

12813 Uppsatser om Social agent - Sida 47 av 855

Kan teknikutveckling i form av sociala medier vara produktivt fo?r ledarskap?

The effects of social media usage in a professional context, specifically the effects on social media usage in relation to leadership have been studied in order to determine weather or not usage can be productive for leadership in general. The study concludes that there are several benefits as well as drawbacks to leadership in using social media, but has yet to conclude weather productive or not. This study gives an overview of a relatively unexplored subject.Leadership in terms of leader, communication and group dynamics have been defined and explained in accordance with existing literature. A  brief review of computer and Internet history attempts to explain the formation and evolution of social media. Risks in terms of risks related to leadership and risks related to IT-security are taken into consideration and have been briefly explained.

Såromvårdnad på reptiler

As reptiles are becoming more common as patients in veterinary clinics, there is a need for creating new procedures regarding the care of exotic pets. The aim of this study was to develop a wound care routine adapted to reptiles, which can be used independently by a veterinary nurse due to the absence of prescription drugs or surgical techniques. The study was conducted by compiling the available research regarding wound care in reptiles, as well as research from related fields. The result indicates that polyurethane films and chlorhexidine-alcohol may advantageously be used on these patients. Hydrocolloid dressings and silver sulfadiazine dressings have adverse effects on wound healing and should not be used routinely in reptiles.

Aktivisten- egoist, karriärist eller eldsjäl? En studie rörande motiven bakom frivilligt engagemang

When it comes to investigating the motives behind activism, the members of political study have a lot to say. I aimed to critiqually rewiev this in my thesis. I asked the question ?What do the actor themselves claim lay behin their decision to become motivated?? To highlight this complex dilemma, I sought to discuss new social movement theory by comparing it to reality. This includes a literate examination on contemporary political science approaches, and a study of two organisations in the south of Sweden, choosen not to despise any excisting theory, but to give it a sense of reality.

Fastighetsmäklaryrket: Att skära guld med täljkniv? - Vad motiverar fastighetsmäklaren i sin yrkesroll och hur ser dess chefer på motivation?

Mitt syfte har varit att utreda vad som motiverar fastighetsmäklaren i sin yrkesroll samt att utreda hur dess chefer bedömer medarbetarnas motivation och dess påverkan för arbetsprestationen. Jag har använt flera teorier som kunnat kopplats till empirins resultat. Några av de slutsatser som framkommit är bland annat att motivationsfaktorer varierar beroende på individ och därmed fastighetsmäklare. Nöjda kunder, trivsel på arbetsplatsen, varierade arbetsuppgifter och en god lön har dock uppkommit vara betydande motiverande faktorer för mäklarna. Cheferna bör skapa en bättre dialog med mäklarna för att öka medvetenheten kring medarbetarnas motivationsfaktorer.

Det lidande djuret: från ett djurvänligt svenskt folk till ett humant samhälle. En diskursanalys av föreställningar om djur i svensk djurskyddspolitik under efterkrigstiden.

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Socialarbetarens livspussel - En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie

The purpose of this thesis is to shed light on the various factors that influence the balancebetween the working lives and family lives of social workers. The research questions posedwere: Do social workers consider there is a conflict between their working lives and familylives? Which factors make maintaining a balance between working life and family life moredifficult and which make it easier to do so? How do social workers describe equality betweenthe sexes in their own family? Regarding methodology, the selection method is strategic andcombines data sources with quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The material collectedand via online survey, targeted to 120 municipal employees social workers in a district councilin a big city, and through interviews with four social workers in a rural community. The studywas performed using gender theory and the demand-support-control model.

Social kontakt för hund i rastgård ? när kan kraven anses uppfyllda?

People in Sweden have more and more dogs in their care, and several of these dogs are kept in kennels in back yards for various reasons. According to Swedish animal welfare legislations the need for social contact for dogs has to be met. However, there are few details presented on how to meet the need and when it can be considered satisfied. Does the dog need human contact to fulfill the need, or is the company of other dogs enough? This study aims to specify what can be acceptable when it comes to fulfilling dogs? social needs in accordance with the Swedish animal welfare legislation.

Nationella adoptioner i Sverige

The purpose of this study was to examine domestic adoptions in Sweden, and also compare the Swedish adoption system to the Canadian adoption system. I wanted to find out why there are so few domestic adoptions in Sweden, and how it has changed over the years. I also wanted to know why there is such a large difference between Sweden and Canada regarding adoptions.I interviewed five social workers to find out what attitudes the social services have regarding adoptions. My other questions were how the childs best interest is considered when a parent wants to place a child in an adoptivefamily, and which parents decide to place their child instead of keeping it.I found that the social services are reluctant to place children in adoptivefamilies because their main goal is to keep biological families intact. In Canada the social services goal is to provide the child with a safe and stable home.There is no longer any stigma surrounding single mothers and well developed welfaresystems enable most to keep their children.

Hör upp!!

In this Bachelor thesis I explore sound and room as elements in design of user interfaces, both theoretical and practical in a specific application domain, to identify some of the advantages and disadvantage associated with these elements. As application domain I studied email clients and their usage at home amongst students at Blekinge Institute of Technology. In the study I found an activity, which seems to be highly distributed in the physical room where the user is located. The activity was notification of email and could take place in an arbitrary location of the home. I then augmented this activity with ideas from my theoretical assumption about room and sound. The result was a rule-based agent for notification of email, which primarily uses sound as interaction style..

Stöd eller tillrättavisning : En kvantitativ studie om socialarbetares attityder till ekonomisk rådgivning som metod

The aim of this bachelor thesis was to examine attitudes among social workers, particularly their attitudes toward their clients? poverty and towards economic counseling as a method. A further aim was to study the relationship between attitudes towards poverty and economic counseling. Primary data used for the study was assembled among social workers (n = 111) with the use of an electronic questionnaire that was sent out to social welfare offices in 34 city districts in Stockholm,Gothenburg and Malmö. The findings showed that a majority of the social workers had a structural understanding of poverty and a positive attitude towards economic counseling.

Sociala medier och skolbibliotek ? En användarundersökning av efterfrågan av sociala medier på ett skolbibliotek

The purpose of this study is to examine the role social media canplay in a school library context, based on a theoretical model,called ?A new model for the public library in a knowledge andexperienced society? by Henrik Jochumsen, Dorte Skot-Hansenand Casper Hvegaard Rasmussen.The bachelor thesis aim to answer three research questions, theyare as follow: Which request of social media is there by teachersand pupils at a high school library? Which social media is the mostrequested by teachers and pupils at a high school library? Andshould the library services for teachers and students be improved ifsocial media were used at a high school library?The methodology used for this study was an inquiry investigation.My findings are presented in a context of previous, relatedresearch and the study shows that teachers and pupils are wellinformed of what social media is and they use social media whenthey are at school.The thesis also shows that the unit I study, a vocational trainingunit, is more or less interested in what the school library can do forthem with social media.They seldom are at the school library and they seldom use theteach platform were they can find library services.This result can open up for the school library to meet the users at anew arena with for example social media..

Behandling av dubbeldiagnos: finns en gemensam målsättning med behandlingen?

Clients with dual diagnosis have difficulties to recover and have a tendancy to fall between two stools. Among other things this is due to the fact that caregivers have different approaches, values and focus. The purpose of this study is to compare how clients, therapists and socialworkers look upon the aim of the treatment, its form, residential care, the conception of goalfulfillment and participation. In our study we have applied the theories of Aaron Antonovsky, Howard Becker and Erving Goffman. The paper consists mainly of qualitative interviews with clients, therapists and socialworkers.

Emotionell intelligens : Social förmåga, ensamhet och balans mellan studier och fritid hos högskolestuderande

Emotionell intelligens (EI) handlar om förmågan att identifiera och hantera egna och andras emotioner. Forskning har visat att hög EI var relaterat till flera livsområden såsom hälsa i form av mindre stress och kvalité på sociala relationer. Studien syftade till att undersöka samband mellan EI och följande: social förmåga, ensamhet och balans mellan studier/fritid hos sammanlagt 141 högskolestuderande. Mätinstrumentet var kvantitativt bestående av Internetbaserade Big Five Plus (L. Sjöberg, 2007) samt en pappersenkät.

Anknytningens betydelse för relationer i vuxenlivet hos extremt prematurt födda och fullgånget burna individer

The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between adult attachment, denoted as mental representations of childhood experiences, and social relations. A secondary purpose was to examine the impact of prematurity on attachment and social relations in adult age. The study is part of a larger longitudinal study carried out by professor Karin Stjernqvist and Anne-Li Hallin, candidate for the doctorate, at the Department of Psychology, Lund University. Participants of the present study were 30 individuals randomly selected from the larger study. Of these, 16 individuals were premature born and 14 individuals were full-term born.

Information och informationskompetenser för ett evidensbaserat socialt arbete : om socionomers informationspraktiker i arbetet med barnavårdsutredningar inom socialtjänstens yrkesverksamhet

The aim with this master?s thesis is to examine the information practices and information literacies among social workers in the field of the social services and in the work with child welfare investigations. This is in this study related to their ambition to fulfill the requirements of an evidence-based practice. On a theoretical level, the study is based on three theories grounded in the idea of situated learning and of human activities based in a social context. These are the sociocultural theory, the theory of communities of practices and the theory of information practices.

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