership and could very well be a further development of it..

Demokratins vara eller inte vara i Sydöstra Asien : En fallstudie av Vietnams förutsättningar för demokratisering.

This study aims at examine what kind of interest the European Union (EU) have in promoting a democracy process in Eastern Europe. The study is a descriptive case study where the case Ukraine is used to draw general conclusions. The questions asked to pursue the aim are: why does the EU want to promote a democracy process in Ukraine, what kind of methods does the EU use  and why is Russia trying to prevent the EU-Ukraine development and instead supporting a Russia-Ukraine development. In this study an analytical model is created and used to analyze EU:s way in promoting democracy in Ukraine. The analyze model consists of six steps used to describe the general promotion of a democracy process and it?s applied in the empirical analysis.

Det är ingen slump, det handlar om klass : Om klasstillhörighetens relevans för klientens möjligheter och begränsningar i den svenska socialtjänsten

The aim of this study is to illuminate social worker?s perception of social class within the Swedish social service system. This study therefor examine if social class contributes to the production and reproduction of the client and what impact social class has on the interaction between client and social workers. The study was conducted with qualitative semi-structured interviews with social workers from three different departments of social service. The theoretical approach is Yeheskel Hasenfeld?s theory about moral practices in welfare organisations, Michael Lipsky and Roine Johansson?s theories about client construction and Pierre Bourdieu?s class theory.

Förväntningar kontra upplevd verklighet : en studie om socionomstudenters syn på utbildningen och yrkesrollen i jämförelse med socialsekreterares syn på detsamma (Expectations versus expect reality)

Purpose: To compare the expectations of coming profession in social work with experienced social work. We wanted to compare the pictures between the students in school of social work studies with social workers. We also wanted to increase social workers as well as other readers? awareness of social work as a profession.Questions: What characterizes the school of social studies? How do students in school of social work view the coming role as a professional? How do students in school of social work view upon social workers as professionals? How do social workers view upon their own profession? How do social workers view upon the own role as a professional? How do social workers view upon the relation between the idea of the profession and the daily practice? How do the students in school of social work studies and social workers view upon professional social work?Method: Qualitative study with qualitative interviews.Conclusion: Social work is a low status profession. How to increase the status of social work is not easy.

EU som internationell aktör för demokratiska värderingar : EN beskrivande fallstudie av Ukrainas demokratiseringsprocess mellan åren 2004-2014

This study aims at examine what kind of interest the European Union (EU) have in promoting a democracy process in Eastern Europe. The study is a descriptive case study where the case Ukraine is used to draw general conclusions. The questions asked to pursue the aim are: why does the EU want to promote a democracy process in Ukraine, what kind of methods does the EU use  and why is Russia trying to prevent the EU-Ukraine development and instead supporting a Russia-Ukraine development. In this study an analytical model is created and used to analyze EU:s way in promoting democracy in Ukraine. The analyze model consists of six steps used to describe the general promotion of a democracy process and it?s applied in the empirical analysis.

Samspel i lagspel : lagidrottens sociala betydelse för personer med funktionsnedsättning

My big interest in sports was what shaped my choice of subject for the essay. The purpose of this study has been to explore the social meaning of team sports for functionally impaired persons. In order to fulfil the purpose of the essay I formed following questions: How do the actives experience their participation in team sports? And how important is the social intercourse in team sports to the individual welfare? The methods I?ve used have been qualitative with an ethnographic approach. I have used participant observations and field interviews to gather my empirical material.

Ungdomsbegreppet i examensarbeten ? en diskursanalys av texter skrivna på Bibliotekshögskolan 1972 - 2002

This Master?s thesis aims to study how the concept ?youth? is understood and used in papers and publications about public libraries, written at The Swedish School of Library and Information Science from 1972 to 2002. It does this by answering three questions: Firstly, how is the concept ?youth? formulated in papers and publications at SSLIS from 1972 - 2002? Secondly, has the concept ?youth? changed in the analysed texts during the chosen time and, if that is the case, what constitutes this change? And, finally, what types of consequences for the understanding of the users can this have for the writers and readers of these texts? Discourse analysis is used to analyze how this concept is constituted, transformed and understood. Among the things studied in the discourse analysis is the interdiscursivity and intertextuality of the texts, as well as the meaning of the word, the wordings and modality of the analysed texts.

Samband mellan utdelning och vinst per aktie : En studie gjord över en tidsperiod med både hög- och lågkonjunktur på Stockholmsbörsen

This is a study to see the relationship between earnings per share and dividends during a period of both boom and depression. The study will focus on companies listed on Stockholm stock exchange and see if they follow theories from the past and if the dividend is smooth over times with a fluctuant economy. To see this we had this problem:Is it a relationship between earnings per share and dividend during a fluctuant economy, also if there is a difference between the different Caps on Stockholm stock exchange?We studied 163 stocks of the 293 listed stock on Stockholm stock exchange during a period of 8 years. The study is focused on the time period between year 2005 and year 2012.

Ensamkommande flyktingbarn och deras sociala ålder

This study analyses social age as a phenomenon and if unaccompanied refugee children has a social age that, according to the Swedish culture, do not correspond with their biological age and if so is, the reason for that. Furthermore, our study has discussed the potential consequences of the effects for the unaccompanied refugee children and the social age when interacting with Swedish society. According to our study, the social age is effected by other factors besides cultural norms, values and role expectations that a society has on a specific biological age. The results in this study shows that social age is a vital component to someone?s identity.

Social rädsla bland ungdomar

Social phobia is a fear which limits a person's capabilities in daily situations. The fear can be so strong that a person can distance themselves from all social situations, for example education, marriage, sports activities etc. The purpose of this study is to discover whether there are any correlations between social fear and choice of educational program, between social fear and sex, and between social fear and Internet use. Questionnaires were administered to 80 upper secondary pupils. Each questionnaire answer was assigned a certain score, which was then coded in SPSS, the highest scores corresponding to highest degrees of shyness.

?Det är rätt positivt när jag tänker på det, fast dom kan vara besvärliga när dom pågår.? ? En studie om moraliska dilemman i socialt arbete

The purpose of our study is to get more knowledge about how moral dilemmas affect social workers in their work. This because we find that a big part of social work involves ethic reflections and that is why we find it important for social workers to have knowledge about how they should and can think and act in these situations. Ethic statements exist for social workers to use in their work but we haven?t found any guidelines for concrete situations and that?s why we decided to study this area. Questions we want to answer are how do the social workers define moral dilemmas in social work? How do the social workers deal with moral dilemmas in their work? How do moral dilemmas affect social workers in their work? This is a qualitative study with interviews from seven social workers from one social service office although they are from different units.

Alternativa skogsbruksmetoder i Norden : ett välbehövligt komplement?

Clearcutting systems have been the dominating silvicultural approach during the last decades in the Nordic countries. While economically rational, it is also leading to a trivialisation of the flora and fauna, and may result in negative reactions of people in urban settings. As a consequence of this, and a more diversified view on which goods and services forests should deliver, there is an increasing interest in broadening the range of silvicultural methods that are used. The term continuous cover forestry (CCF) represents a suite of methods that have gained increasing interest in the Nordic countries. In CCF a considerable amount of the trees are left after harvest to favour values that require a continuity of tree-covered areas. There are thus hopes that this method will meet the needs for maintaining biodiversity and satisfy social and cultural values.

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