

1031 Uppsatser om Shape Manager - Sida 32 av 69

Bedömning- en viktig uppgift för läraren : Hur fyra lärare beskriver sitt arbete med bedömning i skolans yngre åldrar

The aim of this study was to analyze the assessment of the primary school, from the teacher?s perspective. There has been an ongoing discussion regarding assessment and about the purposes of assessment for a long time. But there is a paucity of research on what teachers believe about. This study examined primary teachers? beliefs on major purposes of assessment.Assessment is the process of gathering and interpreting information about students? learning.

??and use what I learn here to just really shape who I want to be as a future music teacher?. : Om ett utbyte mellan några musiklärarstudenter vid två  musiklärarutbildningar i Sverige och USA

Denna undersökning riktar sig till intresserade av (musik)lärarutbildning och (musik)undervisning, på tema utbyte och utbytesstudier.Syftet med denna studie är att med utgångspunkt i ett studentperspektiv, beskriva ett utbyte i form av en utbyteskurs mellan Musikhögskolan i Örebro och motsvarande skolform vid University of Delaware i USA. Empiri har i huvudsak samlats genom fokusgruppsamtal. I diskussionen presenteras en modell över det huvudsakliga resultatet. Det visade sig bland annat att studenterna hade förväntningar på utbytet som existerade på ?olika nivåer?.

Informationsförsörjning för nya högskolor : En modell för Helsingborgs högskolefilial

In this work we study how the information provision should be organised in a new smaller size Swedish university college in a town without previous academic traditions. Specifically, our aim is to propose a possible model for information provision in Campus Helsingborg which is currently under construction. The study consists of two parts: literature review and empirical investigation. In the literature review we summarise a selection of articles about traditional and untraditional practically realised ways of information provision in nineties. The empirical investigation consists of 19 interviews with students, teachers and librarians from Kalmar, Halmstad and Helsingborg.

Introduktionen - en interaktiv process : En kvalitativ studie av en introduktionsprocess för nyanställda på ett fastighetsbolag

The aim of this essay is to examine the experiences of an introduction process of newcomers through an integrative perspective, by two guiding questions: How does the examined organization socialize newcomers? How is the organizational socialization experienced by the employees? Most Swedish corporations engage in some form of workplace introduction and this introduction should give the newcomer an understanding of his work and its relation to the organizations other business practices. Earlier studies have mostly focused on the effects of socialization tactics but few on the experience. This study, based on qualitative interviews with a regional manager, newcomers and established employees shows that the studied organization socializes its newcomers through many socialization tactics where the newcomers? personality and previous knowledge allows to direct the socialization process.

Sju heuristiker för utvärdering av webb-API:er

The amount of web APIs that are open to the public is increasing fast. Both the free web APIs as well as the ones that cost money to access. Both bigger and smaller organizations, professional and non-professional developers use these web APIs to add value to their systems or use it to create new applications. This is an area study where alot of research has been done in the last few years. In spite of this there are still no user-centered evaluation methods for web APIs.

Preparering av kabelände inför statorlindning

At Uppsala university scientists have during the last years developed and built wave energy converters. This project is called "Lysekilsprojektet". The development has come so far that they are currently investigating how to gain profit in a mass production. For that reason they want to automate as many steps in the production as possible.The winding of the stator is one part that is being automated using industry robots. The stator is cable wound unlike many other generators.

Faveo Project Management Tool : Framtagning av verktyg för projektstyrning

There are several Project Management Softwares onthe market today. These tools are powerful andextensive to the degree they become too timeconsumingand complex and therefore often defeatits original purpose. This is the case especiallywhen the project manager is inexperienced and/orthe scope of the project is moderate.The purpose of this thesis arose from this context,there seems to be a gap between a home-made MSExcel spread sheet and the advanced softwaresavailable. The thesis and the product has beendeveloped in alliance with Faveo ProjectManagement with the shared goal to create a toolwhich is easy to use but still covers the essentialareas of project management theory. The tool willbe used internally by Faveo-employees as well asexternally together with Faveo?s clients in aneducational purpose.

Det Osynliga Våldet : - socialarbetares syn på kvinnor med funktionsnedsättning och deras utsatthet för våld i nära relationer

The aim of this study was to highlighting social workers perceptions of women with disabilities and their vulnerability to domestic violence - and thereby problematize previous research on gender-based violence on the basis of category of functional ability. We designed this study by using a qualitative approach based on six semi-structed interviews with professionals from different professions. All of them have contact with women with disabilities in some way. The selection was based on gaining an understanding of the social worker?s perceptions regarding abused women with disabilities based on their different professional experiences.

Holy cows and dirty dogs : the influence of culture and religion on animal welfare in India

India is home to every sixth person in the world, some 30 million dogs and a quarter of the total world cattle population. A vast majority of Indians are Hindus, and even though the Hindu religion proclaims love, nurturing and worshipping of animals, sometimes the same religion constitutes an obstacle for animal welfare in practice. This paper investigates the significance of historic and religious symbols to the way animals are perceived in modern Indian society, as well as the different social factors which underlie attitudes to animals. The concept of karma, as well as that of good versus bad deaths, is probably the foundation of the general Hindu reluctance to euthanasia in any form. Although in theory all species are generally regarded as equal in Hinduism, in practice there seems to be a differentiation; for cultural, religious, medical and financial reasons.

Höghastighetståg - Är det framtiden?

AbstractConsider a ?uid being heated from below. The heating leads to an upward convectiveforce that is counteracted by the viscous forces of the ?uid. If the convectiveforce is large enough in comparison to the viscous forces the ?uid will be put in anunstable state.

Kamratkulturer i förskolebarns lek

The research in this thesis attempts to understand what happens when children (3-6 years of age) interact with each other in the context of free play in two pre-school settings when adults are not involved. The aim of the study was to get a closer look at how children create relationships and how they protect and defend their interactional spaces. Data was gathered through ethnographically inspired methodology, using video observation to capture the everyday interactions of the children. Results were analyzed using a phenomenological approach to peer cultures. Previous research suggests that it is very important for children to maintain their interactions with peers and gaining access to play.

Kartdataimport för fälttillämpning

I dagsläget kan WM-datas Fältmodul i deras MoveITS-system inte hantera kartdata i andra format än Shape. Fältmodulen är en TabletPC som kör operativsystemet Windows XP. Den kan användas för att redigera viss geografisk information som exempelvis skyltpositioner. Fältmodulen används av Stockholms Tekniska kontor för inventering av skyltstolpar.Stockholms Tekniska kontor ska börja leverera sina kartor i GML (Geography Markup Language). Men eftersom WM-datas Fältmodul inte klarar av det formatet skulle det här examensarbetet gå ut på att ta fram komponenter för hantering av det.

Personligt ombud - en länk mellan individen och samhället

Människor med psykisk sjukdom har ofta på grund av sina funktionsnedsättningar stora svårigheter att ta kontakt med myndigheter vilket medför att de inte får sina behov tillgodosedda. I syfte att förbättra livsvillkoren och samordna insatser för dessa människor startades verksamheter med personligt ombud. Syftet med studien är att belysa olika samhällsaktörers erfarenheter av personligt ombud. De forskningsfrågor vi utgår från för att besvara syftet är hur aktörerna upplever och beskriver innebörden av det uppdrag de personliga ombuden utför samt hur de upplever att personliga ombud påverkat människor med psykiska funktionsnedsättningars möjigheter till integrering och delaktighet i samhället. Genom att intervjua flera enskilda aktörer från nätverket kring människan med psykisk funktionsnedsättning belyser studien vilken betydelse personligt ombud har för individen.

Analytiker på den svenska aktimarknaden : Ett nätverk av siffermakare

This study highlights the structures and networks thatexist among financial analysts on the Swedish financial market. The study isbased on nine semi-structured interviews with buy- and sell-side analysts, anindependent analyst and an Investor Relations Manager.The theoretical framework of the study is based on acombination of the research fields Behavioral Finance and Social Studies ofFinance. These two research fields have proven to be a good basis for thequalitative approach used in the analysis. The study is divided into four thematic areas: Fundamentals / Psychology, Independence and consensus, Ranking and Social network.The results show that there are a large number offactors, structures and interpersonal relationships that affect how analystsmake their decisions and conduct their analysis. Among other things, theinterdependence between analysts and their counterparts prohibits the movetowards a more clear system for compensation.

Produktionsavbrott - förekommer det effekter att lära av?

A large part of the time losses in production in modern manufacturing industry are a cause of unplanned interruptions in production. In this essay we have studied the effects of an unplanned interruption in production. The study was performed during one month on a press production line at Volvo Cars Body Components (VCBC) in Olofström. The effects of the interruptions have been studied on the basis of two perspectives of the environment of the production. The study started at the level of automation and was mainly done as a survey of the unplanned interruptions in production.

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