8327 Uppsatser om Small Business - Sida 50 av 556
Allmänna bestämmelser Avtal 90 version 2004; En undersökning av enskilda villkor och skapandet av ett tilläggsavtal
Abstract The IT- business is a fast growing business trade. This expansive line of business continuously demands flexibility both economically and legally. It is, today, of great importance to have knowledge about your own trade especially when it comes to new agreements. Laws and regulations are seldom flexible and adaptable tools, this is due to the fact it takes time to create new laws and, above all, it takes time to create laws with the right effect. This is where standard agreements enter the scene.
Blogging i PR-branschen : en ny sorts omvärldsbevakning?
ABSTRACTPurpose/aim: To clarify what information is communicated through the PR-firm JKL:s blog, how it is communicated, how it relates to and diverges from the communication theories in point, and what the strategies behind the blogging are. By doing this I hope to contribute to the knowledge on corporate blogging and how it can be used.Material/method: Qualitative textual analysis of ten blog posts published on the JKL Blog and process seeking interview with the person in charge of the same blog.Main results: JKLs? blogging coincides to the most part with business intelligence, with the exception that the information doesn?t relate directly to the company?s? main activities. This is mainly due to that they can?t publish information about their customers or competitors.
Projektledares synpunkter på projektprocessen
A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.
Löneutvecklingens bestämningsfaktorer i Sverige
The purpose of this essay is to acquire variables that explain and may be used as a base for wage estimation in the private sector in Sweden. The factors that are assumed to have an impact on wage estimation are based on earlier Swedish and international studies. Business survey data, which is based upon monthly questions to firms in various sectors of the Swedish economy posed by the Swedish National Institute of Economic Research, will be analyzed to find out weather they have an impact on Swedish wage settings or not. Tests including business survey data are yet rarely frequent, why this essay will be some kind of a pioneer within the area. To estimate significant factors that influence wage setting in Sweden, three different wage equations have been modeled and tested with a regression model.
"På det viset får vi ju någon sorts ofrivillig insikt, i deras ekonomiska problem då" : En kvalitativ studie om förskolechefers tankar kring barnfattigdom i Uppsala
This essay is included as a sub-study of a survey about child poverty, which the Department of Sociology at Uppsala University, the Ombudsman for Children and Gillbergska Stiftelsen (the Gillberg?s foundation) has been commissioned by Uppsala Town to implement. The intent of this essay is to investigate how three pre-school managers in the municipal preschool in Uppsala describe child poverty, how they see the preschool?s social responsibility and how they manage child poverty in their practical operation. The essay is a qualitative study and informants' responses has been analyzed and related to symbolic interactionism, the thesis theoretical basis.
Strategisk utveckling: En studie av strategi hos internetbaserade företag
Strategic development is something that concerns all companies, regardless of which industry they?re in. There is extensive research on this topic but one can question if the same theory also applies to E-businesses. Using case studies, this paper looks at strategic development in E-businesses and tries to answer whether strategic development in internet based companies is unique or if existing theory can still be applied. The predominant approach is to look into if E-businesses, due to a turbulent environment, rely less on market research and focus more on internal resources than would be expected by companies in more stable environments.
Grönområde kontra bebyggelse : grönområdenas förändring i Älta, Nacka kommun
This essay shows how natural areas in Älta, a part of Nacka municipality southeast from Stockholm, been changed quantitatively and qualitative as a result of the increased housing construction in the area. Three issues are discussed. Namely: how has Ältas green areas been changed in sizes and quality in line with the settlement's expansion, what is the reason or the reasons to building of different types of accommodations, what has been and is the operators in connection with building of the different types of accommodations?The essay shows that the green areas has been decreased with over 2 km from 1901 to 2000 and in addition to these areas of approximately 1,1km been converted to a planned green structure. Älta has during the years gone through four eras of building types an era of small family houses ? an era of building one million houses on a national scale ? an era of terrace houses ? an era of sporadic building of different housing types (one family houses, pair houses, terrace houses and small blocks of flats).
Utbildningsnivåns och demokratins inverkan på ekonomisk tillväxt
The purpose with this paper is to examine if tertiary education and democracy have an impact on economic growth. In order to decide how democratic the examined countries are the democracy index constructed by The Economist is used. Besides the two central theories the purpose is also to explain why these variables could affect growth and to examine direct and indirect effects. Indirect effects mean that one variable affects another variable which thereafter has an impact on economic growth.34 OECD countries are compared in order to investigate whether education and democracy are strongly correlated with BNP per capita. Therefore a statistical design is used as method.The empirical results suggest that there is significant correlation between democracy and economic growth.
Whole grain wheat : effects of peeling and pearling on chemical composition, taste and colour
The EU-project HEALTHGRAIN has suggested a new definition for whole grain which allows a small part of the grain to be removed during processing. By removing the outer part or the grain the hygienic quality will increase but it is not clear how the taste and colour is affected. So therefore in this study three different debranning methods, peeling, pearling and polishing, which remove the outer parts of the grains have been used on common and durum wheat. The dietary fibre and ash content, as well as germination was analysed in untreated, peeled, pearled and polished grains. The decrease in dietary fibre and ash was higher in grains that had been pearled compared to those that had been peeled or polished.
Brikettillverkning på gårdsnivå :
In my work I have chosen to examine the profitability for small scale production of hemp briquettes. My study also includes a review of which briquette technique that is the most common one among small scale producers. The reason that I have chosen this subject is because of the discussions about climate and energy that we face almost every day. I also think the subject is extra interesting in these days when the grain prizes are at a historic high level.
In order for me to achieve a reliable report, a hemp and briquette producer has given me the actual data from his farm. In that way I have been able to make my calculations from a concrete perspective.
CRM och dess påverkan på kundtillfredsställelsen
Bakgrund: Kunden samt dennes behov och tillfredsställelse är ämnen som varit mål för forskning under de senaste decennierna. Kundfokusering är dock inget nytt utan förekom i diskussionen redan under 50-talet. Idag talas det mycket om CRM, customer relationship management. Många företag säger sig använda CRM men meningarna om vad begreppet egentligen innebär går isär. Syfte: Syftet med vår uppsats är att skapa insikt i vilka inslag av CRM som kan urskiljas i ett stort teknikbaserat B-to-B företag.
Vilka blir effekterna vid införandet av BSC i en stor respektive en liten kommun?
How the running and controlling goes, vary on different municipalities, depending how the organization is constructed and what is being prioritised. There exist laws and directives which the businesses have to follow, but beyond this the organisations are quite free to prioritise and to decide what the best is for the community as a whole unit. The municipality has access to different tools which purpose is to help them running the organization as good as possible, so they can create a well-operated business. This is very important, regarding that the tax money should be spent in an effective way, and be able to do so it is required good and well-functioned system of control.A big change has happened when the instrument BSC (Balanced Scorecard) was introduced in certain municipality. In this essay the focus lies on two municipalities, Vellinge and Kristianstad.
E-marknadsplatser i pappers- och massaindustrin- ett relationsproblem?
Problem · Hur fungerar en e-marknadsplats och vad kan den tillföra pappers- och massaindustrin?· Vilka marknadsföringsteoretiska problem och möjligheter har e-marknadsplatser för pappers- och massaindustrin med utgångspunkt från relationsmarknadsföring?· Varför har de nuvarande e-marknadsplatserna i denna bransch svårt att få igång handel?· Kan e-marknadsplatser i dess nuvarande form bli en framgångsrik modell för e-business i pappers- och massaindustrin och hur kan framtiden tänkas se ut? Syfte Uppsatsens syfte är att beskriva och analysera företeelser i samband med försöken att introducera e-marknadsplatser för pappers- och massaindustrin. Metod En fallstudie av två e-marknadsplatser inom pappers- och massaindustrin har gjorts. Materialet kompletterades med synpunkter från en industrirepresentant. Med utgångspunkt från hypotesen applicerades relationsmarknadsföring på undersökningsmaterialet.
Genetic variation in local Swedish sheep breeds
Sheep have played a very important part in rural history. In Sweden there were many kinds of
small native breeds, kept for their meat and fleece. Women cared for the flock that often had
very little to feed on during the cold and sometimes harsh winter months. This meant that
these sheep over time acquired special phenotypic properties depending on the environment
they lived in, and easily fed compared to modern breeds kept for meat. Most of these sheep
have since become extinct.
Compare in-store atmospheres of McDonald?s in China and Sweden from a cultural symbolic perspective
The purpose of this study is using McDonald?s in China and Sweden as a case to find out how fast food restaurant retailers combine adaptation and standardization with symbolic attributes of store atmospherics under different cultural background, and find out possible reasons. The study used McDonald?s in a case format to study in-store atmospheres. Further, the research has an investigating and explanatory qualitative approach, collecting the empirical data through observation with photos.