

4690 Uppsatser om Single-case - Sida 46 av 313

Hållbara affärer : En fallstudie på Karlstads Energis fjärrvärmeverksamhet

Tendensen att försöka hitta de affärsmässiga argumenten (business case) för CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility eller företagens sociala ansvarstagande) började framträda på 1990-talet. Vetenskapsmännen insåg då att en enda forskningsdisciplin inte kan förklara hur företagens arbetssätt med CSR-frågor kan förbättra deras ?bottom line? och således bidra till en hållbar utveckling av samhället. Både teoretiker och praktiker har vänt sin uppmärksamhet mot framgångsrika företag (bästa praxis).  I korthet innebär ett business case inom CSR ett besvarande av frågan ?Vilka fördelar har företagen och samhället av CSR??.

Flödeslayout på Fehrer Sweden AB : med hjälp av simuleringsverktyget Quest

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Utformning av kanbanstyrning i SAAB s pressfabrik

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Flyktingpolitik och spårberoende : En jämförelse av svensk och finsk flyktingpolitik

The essay aims to compare Swedish and Finnish decisions regarding refugee policies by tracing them back to the critical junctures when the policies were established, in order to explain why there are big differences prevalent today. The questions asked involve the motivations of the refugee policies and how they have changed over time.The theoretical framework employed is based on historical institutionalism and path dependency. By using a most similar system design and process tracing, material in the form of government declarations and government bills are studied and summed up in two analytical models. The results show that there might be a weak path dependency in the case of Finland. However it is more apparent in the case of Sweden, with frequent statements of a generous refugee policy that is characterised by humanity.

Påverkar euron resultatet av stabiliseringspolitiken? : En studie av stabiliseringspolitikens utfall i de nordiska länderna sedan eurons tillkomst, och av betydelsen av en nationell penningpolitik.

This paper discusses whether the main argument for European countries to stay out of the euro, i.e. the loss in stability from not having a national monetary policy that can be used for stabilization purposes, is still valid ten years after the introduction of the single currency. We analyse the stabilization performances of four largely comparable Nordic countries that have all chosen different levels of European economic integration. In retrospect, the so-called ?stabilization policy argument? seems surprisingly weak.

Den tidiga läs- och skrivinlärningen : en fallstudie

Vi har gjort en fallstudie på en lärare ? L.J, i år 1 utifrån hennes svenskundervisning. I år 1 består denna undervisning mest av läs- och skrivinlärning. Hennes klasser har ofta goda resultat i olika läsförståelsetexter, och vi var nyfikna på varför. Under vår utbildning har många önskat få svar om vilken metod som är ?bäst? vad gäller läs- och skrivinlärning.

Kundrelationer och kundlönsamhet: En fallstudie av ett modeföretag

This thesis studies the customer relationships and customer accounting methods used by a Swedish fashion company. The aim is to test the empirical applicability of the relationship based framework developed by Lind and Strömsten and to explain potential differences between empirical observations and theory. The framework is based on the categorization of four customer relationship groups and the appropriate customer accounting methods to be used for each relationship. The fashion company, that recently assessed the profitability of its customer base in an aim to implement a new customer strategy, is the object of the qualitative case study. The case study reveals that all customer relationships are to be found at Whyred, except the connective customer relationship.

Uppgradering till ISO 9000 2000 : Monteringsfabriken, SAAB Automobile AB

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

På väg mot en elektronisk era: En fallstudie av automatiseringen på Makerere University Library, Kampala, Uganda

This thesis is a case study which describes the automation of a university library in Sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of the case study is, firstly; to find out which actors and factors have started and influenced the automation and the implementation of ICT at Makerere University Library in Kampala, Uganda. Secondly; it also discusses if the automation has changed the librarys condition. The empirical material consists of fifteen interviews with librarians and students. The empirical material itself has functioned as a base when discerning the analytical themes.

"You call this archaeology" - om uppfattning och fördomar av det arkeologiska yrket med film som ingångspunkt

In my essay I will study the injustice within science in movies, in this particular case: Archaeology. This essay will also examine whether there is reason to believe that there is aconnection between this unfairness and what's being displayed of the archaeologist in popular culture. In my case I have decided to focus on the movie industry because it's a dominant part of our daily life. I have chosen to explore two different groups of students studying an occupation. One is, of course, the archaeological institution at Lund University, and the other is a high school (upper secondary school) program called ?Omvårdnadsprogrammet? at Rönnens in Malmö.

Biblioterapi eller personutvecklande läsning? : Stödgruppen som bokcirkel för vuxna barn till missbrukare

The aim of this Master?s Thesis is to find out whether bibliotherapy, in an unspokenform, is practiced in already existing group formations to be able to determine how practicalbibliotherapy can be seen in a Swedish context and thereby open the possibility for development.To fulfil this purpose I decided to do a case study on a nearby book reading circle for adultchildren of drug addicts. I made three qualitative interviews; two of the mentioned book readingcircle?s leaders and one participant/help leader. I used the following set of questions: What isincluded in the concept Bibliotherapy and how does that relate to practice? How has the bookreading circle examined in this case study proceeded, which methods were used and what kind ofliterature has been used and also what kind of effects did this reading circle have on itsparticipants.

Nöjescentrum : en fallstudie av upplevelsekonsumtion!

The society today, reflects a high welfare, where the human being has a better financial position than before. This has generate that more money is spend on pleasure and events. A result of that can be the development of a new line of business; The industry of experience.This kind of branch is fast growing in the Swedish labour market. The characteristics of this branch are, depending of trends, continuous variations and integrated education.A new phenomenon within this branch is ?Centre of experience?.

Kartläggning av spånproblem i GG8 : avdelning 9460 Volvo Aero Corporation

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Testikelstörningar hos hingstar i Sverige

This project was initiated by a veterinarian, that at stallion performance tests for breeding during a number of years, noted breed differences in various types of testicular disorders. Therefore it was of interests to examine the proportion of testicular disorders within certain breeds. The aim with the project was in a first part to study cryptorchidism in common horse breeds in Sweden. Information about castrations of stallions performed during a 10 year period (2000-2009) was collected from computerized case records at five animal hospitals. The case records showed the numbers of castrations, normal cases and cases preformed on stallions with cryptorchidism, abdominal respectively inguinal.

Flödesekonomins dimensioner : supply chain management

It is of increasing importance to in the most effective possible way, manage and control all the transactions of raw materials, products and information that are exchanged between an organization and all its operators. These flows and the need for strategy and managing the processes of planning, implementing and control of the supply chain, has given name to the concept supply chain management. Supply chain management involves all movement and storage of raw material, and all the processes that is needed to manufacture a product from origin to consumption. Globalization, technology and increasing time and quality-based competition are all driving forces behind the concept and reasons for an increasing interest in supply chain management.The purpose of this essay is to by using a qualitative case study examine which decisive success factors that can be identified for effective supply chain management. We have compiled different theories on the subject to use for analyzing a case study Li & Fung, who is a successful supply chain management company.

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