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Timmersorteringens inverkan på sågverksekonomin :

Modern sawmills are using the raw-material and the production-capacity more efficiently today, due to rising raw-material prices and higher production costs. Log sweepness has a negative effect on the sawn yield, for sawmills with straight-sawing. It is desirable that these logs could be sorted based on more criteria, if it increases value-yield and consequently the utilization of raw-material. Bow-heights over 1 cm have a negative effect on sawn yield, since the surface of the mantle cuts down in the sawn pattern. Some of these small bow-heights reduce the logs yield of value which affects the production planning negatively. Nearly half of all the Swedish logs have a bow-height over 1 cm.

Landskapsarkitektens yrkesroll i Sverige och Spanien : en jämförelsestudie mellan svensk och spansk landskapsarkitektur med platsexempel från Stockholm och Barcelona

Landscape architect is a profession that withholds varying tasks inside countries and between countries. In many countries the landscape architect profession does not exist. Spain is a country where the landscape architect profession is not recognized, and the professions that work with landscape architecture are architects, engineers, biologists and agronomists. "Paisajista", in English "Landscaper," is in Spain a common name for those who design gardens and parks. Sweden is one of the countries with most landscape architects due to its population and the profession is well established.

Kommunikation i förändringsarbete : vilken roll spelar kommunikation för chef och ledare i en LEAN förändring

Examensarbetet inleddes med en förstudie där olika förbättringsområden inom organisationen identifierades. Kommunikation i praktiken kan liknas vid ett förstärkningsverktyg vilket påverkar de vanligaste faktorerna för ett lyckat förändringsarbete. Idag måste en ledare och chef vara kommunikativ och det fungerar inte längre med att peka med hela handen. Medarbetarna måste förstå sin chef och ledare och det måste finnas ett samspel mellan dem. För att chefer och ledare ska styra förändringsprocessen behövs kommunikation.Syfte med examensarbetet är att undersöka hur kommunikationsprocessen kan användas som styrmedel mot en social förändring.

Transit Objekt

Transit Objects In the Master Essay I argue around two existing levels in the works presented at the graduation exhibition. On the one hand, it is about influence; on the other hand it is about the phenotypes of purpose-ness. In the introduction, I describe the relationship between the shapes that I have come to call Transit objects, and their on the one hand ideological superstructure; on the other hand, the different aspects of their shapes regarding the imitation I, in creating the objects, performed. In the case with the objects shape-aspects, I stand on the thoughts that I found during my bachelor's work, that is, to express the phenotypes of purpose-ness.When it comes to influence, I speculate about how linguistics, and particularly a branch called neuro-linguistics, illustrates how the arguments that make up our world can be transformed. I use a meta-model and a conversation model as a tool to illustrate this. When I, like that, illustrate the plasticity of meaning, and cognition, I note Catherine Malabous taught (in her book What Should we do with our brain?) on the plasticity of the brain in relation to the neo-liberal systems of capitalism. She argues for how the brain has come to stand model for the organization of different types of networks. I hint the link to a future scenario where the desire to influence takes new forms and uses the latest brain research challenges, more specifically the use of ultrasound for the treatment of pain and other similar conditions. This also can be used as generating various types of seizures, pleasant or unpleasant.

Inverkan av flisig krossballast på betong

Concrete is one of the world?s most common construction materials and is composed of 70-80 % stone material. Today crushed stone is used as aggregate in concrete in order to replace natural aggregates due to strong environmental reasons. Stone crushing yields flaky material and in this thesis studies are made on the flaky particle shape and how it influence properties of concrete such as workability, rheology and strength. The concrete recipes used in this thesis have fixed values, the only variable is the flakiness of the crushed stone.

Homesupport for elderly people with psychiatric disabilities

This essay deals with the support and help offered to elderly people over 65 with mental disabilities out of personnel from a special support team. We have chosen to use the qualitative method to answer our questions. We have four semi-structured interviews with all staff from the support team we have been in contact with, three nurses/nursing assistants and project manager for the support team. We have recognized five themes and divided the text into six different categories and disciplines that answers and highlights the importance of meeting clients' needs, increase their independence and quality of life. Our theme is security, continuity, time, treatment and relations.

Den hybrida yrkesrollen : En studie om verksamhetschefer inom svensk sjukvård

De senaste decennierna har sjukvården förändrats. Förändringsarbetet är inspirerat av New Public Management genom införandet av reformer. Teorier och organisatoriska modeller som fungerat bra inom det privata näringslivet har applicerats på organisationer inom den offentliga sektorn, vilket medfört en ökad admininistrativ arbetsbörda. Verksamhetsreformen gjorde det möjligt för andra yrkesgrupper än läkare att ta plats inom högre ledande positioner inom offentlig svensk sjukvård. Förändringarna inom sjukvården har krockat med den medicinska professionen.

Cochlear Luere

The goal of this project was to together with Cochlear Bone Anchored Solutions AB develop a new cleaning tool for their Baha?systems. Cochlear BAS AB is a daughter company to Cochlear Limited based in Sydney, Australia. Cochlear BAS AB is situated in Gothenburg and with its 150 employees develop and manufacture the Baha?system.

Hackerör på Sydsvenska höglandet : vad skiljer röjningsröseområden från celtic fields, stensträngsområden och bandparcellområden?

From the pre-Roman and Roman Iron Age, a number of different fossil agrarian landscapes can be found in southern Sweden - clearance cairn areas, celtic fields, stone-wall complexes and geometrically laid-out strip fields. With two different comparative analyses, this paper tries to explain some of the differences between clearance cairn systems and the other fossil field systemsThe shape of the early Iron Age agrarian landscape varies between different provinces of southern Sweden. At Gotland, celtic field systems were laid-out before 500 BC. In Småland at the same time, areas with clearance cairns were created. How can the difference be explained? The different physical appearance of clearance cairn areas and celtic fields can be explained by the different ways to handle the ard in till and in sandy soil.

Etableringsprocessen på en tillväxtmarknad : En fallstudie om Scanias etableringsprocess på den indiska marknaden.

Objective: The objective of this thesis is to investigate how Scania has attained success to establish on the Indian market and to inquire into the establishment process of Scania and their entrance in the Indian market. The thesis describes different factors such as the product, mode of entry, time of entry and choice of market that play a role when a company establishes and invest in a foreign market.Method: This thesis is limited to the process of establishing Scania on the Indian truck market. A qualitative approach has being utilized in this study, consisting of interviews withStaffan Sjöström, development manager at the R&D department, Koen Knoops, vice president at Financial Services and Henrik Fagrenius, former managing director for Scania in India. Data collection from various journals and articles have been conducted for the presentation of the number of sold newly registered trucks in comparison to the number of sold newly registered trucks in India by Volvo, Tata Motors and Ashok Leyland during 2010, 2011, 2012 and the first three quarters of 2013.Theory: With a starting-point in empirism, we have used a theoretical frame of reference to describe Scania´s establishment process. Scania makes use of an internationalization strategy, namely Market Selection, Time of Entry and Entry mode and the network model, which describes the process of establishing on a foreign market as a business association with various players on the market.

Kvinnor gillar flärd, män är som de är : En studie om hur män och kvinnor skildras i samhällsmagasinen Filter och Fokus

AbstractAuthors: Mikaela Magnusson & Malin StenströmTitle: Jolly women and ugly men - a study of the way men and women are portrayed in the magazines Filter and FokusLevel: BA Thesis in JournalismLocation: Linnaeus UniversityLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 78 Everyday we're exposed to gender roles. It can take the form of our immediate family, our classmates, the books we read, the teve series we watch or the magazines we read. Everyday the world around us shape the way we think of men and women and how they're supposed to be. As a part of either (or neither) of those genders we are all shaped into the mold that society has set for us. The media is one of the largest contributors to this socialization and therefore we felt it necessary to study two, critically acclaimed, media outlets and shed some light on their portrayals of gender. We chose to study Filter and Fokus, two social magazines with close to a corresponding amount male as female readers and a reputation of being modern and free of prejudice.

Problem : en begreppsanalys

The elderly care is an area of great importance to women. Women are more often in need of elderly care; they work with the service and provide a majority of the informal service. Research shows that managers? work-related prerequisites are significantly different between the male dominated technical administration and the female dominated care and educational administration. Studies also show that what the highest managerial organisation gives priority to, often permeate the whole organisation.

Ledarskapsstilar : En studie över skillnader i ledarskapsstilar mellan Sverige och Grekland

The recent globalization has to some extent reduced the importance of specific cultures and instead creates a focus on the variation these different cultures provide. Under these circumstances the leader must adapt his leadership to face these new circumstances. The organisations today have to face these new leadership challenges which the global expansion brings. This is a prerequisite for organizations if they want to succeed and be more competitive in a more demanding environment.There are still big differences between the business cultures. There are also differences in the companies? home arena, between groups in the society and all the way down on a family level.

Parental involvement in Multicultural Preschool Settings - A challenge for Educators

AbstractBackground The importance of establishing well-functioning parent-teacher relationships are clear objectives in the Swedish National Curriculum for Preschools, (Lpfö 98, Lpo 94 & Lgr 11 chapter 1-2). Parental involvement in preschool activities is seen as important for several reasons. Facilitating healthy child development, learning and socialisation are some of these reasons. During the past twenty years Sweden has become a multicultural society. Today, people from more than 170 countries live in Sweden, and about 18% of the population are first or second generation immigrants.

Järnvägens banutnyttjandeplanering : nuläge och förbättringsförslag

The Swedish National Rail Administration has changed in the past decade, from its origin after a less dramatic separation from the Swedish State Railways to becoming an authority with its own identity. Today the National Rail Administration is a large organisation with several different departments, each with its own unique function. To operate train services the railway needs to be ?in shape?, leading to a need for maintenance, reinvestments and new investments. For this purpose, the National Rail Administration carries out public procurement where contractors, who are able to perform maintenance and new construction, submit tenders.

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