6826 Uppsatser om Självmordsbombningen i Stockholm 2010 - Sida 30 av 456
Hälsoskolor kontra ?vanliga? skolor : skiljer sig undervisningen i ämnet idrott och hälsa?
AimThe purpose of this study is to investigate how schools who have a health concentration and schools who haven?t are teaching physical education and if possible compare these schools.This study is based on following questions: How do schools with a health concentration and schools who haven?t, in compulsory school, teach physical education and health. How do physical education teachers describe their teaching and how do the students describe it.MethodMy study is a qualitative study based on interviews with teachers and students from different schools. The interviews have been made on four different schools from all over the country. I have interviewed one physical education teacher and four students, two boys and two girls, from each school.
Modellbaserad mängdavtagning med hjälp av BIM
Förslag på nytt operahus i Stockholm.
Dynamiken mellan sändare och mottagare- en studie av Acne Jeans, Filippa K och konsumenten i Stockholm och Göteborg
The consumer today is affected by a considerably larger number of world surrounding factors than she used to be, borders between different cultures and other consumer differences are being erased to a growing extent. The consumer can easily get its inspiration from many different directions which become clear in the common life. We eat sushi for lunch, we?re driving German cars and we?re having dinner with international business partners. The community also exposes the consumer for a more intense noise from offers, impact and marketing.
Opera i Stockholm
En opera uppbyggd av byggställningar. Möljighet till ständig omvandling och förändring..
Minabibliotek.se : en utvärdering av dess visioner och mål
Mitt syfte med detta examensarbete var att ta reda på vilka pedagogiska krav som ställs i och med den under året 2010 reviderade läroplanen för förskolan. Jag ville också ge en historisk tillbakablick på förskolans föregående styrdokument. Min huvudsakliga metod för att genomföra detta arbete har varit att genom textanalys jämföra den gällande läroplanen för förskolan, Lpfö 98, med den reviderade upplagan av Lpfö 98 (Lpfö 98 reviderad 2010). Jag har fokuserat på de förändringar i den reviderade läroplanen som förväntas ge pedagogiska konsekvenser, samt berör förskollärares uttryckliga ansvar. Min undersökning visade att de pedagogiska målen i förskolan var mer detaljerade och delvis omformulerade i den reviderade läroplanen.
Ändringarna i expropriationslagens ersättningsbestämmelser : Har lagändringarna lett till några effekter för Trafikverket?
In December 2005 the government ordered a group to investigate the compensation law of expropriation. The purpose was to change the law so that it would reflect today?s conditions of expropriation. The result of the investigation was that some changes were made in the law of expropriation. The aim of the changes was to strengthen the ownership of properties. Following changes was made in august 2010; the deduction of tolerance was rescinded as well as the rule of presumption and a new rule was added saying that the market value/decrease in market value should be multiplied with 25 percent when the compensation was calculated. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how Trafikverket has experienced these changes from 2010.
Vitesklausuler : En begränsning av ersättningsansvaret
Penalty clauses is a term that can be put in an agreement and is an amount that shall be paid by a part of the agreement if they cause any damage to the other part by breaking the agreement. Penalty clauses have since around 100 years ago had a quite clear meaning in Sweden according to a lot of authors. These authors have the opinion that penalty clauses is an exclusive judgment of the compensation the victim has right to, that means that if the parties have put a lower amount in the clause the victim won?t get full coverage for the damages caused by the other party. That the penalty clause is an exclusive judgment of the victims right to compensation means that the victim doesn?t have the right to request other compensation above the compensation in the clause if nothing else is stated in the clause.A penalty clause may be viewed as a complement to compensation you get according to The Tort Liability Act (1972:206) where it is often difficult to obtain full compensation for damages when it is required that a number of conditions are to be met for damages deleted.
Landskapsord och synvinklar : om uppfattningen av landskapsarkitektur i media
Den här kandidatuppsatsen handlar om hur landskapsarkitektur uppfattas i svensk
media. Utgångspunkten är frågeställningen Hur förhåller sig samtida debatt om
landskapsarkitektur till begreppen ekologi, sociologi, estetik samt genius loci?
Med ett urval från både fackpress och dagspress sovrades de aktuella artiklarna
ut. De handlar om det prisade området Hammarby Sjöstad i sydvästra Stockholm
och skrevs år 2000?2010.
Teknisk förstudie för bearbetning med industrirobot
In December 2005 the government ordered a group to investigate the compensation law of expropriation. The purpose was to change the law so that it would reflect today?s conditions of expropriation. The result of the investigation was that some changes were made in the law of expropriation. The aim of the changes was to strengthen the ownership of properties. Following changes was made in august 2010; the deduction of tolerance was rescinded as well as the rule of presumption and a new rule was added saying that the market value/decrease in market value should be multiplied with 25 percent when the compensation was calculated. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how Trafikverket has experienced these changes from 2010.
Ökade kommunala skillnader? : Om utvecklingen av arbetslösheten i Sveriges kommuner sedan 2008
Tidigare forskning har visat att skillnaderna i arbetslösheten mellan olika regioner inom ett land kan vara stora och bestående över tid. Även mellan svenska kommuner är skillnaderna i arbetslöshetsnivå stora. I denna uppsats undersöks om skillnaderna i arbetslöshet mellan svenska kommuner ökat eller minskat mellan 2008 och 2014 samt om det går att urskilja några andra mönster i utvecklingen av arbetslöshetsnivåerna i Sveriges kommuner under perioden.Med hjälp av data över arbetslöshet och andra variabler i kommunerna görs regressionsanalyser över perioderna 2008-2010 samt 2010-2014. Resultaten visar att det inte går att belägga några ökade skillnader i arbetslöshet mellan kommunerna under perioden. Däremot kan man konstatera att arbetslösheten 2008-2010 ökade mer i kommuner som hade en högre arbetslöshet 2008 men också att minskningen av arbetslöshet under perioden 2010-2014 var större i kommuner som hade högre arbetslöshet 2010.
Operamaskerad i Stockholm 1925
I have examined the conditions for participation in an opera masquerade. Theoretical support has been found in Michail Bachtin, Richard Schechner and Judith Butler. The main study object has been a masquerade organised by the workers of The Royal Opera of Stockholm in 1925. The masquerade is examined as a social practise with distinct aesthetic framing. The analysis shows that the opera masquerade share some characteristics with the medieval carnival culture as described by Bachtin, but differ in many ways as well.
??Tidsserieanalys över svensk varuhandel januari 1975 ? augusti 2010
Syftet med denna uppsats är att modellera och prognostisera Sveriges varuexport, varuimport och handelsnetto. Vi använder oss av data från januari 1975 till och med augusti 2010 för respektive serie. Dessa data testas och jämförs i olika ARIMA- och SARIMA-modeller samt skattas även medelst säsongsreningsprogrammet TRAMO/SEATS. För de modeller som bäst passar serierna genomförs därefter in sample- och out of sample-analyser med felmåtten RMSE och MAPE. Modellerna med bäst felmått och som därpå väljs ut för att göra prognoser för serierna till och med augusti 2012 är (3,1,0)x(0,1,1) för export, (2,1,1)x(0,1,1) för import samt (0,1,1)x(0,1,1) skattad i TRAMO/SEATS för handelsnetto..
Arbetsplanens användande och dess inflytande på pedagogers undervisning : En uppföljning av Arbetsplan för studie- och yrkesvägledningsverksamheten i Enköpings kommun 2008-2010
The aim of this study is to investigate the effects ofWork plan for study- and vocational guidance in Enköpings municipality 2008-2010 to see how it has affected the educators in the municipal primary schools. Questionnaires to teachers and interviews with principals have been made and it came out that the teachers are not very familiar with the plan. Of the few teachers who considered themselves to be familiar with the plan, the majority replied that they had benefited from the plan.The study´s analysis indicates that one of explanation for why so few educators are aware of and working according to the plan is partly in implementation efforts. Weaknesses are shown according to the equivalence of the implementation, but also the importance of the existence of an engaging and driven person, located at the primary schools, that continuously inspires and motivates the teachers to work with this plan. Educators also indicate that they already use study-and vocational guidance in their teaching..
Dem matematiska problemlösningens roll i lärarens undervisning.
The purpose of this paper was to examine how clients on the unit for adults at Södemalms district administration (Stockholm, Sweden) with severe mental illness and substance abuse differs from other clients with substance abuse at the baseline and at follow-up one year later. We have used a quantitative method and analyzed material from ASI-interviews performed at the adult drug abuse unit at Södermalm during the time period 2002-2010. At the baseline the clients with substance abuse and co-occurring severe mental illness have more problems than other clients, primarily in the area of mental health. They spend more time alone and are more likely to engage in illegal activities. Interviewers assess their situation as more serious and that they need more help in all of ASI's areas of life than other clients.
De-Icing Management Tool V2 : Utveckling av grafiska gränssnitt till ett system för hantering av avisning
In December 2005 the government ordered a group to investigate the compensation law of expropriation. The purpose was to change the law so that it would reflect today?s conditions of expropriation. The result of the investigation was that some changes were made in the law of expropriation. The aim of the changes was to strengthen the ownership of properties. Following changes was made in august 2010; the deduction of tolerance was rescinded as well as the rule of presumption and a new rule was added saying that the market value/decrease in market value should be multiplied with 25 percent when the compensation was calculated. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how Trafikverket has experienced these changes from 2010.