

6218 Uppsatser om Small- and medium-sized companies - Sida 13 av 415

Föräldradelaktighet i förskolan ur föräldrars och pedagogers synvinkel

AbstractThis act is about how five children with dyslexia consider and understands their diagnosis. It is also about their self-image, future sights and about how their school life is compared with before they got their diagnosis. The study is implemented autumn 2011 on a medium-sized school in central Sweden. The survey was implemented through interviews with the five children, of which four was girls and one was a boy. The study shows that the children understand their dyslexia relatively well, but that they experience that it is bothersome to live with dyslexia.

Ovidkommande vatten i spillvattensystemet - problematik och åtgärder

The purpose of this essay was to examine whether small businesses can avoid ac-counting crimes with a well-conducted internal control system. The questions we asked ourselves was, whether and if so, companies can prevent this from happening by using a internal control.In this essay we used a qualitative approach. Essential information was given to us from four different interviewees. We also worked from an inductive approach which means that we interviewed people without any earlier research to build on. The method also had a hermeneutical approach, which means that we made different interpretations based on the reference framework and the empirics.After the study had been carried out, we concluded that all evidence from this essay suggested that even small businesses need an internal control to protect their business.

Groupthink ? Rätt, men på fel sätt? : Vikten av ett fungerande mätinstrument för att upptäcka och förhindra gruppdynamiska problem och dåligt beslutsfattande

The amount of cargo has since the 1970s increased in Sweden and the road traffic accounts for a large part of the transported volume. In Stockholm County the amount of cargo is calculated to be doubled in size from year 2001 to 2020 which means a greater need for transport is required. Much of these transports are being carried out by haulage companies of varying sizes which acts externally as carriers for their customers. All of this despite a greater awareness, laws and demands regarding environmental performance.The trend shows that the haulage industry in Sweden are moving towards fewer but larger haulage companies, which means that the competition is getting tougher for the smaller haulage companies. Smaller haulage companies and research about their competitive strategies is a neglected part of this industry.

Revisionspliktens avskaffande : vilka faktorer påverkar företagens val av revision

On November 1st 2010 the obligatory audit was removed in Sweden for small companies. What factors influence such companies to have their financial reports audited, and what factors exert the strongest influence. Purpose: The authors would like to investigate factors that affect companies with voluntary audits in Skåne län to continue with the audit. The authors also wish to examine the factors that have the strongest impact on the choice to adopt auditing. Method: A quantitative study has been conducted in which aquestionnaire was sent to companies in Skåne Län Conclusion: The factors that affect smaller companies to continue with audit are as follows: Accounting quality, cost, creditors (loans), suppliers / customers, the tax office and distort competition.

Speglingen av organisationers egenintresse i remissvar : En studie av yttranden över fyra av Statens Offentliga Utredningar

Objective: In this thesis, we assume that the organizations' interests are governing their behavior/positions. It seems possible to draw conclusions about organizations'interests on the basis of the behavior / positions that will appear in the givenopinions on Swedish Public Investigations. The purpose of this thesis is toidentify self-interests of the studied organizations as they appear in their givenopinions.Method: The authors have made a qualitative and quantitative study of the opinions.Theoretical perspective: The basis of the study is the organization theories that focus the self-interest oforganizations.Empiric: Information is taken from four Swedish Public Investigations: the New Company Act, International Accounting for Swedish companies, Abolition of the audit requirement for small and medium sized enterprise and Simplified accounting. Altogether 310 opinions have been given on these, out of which we have studied 59. Furthermore, we have collected information on tasks, activities and objectives from the websites of the opinion giving organizations.Conclusions: In the literature, we found, as mentioned, that organizations havet hree self- interests which we define as general self-interests.

Förstudie: Internt moln : En fallstudie för effektivare IT-administration

This is a report of a prestudy commissioned by a medium-sized Swedish company before an imminent major change in IT systems. The change aims to provide a simplified IT administration within the company through a cloud-based approach.The preliminary study provides an interpretation of the concept of cloud computing. It also covers a review of different models to use in order to achieve an internal cloud. Suggestions on how to proceed with the change process are also provided, and which models might be appropriate for the specific company..

Talent Management. En studie av det praktiska arbetet med Talent Management i fem företag

Globalization and demographic changes are forcing today?s companies to be more competitive in order to reach success. The increasing competition is proving a challenge for companies to recruit and retain competent, talented staff. To meet these challenges, Talent Management was developed during the 1990s and supplies a new and innovative way to deal with personnel management. Due to Talent Management being a relatively new theory, there is at present no generally accepted definition of the theory.

?Det känns som en barnavdelning, det är ingen ungdomsdel liksom?: Ungdomar och det egna biblioteksrummet

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to find out how young adults experience the library and the space that they have access to. I used semi-structured interviews to find out about this and interviewed eight youths between the ages of 15 and 18 in a medium sized city in the province of Västra Götaland in Sweden. I then analyzed the material with the help of Goffman?s theory about front stage and back stage. I also did a small comparison with results from previous studies.The result showed that the youths generally liked the library and the staff but they had opinions on some issues.

Vad händer hos oss? : Om att hitta rätt sätt att kommunicera uppdateringar och nyheter till kunder

The purpose of this thesis is to compose a way for a small IT-company to communicate with their costumers and include them in the development of their IT-solution. The ambition with this study is to make this information strategy applicable to other small companies with the same problem.The empirics is built on literature studies and qualitative interviews which leads to a design proposition and try-outs with the target group. The results lead to a newsletter where news and information from the company could be presented simple and clear..

Reasons for Voluntary Audit in Sweden

Background: The Swedish Parliament passed a law change in late 2010, suspending the former requirement for all Swedish incorporated companies to have an auditor. The new limit values allow the smallest incorporated companies to dismiss the auditor of the company (or not appoint one in the case of a newly started company). The opinions of abolishing mandatory audit vary, and little research has been done post to the law change. However, a new situation has arisen, meaning the optional choice of voluntary audit, for some companies.Aims and research questions: The aim of the thesis is to examine the reasons behind voluntary audit in Sweden, as well as what value companies, having chosen audit, see in their auditor. The following research questions have been used in order to fulfill the aim of the thesis: ?Why do small private owner-led incorporated companies in Sweden voluntarily choose audit?? and ?What value does the voluntarily chosen auditor add to the companies??Methodology: The research questions were formulated after reviewing relevant literature and scientific articles regarding the topic of voluntary audit, as well as the recent law change in Sweden.

Klassificering av utländska dotterföretag

Background: Companies often invest in foreign subsidiaries and that gives rise to translation exposure. Translation exposure arises with the consolidation of the foreign subsidiary and depends on the rate of exchange that are used for translation of the foreign subsidiary. In time several different methods of translation and recommendations has been developed. Companies listed on OM Stockholmsbörsen shall follow RR8. According to RR8 a classification of foreign subsidiaries as indipendent or integral to the parent company determines which method of translation that should be used.

Det avbrutna samtalet - reklamformatets betydelse i podcastmediet

Marketers are today confronted with new forms of media and tend to use different strategies to exploit these media. The podcast medium has emerged in a time of changes in terms of media planning. By using stimuli containing identical context with different forms of advertising, this thesis seeks to explore whether ads, sponsorships or product placements is more favourable for an advertiser to practice in the podcast medium. The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in communication effects, such as attitude towards the brand and purchase intention, depending on the form of advertising. Testing if previous research, made on the same format but in different media, is applicable in the podcast medium carries out the study.

Snöoväder i Sverige 2004-2014 : En statistisk sammanställning samt en utvärdering av tidningsartiklar som källa

Transport is an important aspect to take account in efforts to achieve sustainable tourism development. If we do not change our behavior regarding travel, the consequences will be significant for the environment. This study examines the various transport operators on the two Swedish ski resorts if their websites and marketing are different from each other in the mode selection. The destinations are Åre and Hemavan Tärnaby. They studied modes are two Swedish airlines, two train companies, three bus companies and three taxi companies.These corporate websites are studied with a content analysis in which the results of the keywords that have been developed are scored according to different categories.

Verksamhetsrelaterade uppsägningar i Sverige och Polen : En komparativ studie

This thesis investigates similarities and disparities between Swedish and Polish Labour Law concerning dismissals due to operational requirements and group redundancies. The study focuses on three important elements where the employers? liberty is legally infringed upon in a procedure of notice. These elements concerns the legal conditions of notice that must be fulfilled, the rules of the procedure and the rules for employment protection that is granted in connection with dismissals due to operational requirement or group redundancies. In the thesis there is a comparative map that outlines the most important rules within the Swedish and Polish legal systems concerning the subject.

Business Process Outsourcing : En studie av företag i Jämtlands län

Previous research has, by studying large listed firms, identified cost reductions and knowledge transference as the primary reasons for outsourcing.  Previous research has also indicated that Business Process Outsourcing is likely to increase in popularity and experience high annual growth going forward. This study aims to explore why mid-sized and large firms decide to in Jämtlands län, fully or partly, outsource their finance/accounting activities. Theories regarding transaction cost economics and resource based view composes the foundation of this study and the information used has been gathered through the use of semi-structured interviews.  The results shows, like the chosen theories and previous research indicates, that the outsourcing decision is primary based on expected cost reductions.

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