

2631 Uppsatser om Site structure - Sida 12 av 176

"Vi både möts och inte möts" - En kvalitativ studie om politikers syn på samverkan med teamchefer inom äldreomsorgen "We both meet and don`t meet" - A gualitative study on politics vision on cooperation with supervisor in old-age care

While conducting our practical training we experienced how the structure and the complexity of the municipal administration could, from a white-collar workers perspective, become a limitation and burden for efficient work. Deriving from this experience we found an interest in how politicians reasoned with regards to their relationship with supervisor in municipal old-age care. Kouzes och Micos (1979) ?Theory of organizational behavior in human service? became our point of departure. Their framework was therefore the foundation for our research and work throughout this paper.Our aim with this research was to examine how politicians viewed their relationship with supervisor in municipal old-age care.

I mötet mellan tradition och förändring : Om Wikipedia som encyklopedi

This study is about Wikipedia which defines itself as a free online encyclopaedia. Our chief interest lies in the debate and the controversy which has arisen around Wikipedia. After reading critical articles concerning Wikipedia we found that the debate for most parts had one identifiable theme namely the question whether Wikipedia is an encyclo-paedia or not.Encyclopaedia as a term and a phenomenon has a long tradition. Wikipedia, despite calling itself an encyclopaedia, functions differently in comparison to more traditional encyclopaedias. These traditional views involve encyclopaedic structure, its organiza-tion and its functions.

Webbshop för Tyger & Ting

This report describes how we made a dynamic website combined with staticalweb pages and a web shop for the Swedish company Tyger & Ting.The employer Tyger & Ting wish to run a working web shop on their site butthey want to keep their old system of updating pages with their old applicationfrom Intellyweb1, which creates statical HTML pages.The goal of this exam paper has been to learn to create a functional web shopwith user friendly layout and appealing design and also to take orders andfulfill wishes from a real employer.The report is describing how Intellyweb?s application and its statical web pageshas been implemented on a dynamic web page. The report does also describehow this site has been build and how the problems with the coding have beensolved. The coding has been made with HTML, PHP and MySQL. CSS hasalso been used.

Se hit! : En studie om hur man genom informationsarkitektur och grafiskt gränssnitt når ut med ett budskap på webben

Vårt arbete har gått ut på att skapa två separata webbplatser. Vi har varit delaktiga i hela processerna från idéstadie till färdiga produkter. Webbplatserna vi tagit fram är Jag är fri - en kampanjhemsida åt RFSL, samt Laszlo & Tear - en presentationshemsida åt en musikduo. De två webbplatserna skiljer sig åt då vi klassar Jag är fri som samhällsnytta medan vi klassar Laszlo & Tear som underhållning. Vi såg dock en gemensam nämnare - att de skulle verka marknadsförande och att webbplatsbesökaren enkelt och tydligt skulle uppfatta syftet.

"Vi både möts och inte möts" - En kvalitativ studie om politikers syn på samverkan med teamchefer inom äldreomsorgen "We both meet and don`t meet" - A gualitative study on politics vision on cooperation with supervisor in old-age care

While conducting our practical training we experienced how the structure and the complexity of the municipal administration could, from a white-collar workers perspective, become a limitation and burden for efficient work. Deriving from this experience we found an interest in how politicians reasoned with regards to their relationship with supervisor in municipal old-age care. Kouzes och Micos (1979) ?Theory of organizational behavior in human service? became our point of departure. Their framework was therefore the foundation for our research and work throughout this paper. Our aim with this research was to examine how politicians viewed their relationship with supervisor in municipal old-age care.

Släden : Ett redskap som förenklar förflyttningar av tyngre heminredning

Some people do not have the opportunity to visit a physical exhibition because of limited time or long travelling distances, it is here the need for a web-based exhibition arises.This dissertation describes the development of an interactive web-site representing a part of a physical exhibition of over 200 interviews on different peoples immigration to inner Scandinavia. The interviews contain text, audio clip, pictures and video clip.The website contains modern programming technologies such as HTML5, ASP.NET MVC3, SQL, JavaScript and jQuery.A cover of the technologies used and how the project has been designed and implemented is explained in the dissertation. In the end of the dissertation we discuss about how the result of the project follows the goals we set up in the start phase. The result of this project is an interactive and easy to use web-site showing a part of the physical exhibition online. An easy administration to insert new information and edit existing without any major computer knowledge..

Stubbtransporter och bränslekvalitet hos stubbved :

Stump wood is a hot alternative when the heating plants demands more and more forest fuel. The aim with the study has bean to calculate the costs in four different systems for transportations of stump wood, examine if there are any differences in fuel quality for the stump wood in the different systems, analyse if the fuel quality in stump wood is affected with the time it lays by the road side and how much space the stump wood demands on the road side. To calculate the costs for the different systems a system analysis was carried out, where some of the costs were collected through field studies on Holmen Skog stump experiment and other costs were collected from literature and contacts. Data for the fuel quality study was collected from Eons heat plant in Norrköping. Data for the study of how much space stump wood takes along a roadside was collected from field studies.

ASB lika med SAB? En jämförelse av dokumenttitlar i de båda klassifikationssystemen.

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to compare the scheme structure of two national classifications system, namely the Swedish SAB system and the German ASB. It has been assumed that there are no major differences between the two models of classification systems or the main classes into which documents are placed. The classification theory and subject analysis, which form the basic theory on which my research is based, are taken from Dahlberg, Langridge and Rowley. A comparison of 30 monographs classified in the SAB system Sveriges allmänna biblioteksförening and in the German ASB system Allgemeine Systematik für öffentliche Bibliotheken showed that the classification structure was primarily responsible for determining where a particular document was placed. However, despite the fact that the subject in various documents may be similar, my research will demonstrate that the structure of the two codes also depends on different interpretations of the main subject in a document.

En övervikt av kvinnor : En kvantitativ studie av bilder och skribenter på Aftonbladets viktsajt ur ett genusperspektiv

We have investigated the visual representation of men and women in Aftonbladet?s weight site. We have made a calculation of how many of the women and the men who were portrayed smiling/ not smiling, active/passive, looking into the camera/looking away from the camera and from which camera angle the picture is taken. We also kept statistic on the gender representation of the authors of the articles.Our investigation shows that Aftonbladet?s weight site has a distinct overrepresentation of women on their pictures, but also in terms of the authors of the articles.

Energisparläge i automationsindustrin : Potential för att minska tomgångsförluster med industriella styrsystem

Former studies have shown that a considerable part of industries? energy usage can stem from idle times in the production. This thesis, carried out at Siemens Industry sector, evaluates the potential for using the control system to automatically put machines into energy saving mode during idle times. The main part of the thesis consists of a case study performed on machine tools at a Scania production site in Södertälje. Through load measurements the potential for energy savings was determined.The results show that there is a great potential for energy savings during idle times at the site.

Ny i Inre Skandinavien : Webbaserad Personutställning - Ett verktyg för visning och underhåll av intervjuer

Some people do not have the opportunity to visit a physical exhibition because of limited time or long travelling distances, it is here the need for a web-based exhibition arises.This dissertation describes the development of an interactive web-site representing a part of a physical exhibition of over 200 interviews on different peoples immigration to inner Scandinavia. The interviews contain text, audio clip, pictures and video clip.The website contains modern programming technologies such as HTML5, ASP.NET MVC3, SQL, JavaScript and jQuery.A cover of the technologies used and how the project has been designed and implemented is explained in the dissertation. In the end of the dissertation we discuss about how the result of the project follows the goals we set up in the start phase. The result of this project is an interactive and easy to use web-site showing a part of the physical exhibition online. An easy administration to insert new information and edit existing without any major computer knowledge..

Aktörer och strukturer inom svenska statsvetenskap : En granskning av tre statsvetenskapliga bidrag till aktör - strukturdebatten

The purpose of this essay is to critically review three different contributions to the agency ? structure debate from a political science perspective. My opinon is that the agency ? structure debate is one of the main problems within the social science. The theories which I will examine are Lennart Berntsons theory from 1974, Lennart Lundquists from 1984 and Walter Carlsnaes from 1992.

Medborgarmedverkan i planerings- och designprocessen :

The theme of this thesis is citizen participation in the planning- and design process. It turns to everyone that studies landscape architecture or work as landscape architects and I hope that it can function as a ground for discussions as well as a source for inspiration. Rågsved is a suburb south of Stockholm. Just outside the centre of this suburb, a small industrial area called Snösätra, is located. In a few years time the leaseholds for the small industries will expire and the key question is: What will happen then? This is my general concern and it was the main cause for me to start this particular work. How do you attend to a place that appears like blank sheet of paper? To an empty page that can be filled with an infinite number of different formulations.

Introduktion till Socialkonsekvensbeskrivning - SKB, samt metod vilken kan användas inom SKB

Often, the green is handled as an opposite to the built, but if it could be seen as a part of the built and the society, the planning will be easier to handle. The thesis work wants to create a method that treats villages in an analytic way in a context; with green, blur, grey and all the other colors that together are the completeness.This master's thesis is made to be used as foundation in detail plannng in the municipality of Örkelljunga. Target audience is on one hand those who work with planning and green matters in Örkelljunga municipality, but also other planners who work with landscape.Literature in the field of green city planning has been studied and 30 methods for analysis have been valued. The method for analysis that has been used in this work is a merging of ten different methods and has included literature studies, sketches, interviews and work on spot. The ten methods are consciously chosen to together make one comprehensive and true image of the village, as far as it is possible.

Matematisk problemlösning i grupp

This study illuminates one part of the mathematic teaching in school, which is mathematical problem solving in groups. It examines teacher?s and student?s ideas about what conditions it takes to be able to learn in groups. Further on, it studies the importance of group structure when it comes to working with mathematical problem solving in groups from a process focused and/or a product focused learning. Through observations of student groups and interviews with the students and the mathematic teachers, the material has been compiled and analysed under three different headings: conditions for learning in a mathematical problem solving situation, importance of group structure in a mathematical problem solving situation and process versus product.

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