

5963 Uppsatser om Small scale biogas production - Sida 37 av 398

Vardagliga icke-produktiva motoriska beteenden : förekomst och korrelation med sensation seeking

In everyday life we perform motor behaviours that have no apparent instrumental function. Are these correlated to sensation seeking and do they differ depending on what situations we are in? University students in Örebro (N=108), participated in the study. The participants were asked to fill out a double questionnaire containing the sensation seeking scale and another one for measuring non-productive motor behaviours. The non-productive motor behaviours were not correlated to the sensation seeking scale.


The Smart Grid technology has during the last decade been established as a way to create a greater flexibility on the electricity grid that will be needed as the development moves towards an increased share of renewable primary energy sources in the electricity production. One part of the Smart Grid technology is the ability to shift loads in time, to adapt to either price or emissions, known as Demand Response. This project, which was conducted at KTH in collaboration with the consulting corporation Capgemini, examines the economic, environmental and social aspects of the Demand Response technology. In the project, three household products are used in a model that derives the potential savings in costs and emissions of CO2e. The results show that the actual savings measured in SEK are small, but that the savings measured in percent can be as high as 20 percent. Reduction of CO2e emissions is slightly lower.

En postindustriell stads dynamik : Kalmars samarbeten och konkurrenser i strävan efter expansion genom handel

The thesis strives to reveal the dynamics between a central and a peripheral shopping area in Kalmar, Sweden. The establishment of larger shopping centers has become a hallmark of postindustrial cities. Cities globally are at risk of creating an urban economic rift between the central and peripheral shopping areas. By establishing major shopping venues around the traditional central business districts, cities hope to create a larger customer hinterland and thereby also increased economic growth. The aim of this thesis is answered by two research questions regarding collaboration and competition between two shopping areas; the central Kvarnholmen and peripheral Hansa City Mall.

Information ochmaterialflödesförbättrings analys

This examination work is performed at the institution of industrial economy and production at Jonkoping technical university, for JELD-WEN Door Solutions plant in Forserum.Today the focus in the company is on to reduce their inventories binding of capitals as well as inventory of products and that includes to get a good control of the supply and handling of material which is of great importance.JELD-WEN Door Solutions is one of the worlds leading producers of windows and doors and the head-office is located in Oregon, USA.A great number of wooden doors are manufactured by the company in varying of constructions, classifications and performance.The production of the plant in Forserum has a project- and customer focus manufacturing where only internal doors are produced. The overall market they are concentrated on is to different institution such as schools, hospitals etc.The purpose of this work is to investigate possibilities to improvement of material- and production control at JELD-WEN. The report will handle the master production schedule to and from the production divisions within manufacturing industry. Focus will be on the way for information- and material flows from arrival, transport within the company and further on to customers.Further a map of the flow was performed which gave a clearer picture of the connection between the flow of information- and material for the manufacturing process. On the basis of the mapping of the flow, the group discovered that the flow of material had some improvement potential.

Konstruktionstudie av en ångexpander

This thesis applies to a novel steam expander, one part of a steam engine system, a wobble plateengine. The piston in the expander moves axially with the outgoing rotating shaft and is locatedon a plate, why the engine type is called axial engine. When steam is applied to the plungers theplate wobbles creating a rotation on the shaft going thru the wobble plate. The steam expander issupposed to be used in exhaust gas recovery (bottoming cycle) applications and small scaleenergy production. The commissioner is Ranotor Utveckling AB.


Syftet med föreliggande uppsats var att studera vilka motivationsfaktorer, passionsfaktorer samt vilken grad av självförtroende som uppvisas hos ungdomslandslagsspelare i fotboll. Vidare undersöktes samband mellan passion och självförtroende samt hur motivation var relaterat till passion och självförtroende. I studien deltog 288 manliga och kvinnliga fotbollspelare i åldrarna 15-17 år (M=16,02, Sd=1,06) från svenska ungdomslandslaget i fotboll. I studien användes Vealeys Sportconfidence Scale (VSS), Sport Motivation Scale (SMS) och The Passion Scale (PS). Resultatet visade att det fanns statistiska signifikanta samband mellan de tre variablerna passion, motivation och självförtroende.

TOC and TQM Utilized in a Mass Customization Production Environment

Background: Mass customization has been identified as a competitive business strategy by both companies and academics because of its ability to incorporate the voice of the customer into companies? products and services. Although mass customization may sound appealing, the strategic concept is still developing and firms adopting this business strategy face several challenges. Production concerns are of high relevance since mass customization implies a high level of customer involvement in the product design. Since the areas are closely linked it is reasonable to ask how a mass customization strategy affects production concerns.

Anaerob nedbrytning av TNT : Ett bioreaktorförsök på Vingåkersverken

A bioslurry reactor was built for the bioremediation of TNT contaminated waste from the demilitarization industry. The field test was conducted at Vingåkersverken in Vingåker, Sweden, to see if results from laboratory studies could be repeated in a full scale reactor. The goal of the project was to optimize the reactor to such a degree that it could be used to handle the waste produced at Vingåkersverken and also that this technique could be applied for remediation of contaminated soils. Unfortunately the samples taken during the full scale field test were destroyed by the shipping company and no analysis was possible. A later attempt by the Biorex research group has also been unsuccessful to reduce the amount of TNT using the bioreactor.

Who´s who? : Kreativitet, personlighet och att arbeta kreativt

I dagens samhälle blir kreativitet och nytänkande allt viktigare för företags överlevnad och konkurrenskraft. Därmed har även behovet av kreativa personer på arbetsplatsen ökat. Studiens syfte var att undersöka om kreativitet, genom Runcos ideational scale, kunde kopplas till något personlighetsdrag i Big Five samt till hur pass kreativt en person arbetar. Detta undersöktes genom en enkät med 66 frågor i 3 delar. Enkäten lämnades ut i både pappersform och som webenkät till ett stort antal företag.

Stress och högkänslighet hos studenter : En jämförande studie mellan kvinnor och män

Syftet var att undersöka högkänslighet och stress hos studenter. Metoden var en kvantitativ jämförande studie mellan grupper (kvinnor och män). Undersökningen genomfördes genom en elektronisk enkät. Urvalet var ett tillfällighetsurval av kvinnor och män i åldrarna 19 ? 56 som studerade vid ett universitet, totalt 122 stycken deltagare, 31 män och 91 kvinnor.

Revisorns rekommendationer till mindre företag i valet mellan K2 och K3

Title: The auditor?s recommendations to small businesses in the choice of K2 and K3Authors: Christopher Dimovski and Dennis Carlsson Published: Spring 2014 Background: The background of this study is the introduction of the new K-regulations. For small businesses, there is a possibility to choose between the rule-based K2 and the principal-based K3. It becomes mandatory to apply the K-regulations from 2014. We want with this study understand and explain the significance of the auditor and its recommendations to small businesses in the choice between K2 and K3. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe how the auditor makes recommendations to small businesses in the choice between K2 and K3 and through that create an understanding of what influence the auditor have when it makes recommendations and at the end contribute to the building of models. Formulation of problem: How can we understand and explain the auditor?s recommendations to small businesses in the choice of K2 and K3?Methodology: We have used a qualitative method where we have interview eight auditors.

Design och förädling av en liten och kustnära trädgård :

2. SUMMARY A small garden exposed to a harsh coastal climate can be difficult to design. Limitations in space and in plant varieties increase the needs of an in-depth knowledge to achieve wanted goals. In this degree project the challenge has been to create a functional and position adapted garden for a very small beach house lot in Mölle, a little harbour village at the south coast of Kullaberg. ?Villa Malm?, is situated directly on the bedrock in a close settlement where the gardens, in most cases are very small and exposed to strong salty winds.


Syftet med den aktuella studien var att på svenska elitfotbollsgymnasier (1) undersöka samband mellan psykosociala variablerna motivation (i.e., inre och yttre former), självbestämmande och passion (i.e., harmonisk och tvångsmässig) samt (2) undersöka samband mellan passion och frekvensen träningstimmar. I studien ingick 220 ungdomsspelare från fem svenska elitfotbollsgymnasier (pojkar n =169, flickor n =51). I studien användes Passion Scale för att mäta spelarnas passion för fotboll, Sport Motivation Scale (SMS) för att se vilka motiv deltagande är byggt på samt Self-Determination Scale (SDS) för att mäta upplevt självbestämmande. Resultatet visade att inre motivation och självbestämmande förklarar 39 % av den totala variansen av harmonisk passion för fotboll samt att inre motivation har en partiell positivt medierande effekt mellan självbestämmande och harmonisk passion. Introjektionerad reglering förklarar (som ensam faktor) 28 % av den totala variansen av tvångsmässig passion för fotboll.

Internationaliseringsprocessen för svenska småföretag i Kina : Fallstudie av två svenska småföretag

The purpose of this thesis was to study how an internationalization process to China may appear for a small Swedish enterprise and to identify important factors that may be essential for the process. The focus extends from the point where the enterprise makes its first connection with China up to the point where they are well established. Their business is up and running and they have begun production. To gain a deeper understanding of the subject a gathering of existing theory and research articles was conducted. The gathering of theory yielded knowledge of different approaches and methods that can be used to implement internationalization and provided a greater understanding of cultural and regional differences in China compared to Sweden.

Kan Lean Healthcare vara den bit som saknas i den svenska sjukvårdens pussel? : En studie av kommersiella modeller i svensk sjukvård

BakgrundSvensk sjukvård har idag bland de bästa behandlingsresultaten i Europa, men trots det förs diskussionen om sjukvården ofta i negativa ordalag. I ett försök att förbättra synen på verksamheten och bli mer effektiva har sjukvården i Sverige ofta använt sig av kommersiellamodeller, modellerna har dock behövt anpassas för att fungera i sjukvårdens miljö. En av de senaste kommersiella modellerna som nu införs i den svenska sjukvården är Lean Healthcare,som är sjukvårdens version av Toyotas produktionsfilosofi Lean Production. En stor del avtidigare forskning på området har behandlat Lean Production men lite finns att tillgå som handlar om Lean Healthcare. Den här studien är ett bidrag till att utöka kunskapen om Lean Healthcare i Sverige.SyfteSyftet med den här studien är att beskriva hur Lean-filosofin fungerar i den svenska sjukvården samt att göra en jämförelse mellan Lean Production och andra kommersiella modeller som tidigare har införts i den svenska sjukvården.GenomförandeMed hjälp av intervjuer på tre svenska sjukvårdsenheter har en fallstudie med fokus på Lean Production och Lean Healthcare genomförts.ResultatResultatet av studien visar att Lean Healthcare, i likhet med tidigare modeller, har krävt anpassningar för att fungera i sjukvårdens kontext.

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