

14264 Uppsatser om Social aspects - Sida 47 av 951

Invandrares syn på och upplevelser av socialtjänsten

The purpose of this study is to examine immigrants' experiences of social services' treatmentand their expectations of social services. In this study we have used the following questions:how immigrants have experienced the treatment of the social service, the way in whichimmigrants would like to be treated by social services as well as what kind of beliefs andexpectations immigrants have concerning the social services' duties and powers. We haveused a qualitative method in the study that consists of ten semi-structured interviews. Thetheoretical concepts we have used are culture, ethnicity, cultural competence, professionalismand social psychology. The survey reveals a majority of negative experiences, such as afeeling of being ?tossed around?, suspicion and discrimination by the caseworkers due to theethnicity of the respondents.

Socionomen som chef inom va?rden : En kvalitativ studie av mo?tet mellan medicinsk och social kompetens

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how social workers, working in a management position in the health care system, perceive the encounter of the medical and social perspective. With seven qualitative interviews, the study tries to conclude whether or not social workers are accepted at managerial positions within the health care sector. The social worker is, as a manager in health care, a leader but at the same time in a professional alienation from the medical caregivers. Organizations in the health care sector are often multi professional and have their own long standing tradition, history and culture. The results show that the conditions for social workers, working in a management position in health care appear to be agreeable.

Hot och våld i socialarbetares yrkesutövning : Threats and violence in the socialwelfare secretary occupation.

2004, the SSR, Akademikerförbundet, made a study on the threats and violence as a social secretary in the municipal social services are exposed in their occupation of the "social secretary of threats and violence at work" (T-110192), conducted by Temo ab. We have chosen to use the study on a smaller scale and then made contact with five municipalities in the middle of Sweden to investigate social secretaries experiences of threats and violence. Using the cross-sectional design and a convenience sample, we have gained access to data from 56 people. From a sociological perspective, we have chosen to use Norbert Elias theory of universal configuration and interdependence, and Michel Foucault?s theories concerning power search explanation for the existence of threats and violent situations in the contact between social workers and their clients..

Socialt kapital på två sidor Öresund - en studie utifrån konstruktionen av ett Socialt Kapital Index

The main objective of this paper has been to construct a way to measure the level of social capital in a society. Based on a theory which describes the ideal society have I herein tried to find out to what extent the Swedish and Danish communities correspond to this model. The theoretical foundation consist of several different levels of analysis, and I have indeed found there to be consideral differences between the two nations on these different levels. The paper however conclude that these differences even out to add up to a Social Capital Index that is remarkably similar. A result which is to be interpreted as one nation being about as close to the ideal situation from a social capital point-of-view as the other..

Integration och socialt arbete i Danmark : en problematisering av integrationsbegreppet och dess diskurser i ett postkolonialt perspektiv

The aim of this M.A.-thesis in social work is to problematize the assimilatoric concept of integration and its discourses in a postcolonial perspective in relation to social work in Denmark.As a support theory I use symbolic interactionism. By using these theories I show how the concept of integration and its discourses, when its aim is assimilatoric, can be understood and problematized with concepts as binary oppositions and hegemony.It is shown that the construction of the discoursive other is a useful term as an instrument of interpretation of power in general. The relevance to social work in relation to the social workers double powered positions, professional and cultural power to define 'the other', in social work with ethnic minorities is shown in relation to the post colonial perspective with support of symbolic interactionism. The white western world hegemony and the social workers power positions in relation to the clients fits to the theoretic frame chosen in the thesis.A second aim in this thesis is to point to new ways for social work and to the necessity to reflect over a globalized world characterized by international migration, ethnic relations and diversity..

Bemötande sett ur sex bibliotekariers perspektiv. : Möjligheter och förutsättningar för personal och verksamhet att arbeta med bemötandefrågor på bibliotek.

AbstractAttitudes towards the reference situation and the meetings between library users and librarians have become the subject of much debate in the library setting today. The aim of this two years master´s thesis has been to examine six librarian?s attitudes and apprehensions concerning the interactions between the librarian and the users in the library setting. We were also interested in knowing how a library can work to become more service oriented and customer centred. We conducted six interviews with librarians located at three different libraries in Sweden.

Har kvalitén på barnets delaktighet ökat i barnavårdsutredningar efter att BBIC har börjat tillämpas?

The purpose with this examination essay was to find out if participation of children in social welfare investigations had increased since the social services had started to work with BBIC. I compared the participation of the child before BBIC, then when social service had started to work with BBIC and I tried to see if there were increased participation in the investigations. My theoretic starting-point was the symbolic interactionism and I used the qualitative method of investigation. In my investigation I found that there is not yet any increase in participation of the child in the investigations when social service work with BBIC. What I found was that the reason to start an investigation often was that the parents made the problem for the child and that conditions at home for the child influenced the possibility of the child to communi- cate with an adult that the child did not know.

"Frukostklubben": en studie av en gruppverksamhet för barn med skilda föräldrar i Vellinge kommun

We chose to study the groups for divorced children in Vellinge municipal because there was no evaluation made of these kinds of groups with the involved methods.Vellinge municipal has had groups for children to divorced parents since 2000. During this period of time the total numbers of children in these groups have expanded. As of now, there are two groups.Our goal with this study was to see which way the CAP, Children Are People, manual has been implemented in the every-day work in the group. Several studies have been made about CAP but not in the context of groups for divorced children. We have also examined results in other municipals that have implemented groups for divorced children into their social services.We have interviewed ten children and four social workers.

Consumers? Perceptions of Variety ? the Impact of Private Brands

This study aims to investigate how consumers perceive variety in grocery stores and further how private brands have affected consumers? perceptions of variety in grocery stores.The study focuses on the perceptions and attitudes towards variety and the impact of private brands on perceived variety. Hence, a qualitative rather than quantitative study has been used. Photo elicitation has been used in both focus groups and in-depth interviews, which have been the empirical data collection of the study. Scientific articles and books have also been used in the process.

Skyltfönstrets möjligheter - En kvantitativ studie om skyltfönster baserad på kreativitet och tid -

Store windows, as many earlier research studies indicate, is an important factor of the store atmosphere to attract customers into the store. In this study we have narrowed it down and chosen to focus on how different contexts of the store windows will effect customers' evaluation. The purpose is to find out how the context of high creativity and low creativity combined with different time aspect in store windows will affect store image, attitude, entering decisions and purchase intention toward the store. The results are based on a quantitative study where we did an experiment and a field study. The result shows that higher level of creativity is better than lower level of creativity in certain aspects.

"Papperslösa" flyktingars situation : Diskursanalys av konstruktioner i svensk massmedia

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to study how undocumented migrants situation is constructed inSwedish massmedia discourse. The purpose has also been to study how the compromisedhuman rights of undocumented migrants in Sweden are legitimated in massmedia discourseand how resistance is constructed. The following main questions have been processed in this essay:- How are undocumented migrants and their situation constructed in Swedish massmediadiscourse?- How is society?s part in the situation constructed?Following questions are related to the main questions:- How is the situation that undocumented migrants face in Sweden legitimated in discourse?-What social consequences do the constructions have for undocumented migrants and for theSwedish society?The questions have been answered through a discourse analysis on empirical materialconsisting of ten news clips from Swedish public service television SVT and ten articles fromthe online editions of the main national newspapers Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet and Expressen. The analysis was done with analytic methods from discursivepsychology and with the sociological theories at hand in this essay.The conclusions drawn from the analysis are that the situation is constructed according todifferent interpretative repertoires drawing on humanitarian discourses and economicdiscourses, which lead to separate social consequences and ideological categorisations of ?usand them?.

Social ångest: arbetssätt och redovisningsformer i skolan

Denna uppsats handlar om social ångest hos elever i skolan relaterat till skolans arbetssätt och redovisningsformer. Vårt syfte var att undersöka lärares uppfattningar huruvida skolans arbetssätt och redovisningsformer kan medföra eller motverka att social ångest framkallas hos eleverna. Syftet var även att undersöka elevers åsikter om arbetssätt och redovisningsformer i skolan. Utifrån resultatet av enkätundersökningen, intervjuerna och det som tidigare forskats fram i ämnet drog vi slutsatsen att skolans arbetssätt och redovisningsformer både kan medföra och motverka att social ångest framkallas hos eleverna. Detta beroende på vilken hänsyn som tas till problem med social ångest i skolans vardagliga arbete..

Aspekter på folkbibliotekens Internetsatsningar verksamheter, intentioner, regleringar

The aim of this thesis is to study different aspects of the public libraries' investment in public access computers connected to the Internet. What level of accessibility can be found at the surveyed libraries concerning the number of computers open to the public, as well as chat and email services? What activities have been taking place with the computers in focus, and what have the goals of these activities been? Is there any control of content, and what aspects of the Internet are, if that is the case, subject to censorship. And how do the governmental policies relate to the surveyed libraries' intentions and activities regarding the Internet? In order to answer these questions, each main library in the 42 largest towns of Sweden was surveyed response rate: 100 %.

En longitudinell studie om kronisk smärta och social ångest - hur samsjuklighet kan relateras till individens upplevelse av invalidering samt funktion

Denna studie undersökte samsjuklighet mellan smärta och social ångest i en smärtpopulation genom klusteranalys. Syftet var att undersöka om det fanns en undergrupp bland smärtpatienter som skattade högt på social ångest samt högt på upplevd invalidering före och efter smärtbehandling. Syftet var vidare att se om denna undergrupp skattade annorlunda vad gäller funktion jämfört med smärtpatienter med låg grad av social ångest samt se hur individer rörde sig mellan kluster över tid. Data bestod av självskattningsformulär från 157 smärtpatienter. Resultatet visade att det fanns en undergrupp som skattade högt på social ångest och upplevd invalidering.

"Annat socialt nedbrytande beteende" : -Socialsekreterares föreställningar och uppfattningar om ett rekvisit i LVU utifrån ett genusperspektiv

This study aims to examine how social workers, in the Swedish social services, perceive and interpret LVU § 3 from a gender perspective. In total eight social workers participated in the study, attending interviews based on a vignette. From a gender perspective we wanted to found out how the social workers define "other socially destructive behaviour" and understand their thoughts about this subject. Moreover, we aimed to see if social workers perceive any differences between boys and girls behaviour. Based on several theories, two gender theories and concepts we have analysed our result from the interviews.

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