

1014 Uppsatser om Simple random sampling - Sida 15 av 68

Modellbaserad ekoföljning i vätskefyllda tankar

This thesis discusses model based tracking of radar echoes in tanks with liquid content. The errors in the measurements are not always random in these cases, and the interference that occurs when nearby echoes moves in relation to each other makes tracking difficult. The tracking problem can be broken down to four parts; track initiation, track destruction, association of the measured echoes to the tracks and to update the tracks with the associated echoes. The radar measurement is primarily made on the surface. However, additional echoes from the tank floor or other structures and double bounces are normally present.

Förändring av radiocesiumtillståndet i jordbruksgrödor i Gävleborgs, Västmanlands och Uppsala län efter Tjernobylolyckan samt en fallstudie med stallbalansberäkningar på en mjölkgård :

Several radioactive nuclides were deposited in Sweden after the Chernobyl accident in 1986. The greatest attention was given to 137Cs because of its relative long physical half life of about 30 years. 137Cs will be present in nature for more than 100 years before it has vanished completely. When radiocaesium decays to a stable end product ionizing radiation is emitted, which can cause cancer in humans that has been exposed to a high radiation dose. Radiocaesium behaves like potassium and is easily taken up into biological systems.

3D Anpassning

This report summarize a simple and efficient way to convert 2D into 3D designs. It explains the benefits of a 3D design compared with 2D, and how those benefits may be used.It will also give the reader a presentation of the company Clean Air Technologies, which for the most part constructs cleaning facilities for power plants. How to create 3D-libraries for some of those facilities will be introduced in this composition.The collaboration with Clean Air Technologies has resulted in several 3D animated movies and rendered images. This has increased the quality of the companies offer presentations, which has made it easier for the prospective customer to get an improved overall image of the power plant design..

Leaf area index in Vittelaria Paradoxa parklands in Burkina Faso estimated by light interception and leaf sampling

Burkina Faso as well as most sub-Saharan African countries struggle with providing food for a fast growing population. The dominating farming system is agroforestry parklands. Agroforestry parklands can broadly be defined as areas where scattered trees occur on farmlands as a result of selective clearing. The presence of trees in crop fields may in the long term have a positive effect on the production of annual crops. It is commonly discussed, but not proven, that the presence of trees leads to increased groundwater recharge due to higher infiltration capacity of the soil.

Omkonstruktion av treaxlig plockrobot och dess plockverktyg

This thesis has treated a three-axis robot which task is to serve a larger test machine tomove the modules to be tested, from the storage to the test site. The robot is composed ofthree linear actuators; two standard components of ball screw type and a custom-builtactuator of trapezoidal type. The work has mainly focused on the custom-built device to seeif it could be replaced with a standard component. Part of the work has been to look into thepicking tool and to see if there are any possibilities to improve its function.The report presents two different proposals which I decided to call Robot 1 and Robot 2 andthey aim to address the problems arising in the purpose-built linear unit and the X-axislinearity problems. Robot 1 focuses on eliminating the problems that arise around therobot's X-axis, with such simple means as possible and without making excessive materialchanges.

Riskens förändring för svenska aktier och obligationer: 1919-2003

Purpose The purpose of our study was to investigate the changing nature of volatility during the last 80 years. Like in an American study, we tried to find some trends in the risk of stocks and bonds that would have an impact on the balance of a portfolio of stocks and bonds. At the same time we investigated the influence of inflation on the choice of portfolio. Methods We have used standard statistic tools and formulas to obtain our results. In most cases it was a matter of calculating average and standard deviation.

Två år efter restaurering:Vad har förändrats i bottenfaunan?

The aim of the study was to examine if the benthos in a restored portion of a small lowland stream south of Linkoping differed from two non restored reference areas two years after restoration. The reference areas were one stretch downstream and one upstream stretches of the restored stream. The benthic invertebrates were collected using standardized kick sampling. In order to classify the communities and estimate any differences, three different indices were exercised. In addition rank-abundance curves and checklists were used to get a picture of species composition.

Kvantitativ studie om knappsatsdesign och knappstorlekars påverkan på träffsäkerhet

A mobile testing application using Unity was developed to analyse what impact button sizes and button layouts has on the accuracy of touch as well as the time to finish a labyrinth. This was tested on a Nexus 4 phone. 28 users navigated a small object through a labyrinth in which they collect keys to open the door to the exit. Each participant did the test 6 times with different combinations of button size and button layout each time, done in a random order. Hits, misses, completion time, order of button size and order of button layout was collected and then visualized using R.

Dagkirurgiska patienters upplevelser av postoperativ smärta vid ortopedi-och bukkirurgi med beaktande av kön och ålder

The aim of this study was to elucidate day surgery patients´ subjective experiences of postoperative pain after orthopedic and abdominal surgery and if there was any difference in the experience according to sex and age.Selection was not random and the study included 87 patients. Data were collected from patient questionnaires. VAS method was applied in the questionnaire to measure patients´ pain.The outcomes of the study show that there was no significant difference between women´s and men´s experiences of pain during days 1-7.It was found that patients undergoing orthopedic surgery had significantly more pain on day 7 compared to those patients who underwent abdominal surgery.There was a significant negative correlation between age and perceived pain on day 7.Patients in day surgery group had significantly less pain on day 7 compared with day 1.The patients who have undergone orthopedic surgery and younger patients had more pain on day 7 while the patients in day surgery group had a pain level decreased gradually and on day 7 was the lowest.It appears that pain relief on day 7 of younger patients and patients who have undergone orthopedic surgery is an area that can be improved..

Fisksamhället i Spexhultasjön, Nässjö

The lake Spexhultasjön is a moderate humic mesotrophic lake that is not acidified. The fish fauna was investigated by using a standard method for sampling freshwater fish with multi mesh gill nets. The fish fauna was diverse with perch, pike, tench, common whitefish, and roach. Perch and roach dominated. There were few pikes.

Rörelsemönster och golvrenhet på två olika slags spaltgolv i lösdrift för mjölkkor :

About 80 % of all Swedish dairy cows are kept in tie-stalls, but loose housing is increasing, probably because it is more profitable for the farmer. The design of the floors is of cruicial importance to the cows well-being. Traditionally, the most common type of floor in the alleys of a cubicle system still is a slatted manure-draining floor made of concrete. The typical Swedish design has 125-mm slats and 40-mm slots, maximally. With too wide slots, there is an increased risk of injuries to the claws when the cow makes a hasty move.

Development and evaluation of environmental enrichment for captive Humboldt penguins

Environmental enrichment is of high importance for zoos. Borås zoo asked SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) for a student to perform a bachelor thesis for them. The task was to develop and evaluate environmental enrichment for their Humboldt penguins. A structure was made, consisting of a sinking skeleton with a floating bridge attached to it. It was presented in an area of the pool that the keepers had experienced that the penguins did not use to any extent.

Långa skuggor med shadow maps

Skuggor i 3D-miljöer är ett mycket efterforskat område, och detta arbete koncentrerar sig på shadow map-algoritmen. Det finns ett problem med denna algoritm, för då en shadow map projiceras på en yta som är större än sig själv så bildas stora trappstegseffekter, vilket kallas aliasing. Problemet som har undersökts är hur olika shadow map-algoritmer i en miljö med långa skuggor beter sig, där ett minimerat antal artefakter så som brus och aliasing är synligt. För detta undersöktes Percentage-Closer Filtering (PCF), som är en variant av shadow map, med olika samplingstekniker ? och även en vidarebyggnad med Percentage-Closer Soft Shadow (PCSS) implementerades.

Research and development for expanding usability of a
multi-touch device

As new ways of using computers are constantly being developed, other ways of interacting are made possible. One of the most desired types of interaction with computers is a touch-screen where the user can actually organize everything simply by using the fingertips. The purpose of this project is to enhance an existing framework with an application that works with a touch-screen device. The application is to be used as a tool for presentational usage. The result is an application where the user by simple means can use a touch-screen to hold a professional presentation.

URLen som förbindelselänk: en utvärdering av URLers pålitlighet som åtkomstmetod mellan webbresurs och bibliografisk post i LIBRIS och NetSök

The aim of this masters thesis is to study the reliability of the URL as the link between a bibliographic record and a web resource. The Swedish catalogue services LIBRIS and NetSök have been evaluated on three different occasions, to study how these services have succeeded in giving access to web resources by using URLs. Because URLs are changeable, we have tried to find out common characteristics of the URLs in broken links. To accomplish this study we have used a quantitative approach and evaluated five percent of the web resources in the catalogues using a random selection. We have also used documentation relevant for our study, among other things to illustrate previous studies of the nature of web resources and alternative solutions to URLs as access points to web resources.

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