

8327 Uppsatser om Small Business - Sida 52 av 556

Hinder för svenskt trä inom den italienskabyggbranschen i allmänhet och produktsegmentenfönster och dörrar i synnerhet :

Italy is the third largest market in Europe with a population of almost 58 million. The country is the tenth most important market for Swedish sales. Italy has a fairly good economy at the moment and the forecast tells of an increasing strength during coming years. Despite all of this, Sweden is exporting a fairly small amount of wood to Italy. Only around 2,3 % of all Sweden?s wood export goes to Italy.

Undersökning av processparametrar för optimering av sol-gelprocessen för produktion av kärnbränsle

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

Reproduktion och odling av ål

SammanfattningSyftet med den här litteraturstudien var att ta reda på vad det finns för möjligheter och svårigheter att producera ål i fångenskap. Med nya hållbara metoder att föda upp konsumtionsål skulle utfiskningen av glasålar minska i världen och man skulle kunna fortsätta äta den goda rökta ålen med gott samvete.Det finns välutvecklade metoder för att inducera könsmognad hos han- och honålar. Detta utförs genom att injicera hormoner och man kan därför fråga sig om det är hållbart i en produktion för framtiden. Efter kläckning av larverna finns flera viktiga faktorer att ta ställning till, så som utfodring och optimal hållning av ålarna. Även ägg- och mjölkekvaliteten spelar en stor roll när det gäller att hålla ålarna vid liv.Abstract The aim with this study was to find out how far we have come to develop reproduction strategies in eel culturing.

Säkerställning av kommunal bredbandsutbyggnad

The purpose with this paper is to examine if tertiary education and democracy have an impact on economic growth. In order to decide how democratic the examined countries are the democracy index constructed by The Economist is used. Besides the two central theories the purpose is also to explain why these variables could affect growth and to examine direct and indirect effects. Indirect effects mean that one variable affects another variable which thereafter has an impact on economic growth.34 OECD countries are compared in order to investigate whether education and democracy are strongly correlated with BNP per capita. Therefore a statistical design is used as method.The empirical results suggest that there is significant correlation between democracy and economic growth.

Vad krävs för en lyckad implementering av balanserade styrkort?

Background: Balanced scorecard is a relatively new strategy in analysing activities in a company. To carry out a strategy in an organization a successful implementation is very important. Strategy implementations are unique for each organization and to succeed it has to be formulated and implemented with the individual companies particular conditions as starting- point. A problem is that the implementation sometimes is treated as a small detail in the planning process. This problem depends on how the strategic plans is carried out.

Värdeflödesanalys i små företag : Casestudie på GLT-Laserstans

Detta examensarbete har genomförts på företaget Navigate Consulting Business Solutions AB, ett konsultbolag som erbjuder tjänster inom affärssystem, såsom val av affärssystemslösning, implementering och förvaltning.Företaget vill utöka sitt framtida affärssystem, Oracle E-Business Suite R12, genom att lägga till tidrapporteringsmodulen Oracle Time and Labor. För att ta reda på om tidsrapporteringsmodulen möter verksamhetens krav och förväntningar är det nödvändigt att företaget får en uppfattning hur systemet möjligtvis kan lämpa sig, innan de bestämmer sig för att implementera.Med detta som bakgrund och utgångspunkt syftar detta examensarbete till att visualisera den tidrapporteringsprocess och de krav som Navigate har för Oracle E-Business Suite R12, genom användning av prototyp.En inkrementell och iterativ arbetsmetod har tillämpats vid utveckling av denna prototyp. Resultatet av detta examensarbete är en interaktiv prototyp över företagets tidrapporteringsprocess. Stora delar av deras krav har visualiserats, och det har totalt producerats femton skärmbilder för att utveckla prototypen. Dessa har kopplats samman och tillförts med interaktivitet genom prototypverktyget Justinmind Prototyper.Trots att det har inneburit en tidskrävande process för utveckling av prototypen har man funnit potentiella fördelar.

Caso Skanska

Caso Skanska is an incident that occurred in Argentina and regarded corruption and bribes to government officials. This study investigates how this incident could occur and how it can be explained. The theoretical framework used is the dynamic interaction model, stakeholder theory, embeddedness theory, the political perspective and corruption theory. The method used is qualitative and it consists of data gathered through semi-structured interviews in Sweden and Argentina as well as other sources of written information of relevance for the study. The authors conclude that Caso Skanska could occur due to the lack of strong institutions as well as transparency.

Så nås samstämmighet mellan logistik och företagsstrategi : en analys av hur den logistiska strategin ska utformas för att stödja företagets överordnade strategi

Background: Due to an increasing globalization the competition has increased and this has lead to overcapacity and falling prices on markets today. The subject field logistics has during the last decades been given increasingly significance and has become a way to handle the competition. Theories clearly point outthe importance that a concordance exists between logistics and superior strategy but few, if any, authors give further details about how this adjustment should be made. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is with a case study approach survey if the subject field, which describe the importance that logistical solutions correspond with the superior strategy, is known and implemented in a company. We aim to develop the subject field through our empirical findings.

Konsten att förutspå konjunkturen - Hur användbara är enkätbaserade snabbindikatorer?

Foreseeing future changes in economic activity is of up most importance to a wide array of actors. The time lag in the presentation of official GDP statistics means that to somewhat accurately capture a tendency of where the business cycle is heading one need turn to qualitative sentiment indicators such as Purchasing Managers? Index (PMI) and official sentiment indicators for valuable clues. This thesis uses in-sample and out-of-sample methods to evaluate how well PMI and official Business Tendency Surveys (BTS) in Sweden and Denmark fair against the year-on-year growth rate of industrial production. Moreover, various Swedish regional sentiment indicators get examined and a case study of the indicator for the Öresund region is performed.

Vad påverkar skogsägarnas naturhänsyn vid föryngringsavverkning i region Mellannorrland? :

The objective of this thesis was to investigate what influence nature conservation measures taken at regeneration felling. Factors analysed were the forest owners´ situation and their characters, and information activities from wood-suppliers and the Regional Forest Board (RFB). The inventory was performed with a posted questionnaire followed up by telephone to forest owners and a posted questionnaire to wood-buyers. The forest owners were grouped in three strata, depending on the quality results (D- polytax inventory) of the taken forest conservation measures, and for this investigation forest owners were sampled from the population in the tree groups. In total 73 % (41/56) of the sampled forest owners answered the questionnaire Group A (17 answers): Good judgement Group B (19 answers): Bad judgement Group C (5 answers): This group was formed from the forest owners that were informed, by RFB, about nature conservation measures and culture history consideration before the regeneration cutting.

Dynamisk investeringsstrategi på den svenska aktiemarknaden

The purpose of this paper is to investigate if a dynamic investment strategy on the Swedish asset market can accomplish better returns then a static investment strategy. The dynamic investment strategy is created by incorporating business cycle predictors and firm-level variables to predict future stock returns. The predictive regression is calculated wih 60 months of observation (1999 01-2005 12) and is then used to estimate future returns for 23 months in the period 2004 01 -2005 11. The structure of the regression, with linear functions of ? and ?, goes back to Shanken (1990) and Avramov and Chordia (2005) has had success with the variables chosen.

Optimal design av strukturer - Utvärdering av problem och lösningsförslag inom topologioptimering

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

Biomassauttag vid delkvistat sortiment i klen gallring

The purpose of this study was to estimate the removal of biomass in connection with thinning operations in young stands that are dominated by small diameter trees. The economy of such operations depends on the products generated as well as the performance of the harvesting systems. Conversion tables designed to predict the outcome based on harvesting method was another goal of this study. Removal of biomass affects the nutrient composition of the site. Therefore it is a purpose that this study will provide researchers with some variables that can be utilized when studying this aspect. Trees were harvested and divided into bunches based on diameter.

Analys av behov och potentiella verktyg inom Business Intelligence för detaljhandelsaktörer : En studie på Akademibokhandeln AB

Business Intelligence (BI) is a competitive concept for enterprises to consider. The concept is based on the idea of using business data in order to effectively analyze activities within an enterprise in order to enhance decision processes in the organization.The purpose with this study is to help Akademibokhandeln AB to analyze what BI-requirements they may have, and to create a recommendation on what sort of BI-tool that would fit the enterprise's needs.The requirements analysis was conducted with the help of internal personnel. Four different tools on the BI-market have been examined, analyzed and compared: IBM Cognos 8 (IBM Cognos), Microstrategy 9 (MCST), Qlikview 9 (Qlikview), and SAP Business Objects BI (SAP BO). These tools have been compared with the help of two models (BRI and BCI) that is based on the BI-requirements analysis, with the cost aspect taken into consideration in the BCI-model.Using the BRI-model, the comparison results in a technical evaluation. Here, IBM Cognos gets the highest result just ahead of MCST and SAP BO.

Forskning och museer : en kartläggning av fältet

Today every organization is committed to some kind of environmental scanning in order to get necessary knowledge of the world around them. The acquisition, organization and storage of information in combination with a strategic use, is today an important factor for a successful organisation in any sector of our society.In this Master thesis I have studied how an organisation such as The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) handles its information resources. I have also looked at the flow of information within the organization. The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise is Sweden?s largest business federation representing 50 member organizations and 55 000 member companies.

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