

1014 Uppsatser om Simple random sampling - Sida 11 av 68

Inneklimatet på ett kontor : Undersökning av inneklimatet vån. G4 stadshuset samt kontor på Ånghammargatan

This report describes an investigation of the indoor climate in two different workspaces. Since we a big part of our lives are staying indoors in artificial environments, and more particularly in our workplaces, we think it would be interesting to do this investigation. The technical solutions for air treatment systems began with simple natural systems without fans and where the thermal rise of the air applied. In modern time is technical air treating systems used to take care of the fresh air supply. This type of units can supply filtered air with the right temperature to the building. Well-functioning ventilation is essential to bring clean fresh air to the room and effectively remove impurities without sound- or draught problems. The indoor climate is relevant for the output capacity.

Silikonprodukter för vardagsbruk

The aim of this thesis is to practice the theoretical methods that are concerned during the product development process of two new products. The theoretical concepts that embody the two products are created out of a product specification which is given by a commissioner with a private interest. The primary tasks of the design of the concepts are aimed on the products shape, which is to be created as a flexible structure by using silicon rubber as material.The storage box is a further development of the already known food storage box, or lunch box, which is common used in consumer kitchens. The main idea is to design a flexible product by using silicone rubber. It will able the storage box to be compressed when it is not used, be storage friendly and not consume more space than necessary in a storage compartment.

A comparison of group housing and individual housing for dairy bulls kept for breeding

This study was conducted at VikingGenetics' bull breeding station in Falkenberg, Sweden. The bulls waiting for the results of their progeny testing at this station are either kept in group housing or individual housing. Since both of these housing systems have advantages and disadvantages, it was in the interest of VikingGenetics to know which of these housing systems is the best. The aim of this study was to investigate the welfare of the bulls in these two housing systems through behavioural observations and the use of activity monitors. In the preparations for the study 16 bulls, 8 in each housing system, were chosen.

Ventilhus för salivsug i dentalutrustning

The purpose of this work is to find out if the suctionvalve to the salivaejector for dental equipment in a simple way can be improved or if a new design is needed. The result of the examination of the suctionvalve shows that the friction between the piston and the seal is high and that this causes the valve in a few cases sheaves. The study concluded that only small changes in material or detail, improve the component..

Organic acids in liquid feed for pigs - palatability and feed intake

Fermented liquid feed is well known for its health promoting effects on piglets. High levels of lactic acid are desired in the feed together with low levels of acetic acid and certain biogenic amines. Limits for acetic acid have been suggested to be 30-40 mmol/kg to avoid a decreased palatability of the feed; however, few studies have been performed. The purpose of this trial was therefore to examine which levels of lactic acid and acetic acid that can be accepted in a fermented feed without affecting the feed intake and thus the weight gain of the pig. A total of 60 pigs (Yorkshire/ Hampshire) were used in a trial during two weeks, between 9-11 weeks of age.

Slumpens betydelse på aktie- respektive spelmarknaden

Många berättar om de ekonomiska vinster de gjort på börsen under senaste åren, och hur lätt pengarna rullat in på deras konton. Med en liten inblick i finansmarknaden och genom att titta på A-ekonomi då och då så blir i stort sett alla aktieaffärer lyckade. Vi hör dock sällan någon berätta om folks dåliga aktieaffärer. Börsen verkar med andra ord vara en guldgruva för dem som investerar där. Med hjälp av dyra aktierekommendationer kan man göra ännu större vinster enligt en rad olika fondkommissionär.

Flödeslogistik vid Laponia Hotel

The aim of this report is to analyse the logistics of a medium sized restaurant and give an overall solution for improvements on the restaurant's logistics. The restaurant of interest belongs to Laponia Hotel and is located in Arvidsjaur, Sweden. Investments for over 100.000 Euros are planned for the hotel, which includes a reconstruction of the restaurant. The details on how the restaurant will be reconstructed are not yet known. I therefore chose to analyse the problemin general terms and find a solution that is focused on the logistic system itself rather than its layout.

Vardagliga icke-produktiva motoriska beteenden : förekomst och korrelation med sensation seeking

In everyday life we perform motor behaviours that have no apparent instrumental function. Are these correlated to sensation seeking and do they differ depending on what situations we are in? University students in Örebro (N=108), participated in the study. The participants were asked to fill out a double questionnaire containing the sensation seeking scale and another one for measuring non-productive motor behaviours. The non-productive motor behaviours were not correlated to the sensation seeking scale.

Svenska Mässan : en reflektion över Johan Helmich Romans liv och hur det svenska språket kommer till uttryck i Svenska Mässan

 An analysis in the work of Martin Kellermans comic ?Rocky? of the interaction between the male and female characters and of how each of their gender are portrayed. We are going to find out if it is probable for young adults to be affected by any eventual gender-stereotypes that we can find in ?Rocky? or if ?Rocky? consolidates a stereotypical image of men and women that young adults might have developed through different media. We conduct this analys by first reading through random seleceted ?Rocky? books and present some of the comic strips where men and women interact with each other or discuss the opposite sex..

Bottensedimentets betydelse för flodpärlmusslans föryngring ? en metodutveckling

The freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera is an endangered species. To survive, the young mussels demand a fairly coarse bottom material containing an appropriate quantity of organic substrate to survive without suffocating. In order to estimate if a bottom is suitable for juvenile mussels, samples of the sediment are needed. To obtain samples a sampling device called the Mulv collector has been developed within this project. Bottom samples were collected from 18 stations in 4 south Swedish streams, Vramsån, Kling-storpsbäcken, Brönnestadsån and Bräkneån.

Utvärdering av produktionsrapporterad volym för contorta

The background to this study is that the forest company, Holmen, has found large discrepancies between harvested volume and the measured volume at the industry. Factors like bark features, breakage, double tops, bends and stem damages was noted, and all stems were measured manually. Hypothesis testing with the method "random in pairs" were used to examine whether the harvester measured values significantly differed from the manually measured. The result of a properly calibrated harvester shows in average underestimation of the volume with Skogforsk Pine as a bark function. This means that the harvester isn´t the reason why the volume measured in the industry is lower, the fault is elsewhere. The study also indicates a need for a unique bark function for logepole pine..

Stickrädda : rapporterade upplevelser från hälso- och sjukvård

BakgrundStickrädsla upplevs av var tionde person där rädsla kan beskrivas som en irrationell eller överdriven reaktion på en uppfattad hotande situation. Orsaken till rädslan beskrivs bero på ärftlighet och/eller inlärning, där symtomen som förekommer är framförallt av vasovagal karaktär. Vårdpersonalen har betydelse vid hantering av stickrädda personer, där en kompetent och lugn personal kan förmedla trygghet till patienten.SyfteSyftet var att beskriva stickrädda personers upplevelser av vården vid stickrelaterade ingrepp.MetodEn kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en semistrukturerad intervjuguide användes där inklusionskriterier inkluderade en ålder mellan 18- 65 år, anser sig lida av stickrädsla och inneha erfarenheter av stickrelaterade ingrepp. Convenience sampling samt snowball sampling användes som datainsamlingsmetod. En intervjuguide skapades och testades med två pilotintervjuer där totalt åtta intervjuer genomfördes och spelades in med ljudbandspelare.

Energibalans Dåva Kraftvärmeverk

To be able to measure high-surge voltages and transients with short rise times youneed measuring instruments with a high sampling frequency and large Bandwidth.These surges and transients occur primarily at lightning but can also occur at forexample at connecting errors at an electrical switch-gear. This report describes thework with finding two solutions for measuring and log data from these surges andtransients. One temporary solution where a measurement program has beendeveloped. A second solution where different company solutions have been analyzedto decide which fits best. For these measurement solutions two solutions for bringingdown the voltage has been used.

Flexibel isolering av fönster för att minska energiförluster

The first part of this essay is about a single-family house that we have planned and projected. Thesecond part is a deeper study in ways to further insulate windows when they are not in use.In the first part the building?s design and its most important construction elements are described.The planning of all major installations (heating, domestic water, ventilation, sanitation, electricity)are reported so that one can in principle start construction of the house. In addition there arecalculations done on the building?s energy management.The result is a two stored house angled toward the south.

The thinning Quotient - a relevant description of thinning?

Det finns en rad satt att beskriva gallringsformen. Ofta används begreppet gallringskvot i dessa sammanhang utan att närmare ange vilken metod eller definition som använts for att beräkna den. Detta kan lätt leda till att missuppfattningar uppstår. Denna studie belyser olika definitioners känslighet for bland annat beståndsstruktur, gallringsform och stickvägsavstånd. Studien innehåller dessutom en jämforelse mellan olika metoder att mäta och uppskatta gallringskvoten i ett bestånd.

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