

5963 Uppsatser om Small scale biogas production - Sida 19 av 398

Mer lika än olika - kvinnor och mäns kroppsuppfattning, självkänsla och kroppsjämförelse

Kroppsmissnöje är mer utbrett hos kvinnor än hos män visar tidigare studier (Feingold & Mazzella, 1998) men även män börjar bli kroppsmissnöjda (Cash, Morrow, Hrabosky & Perry, 2004). Detta undersöktes tillsammans med självkänsla och kroppsjämförelse hos män och kvinnor och även de som har partner eller är singlar i ljuset av Social Comparison Theory och Cognitive Dissonance Theory. 133 personer testades med Body-Esteem scale, Figure Drawing Rating Scale, Self-esteem Scale och Universalistic Social Comparison Scale. Resultatet indikerar att båda könen är relativt nöjda men kvinnorna är något mindre nöjda med utseendet med sin kropp. Studien visar även att kvinnors idealbild är en smalare kropp medan männens idealbild är en muskulösare kropp.

Deep Green i oceana strömmar - en konceptstudie

With growing economies and better living standards in many parts of the world today, there is a need of expanding the capacity of generating electricity. The alternatives for renewable energy technologies are not fully developed and have still some problems to conquer.The company Minesto has developed a technology that is called Deep Green. It is designed to gain electricity from tidal currents. Deep Green works in a similar way as a kite that is attached to the seafloor with a moving wire. It contains of a wing that moves due to the water current.

Hantverkaren i fokus. : Beteendemöstret vid byggnation av Passivhus

Mitt examensarbete har gått ut på att arbeta fram fem texter för Örebro kommun. Syftet med arbetet är att skriva texter om biogas och miljö för Örebro kommun. Syftet med min rapport är att undersöka hur man skriver till en bred målgrupp med fokus på parametrarna begripligt, lättläst och intressant.Min frågeställning:Hur bör en kommun utforma begriplig, lättläst och intressant information om biogas och miljö för en bred målgrupp?Jag har använt mig av metoderna målgruppsanalys, litteraturstudier, komparation, test & utprovning och analys.Utifrån de tre parametrarna har jag skrivit mina texter och applicerat resultaten av mina utprovningar på texterna.Resultatet är att jag har fått fram svar på hur mina testpersoner tycker att en begriplig, lättläst och intressant text ska se ut. På så sätt har jag undersökt och kommit fram till hur man skriver begripligt, lättläst och intressant för en bred målgrupp.

Flexibla fixturer i bearbetande maskiner

This thesis was conducted at Linköping University and Saab Aerostructures DPS, Linköping, and focuses on the possibilities of flexible fixturing in machining applications. The thesis is part of the research project "Koofix", which is collaboration between Linköping University and a number of companies.The thesis is aimed towards small batch production which, for Saab Aerostructures DPS, means diverse part geometry and that parts are manufactured in very small numbers, sometimes just one piece. The result of this is that expensive dedicated fixtures are made for most parts. By introducing more flexible fixturing methods to this kind of production the cost of fixtures and tooling will be reduced, and make the production more efficient.New flexible fixturing methods has been presented and evaluated through the thesis, which has resulted in three different concepts. These concepts have been the result of literature screening and study of current manufacturing process at Saab Aerostructures DPS.

Bakteriell produktion i humösa istäckta sjöar i norra Sverige

The main purposes of this study were to 1) quantify bacterial production in winter during ice conditions, and 2) to compare these production measures with values measured from summer and open water conditions in three humic lakes situated in northern Sweden. Another purpose of this study was to 3) examine whether clear-cutting significantly affected bacterial production or water chemistry in two lakes situated in catchments were a large part of the forest had been removed through logging compared to an undisturbed reference lake. In winter (March/April 2014), the bacterial production ranged from 0, 7 - 2, 2 µgC/L/day and in the summer of 2013 the production values was 4 ? 10 times higher. The main reason for lower bacterial production in winter was ascribed to lower water temperatures as well as to older and more recalcitrant DOC, as there were no significant differences in total dissolved nitrogen or DOC concentration or -quality, that could explain a lower production compared to summer.

Bestämning av metanpotential hos blåmusslor och nötgödsel

Kraftig övergödning i Östersjön leder till ökad blomning av alger som medförsyrebrist i havet. Musselodling kan ses som en åtgärd för problemet. På den svenskaöstkusten beräknas skördningen av musslor vara på ca 65 000 ton/år.Rötningsförsöket av blåmusslorna skedde i en pilotanläggning på Linnéuniversitetsom består utav en lakbädd och en UASB-reaktor (Upflow Anaerobic SludgeBlanket), där syrabildningen sker i lakbädden och metanbildningen i UASB.Musslorna gav ett metanutbyte på 0,32 m3/(kg VS) för hela rötningsperioden.Ensy AB specialiserar sig på att producera koncentrerad växtnäring från gödsel. Dehar som planer att utveckla sin verksamhet för att samköra produktion av biogas frångödsel. Gödslet som erhölls från Ensy AB rötades i ett satsvist försök i nio behållaremed 100g/behållare.

Pottaskeframställning och tjärbränning i Femsjö socken från år 1700 till 1900 :

Femsjö is a small parish situated in Hylte municipality, Växjö diocese. The parish has a total area of 8230 ha of which 5000 ha are covered with forest. There have not been any large industries in the parish offering work opportunities for the inhabitants, so they have had to generate income from their land and the forest. Instead of going to the bank to get a bank loan the people of Femsjö parish went out in to the forest and harvested trees for timber and extra cash revenue. Production of pine tar and potash were two other ways that the residents of Femsjö parish could earn extra money for the household in order to keep starvation away.

Mer lika än olika. Kvinnor och mäns kroppsuppfattning, självkänsla och kroppsjämförelse.

Kroppsmissnöje är mer utbrett hos kvinnor än hos män visar tidigare studier (Feingold & Mazzella, 1998) men även män börjar bli kroppsmissnöjda (Cash, Morrow, Hrabosky & Perry, 2004). Detta undersöktes tillsammans med självkänsla och kroppsjämförelse hos män och kvinnor och även de som har partner eller är singlar i ljuset av Social Comparison Theory och Cognitive Dissonance Theory. 133 personer testades med Body-Esteem scale, Figure Drawing Rating Scale, Self-esteem Scale och Universalistic Social Comparison Scale. Resultatet indikerar att båda könen är relativt nöjda men kvinnorna är något mindre nöjda med utseendet med sin kropp. Studien visar även att kvinnors idealbild är en smalare kropp medan männens idealbild är en muskulösare kropp.

Vindpark Vänern : Fundamentteknik och Logistik

An analysis of a specific application of anaerobic wastewater treatment at a pulp and board mill, Stora Enso Skoghall, was carried out. A literature study was done and effluent wastewater from CTMP pulp production was analyzed. The analysis consisted of a broad constituent analysis and an anaerobic treatment trial. Results from these test where used to calculate the treatment effectiveness and resulting energy potential at the mill.The literature study and constituent analysis showed that toxicity of the water to be treated, due to wood extractives and sulphur content, was of concern. Detoxification chemicals targeting these constituents where used in the anaerobic treatment trial.

Funktion och upplevelse : faktorer för en god boendemiljö applicerade på en plats i Tierp

This thesis is a study of residential environments and a design concept for a proposed housing area in Tierp. The industrial era created a need for the central planning of housing. The confined environments that arised in cities during the 19th century, together with modernistic and democratic ideas, led to regulations in planning and housing. Though the overall goal has been the same: to create a good standard in living, the ideas of how to achieve that have varied. The starting point for following generations has been to attend to the insufficiencies of the earlier planning periods.

Förrotation till omrörare

The primary function of a mixer is to keep a fluid in constant motion. All mixing applicationsrequire varying degrees of small-scale turbulence and bulk flow. The performance of asubmersible mixer is measured by the thrust that it produces, while the strength of the bulkflow is dependent on the total amount of installed thrust.In a mixer, the fluid quickly flows past the propeller, and as a result, the current is mainlyaxial. The fluid will also obtain a rotating velocity, or a swirl, though this is significantly lessthan that of the propeller. During the process, the total amount of energy increases in the formof static pressure and kinetic energy.

Energieffektivisering av ventilationssystemet i konsthallen Sandgrund Lars Lerin

Uppsala County has ambitious environmental aims for the planned residential area inÖstra Sala backe. In this thesis different energy sources have been evaluated todetermine which system that would be most favorable given currently availableinformation about the project. Planned energy usage has been divided into tap waterheating, space heating and power. Three base case scenarios were made with districtheating, small scale bio fuel and heat pump. Solar power and solar heating were thensimulated and the production from the two could individually be deducted from theenergy need in the base cases, constituting 9 different scenarios.

Hälsobeteende bland sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor : En studie om oregelbundna arbetstider på Ålands hälso- och sjukvård

In our everyday life we are faced with many choices that have consequences on the environment. One of these is the food we choose to eat since food production has a big impact on the environment. In organic production the aim is to have a natural production process, where environmental impacts are minimized. By choosing organic food it is therefore possible to contribute to a better environment. A large number of meals are served every day in the public sector, which makes it an important player in the consumer sector that could make a major difference for the environment..

CarEye ? Sees & Saves:    Fordonskamera för skadedokumentering

In the middle of Australia there is a city called Alice Springs. The city has one of the highest amounts of daily sunshine hours and sun irradiation in the world. The Australian Government runs a project called Solar Cities, and Alice Springs is one of the participators. The main part of the goal with the Solar Cities project is to increase the amount of electricity generated by solar power and by doing that lower the impact on the environment. This thesis examines the possibilities for construction of a large scale solar power plant in Alice Springs. This is done to determine the potential of creating a more sustainable energy system in the city.

Till  framtida utvecklare

The report is about efficiency of a current production group where there is no clear production flow and there are some buffers between the operations. The efficiency is done with the help of a tool that is calledWork process of flow production which is used by Atlas Copco CTO. The most obviously results are that the lead time drops from 25 hours to 425 minutes and that the balancing loss decreases from 85 % to 8 %. The report focus on decreasing transports, decreasing buffers, more reliability in lead time and quality. And a more stimulating labour content for the workers is another result..

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