

5963 Uppsatser om Small scale biogas production - Sida 59 av 398

Projektmodell för mindre produktutvecklingsprojekt

How projects are managed can have a big impact on the project`s result. There are different types of frameworks on the market whose purpose is to help project leaders to pursue a successful project. Those frameworks focus on larger product development projects and both the literature and companies have addressed that the frameworks are too comprehensive for smaller product development projects. They have therefore asked for a framework that is more suitable for those smaller projects. To complete a project on time and to the planned cost is important in both larger and smaller product development projects.

Humanurin till åkermark och grönytor : avsättning och organisation i Göteborgsområdet

This study investigates how nutrients from source-separated human urine from Gothenburg properties can be used as fertiliser in agriculture or for parks or sports fields. The initiator is the Department of Sustainable Water and Waste Management at the City of Gothenburg. Today urine-diverting systems are installed in two apartment buildings and two public-use buildings. Urine recycling is expected to lead to less exploitation of natural resources and less eutrophicating discharges into water recipients. In the study the urine?s market potential is investigated, for which practical handling issues, business aspects and acceptance of customers, employees and visitors have proved to be important.

Långtidseffekter av Internetbaserad KBT vid social fobi

Social fobi är en av de vanligaste ångestsjukdomarna. Rädsla och oro i sociala situationer och prestationsrelaterade dito är utmärkande för dessa individer. Social fobi tenderar, om den inte behandlas, att bli kronisk och det finns indikatorer på att tillståndet förvärras över tid. Idag finns behandlingar som ger goda utfall direkt efter avslut, men huruvida behandlingseffekterna håller i sig över längre tid är mer höljt i dunkel. Internetadministrerade självhjälpsbehandlingar har en möjlighet att öka tillgängligheten för denna klientgrupp och det är då av vikt att den är av god kvalitet.

Snöskydd för luftspalter och ventilerande vindsutrymmen

This master thesis was written for Arla Foods and the result of the thesisserves to gain Arla Foods in its work with chemical hazardous and to bringnew academic results. The thesis aims to create a common methodology forrisk analysis with the handling of chemicals.The theories displayed in this thesis focuses on different risk managementmethods in order to build up a framework out of which a risk management toolwas created. The main primary data source consists of interviews held withemployees within Arla Foods at different facilities.The risk management tool can be found in appendix K.Available recommendations for how to evaluate risks with chemicals can befound at appropriate government agencies. These recommendations aredrawn up to suite small and medium enterprises and therefore are to narrowto make a good foundation for analysing chemical risks at large companies.With the legislation and government demands in mind, a tool has beencreated to fit a large company?s needs when managing chemical risks.

Användbarheten av två modeller i två olika företag, en studie av lean production : Fallstudier vid SKF Couplings systems och AQ Parkoprint

This study is about to see whether the two models representing the strategies of lean production is to use and apply in different companies. The models are structured in two different ways in which one of them is checking the softer elements of lean production in the form of leadership and strategies. This model is called Lesat and is based on interviewquestions. The second model, called "learning to see" is about identifying flows. This, together shall then give an idea of how mature companies are when it comes to a whole in the concept of lean production, and susceptibility to use these models to their respective companies. The study is conducted in two companies, SKF couplings systems and AQ parkoprint.

Hur påverkar hörselskadan det dagliga livet? En jämförande studie mellan barndomsdöva och vuxendöva.

The study emanates from the national quality registry for persons with severe and profound hearing impairment. The aim was to examine possible differences between signing deaf and adults with acquired severe hearing loss, with reference to self-assessed problems, how the hearing loss influences daily life.In total 234 adults aged 30-90 years were included (128 women, 106 men). In the registry, there are background variables and questions that the patients have answered. The results, indicated on a visual analogue scale (VAS) from 0-100, from a question ?To which extent does your hearing loss at present influence your life?? were analysed.The study was performed by pooling the results of VAS and dividing the patients into signing deaf and those with acquired severe hearing loss, and in age groups 30-60 and 61-90 years.

Livesändningar på webben : Interaktion mellan produktion och tittare

Viewer interaction is a common part of live broadcasts on the web and enables production and viewer to communicate with each other. The possibilities in viewer interaction make it easier for productions to create viewer engagement by involving them in the live broadcast through chats and social media. In creating a bond between production and viewer the interaction must be carefully managed to suit both the shows and the viewer?s needs.  A qualitative study has been used to analyze the viewer interaction in two Swedish live broadcasts on the web.

En undersökning av olika insamlingssystem för matavfall och deras effekter på renhållningsarbetarnas arbetsmiljö

En ökad efterfrågan på biogas har lett till att matavfallsinsamlingen i Sverige ökar, då detta är en god råvara för produktion av biogas. Det finns flera olika insamlingssystem att välja bland, alla med sina för- respektive nackdelar. Beroende på vilket insamlingssystem som implementeras, får detta konsekvenser för hur renhållningsarbetarnas arbetsmiljö blir. Vad renhållningsarbetarna själva anser vara viktiga aspekter för en god arbetsmiljö samt hur dessa aspekter påverkas av de olika insamlingssystemen har hittills varit okänt. Genom systemanalys innehållandes fallstudier, Corporate Social Responsibility-analys (CSR) och skapandet av Casual Loop Diagrams (CLD) har problematiken undersökts i detta arbete.

Västlänken Analys ur ett tekniskt och ekonomiskt perspektiv.

Phosphate is a used as a surface treatment method which is used for various purposes in the industry. In this case, phosphate coated wire is used in the processes to achieve a desirable outcome. The reason to why phosphate coated wire is used in the production process is because phosphate acts as an accumulator, where it stabilizes the lubricant on the surface of the wire. Lubrication is important because it plays a major role in the roll quality and characterizes important benefits regarding the outcome.Currently, SKF has to wash away all phosphates residues after extrusion process in an operation called tumbling. The main reason for this is simply because the surface has to be completely free from lubricants and coatings till the next step of process.

Grundvattenavsänkning vid tunnelbyggnad ? tillämpning Förbifart Stockholm.

Phosphate is a used as a surface treatment method which is used for various purposes in the industry. In this case, phosphate coated wire is used in the processes to achieve a desirable outcome. The reason to why phosphate coated wire is used in the production process is because phosphate acts as an accumulator, where it stabilizes the lubricant on the surface of the wire. Lubrication is important because it plays a major role in the roll quality and characterizes important benefits regarding the outcome.Currently, SKF has to wash away all phosphates residues after extrusion process in an operation called tumbling. The main reason for this is simply because the surface has to be completely free from lubricants and coatings till the next step of process.

Välbefinnande, psykosocial arbetsmiljö och deltagande i friskvårdsaktiviteter bland anställda på ett tillverkningsföretag

Work environment activities, such as work health promotion, can take place at different levels - though the best result is obtained when all levels can interact. The overall aim with this study was to examine the impact of health promotion on work related well-being and stress in an industrial company. The focus was on employee experience of and participation in company initiated wellness activities. A quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted in which parts of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ II) were used to examine factors in the psychosocial work environment, and well-being was examined with the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). In all 303 employees (50 %) responded to the survey.

E-handel i småföretag

E-commerce is a conception who many are taking about nowadays. E-commerce is associate with computer based business and it?s a new way to do business on. Users and system connect up to each other for effective mediate and transfer information. Within e-commerce there?s a lot of ways to do business on and it can for example be between a business and a another business (B2B) or between business and consumer (B2C).In this degree report have I reached if small business will invest on e-commerce and if they will, how.

Bartóks violakonsert : studier av olika utgåvor

This master thesis is about the production of the record ?Brutus? with the band ?Trilobit?. Trilobit consists of the three musicians, myself, Stina Hellberg Agback on pedal harp, Simon Sva?rd on guitar and Karl Jansson on drums.During the production, I have analyzed different aspects of my own musicality and also the role of the pedal harp in jazz. I have found techniques that have simplified chromatic movements on the pedal harp, and also techniques that has developed the rhythmical aspect of my improvisation.I have also looked into my process in improvising and composing and developed new aspects, many thanks to the close collaboration with Simon Sva?rd..

Småföretagares uppfattningar om och behov av revisorn som rådgivare - sett ur ett livscykelperspektiv

The purpose of this dissertation is to describe small businesses? opinions about the auditor as a business adviser as well as their need for advice, dependent on which stage of the lifecycle model they belong to. This dissertation has a qualitative approach as the authors wanted to gain a deeper understanding about the problem area. As the lifecycle model in this dissertation consist of three stages, the authors have interviewed six small businesses, two in each stage. The interviews were conducted with the owner and took place at the location of the business.

Heliga vatten : Vattencentrerad kult och vattnets symbolik under Skandinaviens kristnande

This essay aims to explore continuity in water centric cult within the period of the Christianization of Scandinavia (ca 800-1100 AD) and to understand the changing of symbolism of water in pre-Christian cult and early Christian religion. It has previously been thought that Christian priests took over the old holy wells and renamed them after saint, all to ease the pagan people into a Christian lifestyle. But archaeological evidence shows that the cult at these wells, and other water centric sites, where almost completely abandoned a few hundred years before the Christians came to Scandinavia. The Christians should not have felt the need to transform this tradition since it was only practiced in a very small and supposedly private scale. On the contrary, religious activities at these wells seems to increase with the new religion and perhaps this is explained by Christianity itself.

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