

5963 Uppsatser om Small scale biogas production - Sida 26 av 398

Avskaffandet av revisionsplikten : Vilka alternativ till revisionsplikten föredrar småföretagarna för att upprätthålla trovärdigheten?

Purpose: The purpose with this study is to see what the small limited companiesprefer of the alternatives to the statutory audit that has been created inthe others EU-countries. These alternatives can be current in Sweden tomaintain the credibility.Method: Quantitative procedure.Conclusions: By the result to judge from the small limited companies prefer the alternativeto the statutory audit where they do not need to hire further helpto complete the audit. That is probably why the bookkeeping agency hasbeen chosen to give a guarantee for quality endorsement..

Vattenjärnhaltens betydelse för mjölkkors hälsa och produktion :

Drinking water from drilled wells has a high content of iron and other minerals in many places in Sweden. Questions about the association between the quality of drinking water and the health of dairy cows are regulary asked both by advisers and dairy farmers. There are so far not many studies published about the relevance for high iron content in water and dairy cow health and production. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate if there is a connection between the iron content in water and the health of dairy cows. Initially a literature study was made about iron and it´s function in ruminants.

Bacterial contamination of eggshells in conventional cages and litter floor systems for laying hens in Jordan

In the country of Jordan, egg production is very important economically, but several bacte-ria are involved in food borne diseases transmitted from eggs or other poultry products. The most important are Salmonella spp., Campylobacter jejuni and Escherichia coli. In Jordan two different housing systems are used for hens in large scale egg production; con-ventional cages and litter floor systems. Eggs from four different farms were analysed and compared to see if a difference could be found regarding the presence of pathogenic bacte-ria on the egg surfaces between these two systems. Total number of aerobic bacteria was analysed, the presence of Salmonella spp., C.

Prognostisk betydelse av radiologiskt detekterad gasförekomst i tunntarmen hos katter utsatta för fysiskt trauma :

The aim of this study was to see if an increased amount of gas could be seen in the small bowel of cats subjected to trauma and if measuring the amount of gas could be of any use in the clinical evaluation of the patient. When the peristaltic waves in the small bowel decreases due to neurological damage or chock the microorganisms of the gut grow in number and possibly produce more gas and toxins. When the cat is stressed it can swallow more air then usual, and the air that is in solution with the chyme in the lumen of the gut separates from the ingesta. When the bowel isn?t moving it becomes easier for bacteria and toxins to penetrate the wall of the gut, and then get access to the bloodstream.

Vägen mot flexibilitet : En studie av Sex Sigma och lean production inom industrin

This paper is about the new methods and metrics used in industry and business today striving for better revenues and larger market shares. It investigates the relations between the old fordistic and tayloristic way of manufacturing and compares it to the models used in industry today for being competitive, seeking to please customers and becoming more flexible. More specific the paper is about if Six Sigma and lean production are the key for succeeding these days. SKF:s factory in Gothenburg and other companies will make an example for how these methods are used in practice.The aim is to try to answer if these systems with inherited tools and methods are the right way to get the flexibility that is needed for being able to deliver the right goods to customers and market. For a company to be flexible decisions must be made fast and needed changes must be able to be done easy and without too large costs and investments.

Utredningsregeln : en analys av betingandevillkoret

The most dominating type of company in Sweden is the small-sized business and it usually lacks its own marketing department. The purpose of this paper was to analyze several small Swedish businesses which are specialized in different sectors of the Mechanic/Technology industry but they are similar in terms of having niched products and they are leading companies in the world. The objective was to do research about how small businesses work with marketing despite its lack of resources and capital.This survey has shown that customer contacts, customer relationships and especially for those investigated companies, it was very important to focus on globalization and product development in order to build a Point of Difference..

Liebowitz Self-Rated Disability Scale : En psykometrisk utprovning av en självskattningsskala öfr social funktionsnivå och dess användning vid behandlingsutvärdering.

Psykometriska egenskaper presenteras från en nyöversatt självskattningsskala för funktionsnedsättning vid social fobi. Liebowitz Self-Rated Disability Scale (LSRDS) avser att undersöka hur ångestproblem kopplade till olika funktionsområden hindrat normal funktion dels de senaste två veckorna och dels när det varit som värst i livet. LSRDS har acceptabel test-retest reliabilitet och god intern konsistens. Den diskriminativa valideten i LSRDS är god i jämförelse mellan normalgrupp och klinisk grupp. I samband med en kognitiv beteendeterapeutisk behandling av åtta individer med social fobi har skalan provats och förefaller fånga förändringar i funktionsförmåga.

Samverkansplanering : en jämförande studie mellan praktik och teori

Collaborative planning ? a comparative study of theory and practice Why There is today, according to my experience, a growing interest and demand for a more inclusive and transparent planning process. Also, if we are going to be able to reach a truly sustainable society it is my belief that there is a need for a more integrated collaboration between different actors. Where the social, economic and ecological values can influence and benefit from each other. The question then is, how can the planning system accommodate that kind of collaboration? Purpose My aim for this thesis has been to study a selection of the theoretical work that exist about collaborative planning.

Verktyg för utveckling av terrängparker inom skidanläggningar. : Shaper

Today we can create digital 3D models which can be realised almost instantly through production methods such as 3D printing and computer controlled milling.What if this same technology could be applied to the development and construction of terrain parks?With snow as the material tools could be developed using similar principles to design and sculpt the surface, only on a larger scale.How would terrain park designers adapt their process to use this new technology? In this Industrial design thesis I explore how the ideas of the terrain park designer can be expressed through such a system with focus on the designers knowledge and skill without the need to learn complicated 3D programs.Sketch, create, ride. .

The effect of arginine on root system development in Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) somatic embryos

The demands for higher production yields and better quality materials from the forests are increasing globally. Tree breeding programs are directed to meet the future demands on forests. In order to capture the full benefits from the breeding programs, clonal propagation is necessary. For most conifer species, somatic embryogenesis (SE) is the only available option for large scale clonal propagation of Elite clonal material. For Norway spruce (Picea abies L.

Antal anställda på arbetsplatsen och attityder till invandrare : Sambandet mellan attityder till invandrare, arbetsplatsstorlek och individuella faktorer

Previous research shows that small workplaces more often discriminate immigrants during the process of hiring new employees than larger workplaces, and usually explains this result by referring to structural factors. At the same time, previous research also shows that self-employees tend to have different personality traits than other people. Could it be the case that the higher discrimination among small workplaces can be explained at an individual level? I examined the hypothesis through OLS-regressions using a survey called Employment, Material Resources, and Political Preferences. The results showed that people working at small workplaces tend to have more negative attitudes towards immigrants than people working at larger workplaces.

Fruktkvalitet inom äppelodlingen : en studie av och för Äppelriket Österlen

The main purpose of this Master Thesis has been to investigate issues concerning apple fruit quality in orchards of Äppelriket Österlen. The goal has been to develop a document, for future benefit towards growers and company management in the production of high quality apples.In order to investigate main issues of fruit quality, focus has been on statistics concerning apple varieties, age of the apple trees, new planting, orchard size and growers opinions. Nine growers have been interviewed to investigate opinions and contribution of different growing techniques to increased fruit quality. The investigation showed high age of the trees in production and low rate of planting of new trees. Differences in fruit quality were highest between small orchards. Most growers were satisfied with their fruit quality and with their own measures made to improve it.

Effektivisering av arbetsplats : Effektivisering av monteringsplats vid Wigells AB

The work presented in this report is written at IEIs department on Linköping Institute of Technology. The report aims to increase the assembly efficiency at Wigells AB. The report shall be used as a guide for the implementation of changes at other workstations in the company. Together with Träcentrum in Nässjö, Wigells AB has identified the needs of this study and contacted IEI at Linköping Institute of Technology.In order to implement an efficient assembly line at the company, studies on lean production have been made. This theory has been studied and together with our own views and findings at the company we have analyzed the assembly area.Wigells is a small company that manufactures wood furniture.

Miljöpåverkan av äggproduktion : En jämförelse mellan Lilluns ägg och andra svenska äggproducenter

The purpose of this report was to compare Lilluns egg production with other Swedish egg producers based on the flow of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) in the egg production systems. The main focus in the report was the utilization rate of the forage and the excess of nutrients per kg egg. Additionally, the purpose was to identify the environmental impact from Lilluns egg production and compare the results with other egg producers. The inflow of nutrients associated with forage and poultry was compared with the nutrients that were exported from the production. All of the egg producers in this study had an excess of nutrients.

Effektsekvens på hal is

Detta examensarbete handlar ?Verklighetstrogen Effektskomposition?. Målet med arbetet är att undersöka och utnyttja alla de olika aspekterna som gör att en film med specialeffekter känns så verklighetstrogen som möjligt. Arbetet handlar om de olika delarna i en filmproduktionsfas så som pre-production,production och post-production. Filmen som skapas är en specialeffektsbaserad hemmavideo som har som syfte att vara så chockande som möjligt i förhållande till vad man förväntar sig när man börjar kolla.

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