6826 Uppsatser om Självmordsbombningen i Stockholm 2010 - Sida 38 av 456
Profilering av konstföretag : En studie av konstgallerier i Stockholm
Kombinationen konst och ekonomi har fått stor uppmärksamhet och dessa ämnen har det alltid debatterats mycket kring. Det problematiska med ämnena har i huvudsak handlat om de kan eller inte kan kombineras. Kan en konstnärlig verksamhet balansera ekonomiska och konstnärliga mål utan att det konstnärliga uttrycket tar skada?Denna studie behandlar hur konstnärliga organisationer profilerar sig på konstmarknaden med hänsyn till dikotomin, motsatsparet, konst och ekonomi. Det huvudsakliga syftet är att se hur dessa verksamheter väljer att kommunicera ut sin identitet till omvärlden och vilka kommunikativa verktyg de använder sig av.Studien baserades på intervjuer, observationer och grafiska profilanalyser på tre konstnärliga organisationer i Stockholm.
Bolånetakets påverkan på efterfrågan av hyresrättslägenheter
This Degree project is a study about the Mortgage Cap, introduced in October of 2010, and its impact on the demand for rented apartments. The mortgage cap was introduced to decrease the households? loan-to-value ratio and thereby increase their economical resistance during times of financial instability.The past ten years Swedish households have continuously increased their average loan-to-value ratio. In an attempt prevent this negative development Finansinspektionen introduced a mortgage cap stating that banks should no longer grant mortgages corresponding to more than 85 percent of the property?s market value.In order to answer the main question two methods were used both a survey and two interviews.
Kärlek som statsangelägenhet : En kvantitativ undersökning av tidningsartiklar publicerade under det kungliga bröllopet 2010
2010 was the year of the wedding between Sweden?s crown princess Victoria and Daniel Westling. Although the wedding was partly financed with tax payer?s money, the newspapers did not investigate it further. The main theme of the published articles was lighter and with an entertainment value rather than finding out what the tax money really went.
Lugnet före stormen : En studie om hur Räddningstjänsten Medelpad arbetar med kommunikation och planering innan en kris
The United States use of Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAV) or drones for targeted killings of terrorists has been on the rise in recent years and the method has become the core element of president Obamas strategy in the war against terror. This study examines the deterrent effect of targeted killings on terrorism using UCAV/drones as a method of counterterrorism. Building on the literature on counterterrorism, UCAV, targeted killings, deterrence theory and statistics on terrorism the study provides a case study of the CIA drone operations in Pakistan between the years 2004-2010. The goal has been to analyze drone operations and the extent of terrorism from the beginning of the drone campaign until 2010. This as a means of identifying possible trends in terrorism activity due to the occurrence of drone strikes.
"Men där kommer en liten skitig lastbil med flaket fullt av lådor. Det är Mehmet som kör" : En kvalitativ textanalytisk undersökning om hur den etniska mångfalden skildras i nio bilderböcker från 2010
In Sweden exist a Swedish institute for children?s book which is a national information center. They have an annual "Book tasting" where they present statistics and trends from the latest publications of literature for youth and children.In their ?book tasting?? from 2010 a number of picture books had, as they say, children who descend from non-Swedish culture (Swedish institute for children?s book, 2010). The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the ethnical diversity describes in these picture books from 2010. To understand how the ethnical diversity describes in these books I had two questions which helped me in my research.
WE SHALL OVERCOME? Historien om EKHO ? Ekumeniska gruppen för kristna HBTQ-personer
EKHO - The Ecumenical Association for Christian LGBTQ people has existed in Swedensince the 1970's second half. The movement had its ups and downs throughout the years. Inthis essay, I will examine what happened when the movement was formed and how thefirst period developed. By examining EKHO Stockholm´s magazine EKHO-bladet my task isto describe the story from when the first EKHO association was formed until the EKHO organizations of Sweden joined together and formed the National Association, Riks EKHO. My second issue is to look into which role EKHO has played for the development in LGBTQ-issues for the Church of Sweden by analyzing documents from within the church concerning these matters.
Förändringar inom kunskapsorganisation vid ett museibibliotek: Etnografiska museets bibliotek i Stockholm
ganization of knowledge at a museum library: Library of the Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm in the 20th and the early 21st century [65][pdf.gif] The purpose of this masters thesis is to investigate the organization of knowledge at the Library of the Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm during the 20th and the early 21st century. The investigation is focusing on the development of the organization of knowledge, of the catalogues, of the classification system and of the information retrieval. The thesis examines the factors which force the development of the activity at the library and of the organization of knowledge. The study uses a qualitative approach which is based on investigations of different types of catalogues, of the electronic database, of the classification system, of the subject indexing and on interviews. A describing analysis is used.
NÄR SKA MAN SÄLJA SIN BOSTAD? : En multipel regressionsanalys av bostadsrätter i Stockholm
This project is made to see at which time at the year it?s best to sell an apartment inside the tolls in Stockholm city. The two types of apartments that are compared are one room and four rooms.The comparison is made at the request of Valuegard since they were interested in the result and it?s considered as a interesting comparison.This comparison can be extended to other amounts of rooms in an apartment. But in this project, only two types will be represented.The result can be used both for those who wants to sell and buy an apartment.
Barns kostvanor : En kvantitativ studie om huruvida näringsrekommendationerna efterföljs, samt hur moderns ålder och utbildninagsnivå påverkar intaget
The purpose of this thesis is, through both a quantitative and qualitative study, to map out how the interaction appears between the established parties and the radical right-wing party, the Sweden Democrat?s (SD) and their core issue ? immigration in the Swedish parliament. By applying analytical dimensions on the parliamentary protocols regarding the immigration issue between the years of 2010-2012 this study will get an insight on how the argumentation concerning immigration has developed since their entrance into the Swedish parliament in 2010. The result shows that SD, through the rejection treatment of the established parties, fulfilled the three conditions which accordingly to the study's theoretical framework are crucial for the party's future success. In the established parties? reception of SD regarding immigration, SD is, to a large extent, left unchallenged as the established parties rather focus on integration instead of challenge SD in the immigration issue.
Murning av en bakugn - med tyngdpunkt på valvets konstruktion
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Bygghantverk, 27 hp, 2010.
Ung och full : en kvantitativ studie om ungas riskbruk av alkohol
Recent statistic shows that about 28% of adolescents living in Stockholm drink alcohol at such a high level that their consumption counts as risky drinking. The correct term to use in this matter would be binge drinking adolescents. Â In the more wealthy areas of Stockholm this group of binge drinking adolescents counts for as much as a third of the population. In contrast, the adolescents living in exposed areas do not drink nearly as much. Binge drinking adolescents in these areas only counts for 15%, nearly half as much as in the wealthy areas.In light of this the intentions of this study is to investigate which explanatory factors that can clarify the range-rated differences in binge drinking between adolescents in Stockholm.
"Nu får du hålla käft med ditt genussnack!" : En studie om att arbeta genusmedvetet i förskolan
Sammanfattning I Lpfö98/2010 formuleras i ett av uppdragen att ?[f]lickor och pojkar ska i förskolan ha samma möjligheter att pröva och utveckla förmågor och intressen utan begränsningar utifrån stereotypa könsroller? (Lpfö 98/2010, s 5). Det anges även att pedagogers förväntningar och sätt att bemöta pojkar och flickor bidrar till att skapa uppfattningar hos barnen om vad som anses vara kvinnligt och manligt. Detta ska motverkas genom att utmana traditionella könsmönster och könsroller (Lpfö 98/2010). Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka, med tanke på läroplanens formulering, hur pedagoger i förskolans verksamhet säger sig arbeta med genus- och jämställdhet.
Bilden av det r?da Kina. Mao Zedongs regeringstid i skolans l?romedel i historia 1970-2010
This study investigates the evolution of depictions of Maoist China in Swedish history textbooks from 1970 to 2010. Through examining textbooks from this period, 20 years before the end of the cold war and 20 years after it, this study aims to investigate how quickly and how radically textbooks can change in their depictions of controversial and significant historical periods. Comparing descriptions of both people, tumultuous events, and general trends in China under Mao's rule, this study finds significant differences in how the textbooks describe Maoist China. While textbooks in the 1970s give a largely positive, sympathetic and hopeful view of China, during the 1990s and 2000s that perspective has been overtaken by an overwhelmingly critical view of Mao and his rule, focusing on his failures and dictatorial rule. The findings add to a somewhat divided field of research on the adaptability of textbooks, leaning toward the idea that textbooks can change rapidly during times of turmoil in a society..
Unik, symbolisk eller felplacerad? : En studie om synen på fem besöksattraktioner i Stockholm
Studiens syfte är att studera utbytesstudenters rumsliga relation till fem utvalda besöksattraktioner med tyngdvikt på vad för sorts tankar, känslor, värderingar och mening som dessa genererar. Vi har genomfört sex stycken kvalitativa enskilda intervjuer samt en fokusgruppintervju med utbytesstudenter, där fotografier på fem uppvisade besöksattraktioner i Stockholm har presenteras. Dessa besöksattraktioner var Stadshuset, Ericsson Globe/Skyview, Kungliga Slottet, Vasamuseet samt Gröna Lund. Våra underliggande frågeställningar har behandlat besöksattraktionernas fysiska utformning, vad dessa representerar samt vad utbytesstudenterna finner om dess geografiska placering i förhållande till hur staden är utformad. Den teoretiska genomgången behandlar platsens och rummets dimensioner samt semiotik.
Planering och Målstyrning : En nulägesanalys av ett markdistrikt inom Skanska
This report is a result of a diplomawork in construction engineering.The goal of this thesis is to highlighthow the work with planning andperformance management is done in theprojects at the Swedish buildingcontractor Skanska Väg & anläggning,region Stockholm/Mälardalen, districtMark Stockholm North, compared toSkanska?s policies.The comparison was made with focus onfive tools for productivity. The toolsare as follow: broken-down schedule,work sets, visual control, performancemanagement/progress monitoring and bestpractice.The study showed that the usage of thedifferent tools varied both within andbetween the different projects.Practically none of the projects whereusing the tools progress monitoring andbest practice, mostly due to fewoperations being applicable. The worksets are now mostly documented, but theyare rarely followed up. Performancemanagement is somewhat inconsequentialfor the moment, but during 2011 targetsheets will be introduced, withtemplates for setting up targets.Scheduling is one of the most importantworks regarding planning.