

5963 Uppsatser om Small scale biogas production - Sida 21 av 398

Implementering av Lean genom TAK och SMED

This graduation work is a result of implementing Lean Production using OEE and SMED at Enics Sweden AB in Malmö. Enics doesn?t have an established improvement concept and therefore should this work serve as an introduction to possibly start with Lean Production. A result in this report is that an OEE value has been identified within a common order at Enics. Other results are that an implementation of a Lean-board has been implemented and furthermore, within SMED, a flag that indicates changeover..

Förbättring av utnyttjandegrad i robotcell

When a company in the manufactory industry makes costly investments, it's important that these are used as much as possible. The company in this case claims that their invested robot cell, with CNC machine isn't used enough. The questions here are: How can we improve the use of the robot cell? Which products are appropriate for the production in the robot cell? As a method to come to a conclusion, an analysis has been made over the manufactured products. And also interviews with machine operators and the production management.

Begripliga, lättlästa och intressanta texter för Örebro kommun - en bred målgrupp

Mitt examensarbete har gått ut på att arbeta fram fem texter för Örebro kommun. Syftet med arbetet är att skriva texter om biogas och miljö för Örebro kommun. Syftet med min rapport är att undersöka hur man skriver till en bred målgrupp med fokus på parametrarna begripligt, lättläst och intressant.Min frågeställning:Hur bör en kommun utforma begriplig, lättläst och intressant information om biogas och miljö för en bred målgrupp?Jag har använt mig av metoderna målgruppsanalys, litteraturstudier, komparation, test & utprovning och analys.Utifrån de tre parametrarna har jag skrivit mina texter och applicerat resultaten av mina utprovningar på texterna.Resultatet är att jag har fått fram svar på hur mina testpersoner tycker att en begriplig, lättläst och intressant text ska se ut. På så sätt har jag undersökt och kommit fram till hur man skriver begripligt, lättläst och intressant för en bred målgrupp.

Impedans-aggregometri (MultiplateR) fo?r bedömning avtrombocytaggregation i trombocytkoncentrat

Bakgrund: Self-efficacy, en persons tilltro till sin förmåga, är en faktor som påverkar hälsobeteenden såsom fysisk aktivitet. Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale mäter denna egenskap genom självskattning, men har inte utvärderats för personer med schizofreni.Syfte: Att omarbeta Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale för personer med schizofreni.Metod: Deskriptiv design med psykometrisk prövning av den omarbetade Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale. Första delen av studien bestod av fokusgrupper med patienter och personal på en psykiatrisk öppenvårdsmottagning för patienter med psykossjukdom. Utifrån resultatet av dessa utvecklades Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale ? Schizophrenia Version.

Opera i Stockholm : Stadsgårdskajen

The report is about efficiency of a current production group where there is no clear production flow and there are some buffers between the operations. The efficiency is done with the help of a tool that is calledWork process of flow production which is used by Atlas Copco CTO. The most obviously results are that the lead time drops from 25 hours to 425 minutes and that the balancing loss decreases from 85 % to 8 %. The report focus on decreasing transports, decreasing buffers, more reliability in lead time and quality. And a more stimulating labour content for the workers is another result..


Bakgrund: Self-efficacy, en persons tilltro till sin förmåga, är en faktor som påverkar hälsobeteenden såsom fysisk aktivitet. Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale mäter denna egenskap genom självskattning, men har inte utvärderats för personer med schizofreni.Syfte: Att omarbeta Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale för personer med schizofreni.Metod: Deskriptiv design med psykometrisk prövning av den omarbetade Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale. Första delen av studien bestod av fokusgrupper med patienter och personal på en psykiatrisk öppenvårdsmottagning för patienter med psykossjukdom. Utifrån resultatet av dessa utvecklades Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale ? Schizophrenia Version.

Maternal behaviour in pigs and its relation to piglet performance and survival

Piglet survival is of importance because it affects the farmer?s economy and the welfare of the pigs. There are several factors affecting piglet survival and they are often linked to each other. This paper will focus on how the behaviour of the sow can affect the growth and survival of the piglets and also possible causations of differences in maternal behaviour. Sows in intensive production systems have different possibilities to express their maternal behaviour than free ranging sows.

Ståndortsanpassning och produktionspotential för björk i Gävleborgs län

Large amounts of birch-timber are imported to Sweden, from particularly the Baltic States, since the domestic production can?t support the pulp industry. The goal of this study was to show the potential of birch and the area?s most suitable for birch production. The study was limited to Gävleborg County. Using site characteristics, site index (SI) for birch was estimated on all National Forest Inventory plots in Gävleborg County.

Digitala objekt i neutralt format

Today there are many different Cad-applications on the market for engineers. Because of big building projects it has become more and more important to work with the same application or to have access to a neutral file type to be able to transfer files between different ones.This report studies the single objects and how they react when transferring them between ADT and ArchiCAD via the neutral type IFC. We have also been looking at problems during the transfer between and if there are some connections between these problems. Afterwards we created a neutral object model of a small country house to see if the objects appeared different. The result shows no differences.But looking at the problems that appeared during the transmissions they felt small and no logical.Today it is not possible to save in a neutral type without facing small problems.

En förstudie för bioetanol produktion i Borås

AbstractThe purpose of project is to study the possibility for Borås Energy & Environment to build and run a commercial ethanol production facility in Borås. The project also studies the technology for the production of ethanol using renewable energy, e.g. lignocelluloses with focus on two processes, svag-syra hydrolyse and enzymatic hydrolyse. The technology of the process is based of hydrolysation of biomass (hemicelluloses and cellulose) to sugar and extract it to ethanol. These two techniques will compare with each other to determine which of them that it?s more suitable for ethanol production.

Hur mår svensk filmmusik? : En kvalitativ studie av svenska filmkomposito?rers fo?rutsa?ttningar i det nutida produktionsklimatet

This thesis examines Swedish composers' modes of work and production within the Swedish film industry. It starts off with a historical overview treating live music in early silent film, the conversion to sound and the Swedish production climate until present time. The analysis consists of contemporary empirical studies; interviews with people writing music for film, TV and commercials. The musician's perspective is in focus but directors and other film workers are heard as well. The situation for female composers in a male-dominated industry is also discussed.

Attityder till val av fordonsbränsle

För att minska dagens klimatpåverkan krävs fullgoda energialternativ till de fossila bränslena. Utsläpp från fossila bränslen är idag en av de största orsakerna till de negativa klimatförändringar som sker på jorden. Genom en ökad användning av alternativa fossilfria drivmedel kan en tydlig minskning av koldioxidutsläpp till atmosfären ske. Biogas är ett sådant fossilfritt drivmedel som idag klassas som ett av de renaste. Biogasen framställs från olika typer av restprodukter från samhället.

HR-utmaningar och strategier för entreprenöriella små- och mikroföretag - En fallstudie på fem svenska företag

Entrepreneurial firms face unique challenges in attracting and acquiring human resources due to difficulties associated with resource constraint and organization legitimacy, often described as liabilities of "smallness" and "newness". The aim of this paper is to examine the "smallness" and "newness" challenges met by small entrepreneurial firms, which strategies they apply to counter these challenges, and if these strategies can be explained by the firm's HR philosophy. Since few studies on Human Resource Management (HRM) in small entrepreneurial firms exist, a framework combining theory from the research fields of HRM, entrepreneurship and small firms has been developed. Employing a qualitative case study design of five small Swedish entrepreneurial firms, our findings demonstrate four "smallness" and "newness" challenges and seven strategies that either counteract or prevent them. Furthermore, results showed that the strategies applied seemed to have no significance with regards to the firm's HR philosophy.

Utveckling av lastmodell för Uppsala fjärrvärmenät

The aim of this study was to develop a load prognosis model for Uppsala district heating system to be used as a tool for heat production optimization. The methodwas to build three models for the different customer types; housing, industry andoffices and then scale them for the total system using data from Uppsala districtheating system. The heat load consists of two parts, one that is temperaturedependent and one that is dependent of the social behavior of the customers. Thetemperature part was modelled with an ARX model using an outdoor temperatureprognosis as input signal. The social behavior part was modelled using the mean ofthe social behavior from some days before and additionally by distinguishing betweenweekdays and weekends.

Livscykelanalys: Förbränning av hushållsavfall kontra biogas : miljömässiga och ekonomiska perspektiv med utgångspunkt i Oskarshamns kommun

Är det möjligt att reducera utsläppen av växthusgaser och samtidigt nå en hållbar utveckling? Regionförbundet i Kalmar län antog utmaningen 2006 och är därmed en föregångsregion i arbetet med detta. Till år 2030 är målet att Kalmar län ska bli en fossilbränslefri region. Den största potentialen anses finnas inom nya alternativ till fordonsbränsle. Hushållens sopor innehåller organiskt matavfall som skulle kunna bli fordonsgas.

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